Tematy i Konteksty 8(13) 2018
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/4229
Ostatnio nadesłane materiały
Pozycja Promocja monografii poświęconej twórczości Anny Frajlich w Krakowie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Pasterski, JanuszThis article presents report from the meeting promoting the monograph „Tu jestem / zamieszkuję własne życie”. Studia i szkice o twórczości Anny Frajlich edited by Wojciech Ligęza and Jolanta Pasterska. The book promotion meeting was organized by Biblioteka Kraków in the Journalist Club „Pod Gruszką” in Kraków on March 23, 2018. The special guest of the event was the poet Anna Frajlich.Pozycja Obecność Romanowiczowej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Jamrozek-Sowa, AnnaZofia Romanowiczowa (1922-2010) was a Polish writer and culture promotor, living in France. The devoted to her monograph authored by Arkadiusz Morawiec is of documentary nature. The book consists of three parts: a biographical note, a discussion of Romanowiczowa’s books’ reception and an extensive bibliography. Morawiec not reviews the views of other scholars, but also refers to the facts found in the source documents, to which he provides his own commentary.Pozycja Poezja bez niepoezji, czyli meandry poezji czystej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Mazur, ElżbietaThe text is a review of the book by Gustaw Ostasz, entitled „Śladami poezji czystej” (“Retracing Pure Poetry”) and presenting considerations on the relationship between poetry and non-poetry. According to the reviewer the book stands out for its presentation of an important phenomenon in the modern lyric poetry, i.e. “pure poetry” understood as beauty, aesthetic ideal, and the Absolute. She also points out that, as an excellent supplement to the methodological considerations, the subsequent chapters of the book present interpretations of major works of Polish 20th century literature, representing the concept of “pure poetry”.Pozycja Krawiec wśród literackich wykrojów i wzorów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Wilk-Krzyżowska, EmiliaPublication of “Prose: shapes and patterns” depicts the author Jerzy Jarzębski as a tailor, showing literary shapes and patterns (forms) of works, thus creating his own literary map of Polish literature in the 20th and 21st century. Jarzębski focuses on the world of values, problems with the past, most popular topics and interviews, the aim of which is to depict the reader that there is no one ideal canon of literature. Each of us can create it ourselves, which the author encourages.Pozycja Dyskursy, performanse tekstowe i narracje transmedialne polskich piosenek rockowych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Tański, PawełThere are a few reasons why a song, in its broad sense, is not the main focus of the present study, but its variety – a particular attention is devoted to the genre of the so-called rock music. Firstly, in my opinion, this work of art currently seems to be the most interesting, resonating, as well as artistically and aesthetically valuable. Secondly, the qualitative and quantitative intensity of the genre is priceless. Thirdly and finally, the influence of this very sort of musical activity on the 20th century is commonly known not only through a powerful impact of various counterculture areas in which rock music found its own reason for existence, but mostly owing to being what it is – a performative artistic output in which different areas of art – music, lyrics, visuals and others – correspond with one another. Awarding the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2016 to Bob Dylan has marked a significant moment in cultural history – the musician gained recognition among the honourable Academy and, by the same token, the song – Dylan’s most commonly used artistic medium has raised cultural awareness, reaching out to a wider public. But did it really have to reach out to listeners? Is it not true that a song has been a soundtrack to our lives being constantly present in them? Maybe the decision which the Academy has made was only a formality – lyrics are very important and it is only up to us what meaning we assign to them. This paper aims to interpret selected lyrics of Polish rock songs, considering them as a significant part of the history of the Polish literature.Pozycja Gothic Healing under the Mediterranean Sun: “The Magus” by John Fowles as a Gothic Novel(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Kowalcze, MałgorzataThe present paper aims at interpreting the novel “The Magus” by John Fowles within the framework of the Gothic genre. The argument shall be founded on a close analysis of chosen characteristics of the Gothic convention which can be identified within the text, such as the theatricality, the motif of insanity, as well as the issue of repressed sexuality. It shall also be argued that the novel presents the therapeutic role of fear, intrinsically linked to the Gothic mode of expression. The boundary between the rational and the irrational is suspended to the point that the protagonist is unable to tell whether the apparitions he sees in the Magus’s shadowy estate are of supernatural provenance or they constitute mere figments of his imagination deluded by the elements of the Mediterranean ambience. Remarkably, it is the experience of terror that ultimately heals Nicholas, an embittered and disillusioned young man, from the state of apathy and emotional handicap.Pozycja Leopold von Sacher-Masochs „Grausame Frauen“. Ein Wirrwarr um die Ausgaben(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Socha, KrzysztofZbiór opowiadań „Demoniczne kobiety” to jedno z nielicznych do tej pory dostępnych polskiemu czytelnikowi dzieł Leopolda von Sacher-Masocha. Ten austriacki pisarz, którego znakomita część literackiego – nietłumaczonego dotąd – dorobku dotyczy rodzinnej Galicji, znany jest obecnie przede wszystkim ze swojego opowiadania „Wenus w futrze”, wielokrotnie zresztą omawianego. Pomimo, że życiorys autora jest dość gruntownie opracowany, jego spuścizna wciąż dostarcza tematów do poszukiwań i analiz. Jednym z nich jest zagadnienie kanoniczności tytułowego cyklu „Demoniczne kobiety”. Okazuje się bowiem, że wydane po śmierci pisarza dzieło funkcjonuje pod tym samym tytułem w kilku wariantach a układ treści w polskich i niemieckich wydaniach nie zawsze jest tożsamy. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą naświetlenia jednego z frapujących problemów, z jakimi przychodzi się stykać, wychodząc poza granice popularnego dyskursu o „Wenus w futrze” i masochizmie.Pozycja Abd el-Kader o XIX-wiecznej Europie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Gadamska-Serafin, RenataAs a consequence of being an Algerian leader in the struggle of the independence movement and anti-colonial war against France during the 19th century, Emir Abd el-Kader spent 5 years in a French prison. Later he visited Paris and other European cities on other occasions as well. These events in el-Kader’s life were excellent opportunities to become well acquainted with Western civilization. His work: “Call to the Intelligent, Warning to the Indifferent. Philosophical, religious, historical and related considerations” (Paris 1858) can be described not only as a philosophical work but also as a tactful worldview discussion and a well-balanced, though a little covert, critique of the modern civilization and Western Culture. Despite his enthusiasm for Western culture and its intellectual trends of the time, the Arab thinker saw the profound flaws in the modern, Cartesian rationalism. Being a true adherent to the Eastern beliefs of reason and religion as inseparable entities, el-Kader advocated their alliance also in the field of science. He regarded religion and science as complementary domains. He also reproached European scholars for the rejection of tradition as a source of truth, which he perceived as a mistake. During the time of colonial politics, which was based on political and religious confrontation, el-Kader wrote about the essential unity of all religions and a need for consensus between people of all creeds around uniform values. Abd el-Kader’s work remains to this day an interesting testimony of the 19th-century Europe’s reception by a true Eastern thinker coming from the world of Islam.Pozycja Europa miejsc i Europa przestrzeni – o mapie wyobrażonej Starego Kontynentu w twórczości polskich pisarzy doby międzypowstaniowej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Dworak, Anna MartaThe subject of this article is the problem of the imagined geography of the nineteenth century Europe in the Polish writing under the partitions in the period between uprisings. A distinction on the Europe of places and the Europe of spaces is the basic proposition of this paper. The Polish authors focused on the specific places – towns, monuments, museum, souvenirs and nature strangeness when they described the Western. They imagined this part of Europe as the collection of places. The spaces were only the complement of this image. The Eastern and North parts of Europe were described differently. The authors rarer referred to particular places. While writing about Volyn, Podolia or Ukraine the Polish authors depicted rampant and vast steppes. Similarly, they depicted the forest landscapes while they writing about Polesia and Lithuania. They perceived the extreme North as rocky and glacial spaces.Pozycja Zagadki dotyku (i spojrzenia) w „Cnotliwych” Elizy Orzeszkowej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Skorupa, EwaThis article is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of the sense of touch in the early novel “The Virtuous” by Eliza Orzeszkowa. Touch is used in emotional or intentional tones, and in its character is the force of interaction: positive or negative. In the novel “The Virtuous”, touch in a physiognomical context was particularly important, which added diagnostic information about the nature of the literary hero. Due to the satirical content of the work, there was definitely more badness in tangibility that distinguished the small-town elite. Among the many categories of touch are “touch for show”, hidden touch, honourable touch, metaphorically-metaphysical touch, and empathic touch.Pozycja Wyspiański, Schiller, Osterwa – Pillars of Modern Polish Theatre(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Braun, KazimierzSpośród wielu artystów, którzy zakładali fundamenty, a następnie budowali wielki gmach nowoczesnego teatru polskiego, historia wyróżniła trzy wielkie postaci. Stanisław Wyspiański, związany z modernizmem, przez wielu zwany „ojcem nowoczesnego teatru polskiego”, zbudował fundamenty polskiego teatru, tak jak był on rozumiany i praktykowany w XX w. w dziedzinie dramaturgii i inscenizacji. Tworzył sztuki teatralne nierozdzielnie związane z ich projektami scenicznymi. Były to „dzieła sztuki teatru”, w których materia utkana była ze słów i obrazów, z wizyjnej poezji i dosadnego realizmu. Leon Schiller poszedł śladami Wyspiańskiego. Stał się czołowym twórcą Wielkiej Reformy Teatru w Europie. Uprawiał reżyserię jako wyodrębnioną dziedzinę sztuki; stworzył „polski teatr inscenizacji”; zapoczątkował także nauczanie reżyserii jako dziedziny akademickiej. Jego głównym reżyserskim dokonaniem (obok innych widowisk) były inscenizacje polskich dramatów romantycznych, z których mickiewiczowskie „Dziady” (Lwów 1932, Wilno 1933, Warszawa 1934) były szczytowym osiągnięciem polskiego teatru w XX wieku. Juliusz Osterwa, aktor, reżyser, organizator życia teatralnego oraz reformator teatru, stworzył teatr Reduta, modelowe laboratorium nowego aktorstwa. Rozwinął i ugruntował psychologiczny i realistyczny nurt w polskim aktorstwie. Propagował polską dramaturgię współczesną (m.in. prapremiery sztuk Szaniawskiego, Żeromskiego, Rittnera) i poetycki teatr wspólnoty aktorów i widzów („Wyzwolenie” jako dialog Konrada z widzami, misteryjny „Książę niezłomny”, przedstawienia podziemne i projekty z czasu II wojny światowej). Włączył swe prace w specyficznie polską tradycję „teatru służby” – służby narodowi i służby Bogu.Pozycja New Perspectives on Europe from 1914 to 1945(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Carls, Alice-Catherine; Carls, Stephen D.“Europe from War to War, 1914–1945” started as an attempt to document topics left blank in most textbooks dealing with twentieth century Europe. It ended up being a thoroughly researched, comprehensive study of the first half of the century. Its original structure features parallel chapters within each chronological section (1914–1919, 1929–1939, 1939–1945). Each section contains two chapters that deal with international and domestic matters. Chapters are organized topically. In the chapters focusing on international affairs, military and diplomatic issues are considered in their complementarity, and the technological and global dimensions of each conflict are highlighted. In chapters dealing with domestic matters, economic, political, demographic, and social developments are dealt with a systematic fashion. As a result of the consistent coverage of topics, the continuum of history reverberates throughout the book. “Europe from War to War, 1914–1945” highlights topics that are seldom handled in comprehensive studies of the time period, such as: the contributions of the colonies to European powers in both world wars; interwar projects for European unification; the role of Scandinavian, Iberian, and Balkan countries; the role of religion; transnational feminism; the demographics of minorities, emigration and refugees; the impact of both world wars on initiatives such as relief efforts, international labor regulation, and public health. Modernization, a key theme throughout the chapters dealing with domestic developments, is examined through five criteria: political change (democracy, human rights, political participation and liberal measures), demographic change (refugees, resettlements, migrations, and growth), economic progress (industrial modernization, agricultural reforms and labor legislation), social policies (welfare, professional mobility, public health, and women’s advancement), and urban development (urban planning, transportation). A separate chapter deals with cultural developments from 1914 to 1945; it provides an integrating perspective on the period’s momentous changes.Pozycja Lubelscy korespondenci Edwarda Stachury – Maria Bechczyc-Rudnicka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Pachocki, DariuszEdward Stachura spent three years of his life in Lublin. He enrolled at the Catholic University of Lublin in 1957, majoring in French Philology. In 1960 he moved to Warsaw and started coressodnance to Maria Bechczyc-Rudnicka who was a chief editor in local literary newspaper “Kamena”. Stachura published there some of his works. The letters which are stored in Hieronim Łopaciński Public Library in Lublin give us some information about writer’s life which he used to spend “in road” nad his works sent as attachments. We have letters of Stachura but not of Bechczyc-Rudnicka because at the end of his life he decided to burn all letters and photos directed to him. Thats why editors could not collect any dialog of correspondance. The letters have been read from the handwritten manuscripts, typescripts and edited (the language of the letters has not been changed). The letters appear in print for the very first time.Pozycja Listy Zygmunta Mycielskiego do Stanisława Lorentza(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Kowalczykowa, Alina; Stanisz, MarekThe text presents 16 letters written by Zygmunt Mycielski during the period of 1960–1986 and addressed to Stanisław Lorentz . The letters provide a testimony of long-lasting acquaintanceship of the prominent intellectuals. The edition of correspondence materials is preceded with the introduction discussing the circumstances of their mutual contacts.Pozycja Eseistyka Wojciecha Gniatczyńskiego odkrywana (na nowo?). Przyczynek do badań(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Zahaczewska, IzabelaThe article presents the profile of one of the forgotten and underestimated writers of Polish emigration after 1939 – Wojciech Gniatczyński. The intricate history of his life is the story of a man marked by the stigma of war and the traumatic experiences of a concentration camp, and an emigrant with unfulfilled ambitions, who disappeared into the shadows of his more combatived colleagues. Discussed briefly essay writing of Gniatczyński shows him unusual erudition and a writing workshop with great artistic, aesthetic and cognitive qualities. It gives the possibility of various interpretations and urges to multifaceted research, clearly indicating that Wojciech Gniatczyński is worth rediscover today.Pozycja „Bijący talent dramatyczny”? Wokół emigracyjnej recepcji „Towarzysza Października” Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Osiński, JakubThe paper is devoted to the one and only drama of Kazimierz Wierzyński (1894–1969) ‘Comrade October’, written in 1950, and released only in 1992. Its aim is to explain why it was not published immediately after the writing. The author attempts to reconstruct the circumstances of the creation of the work and to effort to publish and exhibit it, as well as to present the state of research. He show the ‘Comrade October’ against the background of emigratory dramaturgy and theater life, which serves to reflect on the political character of the drama and to analyze the reception of his public readings in èmigrè circles (Theatre ‘Pro Arte’ by Olga Żeromska, 1954).Pozycja Pawła Mayewskiego „Tematy”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Adamczyk, KazimierzThe quarterly “Tematy”, edited by Paweł Mayewski, was published in the years 1961–1969. In 32 issues the editors published reprints of essayistic texts from elite American magazines, presenting works in the field of sociology, political science and literary criticism. There were also many translations poems of the greatest contemporary American poets. The eminent professors of American universities, as well as many Polish emigre writers, cooperated with Mayewski. Those appeared mainly in the role of translators. Mayewski’s magazine was part of the ideological offensive against communism and the place of presentation of the complex image of American society in the times of the Black people’s struggle for equality, student rebellion against the establishment, counterculture successes and at the same time the triumph of the consumerist model of society. All these issues as well as disputes among American intellectuals about the place of literature in the modern society found expression in the Mayewski’s quaterly. The sixties were a period of exhaustion of the potential of the New Critics’ school and the search for new ways of interpreting literary works. Also in this dimension, the quarterly addressed to the Polish reader has become a place for the presentation of new ideas.Pozycja Konflikt młodzi – starzy w łonie drugiej emigracji niepodległościowej (na przykładzie środowiska londyńskiego w latach 1949–1966). Część II(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Moczkodan, RafałTransgenerational conflicts, complaints of the representatives of the older generation on the younger one, objections put forward by the latter to the former are phenomena equally common and, one may say, everlasting (even Plato complained about the Athens youth). War emigrants who found their places in the West of Europe right after they finished their active participation in fights, most frequently left their homeland as mature and well-shaped people. They were assumed as the „old” generation. They were accompanied by children and the youth who got their education in the foreign land, started employment, settled families and also took their first steps on the cultural ground. They were assumed as the „young” generation. Taking these names into quotation marks is justified by their large conventionality, their instability and changeability in time. As I will attempt to prove in this text, the line separating the „old” from the :young” did not only refer to their dates of birth and the age line of division did not definitely settle the whole matter. It was so the more that part of the „young” also took active part in fight and after its ending despite the “old’s” expectations did not share their views and convictions. This problem being connected with others such as the relation to the past and history, relations with the homeland, patriotism and relations to Polishness1 is wide and multithread enough that there is no way to present it in its entirety. Thus I am going to focus on its part which seems to me particularly important for understanding socio-mental relations and structures of the second independence emigration. The subject of my reflection will be texts and speeches showing this conflict which appeared in the circle of published in London students’ journals in years 1949-1966 around which the later poets’ group Continents was established. This outlinepresents the chronological order of the conflict, the evolution of the way of thinking of both sides, the most important points of ignition and most visible differences and divisions revealed in this conflict. Due to richness of materials and problems requiring discussion this text has been divided into two parts. The first part comprises years 1949-1954. At that time the conflict emerged and unusually dynamically it developed leading to a clear difference between emigration generations (as it will be shown in the second part of the outline four stages of the conflict can be distinguished in this period). The second part begins with presenting the events of 1955 when the definite division between the „old” and the „young” happened. It is mainly about the November events in Manchester which can be viewed as the climax of the conflict and which initiatedits fall. Discussing it along with the division into two phases (the fifth and sixth) endswith a summary and conclusions concerning the course of the conflict.Pozycja Wileńskie pismo „Comoedia” – jeszcze jedno ogniwo awangardy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Szawerna-Dyrszka, AnnaThe article describes the Vilniusian paper dedicated to art and culture called “Comoedia”. Until now, this monthly magazine has been described as a theatrical paper between 1938-1939. The author of the paper justifies the argument, that the periodical being the last published initiative of “Walking Wolf”, is an unnoticed “missing link” so far- considering the chain of the Polish interwar avant-garde in literature.Pozycja Rola cytatu i krótkiej formy literackiej w procesie popularyzowania literatury za pomocą social mediów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Wiecheć, Karolina; Tenderowicz, JowitaThe article concerns the roles played by quotations and short literary forms in the process of popularizing literature through social media. Its main purpose is to review the most popular websites in Poland and the phenomena related to the subject in the title. The research methods used in the publication are qualitative methods, mainly: critical analysis of text, image and one of the newest methods: autoethnography. The qualitative assessment of this issue is complemented by the quantitative data of the social media, including the number of recipients of the pages, the coverage of the posts and the information provided. The article discusses the history of literature, the origins of literature on the Internet, Explains the issues of social media, and carefully analyzes selected cases of popularizing literary forms on the Internet.