Tematy i Konteksty
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"Tematy i Konteksty" to czasopismo o nowym tytule, ale długiej tradycji. Stanowi kontynuację periodyku "Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Historia Literatury" (wcześniej Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Rzeszowie), na którego łamach ukazywały się prace historycznoliterackie przedstawicieli rzeszowskiego środowiska polonistycznego. Po latach funkcjonowania jako środowiskowy periodyk naukowy "Zeszyty Naukowe UR. Seria Filologiczna. Historia Literatury" zmieniają tytuł, a także znacznie rozszerzają swoją formułę tematyczną. Zamierzamy tworzyć pismo naukowe o charakterze ogólnopolskim i międzynarodowym, które będzie podejmowało najważniejsze tematy wiedzy o literaturze oraz uczestniczyło w kluczowych debatach współczesnej humanistyki. W centrum zainteresowania pozostawiamy jednak dzieło literackie: jego topikę oraz poetykę, jego uwikłanie w różnorodne konteksty oraz wielorakie zależności instytucjonalne. Chcemy badać te zagadnienia przy użyciu różnorodnych metodologii i ukazywać je przez pryzmat odmiennych wrażliwości. Te właśnie zamierzenia staraliśmy się wpisać w nowy tytuł pisma: "Tematy i Konteksty".
Proponowana przez nas formuła obejmuje zarówno historię, jak i teorię (a raczej teorie) oraz antropologię literatury, jednym słowem - szeroko pojęte literaturoznawstwo. Pragniemy też na bieżąco śledzić naukowe nowości wydawnicze oraz dokumentować ważne inicjatywy polonistyczne w kraju i za granicą. Pozostajemy wierni akademickiej formule pisma, choć zamierzamy dbać o to, by sięgali po nie badacze różnych pokoleń i odmiennych specjalności naukowych, a obok nich - nieprofesjonalni entuzjaści literatury. Poszczególne numery "Tematów i Kontekstów" będą miały charakter monograficzny, a do ich współtworzenia zapraszamy literaturoznawców, przedstawicieli innych dziedzin humanistyki oraz pisarzy i krytyków literackich. Dla ułatwienia kontaktu będziemy ogłaszać zapowiedzi tematów najbliższych numerów na stronie internetowej.
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- PozycjaA Creator’s Illness as a Source of Memory and Forgetting: Selected Examples(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Darska, BernadettaIn the present article I examine autobiographical works in which writers reveal their illnesses. I am interested not so much in the description of a given ailment, but rather in the embroilment resulting from being ill and from the persistent conflict between memory and forgetting. Becoming aware of the illness turns out to be a critical point, forcing the writers to re-evaluate their own lives. Consequently, memory and forgetting assume a new status. I also attempt to juxtapose the universal nature of being ill and the intimacy of this experience; I point out the similarities and differences involved in dealing with illnesses, the common denominator of which seems to be the necessity of confronting the limits of memory and the expansiveness of forgetting.
- PozycjaAbd el-Kader o XIX-wiecznej Europie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Gadamska-Serafin, RenataAs a consequence of being an Algerian leader in the struggle of the independence movement and anti-colonial war against France during the 19th century, Emir Abd el-Kader spent 5 years in a French prison. Later he visited Paris and other European cities on other occasions as well. These events in el-Kader’s life were excellent opportunities to become well acquainted with Western civilization. His work: “Call to the Intelligent, Warning to the Indifferent. Philosophical, religious, historical and related considerations” (Paris 1858) can be described not only as a philosophical work but also as a tactful worldview discussion and a well-balanced, though a little covert, critique of the modern civilization and Western Culture. Despite his enthusiasm for Western culture and its intellectual trends of the time, the Arab thinker saw the profound flaws in the modern, Cartesian rationalism. Being a true adherent to the Eastern beliefs of reason and religion as inseparable entities, el-Kader advocated their alliance also in the field of science. He regarded religion and science as complementary domains. He also reproached European scholars for the rejection of tradition as a source of truth, which he perceived as a mistake. During the time of colonial politics, which was based on political and religious confrontation, el-Kader wrote about the essential unity of all religions and a need for consensus between people of all creeds around uniform values. Abd el-Kader’s work remains to this day an interesting testimony of the 19th-century Europe’s reception by a true Eastern thinker coming from the world of Islam.
- PozycjaAccess Paths: On Popular Women’s Literature and Criticism(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Nowacki, DariuszReferring to critical statements that have appeared during the last few years, the author discusses ways of commenting on popular literature penned by female authors. One may distinguish five types of comments, 1) Appropriation (Aneksja), employed when a popular novel is included in the socially important literature referring to pressing and alarming problems (e.g. domestic violence). 2) Playing with convention (Gra z konwencją), based on pinpointing both grotesque and ironic elements and, above all, metaliterary signals in popular novels. 3) Adherence to tradition (Zgodnie z tradycją), best represented in the secondary literature, either through a poetologic approach (structural analyses) or approaches inspired by feminist criticism. 4) Exhortation to pay close attention (Dobrze się wschłuchać), focused on the approaches suggested by other fields, e.g. how popular women’s literature is read by sociologists. 5) Focus on emotions and excess (Emocje i zbytek), based on emotional and therapeutic research on the perception styles of popular literature. In this case, one focuses not on popular women’s fiction, but on the way it influences the readers’ emotions.
- PozycjaAmazonka, malarka, zakonnica. O Celinie Michałowskiej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Kulesza, MonikaThe paper focuses on the life story of Celina Michałowska, daughter of the famous painter Piotr Michałowski. In 1868 she entered the Convent of Sisters of Immaculate Conception, whose cofounder, Sister Marcelina Darowska, had chosen Jazłowiec in Podolia as its principal seat. Celina, having adopted the name of Maria Celina of the Holy Trinity, spent half a century in Ukraine, serving the convent with her artistic talent. She developed the painting skills in her pupils, taught aetshetics as well as English, worked on translations and developed her own painting talent. In the convent workshop she painted pictures which later adorned other houses of the convent, chapels, churches and Uniate churches in Podolia. The present paper is aimed to shed a new light on the person of Celina Michałowska with the use of her unpublished correspondence with Blessed Marcelina Darowska.
- PozycjaAnaliza genologiczna podcastu kryminalnego na wybranych przykładach(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Dul, BeataThis article studies in detail two examples of the so-called ‘true-crime podcasts’, following the genological analysis scheme introduced by Maria Wojtak in her “Introduction to Genology”. It addresses not only their textual aspect, but also the audial part. In a broader perspective, this article attempts a systematic investigation of the ‘podcast’ in the genological context (as a relatively new and still dynamically evolving notion, it lacks a genre template) and its correlations within the mediasphere.
- PozycjaAnatomia epidemii. Intelektualna walka Grzegorza Piramowicza z zarazą ospy prawdziwej w kontekście wypowiedzi Woltera i Tissota(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Pawlata, MałgorzataThe subject of the article is the attempt to spread vaccinations against smallpox undertaken by the circle of intellectuals gathered around king Stanislav August Poniatowski. There are two aspects described in the article. Educating the society by publishing effects of work conducted by doctors in Western Europe based on observations of medicine in the Far and Middle East. The second aspect is popularizing healthy behaviours amongst the readers of magazines and newspapers in the Stanislaw August Poniatowaski Era namely encouragement to vaccinate. The article is concentrated on the analysis of writings by Grzegorz Piramowicz published in “Zabawy Przyjemne i Pożyteczne” (Pleasant and Useful Games)” inspired by the Voltaire’s letter “On smallpox vaccinating”.
- Pozycja“And therefore we Must Seek Dialogue in this Networked World”: A Meeting of Postcolonialism and Posthumanism in “Coloniality, Ontology, and the Question of the Posthuman” (ed. Mark Jackson). A Review(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Austin, Patrycja“Coloniality, Ontology, and the Question of the Posthuman” (2018) is a part of the “Routledge Research in New Postcolonialisms” series. The essays in this volume, edited and introduced by Mark Jackson, all answer the question of whether and how postcolonialism and posthumanism meet and inform one another in their response to contemporary debates around the Anthropocene, refugee crisis, environmental collapse or indigenous worldviews.
- PozycjaAnna Libera „Krakowianka”. Narodowość i regionalizm(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Gracz-Chmura, EdytaAnna Libera (1805-1886) is one of the most unique figures of romantic Cracow. She conformed her life to two passions – literature and social activity. She wrote epic works and dramas but she was mainly recognized thanks to poetry inspired by Cracow history and local folklore. The most popular pieces in her output, the so-called ‘krakowiaki’, meaning songs stylized to be like folk songs, refer to romantic nationality and regionalism. In public Libera also realized herself as the first suffragist in Cracow. She put forward her postulates in numerous speeches, appeals and essays, in which she demanded improvement in the lives of women. The majority of Libera’s works have not yet been published and are still in the form of handwritten manuscripts in the Cracow Czartoryski Library.
- Pozycja„Annehmen. Akzeptieren. Damit leben. Nicht vergessen. Sich erinnern.“ Subversive Erinnerungsverschiebungen der Post-Shoah-Generation in Mirna Funks Roman "Winternähe“ (2015)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Rutka, AnnaThe debut novel „Winternähe” by the young German-Jewish author Mirna Funk is a paradigmatic illustration of the post Shoah literature of the third, the grandchildren generation. The novel expounds on against background of the death of Shoah-survivors, the new ways of dealing with the family past and transnational Shoah memory in a complex relation to the globality and mobility as current conditions of the modern life. Funk’s novel also expounds on the subversive strategies, which are inherent in modern virtual communication media like Facebook or Instagram.
- PozycjaAnons kolejnego numeru „Tematów i Kontekstów” – Staropolskie i oświeceniowe piśmiennictwo religijne. Swojskość i uniwersalizm(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Trościński, GrzegorzIn 2014 was published a volume of „Themes and Contexts” dedicated Old-Polish and 18th Century Religious Literature. In the sixth issue of our journal we would like to continue that topic. We are interested in exploring, analyzing and describing the phenomena of homeliness and universality in a former religious literature.
- PozycjaArchiwum polonisty: niefotogeniczne bogactwo(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Stanisz, Marek; Ożóg, ZenonEdytorstwo i tekstologia dzieł literackich to dziedziny o ambiwalentnym statusie. Z jednej strony szereg tendencji obecnych we współczesnym życiu naukowym zdaje się obniżać ich prestiż (wystarczy wspomnieć o wymogach szybkiego awansu zawodowego czy też o powszechnie akceptowanej regule pluralizmu interpretacyjnego). Z drugiej strony stale realizowane są fundamentalne projekty edytorskie, rośnie też popularność polonistycznych studiów o tej specjalności oraz zapotrzebowanie rynku pracy na fachowców w tej dziedzinie. Najnowszy numer „Tematów i Kontekstów” poświęcony został właśnie edytorstwu i tekstologii, a także pracom dokumentującym polskie życie literackie w kraju i poza jego granicami. W intencji redaktorów ma to być zaproszenie do refleksji nad stanem polskiego edytorstwa oraz wyzwaniami przed nim stojącymi.
- Pozycja„Asystował wybuchowi cholery” Autor i recenzenci o książce Lucjana Wolanowskiego „Klejnot Korony. Reporter w Hongkongu w czasach zarazy”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Rott, DariuszLucjan Wolanowski (1920–2006) was an outstanding journalist, writer and traveler. Today, he is a forgotten author. In 1963, he published a short book titled “The Crown Jewel. Reporter in Hong-Kong in tmes of cholera”. Written during the epidemic of cholera in Hong-Kong where was staying, the book was a success and was translated into many foreign languages. It is a factual report on illnesses and suffering of Hong-Kong residents. The author combined his passion to explore, travel experience and observation skills with his great storytelling abilities and appreciation for details. His book inspired the modern trend of reports on tropical diseases in the Polish literature.
- Pozycja„Auch wir sind das Volk“1. Zu Einwanderung und Ankommen in essayistischen Texten der jungen postmigrantischen Generation in Deutschland(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Rutka, AnnaThe paper provides an analysis of three essayistic works of the young post-immigrant generation representatives: Lena Gorelik, Jagoda Marinić and Maxi Obexer. The significant affinity of the essayistic texts consists in the intercultural and self-reflexive perspective of the authors who expound issues related to traditional classifications and terms of culture alterity and diversity. The essays put issues of the language, designation and acceptance within the context of the current migration movements in the focus of attention. For the three authors who are established in the interculturality it is of great importance to present and reflect upon the contingency of discourses which are attributed to the essentialism culture concepts, and also to question and update the inherited terminology of the current integration discourse.
- PozycjaBede the Venerable in Polish Religious Prose of the 16th –18th Centuries(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Puchalska-Dąbrowska, Bernadetta M.The aim of the article is to introduce Bede the Venerable as a role model present in Polish religious prose of the 16th–18th centuries. The sources under discussion are mainly collections of the lives of saints. The profile of Bede, shown as a perfect Benedictine monk, scholar and priest, is inspired by the earliest biographical Anglo-Saxon sources (e.g. Bede’s autobiography and Cuthbert’s letter concerning his death). Polish hagiography, following the directions of the Trent Council, aims at emphasising Bede’s qualities required from the clergy at that time – in-depth spiritual life, thorough knowledge, respect towards authorities, and teaching skills.
- PozycjaBerlin – soczewka współczesnej Europy. Uwagi na marginesie książki Ewy Wanat „Deutsche nasz. Reportaże berlińskie”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Sukiennik, MagdalenaBerlin and the city’s inhabitants are the characters of Wanat’s reportage. The book is a collection of talks and evidence record of meetings with particular people. Every Berliner has their own story. While presenting the stories, the author spotlights the complexity of the city. The capital city, like any other metropolis, is a medley of various cultures and behaviours. The city reflects the borderline of the features which both unite and divide the society and endanger their peaceful coexistence. The border areas are particularly exposed to conflicts. For onlookers, Berlin seems to be a coherent mosaic. However, it is drastically divided. This incoherence is shown in varied characters of the districts, it is reflected in language, too. Resentments, stereotypes and generalisations add to this discrepancy. A peaceful coexistence in such a cosmopolitan hybrid city requires building an agora and bridges. They create the background to begin a dialogue. Liberal democracy helps to introduce socio-cultural structures, as well as mental patterns of perception. This prevents antagonisms in society. A lesson of tolerance averts hostility and others are not treated as if they were strangers. Learning an appropriate attitude towards the dissimilar takes a long time, and the challenge must be repeatedly undertaken if society is to remain united. Analysing such a big city as Berlin, Ewa Wanat illustrates complex problems of contemporary Europe.
- PozycjaBetween Nature and Civilization(s): American Wilderness as a Eurocentric Cultural Construct in Tony Morrison’s "A Mercy"(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Vysotska, NataliaThe paper sets out to explore the ways the traditional Western opposition “nature vs. civilization” is reworked in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy. The first aspect addressed in the paper is the author’s recasting of the original Puritan myth of America as New Eden by demonstrating the historical impossibility of human-nature and human-human harmony on the “new” continent. This is achieved through presenting Jacob Vaark’s New England farm as a metaphor of Eden/enclosed garden transmogrifying from Utopian to Dystopian mode of functioning in the text, with apparent ecofeminist overtones.The second issue dealt with is “wilderness” as one of the basic concepts underlying American Puritan world picture. The paper argues that in the novel “wilderness” as an inherent characteristic of England’s transatlantic territorial expanses, including both their physical and human resources, loses its essentialism and is unmasked as a Eurocentric cultural construct. In addition, the novel extends the notion of “civilization” beyond its Eurocentric boundaries featuring two non-European civilizations – Native American and African – as suggesting alternative (and much more positive) models of “nature-civilization” relationship.
- PozycjaBetween Silence and Speaking: the Representation of National Identity in Oksana Zabuzhko’s Poetry(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Borysiuk, IrynaThe article is focused on the problems of national identity, self-representation, and memory re-articulation in Oksana Zabuzhko’s poetry. Language, speaking, and word as well as silence are conceptualized as key concepts in verse by the 1980s generation of Ukrainian poets to whom Oksana Zabuzhko belongs. Speaking and silence in 1980s poetry can be treated not only as concepts or metaphors but also as a literary strategy or even as the form of resistance in the late Soviet era. The article is structured as the gradation of motives from speaking to silence in Zabuzhko’s poetry. The analyses includes the following subthemes: non-verbal language represented by sounds, gestures, and poses, verbal language as existing between sacrum and profanum, speechlessness, and silence.
- PozycjaBez znieczulenia. O trudnych relacjach rodzinnych. Kaja Malanowska Patrz na mnie, Klaro(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Maroszczuk, GrażynaContemporary prose frequently deals with ‘family martyrdom’. The heroines of Kaja Malanowska’s 'Patrz na mnie, Klaro' obsessively return to their difficult family past. Inherited strain turns into other idiosyncrasies. Grażyna Maroszczuk’s sketch entitled ‘Without anaesthesia. On difficult family relations. Kaja Malanowka Patrz na mnie Klaro’ focuses on the analysis of women’s entanglements that are still alive, though acquired in the past. Experiences from childhood become the matrix for reading the world in adulthood. On the other hand – according to Stephen M. Johnson’s 'Humanizing the Narcissistic Style' – one may say that we fail to dispose of the behaviours that are an integral part of our culture, which is contrary to life and which puts achievements above pleasure, status above love and appearances above reality. It puts the heroines of the above-mentioned novels in an oppressive situation in which a contemporary woman is forced to reconcile a career and intellectual ambitions with family life.
- Pozycja"Bezoar z łez ludzkich czasu powietrza morowego" Walentego Bartoszewskiego jako przykład "recepty dusznej i cielesnej” na czas zarazy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Pasek, MonikaThe article constitutes an attempt to interpret a little known collection of poems by the Jesuit priest from Vilnius, whose publication was both the reaction to the outbreak of plague in Vilnius between 1629–1632 and the testimony of increased religiousness in the face of the epidemic. The author presents Walenty Bartoszewski and his poetic oeuvre. She briefly describes the social background of those events. Moreover, she characterizes other texts from the 16th –18th centuries that deal with the topic of the epidemic. They include: sermons, secular works, religious songs and prayer works. The core of the article constitutes the interpretation of the collection by Bartoszewski in the context of the most important elements of the volume "Bezoar z łez ludzkich…" [”The Bezoar of Human Tears in the Time of the Plague”], which are as follows: the indication of religiousness at the beginning of the 18th century, the realities of the epidemic in a lyrical work, the vision of God and Christ, protection of the faithful against the bubonic plague, and the intercession of Mother of God.
- Pozycja“Bezoar z łez ludzkich czasu powietrza morowego” by Walenty Bartoszewski as an Example of “A Prescription for the Soul and the Body” at the Time of the Plague(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kardasz, MonikaThe article is an attempt to interpret a hardly known collection of poems by Walenty Bartoszewski, a Jesuit in Vilnius, published in reaction to the outbreak of the plague in Vilnius in the years 1629–1632, which constitutes the testimony of increased religiousness in the face of an epidemic. In the article, the author of the collection is presented, as well as his poetic oeuvre. Also, a brief description of the social background of those events is given. Then, other texts from the 16th–18th centuries, concerned with the topic of the epidemic are characterized. They include sermons, secular works, religious songs and prayers. The main part of the article is devoted to the interpretation of the collection by Bartoszewski in the context of the most important aspects of the volume „Bezoar z łez ludzkich czasu powietrza morowego” [Bezoar of Human Tears Shed at the Time of the Plague], which include: the manifestation of religiousness at the beginning of the 18th century, the realities of the epidemic depicted in lyrics, the vision of God and Christ, ways of protecting the faithful against the plague, and the intercession of the Mother of God.