Tematy i Konteksty 8(13) 2018
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Pozycja Literatura polska 1918–2018. Narracje, dyskursy, dzieła(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Pasterska, Jolanta; Uliasz, StanisławThe year when the eighth number of “Themes and Contexts” is published, is unique because we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the restoration of Poland’s sovereignty. It is also an opportunity to look at the contractual century of the “new” Polish literature. In this context of “duration and changeability”, it is important to discuss the work of outstanding poets and writers of the last century, as well as interpretations of important works. This is a convenient time both for reappraisals and for new interpretations seen from a variable, literary perspective. Thinking about Polish literature in 1918-2018, we had in mind the attempts to establish the hierarchy of the most important literary phenomena in the context of political, constitutional and transformational changes. These issues are discussed in the first group of texts entitled Synthesis and reappraisals. Another group of problems connected with the subject of (Post)modern reading introduces the circle of detailed considerations. The research of Polish literature of the last century is conducted by the authors in two ways. In the first one, the researchers adopted a comparative perspective and analyzed new works compiled with works from the interwar period. The second variant is dominated by the synchronous perspective, in which the authors’ attention is focused on the originality of the latest works and contemporary methodologies of studying a literary work and “modern” contexts (social-media, pop-culture, hypertext, blogosphere, etc.). The study of contemporary literature in the context of the works of the past century has resulted in interesting literary and cultural findings. This section, titled Views, is a voice of researchers asking for the restoration of forgotten literary writings, artists (Gniatczyński), single works. The articles collected in the volume authorize the conclusion that these conventional chronological frames cover many literary phenomena, as well as the names of writers who created and create an image of Polish literature of the last century.Pozycja Problem Kresów w literaturze polskiej lat 1918–2018. Znaczące perspektywy interpretacyjne(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Uliasz, StanisławThe paper offers a comprehensive, synthetic account of the Polish Eastern Borderland discourse on the subject over the course of the last century. It analyzes the ways in which the understanding of the notion of Kresy and “borderland”, as well as the strategies of presenting the term have been changing, including the attempts to replace this category with other terms. Furthermore, the paper characterizes the dynamics concerning the transformations of situational contexts which emerged in the period of the Second Polish Republic, developed in the times of World War II, after 1945 (in the country and abroad), and continue from the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century to our present. Significant interpretative perspectives include, among others, the trend of literary schools, the legend and myth of Polish Eastern Borderland, the notion of the borderline of cultures, small homelands, and methodological phrases and breakthroughs (spatial turn, geopoetics, postcolonial criticism).Pozycja “Unprocessed” Holocaust(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Frajlich, AnnaArtykuł jest ustosunkowaniem się do stanowiska niektórych specjalistów od tematyki żydowskiej, że każdy pisarz pochodzenia żydowskiego ma obowiązek pisać o Zagładzie niezależnie, czy doświadczył tej potwornej rzeczywistości, czy też – jak w moim przypadku – los go od niej uchronił. Chociaż wiedziałam, że znaczna część mojej rodziny, której nie dane było mi poznać, zginęła podczas Zagłady, pisanie o czymś, czego nie doświadczyłam, uważałabym za pozerstwo/pozę. Szczególnie wobec literatury tworzonej przez autentycznych ocaleńców. Pamiętam ostrzeżenie Zofii Nałkowskiej, która nie uznawała fikcji na temat Holokaustu. I przecież znane są wypadki takiej właśnie nieautentycznej literatury z przeszłości. Można zapewne zrozumieć, że ci, którzy doświadczyli Zagłady, mogą posłużyć się doświadczeniami w prozie fikcyjnej. Nie tak dawno natknęłam się na dwa teksty, w których zostałam oskarżona o „nieprzepracowanie” Holokaustu w moich wierszach. Takie podejście jest dla mnie niczym innym niż odwrotną stronę rasizmu. Niektórzy specjaliści od tematów żydowskich żywią przekonanie, że Żydzi powinni pisać tylko o Żydach, Zagładzie i znowu… o Żydach. Dla mnie osobiście jedną z ważniejszych lekcji o Holokauście była twórczość Henryka Grynberga, który przeżył tę traumę. Lektura ta stała się dla mnie lekcją empatii, wiele jego utworów analizowałam, recenzowałam, ale nigdy nie pretendowałabym, że coś podobnego przeżyłam. A skoro nie przeżyłam, nie mogłabym tego „przepracowywać”. Moją autentyczną traumą było wygnanie. I dopiero ta faza mojego życia spowodowała „przepracowanie” w pewnym sensie „nieprzepracowanej” rzeczywistości. Dopiero wtedy zrozumiałam, że całe powojenne życie moich rodziców było swoistym wygnaniem, zrozumiałam ich poczucie utraty i tęsknotę za Lwowem. W 1991 roku, zwiedzając Salę Dziecięcą w Muzeum Holokaustu w Jerozolimie i słysząc powtarzane imiona milionów dzieci zamordowanych podczas wojny, byłam w stanie przeżyć autentyczną żałobę po moich nieznanych mi kuzynach. I to zdołałam przepracować.Pozycja Ludzie i miasto w prozie dwudziestolecia międzywojennego z perspektywy współczesnej lektury (na przykładzie utworów Tadeusza Rittnera, Mieczysława Smolarskiego i Brunona Jasieńskiego)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Wikarska, EmiliaThe article is an attempt to answer the question if are the pictures of the cities presented in the novels: “Palę Paryż” by Bruno Jasieński, “Miasto Światłości” by Mieczysław Smolarski and “Między nocą a brzaskiem” and “Duchy w mieście” by Tadeusz Rittner current. Selected issues from the sociology of the city have been used in this thesis. Relevant examples from the novels along with specific quotes are associated to particular aspects of the urbanization and determinants of the “urban lifestyle”. Attention is directed to the fragments which can be referred to present day to confront them with the latest phenomena and to show if are these novels in some way current or not.Pozycja Melancholia i mitologia. „Noce i dnie” a pokusy słabości(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Chyła, KarolinaThe author analyzes tropes and techniques used in Maria Dąbrowska’s „Noce i dnie” both to describe and to simultaneously reject peculiarities of the melancholic identity. She also claims that, despite of abhorrence which such extreme ontological fragility seems to provoke in Dąbrowska’s world, novel as a whole manages to open itself discretely and sensitively to the several aspects of variously understood liquidity, weak subjectiviti and incomplete presence.Pozycja „Nie wiedziałem wtedy...” O dwóch wierszach autotematycznych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Pasterski, JanuszThe author discusses the autothematic motifs in the poems „Sitowie” of Julian Tuwim and „Przeciwne wiatry” of Tomasz Różycki. The author analyses both poems and compares the transformations of the autothematic motifs, emphasizing the connections with literary tradition and the dialogue of artistic poets’ attitudes. In both litterary works the key problem is the relation between words and things.Pozycja Kabzanie Vincenza(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Pełczyński, GrzegorzStanisław Vincenz (1888–1971) is famous Polish writer. His bigges twork is novel „Na wysokiej połoninie”. It is about different cultures onsouth-east old Poland. There were different ethnic groups on this land.Article says about Armenians in Vincenz’s work.Pozycja Kalejdoskop: Poezja Krzysztofa Siwczyka jako przykład ewolucji zmiany poetyckiej na przełomie XX I XXI wieku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Walczak-Delanois, DorotaThe article is an attempt to synthesize the evolution of Polish poetry after 1990. This symbolic date, associated with the official end of censorship and the symbolic beginning of the new time in Poland and last decade in the twentieth century, has been chosen as a border date. The author is interested in the process of creation and its mechanisms of describing the world in the work of Krzysztof Siwczyk. This poetry is important because it synthesizes the individual and collective experience and reflects the present.Pozycja „Strasznie żywa jest ta śmierć” – o „Wierszach dośmiertnych” Zofii Zarębianki(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Jakubowska-Ożóg, Alicja„Pre-death poems / Wiersze dośmiertne” are the poet’s personal confessions, but also an attempt to tackle the topic of death experienced through the passing of relatives and friends. The crucial issues while encountering the problem of death are considerations on time and places that are, have been and will be important for a human being. The author, similarly to her earlier collections of poems, convinces the readers that every human action is imbued with meaning, sense as we are all searching for and incessantly trying to establish the aim of our activities. What is essential is that for the heroine who is a believer, death is not the end but it is the stage leading to salvation. The poet as an outstanding specialist in literary studies employs in those poems well-known motifs, uses paradox, contrast, she combines a naïve nursery rhyme with metaphysical dread, nevertheless, in all of those parts she remains authentic.Pozycja Choroba twórcy jako źródło pamięci i zapomnienia. Na wybranych przykładach(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Darska, BernadettaIn the article “A Creator’s Illness as a Source of Memory and Forgetting: Selected Examples” I examine autobiographical works in which writers reveal their illnesses. I am interested not so much in the description of the given ailment, but rather in the embroilment resulting from being ill and from the persistent conflict between memory and forgetting. Becoming aware of the illness turns out to be a critical point, forcing the writers to re-evaluate their own lives. Consequently, memory and forgetting assume a new status. I also attempt to juxtapose the universal nature of being ill and the intimacy of this experience; I point out the similarities and differences involved in dealing with illnesses, whose common denominator seems to be the necessity of confronting the limits of memory and the expansiveness of forgetting.Pozycja „Ja, Ahaswer”. Motyw tułaczki, podróży, pielgrzymowania w trylogii Piotra Bednarskiego „Błękitne śniegi i inne rejsy po złote runo”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Wal, AnnaThis article focuses on the topos of Ahaswer (The Wandering Jew) in Piotr Bednarski’s trilogy „Błękitne śniegi i inne rejsy po złote runo”. The creation of the main character of the series is analysed in the light of the author using the already established scenario provided by culture in the form of a legend of Ahaswer. Bednarski chooses the figure of the Wandering Jew as the one which most aptly reflects the life situation of the protagonist-narrator of the trilogy. The author emphasises chiefly two aspects of the meaning of the discussed motif in culture. The character of Ashwer is used as synonymous to Jewishness and as a universal representation of the lot of a wanderer.Pozycja Melancholicy nad Wisłą(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Piechota, DariuszThe theme of melancholy in the Polish prose of the 21st century is still valid and directly related to the issue of identity and maturity of protagonists. People who suffer from depression exist in a world in which “ all that is solid, melts into the air”. This feeling complicates their existence because they often cannot describe their own identity (both individual and collective). The modern homo melancholicus often treats his or her own life as someone else’s project, which intensifies the experience of incoherent self-image and sense of alienation. In the latest realistic prose, reflections on passing away appear in thirty-year-old protagonists who lose the illusion of a quick career which would give them (apparently) happiness. Recalling the past, rooted in communist Poland, turns out to be a type of autotherapy. Melancholics see their lives as scattered, deformed, similar to the puzzles that should be put together again. The ongoing depersonalization and identity problems make that the heroes wander around the labyrinth, looking for a way out of it. The experience of melancholy proves to be the experience of transgression in which a person can find himself by accepting the complexity of the world.Pozycja Obrazy miasta w „Pozwól rzece płynąć” Michała Cichego. Prolegomena(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Maroszczuk, GrażynaMichał Cichy is the author of two books “Always is today and Let the river flow”. The subject of literary reflection of the writer is modern, transient, heterotopic city. Sketch of Grażyna Maroszczuk presents reflections on the literary updating of the city in the metaphor of the “walking book” of peripatetic, observer and resident of Warsaw’s old district of Ochota.Pozycja Wybrana. O powieści Ewy Stachniak „Bogini tańca”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Zatorska, MatyldaThe article is review on the latest book by Ewa Stachniak, “The Chosen Maiden”. It is a fictionalised biography belonging to more and more popular feminocentric trend of the contemporary historical fiction. Stachniak based on the life of ballet dancer-choreographer Bronislawa Nijinska, sister of Vaslav Nijinsky. Having done much research, she convincingly articulates what she imagines to be the workings of Bronia’s mind, her passion and conviction as an artist, and her ability to endure privates tragedies.Pozycja Pogranicze polsko-niemieckie w powieści „Tunel” Magdaleny Parys w perspektywie poetyki intersubiektywnej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Trygar, BarbaraA borderland is a special place, in which he is seeking the multilateral inspection “I” and surrounding “I” reality, perceptions other as similar to oneself, and at the same time autonomous in one’s individuality. In the article I am reading the novel out Tunnel of Magdalena Parys in the prospect of intersubjective poetics. An intersubjectivity is an awareness of directing at being in the human environment, in which the agreement is playing a great role social-cultural. In analysis I am paying attention particularly to the narration in the novel Tunnel narration, emphasizing the cognitive dimension which is rooted in human mental abilities for her. Our awareness is functioning under the procedure for permanent directing at the participation other - perceived presence with senses, secondarily encoded in language, conditioning our social behaviour and communications practice. The project of the tunnel is stopping being a decoration, and is becoming a process of penetrating into the concealed ability to understanding any created space by the man and understanding oneself.Pozycja Na tropie polskiego thrillera medycznego w powieściach początku XX wieku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Trześniewska, AgnieszkaA Polish medical thriller is a response to the American prototype. It seems that the native authors are trying to work out new determinants of the species, which will stand up to Polish reality. However, writers do not overlook topics that are important from a medical thriller point of view, such as the moral choices of doctors, the uncontrolled progress of science and technology. The new species on Polish soil did not manage to be protected by literary themes taken from American medical thrillers. Polish medical thrillers are forms of hybrids. Writers scooping out elements of the crime, psychological novels, teenage novels, or folklore literature are woven into the American medical thriller convention. Not all the novels discussed here can be called medical thrillers. Doktor śmierć of Jacek Caba appears closest to the American prototype. The writer, like American medical thriller authors, is a doctor and more credible in his narrative, based on his knowledge and experience.Pozycja Stuletnia weird fiction z Providence we współczesnej Polsce. Recepcja translatorska i konwencje przekładowe w tłumaczeniach prozy Howarda Phillipsa Lovecrafta na przykładzie polskich wersji opowiadania „Dagon”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Luboń, ArkadiuszThe article discusses the most common among Polish translators of the weird fiction by Howard Phillips Lovecraft conventional models and translation techniques. The proposed classification of such models, aimed at either „popularization”, „stereotypization” or „revision” of Lovecraft’s short stories, presents the impact of extra-textual factors (vision of the writer, target group of readers, cultural and political influences) on content, language and style of translated works by the American author. The comparative analysis provided takes into consideration one of the early short stories by Lovecraft, “Dagon” (written in 1917, published: 1919), and its Polish versions by Arnold Mostowicz (1973), Robert Lipski (1994) and Maciej Płaza (2012).Pozycja Selected Problems in Translation of Culture-bound Elements in Marek Hłasko’s “Beautiful Twentysomethings”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Kołodziejczyk, EwaArtykuł analizuje tłumaczenie wybranych elementów kulturowych w „Pięknych dwudziestoletnich” Marka Hłaski w odwołaniu do teorii Olgierda Wojtasiewicza, Krzysztofa Hejwowskiego i Petera Newmarka. Składa się z czterech części, w których, kolejno, omówione zostały przekłady elementów kulturowych związanych z rzeczywistością komunizmu w Polsce, aluzji kulturowych i literackich oraz pochodzące od tłumacza poprawki wyrażeń anglojęzycznych w utworze. Na końcu sformułowane zostały syntetyczne wnioski z analiz.Pozycja Łowcy odsłon. O blogosferze literackiej słów kilka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Nęcka, AgnieszkaIt’s a paradox that we trust more and more hundreds of anonymous people than people we know and who know our taste. In addition, the number of stars and the scoring of different products is more important than the opinion of a specialist. The author tries to investigate the relationship between “professional” literary criticism and “amateur” blogs on literature. With the advent of e-literature the question on the condition of literary criticism should be reformulated. The author examines the sources of change, takes into account the specificity of writing literary blogs, the relationship between bloggers and publishing market.Pozycja Rola cytatu i krótkiej formy literackiej w procesie popularyzowania literatury za pomocą social mediów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Wiecheć, Karolina; Tenderowicz, JowitaThe article concerns the roles played by quotations and short literary forms in the process of popularizing literature through social media. Its main purpose is to review the most popular websites in Poland and the phenomena related to the subject in the title. The research methods used in the publication are qualitative methods, mainly: critical analysis of text, image and one of the newest methods: autoethnography. The qualitative assessment of this issue is complemented by the quantitative data of the social media, including the number of recipients of the pages, the coverage of the posts and the information provided. The article discusses the history of literature, the origins of literature on the Internet, Explains the issues of social media, and carefully analyzes selected cases of popularizing literary forms on the Internet.