Tematy i Konteksty
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"Tematy i Konteksty" to czasopismo o nowym tytule, ale długiej tradycji. Stanowi kontynuację periodyku "Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Historia Literatury" (wcześniej Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Rzeszowie), na którego łamach ukazywały się prace historycznoliterackie przedstawicieli rzeszowskiego środowiska polonistycznego. Po latach funkcjonowania jako środowiskowy periodyk naukowy "Zeszyty Naukowe UR. Seria Filologiczna. Historia Literatury" zmieniają tytuł, a także znacznie rozszerzają swoją formułę tematyczną. Zamierzamy tworzyć pismo naukowe o charakterze ogólnopolskim i międzynarodowym, które będzie podejmowało najważniejsze tematy wiedzy o literaturze oraz uczestniczyło w kluczowych debatach współczesnej humanistyki. W centrum zainteresowania pozostawiamy jednak dzieło literackie: jego topikę oraz poetykę, jego uwikłanie w różnorodne konteksty oraz wielorakie zależności instytucjonalne. Chcemy badać te zagadnienia przy użyciu różnorodnych metodologii i ukazywać je przez pryzmat odmiennych wrażliwości. Te właśnie zamierzenia staraliśmy się wpisać w nowy tytuł pisma: "Tematy i Konteksty".
Proponowana przez nas formuła obejmuje zarówno historię, jak i teorię (a raczej teorie) oraz antropologię literatury, jednym słowem - szeroko pojęte literaturoznawstwo. Pragniemy też na bieżąco śledzić naukowe nowości wydawnicze oraz dokumentować ważne inicjatywy polonistyczne w kraju i za granicą. Pozostajemy wierni akademickiej formule pisma, choć zamierzamy dbać o to, by sięgali po nie badacze różnych pokoleń i odmiennych specjalności naukowych, a obok nich - nieprofesjonalni entuzjaści literatury. Poszczególne numery "Tematów i Kontekstów" będą miały charakter monograficzny, a do ich współtworzenia zapraszamy literaturoznawców, przedstawicieli innych dziedzin humanistyki oraz pisarzy i krytyków literackich. Dla ułatwienia kontaktu będziemy ogłaszać zapowiedzi tematów najbliższych numerów na stronie internetowej.
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Pozycja Poetyka (w) przyszłości(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Stanisz, Marek; Uliasz, StanisławArtykuł stanowi wprowadzenie do dyskusji poświęconej stanowi poetyki jako dyscypliny literaturoznawczej, a także jako przedmiotu dydaktyki akademickiej i szkolnej. Zawiera próbę uporządkowania zagadnień związanych z filozoficznymi podstawami tej dyscypliny, jej kompetencjami i możliwościami rozwoju, jej granicami i ograniczeniami, jej statusem w obrębie innych dyscyplin literaturoznawczych oraz jej wymiarem funkcjonalnym. Autorzy artykułu zwracają ponadto uwagę na zdolność poetyki do ogarniania stale rosnącego spektrum zjawisk literackich i pozaliterackich oraz wyrażania indywidualnego doświadczenia lekturowego, przyglądają się także repertuarowi pojęć i kategorii, którymi się posługuje. Przedstawione tu rozważania są wstępem do refleksji nad stanem poetyki we współczesnym literaturoznawstwie. Dyskusja na ten temat została zaprezentowana w czasopiśmie "Tematy i Konteksty" 2013, nr 3 (8).Pozycja Zaproszenie do publikacji w następnym numerze "Tematów i Kontekstów" pt. "Dzisiaj i jutro poetyki"(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Stanisz, MarekPozycja Archiwum polonisty: niefotogeniczne bogactwo(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Stanisz, Marek; Ożóg, ZenonEdytorstwo i tekstologia dzieł literackich to dziedziny o ambiwalentnym statusie. Z jednej strony szereg tendencji obecnych we współczesnym życiu naukowym zdaje się obniżać ich prestiż (wystarczy wspomnieć o wymogach szybkiego awansu zawodowego czy też o powszechnie akceptowanej regule pluralizmu interpretacyjnego). Z drugiej strony stale realizowane są fundamentalne projekty edytorskie, rośnie też popularność polonistycznych studiów o tej specjalności oraz zapotrzebowanie rynku pracy na fachowców w tej dziedzinie. Najnowszy numer „Tematów i Kontekstów” poświęcony został właśnie edytorstwu i tekstologii, a także pracom dokumentującym polskie życie literackie w kraju i poza jego granicami. W intencji redaktorów ma to być zaproszenie do refleksji nad stanem polskiego edytorstwa oraz wyzwaniami przed nim stojącymi.Pozycja Życie pośmiertne poetyki(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Korwin-Piotrowska, DorotaArtykuł stanowi omówienie współczesnych dyskusji, które toczą się wokół poetyki, dziedzictwa strukturalizmu oraz nowych kierunków badawczych. Stanowi zestawienie najważniejszych argumentów przeciw tradycyjnie pojmowanej poetyce – i próbę ich rozważenia oraz sproblematyzowania. Konkluzję stanowią propozycje dotyczące zmiany podejścia do zastanej terminologii, rozszerzenia zadań poetyki o aspekty praktyczne, a także zachowania wielotorowego rozwoju dziedziny.Pozycja Poetyka dawniej i dziś(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Kostkiewiczowa, TeresaThe meaning of the word “poetics,” as derived from the Aristotle’s understanding given in Poetics, points to the ways of creating works of the art of word, their components and connections as, well as the formation of utterances. It also reveals the humanistic character of literary output being human products that are aimed at providing insights into the human world. Poetics presents a fundamental set of terms referring to a literary work, which are still used and, in fact, are indispensable in all areas of the contemporary literary, as well as cultural studies. Due to the changes in the field of literature itself, this set of terms and notions is constantly being updated, and it is still open in terms of both its components and their senses. It constitutes a conceptual framework, some elements of which are universal and operational in nature, and some connected with a particular cognitive horizon and a certain way of perceiving and understanding literature. Poetics is not a permanent theoretical model of literariness, nor is it a set of instructions determining an interpretation of a literary work. It aims at establishing certain testable tools which are indispensable not only in literary studies, but also in studying all other forms having a semiotic content (intersemiotic poetics). For this reason, certain basic terms and notions applied in poetics can be seen as important epistemological categories in which the human mind perceives the world.Pozycja Uczyć poetyk - dawnych i nowych!(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Wysłouch, SewerynaPoetics is of systemic nature and is dually dependent: on methodology (as it stems from methodological assumptions), and on literature (as it serves the purpose of analysing a literary work). Hence, when these two disciplines undergo transformations, poetics does too. Apart from the structural poetics which has now come in for a lot of criticism, one may also distinguish generative poetics (narratology) and cognitive poetics. Each of them has different aims and suggests their own and dissimilar research tools. Generative poetics postulates studying the mechanism of formation of the plot structures, whereas cognitive poetics aims at studying the perception of literature. The author of the article proposes “teaching poetics of both former and present times”, and check their usefulness in analysing literary works. She also postulates introducing cultural poetics which will serve the purpose of analysing texts which use various modes of expression.Pozycja Poetyka jako chwyt(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Ślósarska, JoannaThe article refers to the discussion on the status of poetics, initiated by Dorota Korwin-Piotrowska in her book titled "Poetyka. Przewodnik po świecie tekstów" (2011) ("Poetics. A Guidebook to the World of Texts"). It goes without saying that Poetics is currently an interdisciplinary field combining such areas as cultural anthropology, philosophy, gender studies, the history of ideas, sociology, linguistics, rhetoric, psychology, cognitive studies and semiotics. The author emphasises the problem of “dispute”, as well as “transversality” between - perceiving texts as subjects or objects; - the notion of a masterpiece and the notion of text (which implies suspending the category of aestethics); - literary and colloquial language; imagination and empiricism; - knowledge and experience; - knowledge about culture and knowledge in culture; - science and literature. Referring to the formalist notion of “device”, the author points to the contemporary attempts to combine various conceptual apparatuses and procedures as conceptual analytical and interpretative figures.Pozycja Poetyka jako dyskurs(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Kasperski, EdwardThe article discusses three different types and applications of poetics: 1) poetics as a normative practice aimed at the assessment and calibration of literary works, formulating rules that literature should comply with and postulating aesthetic solutions and literary trends, 2) poetics as a nomothetic theory, the purpose of which is to discover both historical and structural laws and regularities underlying literature, 3) poetics as a specific discourse on literature, which in the face of a multitude, diversity and historical variability of literary phenomena is aware of its own relativity, flexibility and limitations. Normative poetics is embedded in literary criticism and usually debates contemporary problems of literature. Nomothetic poetics leans toward what is permanent, regular and, as it were, ‘eternal’ in literature. In turn, poetics understood as discourse attempts to follow transformations of literature. However, what distinguishes it from theoretical and historical poetics is that it not only takes into account the diversity and variability of literature but it also corrects and adjusts its own conceptual framework to the properties of literature. Maintaining distance from itself and regarding itself with a certain amount of mistrust, this type of poetics tries to avoid placing itself above the studied literary reality and succumbing to the delusion that it is theory (poetics) that governs literature, defining its form and sense. This results in the need for constant revisions of research methods, concept, terminology as well as the scope and object of poetics. In this way poetics participates in the process of transformation that literature is subject to. Putting the above-mentioned types of poetics in the historical perspective, the article also discusses their contemporary condition. It indicates their relations to mythology, philosophy, methodology, various branches of knowledge and fields of art. The paper focuses on methodological, cognitive and theoretical criticism of poetics, which has characterized recent decades and rocked it to its foundations. It has cast doubt on the academic standing of formalist and structural poetics that has been dominating so far. On the one hand, it has legitimized painful consciousness of the fact that the old twentieth-century paradigm of poetics disintegrated, while on the other, it made it clear that the resultant void should be filled with research and solutions adequate for the conditions and needs of the 21st century. This belief in the rebirth and strength of the poetic tradition breeds hope for the establishment of poetics for which the point of reference and distinguishing mark will not be traditional presence, past, or static eternity, but dynamic future – that, as the poet has it, “eternal corrector”.Pozycja Poetyka opisowa wśród współczesnych nauk o literaturze(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Saganiak, MagdalenaThe purpose of the article is to present the position of descriptive poetics among various literary studies after the postmodernist turn. This problem is depicted as a methodological one, and relating to several important debates concerning: the specific character of the humanities, the validation of empirical cognition (including the issue of perceiving the cognition of the literary work as empirical one), the meaning of linguistic expressions (and the meaning of text), as well as the epistemological status of categories applied in science. The article outlines changes in the understanding of the cognitive status of literary studies, as affected by the modern philosophical discourse. These changes include: questioning of the existence of the literary fact, questioning of the existence of intersubjective area of research, perceiving the researcher’s language as a personal one, placing the literary thought at the meta-level of thinking of non-existence of coherent literary text and the human inability to understand it. These features of the contemporary literary studies push poetics out of its traditional research area, that is the descriptive studies which observe the literary text and lead to the formation of the sphere of intersubjective notions which are confirmed by the text analysis and assist in aesthetic perception of the artistic works (Polish: postaciowanie - the term used by Stanisław Ossowski). Further, the author of the article presents the categories used by descriptive poetics not only as a language of scientific description, but also as components of the former and the present-day literary communication. She also points to the negative effects of the decline of the language of descriptive poetics, which include: the difficulties in understanding the work of art, the recipient’s inability to describe their own reading experience, the loss of the connection with literary tradition. Changes in the categories applied in descriptive poetics are desirable but such transformations would also entail certain fundamental difficulties.Pozycja Poetyka trzecia(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Madejski, JerzyThe author of this article presents the new publication issued by Ryszard Nycz, "Poetyka doświadczenia" ("Poetics of Experience", Warsaw 2012) in the context of this researcher’s previous works. "Sylwy współczesne" ("Contemporary Silva Rerum", Wrocław 1984) is considered to be the first poetics. It is an attempt to depict the phenomena in the Polish literature of the 1960s and 1970s, which were largely affected by the aesthetics of the early Modernism. The second poetics is the volume "Literatura jako trop rzeczywistości" ("Literature as a Trope of Reality", Kraków 2002), which is a description of the modern literature (from the middle 19th century to the end of the 20th century). "Poetics of Experience" constitutes the third poetics, and - at the same time - it is the poetics of both the modern literature and the modern written works. It is also humanistic poetics since it is culture-oriented and since it singles out a humanistic text from all other written works.Pozycja Czy można zapomnieć o poetyce? W badaniach nad literaturą dawną(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Koehler, KrzysztofThe author of the article discusses the very act of reading and understanding of the classic texts. He points to the inaccurate (and, in his opinion, threatening the integrity and intentionality of messages) strategies of reading the old literature based on methods proposed by the modern methodologies. The author postulates insufficiency of such an approach, referring to the words of Alsdair MacIntyre, who emphasised the historical thought in the field of the history of ideas, and to the words of Quentin Skinner, who suggested contextualising the message by analysing the intentions and motivations behind the literary work. By referring to the researchers, the author promotes poetics as one of the tools which serve to understand the intentionality of speech acts and messages of the former ages. At the same time, the author provides examples showing the application of historical poetics in the process of comprehending old Polish texts.Pozycja Poetyka jako instruktaż interpretacyjny. Perspektywy wykorzystania aparatury pojęciowej nowożytnej wiedzy o literaturze w badaniach historycznoliterackich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Pieczyński, MaciejThe purpose of the article is to discuss the methodological legitimacy of applying the terminology used by the modern poetry studies as a tool assisting in interpretation of the contemporary literary works. The rejection of extreme pragmatism allows the author to conclude that the accurate interpretation of the literary work – understood as a certain being which is independent of its intentional perspectives – requires a reconstruction of certain literary and rhetorical conventions. In the modern age, the majority of these conventions have been codified in treatises on rhetoric and poetics. In the literary studies of the former ages one needs to take into consideration the state of knowledge of poetry in those times, as this would minimise the interpretative distortions, the most obvious examples of which are extreme and contradictory opinions on the literature of the Saxon times.Pozycja Poetyka – estetyka – metafizyka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Gadamska-Serafin, RenataThe modern era has developed poetics very different from Plato’s philosophy of objective beauty and generally inconsistent with or at least indifferent to metaphysics (Baumgarten, Kant). Also romanticists, especially those whose theoretical and literary thought followed the German idealism, were often detached from metaphysical ground (in its proper sense). The natural consequence of choosing this particular way of thinking in the modern paradigm in the 20th century has been the postmodern polyphony in literary theory. A separate and a very mature attitude regarding the form of poetics and its theoretical considerations has been adopted by the author of "Rzecz o wolności słowa" ("About the Freedom of the Word"), who referred to the metaphysical category of "mimesis" (closely linked to his concept of man – "imago Dei") and returned to the concept of objective beauty ("Promethidion"), thus radically overcoming the weakness of modern poetics.Pozycja Powieść autobiograficzna – kariera pojęcia(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Pokrywka, RafałThe article discusses the subject of autobiographical novel and its scientific justification. In the first part the author draws the readers’ attention to the fact that certain basic problems concerning the use of the very notion stem from different ways of understanding the term “autobiographical.” The second part of the article outlines certain important approaches to autobiographical novel, predominantly in the Polish literary studies. In this area the most common are biographical methods and various forms of autobiographical treaty. Every single methodological choice entails a certain loss, since autobiographical novel offers several mutually exclusive interpretations. However, there are numerous questions which are rarely posed nowadays, and which concern receptive and medial dimension of the notion in which an autobiographical novel could exist as an “interpretation figure”. These questions are posed in the final part of the work.Pozycja Poetyka i doświadczenie ekstremalne: o retoryce w pisaniu o GUŁagu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Gall, AlfredThis article examines the possibility of using concepts from the scope of poetics and rhetoric for the purpose of description of a literary text which deals with labour camp experience. The book "Day and Night" by Leo Lipski may serve as an example to bring out a similar perspective which has no essentialist presumptions but rather presumes that such concepts as, i.e. laconism and parataxis are useful to describe the properties of a text which, in turn, is a result of a specific mode of reading. Consequently, the process of the text being revealed can be described on the basis of selected concepts from the tradition of poetics and rhetoric. As a result, it appears that concepts from the scope of poetics and rhetoric – at least partly and on the basis of specific terms – do not belong to the past but still can be applied in the analysis of texts as well as in literary communication.Pozycja Konceptualizacja w procesie interpretacji wersologicznej (na przykładzie „Majowych wojen” Marcina Świetlickiego)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Mastalski, Arkadiusz SylwesterThe text below is an attempt to reconsider the categories of interpretation within versological research. On the basis of the assumptions of literary constructionism, cognitive sciences and pragmatic philosophy, an endeavour is made to show the functioning of versification interpretation understood not as the realisation of standard reading paths postulated by the text and not as the reconstruction of "intentio auctoris" but as the reader’s creative activity inherently related to the individual, (auto)biographical reading experience and the autopoietic (from the constructionist point of view) process of meaning construction. By way of the example of the concept of syllabotonism an attempt is made to show the importance of personal experience and encyclopaedic (i.e. non-linguistic) knowledge in the process of literary interpretation, as well as the conceptual and constructivist nature of such versification “constants” as verse, meter, etc.Pozycja Poetyka i e-literatura(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Winiecka, ElżbietaThe author attempts to outline the research prospects of e-poetics. This discipline, not much over twenty years old, deals with the study of literary texts which are created with the use of digital technologies. Intermediality and interactiveness are the characteristic features of hypertextual works available on the Internet and on digital carriers. The trait which distinguishes such texts from literature is that computers are the essential tool necessary for their creation, existence and reading. What consequences arise from such a change of the medium for literature, its structure, the process of communication with the reader and the interpretative possibilities? How is it possible to describe the relations between the old and the new forms of a literary text? Finally, why is it important to introduce research on e-literature into academic education? The author makes an attempt to provide answers to these, as well as many other questions, following the paths of the development of e-literature and the state of research on it both in Poland and abroad (mainly in the USA).Pozycja Poetyka i ludologia: badania literackie a studia nad grami(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Luboń, ArkadiuszOne of the current types of discourse produced by the representatives of various academic disciplines in Poland and abroad serves the purpose of isolating from among the many branches of the humanities a separate interdisciplinary field of research on the games and plays present in our culture. The need for forming a separate domain of studies focused on such an extensive range of interests and competences was postulated first by the researchers of audiovisual programs who noticed the semiotic and communicative nature of computer games, which inspired them to resort to analytical procedures and concepts of literary origin too. The purpose of the article is to show the transformations in the evolution of poetics which have made it a discipline perfectly applicable to the study of the textual and “literary” aspects of multimedia games and, in consequence, has resulted in its status of one of the essential components of the methodological tools of the fledgling academic discipline in question.Pozycja Украинская литературная теория ХХ века в контексте идеи кризиса и смерти поэтики(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Червинская, ОльгаThe article analyses the methodological principles according to which the Ukrainian literary discourse of the 20th century was formed. The seamlessness of this process is expounded as a natural phenomenon motivated by the historical situation and the contextual connections with the European scientific experience. The selected research aspect is related to the peculiarity of the literary text perception. At the same time, the article explains and highlights the necessity to make a fundamental distinction between hermeneutical methods and receptive poetics viewed as phenomenologically opposite methodologies, as well as the relevance of both components of the modern methodological practice to the development of the theory of intertextuality.Pozycja От поэтики А. Потебни к теории интертекстуальности(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Дзык, РоманThe article analyses the relation of O. Potebnya’s concepts to the theory of intertextuality. The attention to the peculiar interpretation of the notion of “poetic language” by the Russian formalists and their successors, as well as to the development of the dialogical nature of the word and the text, according to M. Bakhtin, reconstructs the genetic connection between the above theoretical systems. The consonance of Potebnya’s ideas with the modern theory is explained by typological convergence. At the same time, the article discusses the productive perspective of the appeal of Potebnya’s ideas in the light of the new literary methodology.