Tematy i Konteksty 10(15) 2020
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Pozycja “And therefore we Must Seek Dialogue in this Networked World”: A Meeting of Postcolonialism and Posthumanism in “Coloniality, Ontology, and the Question of the Posthuman” (ed. Mark Jackson). A Review(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Austin, Patrycja“Coloniality, Ontology, and the Question of the Posthuman” (2018) is a part of the “Routledge Research in New Postcolonialisms” series. The essays in this volume, edited and introduced by Mark Jackson, all answer the question of whether and how postcolonialism and posthumanism meet and inform one another in their response to contemporary debates around the Anthropocene, refugee crisis, environmental collapse or indigenous worldviews.Pozycja Chicagowska wiosna Przybosia. O Tymoteuszu Karpowiczu promującym polską awangardę(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kokoszka, MagdalenaThe text refers to the International Conference on Przyboś organised on April 8–9, 1992, at University of Illinois at Chicago, but the main character of the article is Tymoteusz Karpowicz, spiritus movens of that undertaking, the poet, dramatist and professor at UIC. The authoress of the text describes his attempts to popularise the Polish avant-garde tradition among American Polonia. She also tries to investigate the relationship between Karpowicz’s scientific and popular science activity and his aesthetic preferences, proposed poetry model or attitude to other poets (such as Cyprian Kamil Norwid, Bolesław Leśmian, Julian Przyboś or Czesław Miłosz). The article is a reflection on Karpowicz’s aesthetic and ethical requirements to art: his passion for unimitative literature models and the conviction that poetry is broader than words, that creativity and life are inseparable.Pozycja Comparative Hints Included: Contextual Links in English and Polish Poetry Translations by Jerzy Pietrkiewicz(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Luboń, ArkadiuszThe article discusses the relation between comparative studies of Jerzy Pietrkiewicz and his translations of Polish and English poetry. As the provided analyses indicate, the translator introduces a variety of subtle modifications into the target versions. These modifications result in establishing several types of intertextual links between the two poetic traditions Pietrkiewicz simultaneously discusses in his academic essays.Pozycja Confessions of an Unrepentant Translator: Alice-Catherine Carls Discusses the Practice of Literary Translation and the State of Polish Literature in America(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Carls, Alice-CatherineAlice-Catherine Carls, tłumaczka między innymi utworów Stuarta Dybka, Charlesa Wrighta, Anny Frajlich, Marilou Awiakty, Zofii Romanowicz, Józefa Wittlina, Wisławy Szymborskiej, Joanny Pollakówny i Jeana Metellusa, omawia zarówno osobiste doświadczenia i poglądy na praktykę przekładu literackiego, jak również komentuje aktualną sytuację literatury polskiej w Ameryce. Carls poddaje refleksji nie tylko metody i tryby pracy przekładowej dotyczące bezpośredniego transferu tekstu źródłowego w wariant docelowy, ale także odnosi się do zagadnień wykorzystania w procesie przekładu języka pośredniczącego, współpracy z autorem oryginału lub innymi tłumaczami oraz wykorzystania wiedzy historyka na potrzeby pracy translatorskiej, uwzględniając również postępujący współcześnie trend do silnej profesjonalizacji działalności tłumaczeniowej, Carls charakteryzuje przekład poezji jako nieuchronne poszukiwanie równowagi między językowymi, kulturowymi, wizualnymi, dźwiękowymi i rytmicznymi wektorami tekstu, gdyż „nie istnieją doskonałe odpowiedzi na pytania, jak bardzo tłumaczenie powinno być tworzeniem wiersza na nowo lub jak bardzo powinno podążać za literą oryginału: jest to zawsze kwestia decyzji dopasowanej do konkretnego przypadku”.Pozycja Die in Polen ausgeblendete Zone. Hinweise auf die ostdeutsche Wende-Literatur(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Jaśkiewicz, GrzegorzGerman literature has been present in Polish cultural reality for a long time − although with variable popularity − due to the translations that produced Polish versions available for wider audience, including readers unfamiliar with German language. Yet, the article discusses a branch of German literature still absent in Poland – the so-called Post-GDR Literature, written after the fall of the German Democratic Republic and the German reunification. The Post-GDR Literature addresses a variety of issues related to the GDR, idealizes or critically describes its reality often perceived by writers as the reality of their childhood or youth. The author of the article takes into consideration the fact that on Polish book market after 1989 this literature is almost unavailable despite numerous efforts of translators and publishers and their initiatives aimed at popularization of German literature in Poland. Thus, the article subsequently discusses texts (“Was bleibt” by Christa Wolf, “Der Abspannby” Hermann Kant and “Heldenwiewir” by Thomas Brussig) significant enough to deserve unabridged Polish versions. The three writers represent different genres, aesthetics, generations and level of involvement in political activity. Nonetheless, their works all inspired crucial discussions, attitudes or events and are therefore of vital importance for Polish readers willing to fully understand the reality of Eastern Germany and the impact of its legacy on current times.Pozycja Doświadczenia translatorskie według Julii Hartwig(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Dutka, ElżbietaThe article examines the role of translation in the literary output of Polish writer Julia Hartwig. An esteemed translator of French and American poetry, Hartwig treated her work in this capacity as an important element of her own artistic and readerly formation. The analyses carried out in the article show that she succeeded in finding her own individual style of translation, and that the latter can be described by means of such figures as alchemy, mirror-image, moving house, encounter and conversation.Pozycja Filozofia hermeneutycznego rozumu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Błaszczyk, MarekThe paper presents a critical approach to “Krytyka hermeneutycznego rozumu. Preliminaria” by Andrzej Przyłębski (Universitas, Cracow 2016). It aims to: 1) discuss the main theses presented in the book; 2) depict them in a larger context of contemporary hermeneutics and 3) start a discussion over the issues of hermeneutic philosophy, its status and theoretical background. The article emphasizes the manners of defining relations between understanding and explaining (due to their dialectic connections)Pozycja ‘Food Voice’: The Culinary Landscape in Cecilia M. Fernandez’s “Leaving Little Havana. A Memoir of Miami’s Cuban Ghetto”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Martynuska, MałgorzataThe article discusses the ‘food voice’ as a substitute for verbal communication in the memoir “Leaving Little Havana. A Memoir of Miami’s Cuban Ghetto” by Cecilia M. Fernandez (2013). The culinary landscape of the memoir is examined through the anthropological perspective as the foodscape overlaps with the diasporic experience of the protagonists. Foodways show how Cuban identity is constructed in response to social and political developments. The geography of the memoir determines foodscapes by fusing Cuban cuisine with American regional cooking styles. The literary portrayal shows Cubans’ flexible attitude towards acculturation as their Floribbean cuisine maintains continuity with Caribbean cooking styles but, at the same time, it presents readiness to embrace new ingredients available in Florida. The emerging new food culture indicates the formation of complex hybrid identities.Pozycja Góry Mariana Pankowskiego – przestrzeń emigracji i „emigracji”?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Dutka, ElżbietaThe interpretation of the forgotten volume of „Wiersze alpejskie” (Alpine Poems) by Marian Pankowski, published in Brussels in 1947 is, in the presented article, a starting point for reflection on the various dimensions and meanings of emigration in the biography and work of the artist. Paying attention to the topographic details allows to read the collection of poems not only as a poetic record of sensations related to the mountain trek, but also as a testimony to the writer’s dilemmas and his artistic explorations. However, the comparison with the later work „Z Auszwicu do Belsen” (From Auszwic to Belsen) reveals the genesis of „Wiersze alpejskie” (Alpine Poems) as related to the first post-war holiday trip of the poet and directs our attention to his traumatic experiences, absent, displaced in the lyrics, which can be read as the area of another emigration i.e. escape from painful memories.Pozycja „Gramatyka piękna”. O krytyce Jana Bielatowicza(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kisiel, MarianThis text analyses the critical position of Jan Bielatowicz, a catholic writer and essayist who since World War II has been connected to the Polish migrant writers in London associated with “Veritas.” More precisely, this text focuses on the aesthetic aspect of his essays and reviews whose perspective relies on such categories as talent, beauty, good, and being linked to life.Pozycja Hypostases of Krzysztof Jaworski’s Poetry(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Trzaskowski, ZbigniewThe article contains a hermeneutic analysis of Krzysztof Jaworski’s poetry. Jaworski is not only an attentive observer of contemporary social reality, a master of retrospection and an internal monologue but first and foremost he is a poet not afraid to ask moral questions. Key words such as truth, self-knowledge, wisdom were used here to present the aesthetic and ethical stratification, to describe the leitmotivs of the interpreted texts and to indicate the significant place of Jaworski’s works in Polish postwar poetry.Pozycja Ile było wersji poezji Karola Wojtyły w przekładzie Jerzego Pietrkiewicza? Wstępne rozpoznanie tematu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Moczkodan, RafałThe article discusses problems involved in the translation of Karol Wojtyła’s poetry into English, including the circumstances of obtaining by the translator (Jerzy Pietrkiewicz) legal rights to the texts, deciding the translational techniques applied in the process of interlinguistic transfer, as well as other difficulties reported by the translator during his work on the first volume of English poetry by John Paul II.Pozycja „Jak u Pana Boga za piecem”. O dzienniku z Iranu Danuty Ireny Bieńkowskiej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Paliwoda, AgataThe paper attempts to describe the memoir of Danuta Irena Bieńkowska, which she wrote as a teenager in Iran (from October 1942 to the middle of January 1944), where she stayed with her mother in camps for the deported from Russia. Her writings, by creating a general image of conditions and atmosphere in the camps in Teheran and Ahwaz, emphasise issues important to the writer – involvement in science, scouting, “social and emotional” life. Bieńkowksa’s juvenilia, having the importance of a historical document, complement significantly the image of this lesser-known emigrant poet.Pozycja Jest Pan dla nas „Kazimierzem Wielkim”. Kilka przyczynkarskich uwag o listach Janiny i Wacława Kościałkowskich do Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Dybisz, ErwinaThe article discusses several still unpublished letters from Janina and Wacław Kościałkowski to Kazimierz Wierzyński, which have been found in the archives of the Polish Library in London. The article not only presents artistic and intellectual profiles of both the authors and the addressee, but also provides the analysis of the letters’ content and language. Thus, describes the archives as a supplemental yet important information on Janina Kościałkowska’s oeuvre.Pozycja Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego przygody z przekładami(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Osiński, JakubThe article consists of two parts. In the first part the author refers to seven poems (by Richard Dehmel, Maria Stona, Johannes Schlaf, Aleksander Blok, Taras Szewczenko and Carl Sandburg) translated by Kazimierz Wierzyński and he tries to find the place for them in all of the poet’s writings. The second part of this text is devoted to the most important translations of texts originally written by Wierzyński (poems, prose, drama, biography The Life and Dead of Chopin) in chronological perspective.Pozycja Kornel Ujejski i muzyka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Maciąg, KazimierzKazimierz Maciąg presents an extensive review of the book by Kinga Fink „Muzyka w życiu i twórczości Kornel Ujejskiego” [„Music in the life and work of Kornel Ujejski”], Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2018). Kornel Ujejski (1823–1897), known as the “last great poet of Romanticism”, is a poet who is somewhat forgotten. The analyzed monograph consists of three parts, in which the author presents: the analysis of the musical background on which the poet created, Ujejski’s poetry inspired by music and the history of poems for which music was created. The greatest value of the dissertation is not only to show only the sources and effects of musical inspirations, but also to see in the work of Kornel Ujejski motifs and themes that were and are important for the creators and readers of subsequent eras.Pozycja „L’eco di un cuore altrui”. Poezja Ewy Lipskiej we Włoszech(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ślarzyńska, MałgorzataThe article focuses on the critical reception of Ewa Lipska’s poetry in Italy. It takes into consideration the volumes translated by Marina Ciccarini (2013, 2017), Paolo Statuti (2014), as well as the translated poems that appeared in literary magazines (Marco Bruno, 2019). The analyzed material includes the commentaries on Lipska by Italian literary critics published in newspapers and on the Internet. The article presents how the previously translated Wisława Szymborska’s poetry and its success in Italy has influenced the way in which Lipska is perceived in critical reception. The analysis takes into consideration also editorial factors such as the role of the publisher in the diffusion and perception of foreign poetry.Pozycja Łyżeczki Menasa. O wierszu „Hagia Sophia” Andrzeja Buszy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kisiel, JoannaAn outstanding poem, “Hagia Sophia” by Andrzej Busza uses the historical context of early medieval Byzantium in order to describe the universal situation of a human being that confronts the ideas of God and divinity. While reading this poem, the deeper meaning of its reality and symbols putting forward the byzantine setting can be traced; moreover, such a process makes it possible to attempt at deciphering the mysterious inscriptions engraved on the silver spoons of Menas, the protagonist of this poem, with regard to the tragedy of human faith and doubt, an issue that has never lost its significance. In fact, this poem is a bitter and idiosyncratic meditation on the uncertainty embedded in human existence and the doubtful usefulness of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.Pozycja Metrum i pistolet. Zasady przekładu poetyckiego według Antona Marii Raffa(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ceccherelli, AndreaThe article presents the strategies adopted in translating Polish poetry by Anton Maria Raffo (1937–2018), one of the most outstanding Italian translators of Polish literature. In his constant striving to reproduce the metre and, whenever possible, the rhymes, he distinguished himself from the dominating trends of poetry translation in Italy, prescribing the use – and abuse – of vers libre even for metrical and rhymed poetry. Raffo translated poets who still used traditional versification like Jan Kochanowski (a true masterpiece is his translation of Kochanowski’s „Pieśni – Odes)”, Adam Mickiewicz or Bolesław Leśmian, but also XXth-century poets like Czesław Miłosz, Zbigniew Herbert or Wisława Szymborska, among whose works he selected and translated the poems which present a certain metrical regularity. A.M. Raffo’s lesson was followed by several other translators of Polish poetry in Italy.Pozycja Miejsce (nie)powrotu. O wyobraźni i poezji Jana Darowskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Niesporek, KatarzynaThe subject of this article is the interpretation of Jan Darowski’s poems which indicate the problem of the poet’s inability to return to his hometown – Brzezie nad Odrą. Although the artist symbolically closes the door to the space in which he once lived he still holds the key as if he was leaving himself an opportunity to change his decision. The poet fears that he will open spaces he does not want to enter, thus he explores key’s nature and initially tries to get rid of it. When the author fails to forget about the key, he proves its cumbersomeness and non-functionality. The author of „Drzewa sprzeczki” ultimately uses it in a different way – to secure memories of his birthplace and childhood. Locking them inside by metaphorically “turning” the key, he tries to protect them – as his arcadia – from “littering”.
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