Tematy i Konteksty 10(15) 2020
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- Pozycja“Nella cerchia degli incontri italo-polacchi”. Eseje Nicola Chiaromontego w perspektywie teorii skopos(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Trygar, BarbaraThe article discusses the essays by Nicola Chiaromonte analyzed from the perspective of the skopos theory. According to this theory, translator of any text should take into consideration the cultural context of work he renders in another language, its axiological aspect as well as requirements of its recipients. The dialogue Chiaromonte had with his Italian readers has been transferred into Polish literary discourse by Wojciech Karpiński. The translations he produced provide their Polish recipients with such a vision of the Italian author, his way of understanding the world, oneself and other people, that the essays in Polish clearly reveal a new usage and intellectual potential of ancient philosophical and artistic legacy.
- PozycjaNieobyczajne wiersze „Wirydarza poetyckiego”: myśl antropologiczna i kultura literacka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Obremski, KrzysztofIn blurred poems of „Wirydarz poetycki” there is a strong power of sexual desire ant this is the power that rules the human world. There is no such thing as soul in human. They only have bodies that are almost identical to the intimate parts. „Picture is domain of art, literality is domain of pornography” – there in no need to argue with that words of Jerzy Bartmiński. When taking them as most general guide in lecture of blurred poems, we can find the guide which show sus literary culture of this poems.
- PozycjaRosyjskie tłumaczenia fragmentów Ustępu III cz. Dziadów Adama Mickiewicza z lat 1917–1955(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Skalińska, EwangelinaThe article discusses three translations of the excerpts of Ustęp from Adam Mickiewicz’s Forefathers’Eve – a part of the play which was the most crucial from the perspective of its Russian audience. The comparative analysis of these translations reveals a variety of modifications introduced in the text, including also a set of changes obviously aimed at manipulating the Russian readers. The article provides a hypothesis to explain this issue, based on the assumption that the translational shifts result not only from deliberate attempts to alter the original meanings, but also from the translators’ failure to identify and understand the cultural and historical background of Mickiewicz’s work that was so significant for Polish readers of the original.
- PozycjaConfessions of an Unrepentant Translator: Alice-Catherine Carls Discusses the Practice of Literary Translation and the State of Polish Literature in America(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Carls, Alice-CatherineAlice-Catherine Carls, tłumaczka między innymi utworów Stuarta Dybka, Charlesa Wrighta, Anny Frajlich, Marilou Awiakty, Zofii Romanowicz, Józefa Wittlina, Wisławy Szymborskiej, Joanny Pollakówny i Jeana Metellusa, omawia zarówno osobiste doświadczenia i poglądy na praktykę przekładu literackiego, jak również komentuje aktualną sytuację literatury polskiej w Ameryce. Carls poddaje refleksji nie tylko metody i tryby pracy przekładowej dotyczące bezpośredniego transferu tekstu źródłowego w wariant docelowy, ale także odnosi się do zagadnień wykorzystania w procesie przekładu języka pośredniczącego, współpracy z autorem oryginału lub innymi tłumaczami oraz wykorzystania wiedzy historyka na potrzeby pracy translatorskiej, uwzględniając również postępujący współcześnie trend do silnej profesjonalizacji działalności tłumaczeniowej, Carls charakteryzuje przekład poezji jako nieuchronne poszukiwanie równowagi między językowymi, kulturowymi, wizualnymi, dźwiękowymi i rytmicznymi wektorami tekstu, gdyż „nie istnieją doskonałe odpowiedzi na pytania, jak bardzo tłumaczenie powinno być tworzeniem wiersza na nowo lub jak bardzo powinno podążać za literą oryginału: jest to zawsze kwestia decyzji dopasowanej do konkretnego przypadku”.
- PozycjaPolish Theatre in the Time of War (1939–1945). Fight—Will to Survive—Losses—Legacy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Braun, KazimierzDuring World War II Polish theatre people took an active part in the fight with both Germany and the Soviet Union. Several of them fought with a weapon in hand as officers and soldiers of Polish armies in the September 1939 campaign, later as combatants of the Home Army (AK), and also within Polish armed forces fighting abroad. Many more fought with a weapon of the word. While boycotting German sponsored stages in the General Government, they created the whole network of small underground theatre groups. Two major centers of this activity were Warsaw, where the Clandestine Theatre Council (Bohdan Korzeniewski, Leon Schiller, Edmund Wierciński and others) organized and sponsored underground theatre productions and acting studios, and Kraków with The Rhapsodic Theatre (led by Mieczysław Kotlarczyk), The Independent Theatre (led by Tadeusz Kantor), and a circle of artists and apprentices gathered around Juliusz Osterwa, who frequently gave one-man shows. Productions were also prepared in German oflags and concentration camps. The great actor Stefan Jaracz performed for fellow inmates in Auschwitz, Zofia Rysiówna in Ravensbrück, and Roman Niewiarowicz in Dachau. Such productions were recorded also in Soviet camps (gulag system). Soldier theatres were organized at the Gen. Anders Second Corp, then also at the Polish forces under Soviet command. Losses of Polish theatre due to the war were staggering. In terms of material losses, The National Theatre in Warsaw was bombed by the Lufwaffe on September 19, 1939, and eventually Poland lost about 70% of theatre buildings standing in August 1939, plus their libraries, sets and costumes magazines, etc. In terms of human losses, about 300 theatre professionals died (out of about 2000 in 1939). Some were killed in military actions, some murdered in either German or Soviet camps. The losses in the spiritual domain were uncountable. Theatre artists were deprived of the possibility to perform, thus executing their profession and vocation. Theatre spectators were left without their artistic nourishment. The struggles, sacrifices, and deeds of the war-time Polish theatre had a profound influence on the history of Polish theatre of the second half of the 20th century. They were not only an important element of the nation’s war-effort, but—indirectly— contributed to the restoration of Poland’s freedom at the end of the 20th century.
- PozycjaKazimierza Wierzyńskiego przygody z przekładami(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Osiński, JakubThe article consists of two parts. In the first part the author refers to seven poems (by Richard Dehmel, Maria Stona, Johannes Schlaf, Aleksander Blok, Taras Szewczenko and Carl Sandburg) translated by Kazimierz Wierzyński and he tries to find the place for them in all of the poet’s writings. The second part of this text is devoted to the most important translations of texts originally written by Wierzyński (poems, prose, drama, biography The Life and Dead of Chopin) in chronological perspective.
- Pozycja„Pozostałam niewidoczna”. O traumie i wykluczeniu w „Krótkiej wymianie ognia” Zyty Rudzkiej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Okrajni, MartynaThe article is an attempt to analyze the motif of trauma and exclusion in „Krótka wymiana ognia” by Zyta Rudzka. The writer used poetics based primarily on fragmentarily, understatements and diversely language stylization showed the difficulty of constructing stories problematizing the scandal of old age, the problem of exclusion and “heredity” of (post)holocaust experiences. The author of „Pałac Cezarów” proves the trauma, on the one hand, is written in the (ageing) human body, and the other hand, old age (as a process) may turn out to be a traumatic experience. In addition, trauma can be a consequence of social stigmatization, but as well as the result of life decisions made.
- PozycjaFilozofia hermeneutycznego rozumu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Błaszczyk, MarekThe paper presents a critical approach to “Krytyka hermeneutycznego rozumu. Preliminaria” by Andrzej Przyłębski (Universitas, Cracow 2016). It aims to: 1) discuss the main theses presented in the book; 2) depict them in a larger context of contemporary hermeneutics and 3) start a discussion over the issues of hermeneutic philosophy, its status and theoretical background. The article emphasizes the manners of defining relations between understanding and explaining (due to their dialectic connections)
- Pozycja„Gramatyka piękna”. O krytyce Jana Bielatowicza(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kisiel, MarianThis text analyses the critical position of Jan Bielatowicz, a catholic writer and essayist who since World War II has been connected to the Polish migrant writers in London associated with “Veritas.” More precisely, this text focuses on the aesthetic aspect of his essays and reviews whose perspective relies on such categories as talent, beauty, good, and being linked to life.
- PozycjaZagraniczne istnienie literatury polskiej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Pasterska, Jolanta; Luboń, Arkadiusz; Wyrembelski, MarcinInterest in reception of Polish literature translated into foreign languages has increased in recent years among not only academic researchers but also publishers, literary critics and readers as well. Both successes of contemporary Polish writers abroad and the endeavors of cultural institutions aimed at promotion of Polish literature in other countries inspire discussions centered on the issue of selection and adaptation of the most representative, unique and/or attractive for foreign readers texts, originally written in Polish. The tenth issue of „Tematy i Konteksty” also addresses these questions, collecting papers focused, among others, on modern translator’s cultural role and status, standard or unconventional techniques and methods applied in literary translation, particular transfers of various artistic texts from Polish into other languages and modes of their reception within target cultures. Articles collected in the volume answer numerous questions related, for instance, to the ways in which foreign readers respond to writings by Polish authors or to the fields of discourse texts of Polish origin enter as an effect of the set of translational transformations. These transformations result from a variety of factors, such as translator’s idea of equivalence, his/her professional and social position, editorial strategies or even detailed choices of lexical items crucial for the preconceived meaning of the text. The articles discussing and analyzing such issues unveil the secret of supralocal successes of certain Polish writers and clearly indicate the importance of translator’s work for their achievements.
- PozycjaWstręt jako rękojmia afektywnego poznania. Przypadek „Copyright” Michała Witkowskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Wróblewski, Łukasz“Copyright” (2001) was interpreted as a story about childhood and adolescence, presenting both experiences of a maturing protagonist as well as the Polish reality of the last two decades of the 20th century. Coming to terms with his own childhood and a search for the language to express his own „self” determines the narration of the book. However, this rhythm of narration is disturbed by objects of disgust that the stories teem with. As a result, the author would like to suggest interpreting the collection of stories by Witkowski from an affective perspective. By analysing the diffrent texts, the author explains what role disgust and its objects play in the collection. It is argued that despite its negative properties disgust may be a necessary condition of self-fulfilment and a source of affective cognition. This happens among others thanks to becoming aware of childhood feelings the main character experienced when confronted with the disgusting people and objects.
- Pozycja„Jak u Pana Boga za piecem”. O dzienniku z Iranu Danuty Ireny Bieńkowskiej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Paliwoda, AgataThe paper attempts to describe the memoir of Danuta Irena Bieńkowska, which she wrote as a teenager in Iran (from October 1942 to the middle of January 1944), where she stayed with her mother in camps for the deported from Russia. Her writings, by creating a general image of conditions and atmosphere in the camps in Teheran and Ahwaz, emphasise issues important to the writer – involvement in science, scouting, “social and emotional” life. Bieńkowksa’s juvenilia, having the importance of a historical document, complement significantly the image of this lesser-known emigrant poet.
- PozycjaGóry Mariana Pankowskiego – przestrzeń emigracji i „emigracji”?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Dutka, ElżbietaThe interpretation of the forgotten volume of „Wiersze alpejskie” (Alpine Poems) by Marian Pankowski, published in Brussels in 1947 is, in the presented article, a starting point for reflection on the various dimensions and meanings of emigration in the biography and work of the artist. Paying attention to the topographic details allows to read the collection of poems not only as a poetic record of sensations related to the mountain trek, but also as a testimony to the writer’s dilemmas and his artistic explorations. However, the comparison with the later work „Z Auszwicu do Belsen” (From Auszwic to Belsen) reveals the genesis of „Wiersze alpejskie” (Alpine Poems) as related to the first post-war holiday trip of the poet and directs our attention to his traumatic experiences, absent, displaced in the lyrics, which can be read as the area of another emigration i.e. escape from painful memories.
- PozycjaPolska poezja w Izraelu. O twórczości translatorskiej Davida Weinfelda(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Christianus-Gileta, KatarzynaDavid Weinfeld is one of the leading Israeli translators of Polish poetry into Hebrew. His translation work, especially of Czesław Miłosz and Zbigniew Herbert’s poetry, played an important role in the poetry translated into Hebrew. Thanks to preserving a balance between adherence to the exact translation and a sense of familiarity, Weinfeld’s translation work has been appreciated among Israeli critics. It also has undeniable impact on Israeli poets’ writings.
- PozycjaPo co poetom Średniowiecze? Różewicz – Herbert – Miłosz(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Regiewicz, AdamThe paper attempts to describe the concept of the medieval period built by Polish poets: Tadeusz Różewicz, Zbigniew Herbert and Czesław Miłosz. The authors use this concept for the evaluation of contemporary times. The image of the Middle Ages is, on the one hand, an ethical concept abounding in references to the category of Heritage (civilisational and spiritual), and on the other hand, a dark period in which the individual and the human God become lost. The poets prefer using Enlightenment and Romantic clichés, creating a clear ideological view by means of them.
- Pozycja„Mówię rzecz, jak jest – kolor biały nie rozwija się przez niuanse”. Wybrane przykłady funkcjonowania symboliki bieli w liryce Cypriana Norwida(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Wójcik, MariaThe article presents functioning of whiteness as a symbol in Cyprian Norwid’s poetic works, based on selected examples. The author indicates that this issue has not yet been fully investigated and the article is only an outline of the subject due to its extent. The research is focused on several selected meanings: whiteness of the landscape, white color as a symbol of nobility and divinity, of virginity and purity, even of ethical ambiguity. Author also distinguishes between themes of whiteness and pallor. White color can be mainly associated with theme of the light in poetry, which Norwid very often used, but this not makes the only meaning. Ancient and Christian culture defined the semantics of white color as a symbol of purity, virginity and divinity and such meanings dominate in Norwid’s poems. Interestingly, the writer also used the whiteness to describe the nature of evil. The poet juxtaposed the symbolism of white by comparing it to dirt or black color, he accumulated themes related to whiteness as well to show its meaning in a broader context. In conclusion, Norwid, in his poetic works, often used the symbolism of whiteness in the sense determined by culture, however, he did it in an original way, enriching it with his own ideas and associations.
- PozycjaComparative Hints Included: Contextual Links in English and Polish Poetry Translations by Jerzy Pietrkiewicz(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Luboń, ArkadiuszThe article discusses the relation between comparative studies of Jerzy Pietrkiewicz and his translations of Polish and English poetry. As the provided analyses indicate, the translator introduces a variety of subtle modifications into the target versions. These modifications result in establishing several types of intertextual links between the two poetic traditions Pietrkiewicz simultaneously discusses in his academic essays.
- Pozycja„L’eco di un cuore altrui”. Poezja Ewy Lipskiej we Włoszech(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ślarzyńska, MałgorzataThe article focuses on the critical reception of Ewa Lipska’s poetry in Italy. It takes into consideration the volumes translated by Marina Ciccarini (2013, 2017), Paolo Statuti (2014), as well as the translated poems that appeared in literary magazines (Marco Bruno, 2019). The analyzed material includes the commentaries on Lipska by Italian literary critics published in newspapers and on the Internet. The article presents how the previously translated Wisława Szymborska’s poetry and its success in Italy has influenced the way in which Lipska is perceived in critical reception. The analysis takes into consideration also editorial factors such as the role of the publisher in the diffusion and perception of foreign poetry.
- Pozycja„Przybywaj, ogniu!” Szkic o historii polskich tłumaczeń dzieł Friedricha Hölderlina(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Maryjka, WojciechThe article of Wojciech Maryjka presents the development of Polish translations of the works of the German poet, writer and philosopher, Friedrich Hölderlin, whose 250th birthday anniversary falls on 20 March 2020. The author of the text provides the reasons why Hölderlin evoked interest in the Polish literature rather late. He indicates a significant role of translations of Stefan Napierski dated 1937 and 1938, but he noted that also Leo Belmont had translated several of Hölderlin’s poems earlier, in 1900. Further in the article, the researcher highlights the significance of the Selected Poems by Hölderlin published in 1964 that had been translated into Polish by Mieczysław Jastrun. Maryjka also indicates the significance of the pioneer monograph of the life of Hölderlin written by Zdzisław Żygulski. Further in the study, volumes of Hölderlin’s poetry are discussed, as translated by Bernard Antochewicz, Andrzej Pańta, Antoni Libera and Andrzej Lam, who had been the first who translated all poems of the German poet. The author of the article did not skip other works that contributed to exploration of the works and life of Hölderlin in Poland including, inter alia, the fictionalized biography entitled Hölderlin by Peter Härtling, translated by Sława Lisiecka, or the volume containing Hölderlin’s letters and his Hyperion prepared by Anna Milska and Wanda Markowska.
- PozycjaDoświadczenia translatorskie według Julii Hartwig(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Dutka, ElżbietaThe article examines the role of translation in the literary output of Polish writer Julia Hartwig. An esteemed translator of French and American poetry, Hartwig treated her work in this capacity as an important element of her own artistic and readerly formation. The analyses carried out in the article show that she succeeded in finding her own individual style of translation, and that the latter can be described by means of such figures as alchemy, mirror-image, moving house, encounter and conversation.
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