Tematy i Konteksty 1(6) 2011
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Pozycja Spis treści(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011)Pozycja Strony tytułowe(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011)Pozycja Słowo wstępne(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Pasterska, JolantaArtykuł jest wprowadzeniem do 6 numeru „Zeszytów Naukowych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Historia Literatury” (ukazującego się zarazem jako 1 numer nowego czasopisma literaturoznawczego „Tematy i Konteksty”) poświęconego niezwykle ważnemu problemowi, wyrażonemu w tytule "Wielka Emigracja – Druga emigracja niepodległościowa – (E)migracja końca XX wieku". Celem prac pomieszczonych w tomie jest próba ukazania wspólnych źródeł, pokrewieństw, przemian, a także podstawowych różnic w rozumieniu emigracji i emigracyjności od wieku XIX aż po początek XXI stulecia. Stąd w publikacji znalazły się zarówno nowe interpretacje utworów znanych pisarzy, jak i odczytania twórczości autorów zapomnianych lub jeszcze nieodkrytych. Po trzech dekadach systematycznego opisywania literatury emigracyjnej XX wieku czas spojrzeć na nią w szerokim kontekście zarówno Wielkiej Emigracji, jak i emigracji niepodległościowej oraz (e)migracji współczesnej. Zamieszczone w „Zeszycie Naukowym” rozprawy i artykuły zostały podzielone na dwie grupy tekstów. W pierwszej znalazły się prace odnoszące się do oryginalnych materiałów źródłowych i oparte na eksploracji archiwów, w drugiej zaś studia i szkice o charakterze interpretacyjnym.Pozycja Biografistyka i legendy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Maciąg, KazimierzThe text includes a report on the scientific conference "Między biografią, literaturą i legendą" ("Among Biography, Literature, and Legend") which took place from 8-9 April, 2008, at the Institute of Polish Philology of University of Rzeszów.Pozycja Sympozjum naukowe „Literatura polska w Kanadzie”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Pasterski, JanuszThe text includes a report on the scientific symposium “Literatura polska w Kanadzie” (“Polish Literature in Canada”) which took place on October 5, 2010, at the Institute of Polish Philology of University of Rzeszów.Pozycja Bibliofilska dylogia na temat Miłosza(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Wolski, JanThe text includes information on the appearing of two books: "Miłosz listy pisze" ("Miłosz Is Writing Letters"; Rzeszów 2011) and "Miłosz. Tematy" ("Miłosz. Themes"; Rzeszów 2011), under the imprint of Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna w Rzeszowie (Provincial and City Public Library in Rzeszów).Pozycja Ocalić od zapomnienia „małe ojczyzny” i siebie. Sprawozdanie z cyklu spotkań z Profesorem Florianem Śmieją(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Cieślik, NinaThe text includes a report on the series of meetings with Professor Florian Śmieja which took place from 9-11 May, 2011, at the Institute of Polish Philology of University of Rzeszów.Pozycja "Konferencja Wittlinowska"(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Wielgosz, EwaThe text includes a report on the scientific conference "Etapy Józefa Wittlina" ("Józef Wittlin’s Phases") which took place from 14-15 April, 2011, at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków.Pozycja Nagroda im. Kościelskich 1962(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Busza, AndrzejThe text is a remembrance account on the author’s being awarded the literary prize of the Kościelscy Foundation in 1962.Pozycja Gombrowicz filozoficzny. Czytając "Humanizm performatywny" Alfreda Galla(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Luboń, ArkadiuszReview: Gall Alfred, "Humanizm performatywny. Polemika z filozofią w praktyce literackiej Witolda Gombrowicza", Universitas, Kraków 2010, pp. 500.Pozycja Tropy i powiązania emigracji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Ostasz, GustawReview: Podgórski Wojciech Jerzy, "Emigracja walczących. Wokół polsko-szkocko-angielskich powiązań kulturalnych wojennych i powojennych", Muzeum Niepodległości w Warszawie, Warszawa 2011, pp. 623, il. 104.Pozycja Zdzisław Stroiński i jego liryka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Ożóg, ZenonReview: Kisiel Marian, "Ananke i Polska. O liryce Zdzisława Stroińskiego", Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2010, pp. 172.Pozycja Kim jesteśmy? Kim będziemy? Poszukiwanie tożsamości emigracyjnej w "My zdies' emigranty" Manueli Gretkowskiej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Boczkowska, MagdalenaThe article analyses a novel "My zdies’ emigranty" by Manuela Gretkowska published in 1992. The main focus falls on the problem of émigré identity which the generation that left Poland in 1988 was forced to face. Gretkowska undertakes an attempt to describe her image of political émigré who leads a peculiarly nomadic life. His main features are lack of a permanent address and unwillingness to put down roots. Gretkowska, the author of "Europejka", depicts a variety of emigrant groups with their different ‘émigré identities’. The first one consists of Polish émigrés who long for their homeland and want to return there. The second group unites those who reject their Polish identity and make a symbolic attempt to ‘flush their Polish passport down the Seine River’. The third group consists of nomads who are always ready to pack up, depart and live wherever they like or anywhere their fate places them. The described by Gretkowska Paris episode can also be found in her latest book entitled "Trans". The final paragraphs of the article mention other novels undertaking the subject of contemporary émigrés as well. Here the main focus falls on "Zapiski szwedzkie" from "Własne miejsca" by Katarzyna Tubylewicz. According to the author of the article, Tubylewicz and Gretkowska describe similar observations of the émigré identity of Poles.Pozycja "Z wyrazami prawdziwej przyjaźni" - o strukturze i stylu dedykacji autorskich w księgozbiorze Floriana Śmiei(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Krauz, MariaThe article analyses a number of handwritten dedications addressed to professor Florian Śmieja – a scholar, poet, translator, editor, propagator of Polish culture abroad. All gathered dedications are placed at title pages of books and are the examples of minimalist texts based on relatively fixed compositional pattern. The pattern is determined by the verb "to dedicate": someone dedicates something to someone else. The author of the article carries out the analysis of the set of elements essential for such textual pattern. First, the addressing forms related to both the mode of contact and relations between the recipient of the dedication (endowed person) and its author (donor) are discussed. Next, the intentions expressed in the dedications are pondered as well as numerous stylistical synonyms for the verb "to dedicate" along with the names of the authors of these solemn notes. Finally, the article takes into consideration a variety of alternative and adaptative models, i.e. the particular textual modifications based on reduction of an element, selection of lexical items characterizing the addressee and actualization due to each specific occasion. The author of the article focuses both on conventional constructions (expressions of remembrance and friendship) and longer forms, often poetical or humoristic. According to the author of the article, the style of the dedications and used lexical items serve the purpose of characterizing the person, who succeeded in maintaining good and close relations with other writers in exile. The image of Śmieja that can be drawn from the dedications depicts a trustworthy and respected scholar, regarded and frankly admired, who remains in grateful memories of the many.Pozycja Śląskość w narracji wspomnieniowej Floriana Śmiei(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Filip, GrażynaThe aim of the linguistic analyses provided in the article is to answer the question: to what degree and through which lexical markers the Silesian parentage of Florian Śmieja is reflected in his narrative memoirs. The third volume of "Zbliżenia i kontakty" with the first chapter entitled "Gniazdo" (i.e. hearth), describing Silesian childhood and youth of Śmieja, is considered the subject of the analysis. Link with the place of birth and strength drawn from such relationship is closely related to the sociological concept of little homeland (regionalism) that functions in the field of linguistics as well. The article partially reconstructs the linguistic depiction of “Silesianity” recorded in the idiolect of Florian Śmieja. The term "Silesianity", from the linguistic point of view, is treated as an effect of word formation process that resulted in the abstract specific name derived from the adjective "Silesian". In order to select the examples discussed in the article all the mentioned semantic aspects of the derivative core of "Silesian", understood as "related to the Silesia region, originating in Silesia, typical for Silesia", were taken into consideration. The presented observations use the optimal definition of "linguistic picture of the world". According to the definition, linguistic picture of the world is considered an interpretation of reality, embedded in language but verbalized in a number of variants. Such interpretation can be described via both a set of explicit expressions recorded in language and implied opinions of the world recorded at the level of social knowledge. From this perspective, the image of "Silesianity" in the prose of Florian Śmieja is realized through few essential constituents: 1. geographical names, 2. characters of Silesian people, 3. regional lexical items, 4. Silesian tradition. The "Silesianity" in the memoirs by Florian Śmieja refers to the region marked by towns important for him during his childhood and youth. The excerpt of the language picture of "Silesianity", reconstructed on the basis of "Gniazdo", does not overwhelm its reader with the frequent usage of regional dialect incomprehensible for foreigners. The author is concerned with wide audience and thus implements dialectical lexical features in his narration either in context that provides necessary explanation, or together with commonly known Polish synonyms.Pozycja W służbie idei - "Tu jest Polska" Herminii Naglerowej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Wal, AnnaThe article discusses the drama by Herminia Naglerowa entitled "Tu jest Polska". The author of the article is concerned with extraordinary circumstances of origin of the text that was written between 1942 and 1943, that is during the ongoing Second World War, soon after the writer left gulag and joined the Women's Auxiliary Service in the army commanded by Gen. Władysław Anders. Although the article proposes an interpretation of the drama mainly as a literary text, additional supportive information used is related to the performance of "Tu jest Polska" by the Drama Theatre of Polish Army in the East. The article stresses biased and propaganda character of the play that results from both political and ideological implications and from the fact that it addressed an audience consisting of soldiers of the Polish II Corps: usually ex-prisoners and former laborers of gulags. The play by Naglerowa can be classified as a representative of the emigration drama mainstream described by Dobrochna Ratajczakowa as ‘servient’. The topics of conspiracy and uprising that can be found in the play are considered a continuation of the tradition of Polish Romanticism in which any fight for independence and civil service receive the top priority. The author of the article focuses her attention on these passages of the play that discuss problems developed also in several further works by Naglerowa and related to the subject matter of war. Among these problems one should mention the motif of heroism contrasted with romantic models as well as the subject of women’s way of experiencing history.Pozycja Polski teatr na emigracji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Braun, KazimierzA great number of individual Polish actors and small theatre companies are active all over the world; sometimes, a visiting production from Poland excites the émigré audiences strengthening their ties with the mother country. Two key notions help to understand both the ethos and the history of theatre of Polish émigrés: (1) “Citizen’s theatre” is a theatre in which spiritual, human, ethical, patriotic and communal values play the most important role, while aesthetic and utilitarian values are secondary. (2) “Theatre of service”, which is created in order to serve the spectators, to help them to preserve their traditions, support their needs, and express their hopes. The structure of theatre life of Polish émigrés can be visualized as a three-layer pyramid. Its foundation is made of dense and ubiquitous “theatricality of life”, which permeates all areas of life, such as social, familial, religious, political, academic, sport, or commerce. Manifestations of “theatricality” include weddings, anniversaries, parades, jubilees, funerals, liturgies, processions, celebrations of Christmas, Easter, or Corpus Christi, and other events and activities. They use Polish imagery, symbols, costumes and/or songs. “Theatricality” employs theatre’s categories: action, characters, structuring the space and the time of the event, as well as theatre’s means of expression. Above “theatricality” is a deep layer of amateur theatre practiced at schools, parishes and various associations and organizations. Polish amateur productions in the US have been recorded since the 1870s in the cities of especially numerous Polish population such as Chicago, Buffalo, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and New York. Polish amateur theatre companies can be found in many countries. The tip of the pyramid consists of the performances given by Polish professionals abroad and tours of Polish productions. Helena Modrzejewska, in America known as Modjeska (1840-1909), after stardom in Kraków and Warsaw arrived in America in 1876, and made a splendid, thirty years lasting career on American stages, performing in English. In the 1880s she was considered the greatest American female stage star. Ryszard Bolesławski (1889-1937) in his youth was an actor and director at Moscow Art Theatre of K. Stanislavsky. When Poland regained its independence (1918), he returned to Warsaw and directed at the Polski Theatre. In 1922, he went to America where he directed and taught acting, first in New York’s theatres and acting studios, and then in the film industry in Hollywood. He is credited for introducing American actors to the realisticpsychological Stanislavsky’s method, with a poetic, typically Polish tint. Polish professional theatre companies were active outside of Poland during World War II in New York (1942–1945) and in London (1942-until present). In 1943, professional theatres were organized at the Polish Armed Forces by Jadwiga Domańska, and at the Polish Division under the Soviet command by Władysław Krasnowiecki. Polish professional productions were also created in Rumania, France, Brazil, British Palestine and elsewhere. After the war, the strongest Polish theatre centre east of Poland (in its borders established at the Jalta conference, 1945) was Teatr Polski established in Lwów in 1958, by actor and director Zbigniew Chrzanowski, while at the West, it was the Polski Instytut Teatralny in New York managed since 1976, by actress and director Janina Katebach (Nina Polan). In the 1970s and the 1980s Polish theatre life flourished in Ottawa, thanks to the works of Jadwiga Domańska; and since the 1990s, in Toronto, where actress and director Maria Nowotarska created permanent Polish stage, collaborating with a cluster of actors. Experimental theatres of Tadeusz Kantor, Jerzy Grotowski, and Włodzimierz Staniewski performed for international audiences. Great Polish actors, such as Elżbieta Czyżewska, Ryszard Cieślak, and Andrzej Seweryn, appeared in foreign productions. Plays written by best Polish playwrights – Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, Witold Gombrowicz, Tadeusz Różewicz, Sławomir Mrożek – were staged in many countries. Books on Polish theatre and drama were published in several languages. Polish theatre scholars and artists lectured and taught at foreign universities. Polish productions created either within the émigré communities or visiting from Poland contributed to preservation of Polish language, traditions, and values. Generally, Polish theatre was a vibrant element of Polish culture abroad.Pozycja Precyzja i milczenie. O twórczości poetyckiej Wojciecha Gniatczyńskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Pasterski, JanuszThe article discusses the poetical writings by Wojciech Gniatczyński, the editor of Polish Radio Free Europe, talented writer and literary critic. The author of the article analyses essential problems and artistic features of this poetry on the basis of two published volumes of poems, biographical information, gathered correspondence, unpublished works and articles concerning issues of literary criticism by Gniatczyński. However, the main focus of the article falls on the links between the writer and the war-time generation, tragic experiences gained in the Nazi extermination camp in Auschwitz and further emigration solitude. The author of the article discusses also the post-war episode in writings by Gniatczyński – first in the context of London groups known as "Merkuriusz" and "Kontynenty", next with reference to the Munich society of writers and radio reporters gathered around the RFE. The analysis of poetical works by Gniatczyński describes a relatively invariable repertory of undertaken problems and a number of references to avant-garde patterns. According to the author of the article, Gniatczyński is currently a forgotten writer who treated poem as an expression of thought rather than a wordplay or imaginative jugglery. Thus, the poet made attempts to bind simplicity with innovation. As a result, the article presents Wojciech Gniatczyński as a writer who cannot be labeled according to the common emigration stereotypes: he is focused on inventing his own poetical form that often uses prose devices, irony and paradoxes.Pozycja Notatki do Czerniawskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Kisiel, MarianThe article is considered a summa of remarks related to the less known and rarely commented works by an émigré – Adam Czerniawski. The subjects of interpretation are his poems translated into English, miniatures of literary criticism, short novels and his memoirs. Modern Polish prose is still commonly treated as a ciphertext, a subject interesting for but a few readers who revel in this labyrinth of thoughts. It may seem that at the end of our century – a period so involved in discourse with traditional understanding of literature – avant-garde variants of prose should be obvious and legible for everyone or, at least, that literary criticism shall place them on the appropriate level in the hierarchy of modern forms. Apparently, it turned out that the situation is different. The prose model imposed by Positivism still remains predominant in habits and tastes of both literary critics and readers. Few decades of struggle with that one narrative pattern suddenly became questionable. Therefore, the short narrative novels by Czerniawski has not yet been sufficiently analyzed by critics. These narrations are considered – with their Gombrowicz-style grimace – the absolute stories. The feature of absoluteness is visible at all their levels: origin, narration, reading. Everything is possible here but nothing is accidental or random. However, limiting these narrations to only avant-garde rules would with no doubt distort their sense. The prose by Czerniawski uses also infinite potential of grotesque, it plays with its own language and makes out of it an undoubtedly philosophical "Ding an sich". The prose was also written in order to face traditional sanctities such as, for instance, irreformable „Polishness” that glorifies old symbols by perceiving them as hallowed by God’s interference. Finally, the prose by Czerniawski is based on „common sense” that can be found in numerous funny contexts of the surrounding world.Pozycja Świadek codzienności - Jerzy Pietrkiewicz(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2011) Andres, ZbigniewFrom its very beginning, the writings by Jerzy Pietrkiewicz practically reflected the poetic theory of authentism. Even back in time, when his early poems had not yet been rooted in this nascent trend in poetry, Pietrkiewicz applied the theory by Stanisław Czernik in his works. Later on, the poet began his cooperation with ultra-rightist magazines and as an advocate of authentism he used to refer nationalistic beliefs to this new literary doctrine. Although such attitude did not achieve expected approval of Czernik, the creator of the movement, Pietrkiewicz still remained one of the most active poets gathered around the precursor. As an émigré Pietrkiewicz changed his attitude. Although he was no longer so devoted to the idea of authentism, he still remained a prominent follower and defender of the theory. His attitude had been expressed in many discussions and his literary works, published in both Polish and English versions. Among the most exemplary works one should mention "The Other Side of the Limits of Language" (London, New York, Toronto, 1970). Thus, the poet linked respect for tradition with the acceptance of contemporary experimentalism in writing. As a result, Pietrkiewicz favored such model of modern poetry on condition that it was supported with a variety of means used by the representatives of ages past.