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Pozycja Administracja w dobie pandemii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-09) Kędzierski, KonradNagły i dynamiczny rozwój pandemii COVID-19 w marcu 2020 r. wpłyną negatywnie na funkcjonowanie administracji publicznej w Polsce. Związana z nim była konieczność podjęcia odpowiednich działań, rozwiązań i procedur, których głównym celem było przeciwdziałanie zakażeniom. Jedną z form miała stać się praca zdalna, która miała uchronić urzędników i petentów przed rozprzestrzenianiem się wirusa SARS-CoV-2. W związku z zaistniałą sytuacją większość urzędów administracji publicznej w Polsce zmieniła system prac i kontaktów z petentami. Wiele jednostek organizacyjnych zamknęło swoje stacjonarne oddziały i przeniosło ich funkcjonowanie do sfery wirtualnej, co wpływało bezpośrednio na zwiększone zainteresowanie obywateli e-usługami. W efekcie skutkowało to ograniczonym dostęp do budynków administracji publicznej oraz koniecznością składania przez petentów do skrzynek podawczych dokumentacji niezbędnej do załatwienia spraw urzędowych. Kontakt z urzędem odbywał się za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej, telefonu, platformy ePUAP oraz poczty tradycyjnej. W tekście autor w sposób syntetyczny przedstawia oraz analizuje sytuację, jaka miała miejsce w sferze działalności administracji w czasie trwania pandemii, wskazuje akty normatywne i procedury, które miały wpływ na działanie tych podmiotów.Pozycja Administracyjnoprawne aspekty stwierdzenia zgonu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022) Wojcieszek, MikołajPrzedmiotem artykułu jest szczegółowa analiza administracyjnoprawnych aspektów stwierdzenia zgonu, przy uwzględnieniu zmian w przepisach wprowadzonych w ramach tzw. ustaw covidowych. W pierwszej części artykułu przeprowadzono charakterystykę przepisów polskiego prawa dotyczących stwierdzenia zgonu. Następnie przedstawiono zdefiniowane przez autora problemy z interpretacją oraz stosowaniem przepisów prawa funeralnego. Trzeci podrozdział artykułu dotyczy komparatystyki prawniczej – wybranych aspektów działalności systemu stwierdzania zgonów, w szczególności funkcji koronera w Anglii, Walii oraz stanie Nowy York.Pozycja Analiza wpływu szczepienia BCG na częstość występowania oraz przebieg zakażeń SARS-CoV-2 wśród pracowników ochrony zdrowia w Polsce(Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2024-03-13) Zapolnik, PawełSzczepionka przeciwko gruźlicy (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, BCG) została wprowadzona 100 lat temu i jest nadal zalecana przez Światową Organizację Zdrowia w celu zapobiegania tej chorobie. Badania wykazały że szczepienie BCG może stymulować nieswoistą odpowiedź immunologiczną i zmniejszać częstość występowania niektórych chorób. Na początku pandemii choroby koronawirusowej postawiono hipotezę, że zachorowalność na COVID-19 może być mniejsza w krajach stosujących profilaktykę BCG. Próbując zweryfikować tą tezę, przeprowadzono wieloośrodkowe, randomizowane, podwójnie zaślepione, kontrolowane placebo badanie na grupie 695 pracowników służby zdrowia w Polsce. Wszyscy uczestnicy badania mieli wykonaną próbę tuberkulinową, po której osoby z ujemnym wynikiem były randomizowane (w stosunku 1:1) i otrzymywały szczepionkę BCG lub placebo. Od tego momentu osoby te były poddawane trzymiesięcznej obserwacji pod kątem występowania objawów COVID-19 oraz analizie serologicznej. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań nie wykazały zależności między rewakcynacją szczepionką BCG a zachorowalnością na COVID-19. Nie odnotowano również znamienności statystycznej między wynikami testu tuberkulinowego a ilością zachorowań na COVID-19. Jednocześnie wykazano znamiennie częstsze zachorowania na COVID-19 wśród pielęgniarek w porównaniu do osób wykonujących inne zawody medyczne. U 150 uczestników badania wykryto obecność przeciwciał anty-SARS-CoV-2 w klasie IgG, natomiast stężenia przeciwciał nie różniły się znacząco między trzema badanymi grupami i nie wykazano istotności statystycznej.Pozycja Attitudes of students of physiotherapy of the University of Rzeszów towards wearing masks, maintaining social distance, rules of disinfection and vaccination against COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023) Karlik, Sandra; Tokarczyk, Angelika; Kimak, Anna; Kubicz, Dorota; Tabian, Ewelina; Kawa, Karolina; Kijowski, Karol; Tomczyk, Michał; Weron, Przemysław; Mazurkiewicz, Sylwia; Perenc, LidiaIntroduction: The aim of the study was to determine factors differentiating the attitudes of students of physiotherapy of the University of Rzeszow (UR) towards wearing masks, maintaining social distance, disinfection rules and vaccination against COVID-19. Material and methods: The study was conducted among 200 students of physiotherapy of the UR. Men accounted for 31.5%, and women for 68.5%. The mean age was 21.64±1.84 years. The study was based on a questionnaire survey. The dimension of attitudes of students of physiotherapy of the UR towards wearing masks, maintaining social distance, the rules of disinfection and vaccination against COVID-19 was analyzed in the following spheres: knowledge and beliefs (8.27±3.35 points), actions (3.21±1.95 points), a sense of uncertainty (3.6±1.49 points), a sense of agency (2.94 ±1.27 points) and a general attitude (9.6±2.79 points). Statistical testing of Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, and Spearman’s rank test was carried out for a statistically significant relationship at p<0.05. Results: Such dimensions as: declared attitudes, knowledge and beliefs based on science, actions and sense of agency were significantly higher in women (p<0.05). The uncertainty dimension was significantly higher in men (p<0.05). The higher the dimension of knowledge and beliefs based on science, the higher the dimension of the declared attitude, actions, sense of agency (R>0), and the lower the dimension of uncertainty (R<0, p<0.05). Conclusions: Gender and dimension of knowledge and beliefs differentiated the attitudes of students of physiotherapy of the UR towards wearing masks, maintaining social distance, the rules of disinfection and vaccination against COVID-19.Pozycja Challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic for children and their families during home quarantine in Turkey(Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2023-12) Aydın, Bahise; Çalbayram, Nazan Çakırer; Altundağ, SebahatIntroduction and aim. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes in human life. As a result of these changes, it is important to determine the effects on the child and family life. This study was conducted to determine the challenges experienced by children and their families while home quarantine in the pandemic. Material and methods. The study was conducted with parents who had children aged 6-18, use social media, and willing to participate in the study. A total of 450 parents participated in the study. Online survey was used. Results. It was determined that some of parental daily activities decreased (doing sports, communicating with friends, engaging in hobbies) and some of them increased (personal hygiene, internet, and playing games with their children). The decreased daily activities of children (doing sports and communicating with friends) and increased activities (eating, personal hygiene, internet, and social media use, playing with toys and technological devices) were detected. There was an increase in some of the family activities (watching movies, playing games, and studying). Conclusion. It was determined that the home quarantine in the pandemic led to some negative changes in the daily living habits, lifestyles, and feelings of the family.Pozycja Clinical profile and management of patients with pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome – temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 – single-center experience(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022) Opalińska-Zielonka, Paulina; Wiącek, Katarzyna; Marczak, Paweł; Piasecka, Krystyna; Korczowski, BartoszIntroduction and aim. Pediatric Inflammatory Multisystem Syndrome (PIMS-TS) is a new condition that has emerged in children during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many clinical signs and symptoms resemble those found in Kawasaki disease (KD). Material and methods. The following data were considered: clinical presentation, comorbidities, laboratory findings, abnormalities in additional tests, exposure to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in the child and his family members, applied treatment and return to full health. Results. In the presented study nineteen children were analyzed. Fever was a universal finding in our group and it’s mean duration was 7 days (range 5-9). Other common symptoms included abdominal pain and severe weakness (in 89.5%), rash and conjunctivitis (in 84.2%), vomiting (in 73.7%) and mucous membrane involvement (in 63.2%). In nearly half of cases, echocardiography revealed fluid in the pericardial sac and left ventricular systolic dysfunction (in 52.6% and 47.4% respectively). 21.1% of patients had coronary artery abnormalities. 26,3% of the children required treatment with dopamine and/or milrinone. In 15.7% ICU admissions and assisted ventilation was necessary. No deaths were recorded. Conclusion. One should bear in mind that PIMS-TS can mimic KD, appendicitis and meningitis, which may pose a diagnostic challenge.Pozycja Clinico-epidemiological and vaccination profile of patients attending flu clinic of a tertiary health care institution in Eastern India during the third wave of COVID-19 pandemic(Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2022-12) Singh, CM; Chaudhary, Neha; Naik, Bijaya Nanda; Rao, Rajath; Pandey, Sanjay; Kumar Nirala, Santosh ; Ranjan, Alok; Prasad, SantoshIntroduction and aim. With the third wave of COVID-19 hitting the country, there is an urgent need to systematically document the clinical-epidemiological and vaccination details of the patients to formulate evidence-based decisions. So, this study was planned to describe the profile of patients attending the flu clinic of a tertiary care hospital in eastern India. Material and methods. This hospital-based cross-sectional study was done for 6 weeks (Jan-Feb 2022) among 623 patients using a pre-tested, structured questionnaire related to COVID-19. An unadjusted odds ratio was calculated and statistical significance was attributed to a p-value <0.05. Results. Out of 623 patients, almost 90% of the patients were vaccinated against COVID-19 with at least one dose of any vaccine. Cough (57.8%) was the most common complaint. Patients aged > 60 years and those having one or more than one comorbidity suffered from moderate-severe COVID-19 infection when compared to their counterparts (p<0.001). Also, 2.1% of fully vaccinated, 3.8% of one dose vaccinated and 10.9% of unvaccinated patients suffered from moderate-severe COVID-19. Conclusion. During the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, a smaller number of elderlies compared to the previous two waves were affected indicating age shifting. The severity of COVID-19 was less among vaccinated individuals compared to unvaccinated highlighting the importance of COVID-19 vaccination.Pozycja Coagulation markers in diagnostic and monitoring of thromboembolic complication in COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Czarnecka-Czapczyńska, Magdalena; Bartusik-Aebisher, Dorota; Krupka-Olek, Magdalena; Aebisher, David; Cieślar, Grzegorz; Latos, Wojciech; Kawczyk-Krupka, AleksandraIntroduction. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first observed in China in Wuhan city, Hubei province in December, 2019, and specified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). COVID-19 is caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARSCoV2). Aim. The aim of this article is to discuss epidemiology of thromboembolic complication in COVID-19. Material and methods. This article is a review done in regards to discuss clinical features of the anticoagulation treatment in COVID-19. Analysis of the literature. A review is discussed an anticoagulation treatment in 41 manuscripts. Conclusion. Most commonly coagulation abnormalities in patient with COVID-19 is mild thrombocytopenia. Apart from their typical role in thrombosis and hemostasis, platelets mediate key aspects of immune and inflammatory.Pozycja COVID-19 reflected in emotional journalistic texts(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Panasenko, Nataliya; Petrovičová, IdaThe article presents the results of research based on the analysis of media texts reflecting the impact of COVID-19 on the lives of people globally. As this impact is mainly negative, all these media texts (printed and digital) belong to the journalism of an emotional nature. The authors present the classification of journalistic genres, make the important subdivision into hard news and soft news, analyse the most popular emotions theories and approaches to their study. The pandemic reflected in media may be considered as hard news and is closely connected with news value, i.e. the impact of the publication on a wide audience. News values may function in the text as signals of addressee orientation. The definite impact may be evoked by emotively charged words in the media text; such words can be regarded from the perspective of emotive semantics. This approach leads us to media linguistics, a relatively new branch of linguistics which is based on the multilevel analysis of media text, namely text structure (each journalistic message has its own specific composition), vocabulary (texts belonging to journalism of analytical or emotional types have different vocabulary), and categories (structural and semantic text categories depend on journalistic genre). Media texts belonging to emotional journalism abound in different stylistic devices; in our essay semasiological and syntactic devices are prevalent.Pozycja Degradacja zasady jawności: rewolucja czy kontynuacja przyjętej strategii?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-03) Iaroslavska, MariannaUstawodawca coraz częściej dąży do przyspieszania postępowania kosztem zasady jawności. Artykuł przedstawia analizę zmian, jakie zaszły w odniesieniu do zasady jawności w postępowaniu cywilnym, a także dylematów, jakie pojawiły się z powodu ograniczania jawności. Rozważania koncentrują się wokół tematyki naczelnych zasad procesu, w szczególności zasady jawności, instytucji ograniczających zasadę jawności oraz konfliktu między zasadą jawności a postulatem szybkości.Pozycja Działania podejmowane przez administracje rządową w okresie pandemii COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-09) Ura, ElżbietaWprowadzenie stanu zagrożenia epidemicznego, a następnie stanu epidemii w marcu 2020 r. było dla wszystkich nowym wyzwaniem. Organy administracji publicznej zostały zobowiązane do podejmowania działań związanych z zapewnieniem bezpieczeństwa publicznego w państwie, które zostało zagrożone rozprzestrzenianiem się wirusa SARS-CoV-2. Rada Ministrów nie zdecydowała się na wprowadzenie stanu nadzwyczajnego – stanu klęski żywiołowej – mimo zaistnienia w różnych okresach sytuacji uzasadniających taki stan. Wprowadzane były natomiast ograniczenia w prawach i wolnościach obywateli, zakazy i nakazy określonego zachowania się i czyniono to w drodze rozporządzeń, bez podstawy prawnej. O naruszeniach w tym zakresie świadczy wiele orzeczeń sądów administracyjnych i sądów powszechnych. Co istotne, wiele państw wprowadzało w różnych okresach stany nadzwyczajne. Rada Ministrów przyjęła natomiast koncepcję tzw. hybrydowego stanu nadzwyczajnego, nieznanego w przepisach prawa. Powyższe zagadnienia stały się przedmiotem rozważań w artykule.Pozycja Factors affecting work-life balance and psychological resilience levels of nurses working in internal clinics during COVID-19(Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2023-09) Korkmaz Aslan, Tuba; Burucu, Rukiye; Akdoğan, YunusIntroduction and aim. COVID-19 intensity has affected both the psychology of the nurses and the balance established between their work and social lives. In this study, it was aimed to examine the work-life balance and psychological resilience levels of nurses. Material and methods. Four Hundred and seventy two nurses, working in various hospitals and internal units in Turkey, voluntarily participated in the study. Data was collected online using the Work-Life Balance Scale, Brief Psychological Resilience Scale, and the Personal Information Form. Results. The sub-dimensions of the work-life balance scale include allocation of time for yourself (β=1.892; p<0.001), life merely being based on work (β=-0.513; p<0.05) and work-life balance; affect the psychological resilience score (β=-0.364; p<0.05). Based on this, devoting time for yourself has a positive effect on psychological resilience, while others have a negative effect. The total score of the nurses on work-life balance is 51.51±7.22 and their psychological resilience score is 15.27±3.93. Conclusion. Psychological resilience is affected by educational status, marital status, having children, and working schedule; work-life balance is affected by educational status, marital status, having children, income levels, and working schedule; while work-life balance sub-dimensions are affected by education, marital status, having children, income levels, place of work and working schedule. Both work-life balance and its sub-dimensions affect the psychological resilience of nurses.Pozycja From ground zero of the pandemic – nurses’ stories via Photovoice(Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2023-03) Çetin, İbrahim; Türkben Polat, Hilal ; Burucu, Rukiye; Cantekin, IşınIntroduction and aim. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers continue to work selflessly and intensively despite many occupational hazards. Although various studies have been carried out to evaluate the experiences of nurses who play an important role in the fight against the pandemic and the effects thereof, qualitative studies carried out using the photovoice technique are very limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the experiences of nurses working during the COVID-19 pandemic and show the impact that COVID-19 has had on nurses’ work and daily life using creative photographic data. Material and methods. This qualitative study employed a participatory action research design, and photovoice technique was used. Research data were collected from nurses working in COVID-19 clinics of various hospitals between May and September 2021. Data analysis was performed via a phenomenological interpretation method. Results. Five themes emerged from the data: (1) burnout, (2) anxiety, (3) social isolation, (4) emphasis on professional value, and (5) the value of life. Each theme was presented with representative photographic and written narratives provided by the participants. Conclusion. The findings of this study suggest that nurses experience problems such as burnout, anxiety, and social isolation. All the participants associated these problems with the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on work and daily life. On the other hand, the participants emphasized professional value and the value of life despite all the negativities and risks.Pozycja Gastrointestinal symptoms as antecedent signs of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Młodożeniec, Aleksandra; Szul, Paulina; Gala-Błądzińska, AgnieszkaIntroduction. The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‑19) is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory system caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS‑CoV‑2). Most patients present with typical, respiratory symptoms. Common signs include cough, fever, dyspnea and shortness of breath. In this case we provide atypical indications of COVID-19, which may occur earlier than respiratory symptoms. Aim. This case is an example of an unusual course of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Description of the case. This article describes a case of a 63-year-old man and his wife, a 60-year old woman who were admitted to the emergency department with a few days’ history of gastrointestinal symptoms. Both patients presented with the digestive symptoms of nausea, diarrhea and loss of appetite. They denied abdominal pain and the loss of smell or taste. Due to suspicion of SARS-CoV-2 infection a nasopharyngeal swabs of both patients was taken. The results of real- time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction were positive. When the final diagnosis of COVID-19 was established they were transported to another hospital. Conclusion. COVID-19 may manifest with atypical indications such a nausea and diarrhea. An atypical indications of COVID-19 may occur earlier than respiratory symptoms. It is important for clinicians to remain alert.Pozycja Haematological changes and metabolic alterations in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients hospitalised at an Infectious Diseases Center, Ibadan, Nigeria(Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2022-12) Alonge, Oluwagbenga; Ganiyu, ArinolaIntroduction and aim. Following the use of repurposing drugs to successfully manage coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in an Infectious Diseases Center (IDC) in Nigeria, it was imperative to assess haematological changes and metabolic alterations in these patients which may inform recommendations for future use. Material and methods. Blood samples of admitted COVID-19 Nigerian patients during therapeutic management were analysed for haematological- (total white blood cells (WBC), lymphocyte, monocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil and neutrophil: lymphocyte ratio) and blood chemistry- parameters [total protein, total and conjugated bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), albumin, urea, creatinine, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), PO4 3-, Ca2+, uric acid, Na+, K+, Cl- and HCO3 -] using autoanalysers. The percentages of patients having values below, within and above reference ranges were compared using Chi-square test while the mean values at admission were compared with mean values at discharge using Student t-test. Results. The mean values of total protein, albumin, Na+, HCO3 -, uric acid, Ca2+, WBC, platelets, lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils were significantly increased in COVID-19 patients at discharge compared with COVID-19 patients at admission. Also, more percentages of COVID-19 patients at discharge compared with COVID-19 patients at admission had albumin, ALP, total bilirubin, HDL, Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO3 -, urea, creatinine, WBC, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils within normal reference intervals. Conclusion. This study showed that most metabolic and haematological derangements were normalised by repurposing drugs in most of the COVID-19 patients at this IDC, thus supporting the continuous use of this therapeutic option.Pozycja Impact of face mask use during the non-stress test in pregnancy(Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2023-03) Gursoy, Ali; Dogan Tekbas, EzgiIntroduction and aim. Face masks used to protect against the COVID 19 pandemic have become a daily routine. The aim of this study was to examine the possible effects of mask use on non-stress test (NST) results during pregnancy. Material and methods. A total of 951 pregnant women were included in the study. They were divided into two groups as those who wear masks and those who do not. These pregnant women were also divided into subgroups as preterm and term periods. Results. The mean age of the pregnant women was 31.2±4.9 and their gestational weeks were between 34+0 and 40+6. There was no significant difference between 34 and 37 gestational weeks pregnants in terms of FHR, reactivity, non-reactivity, deceleration, FHR category distribution and number of fetal movements (p>0.05). The variability was significantly higher in those who did not wear a mask (p<0.05). In pregnancies >37 gestational weeks there was no significant difference in terms of FHR, reactivity, non-reactivity, variability, deceleration and FHR category distribution (p>0.05). The number of fetal movements was significantly (p<0.05) lower in the mask-wearing group. Conclusion. Mask use should be considered in NSTs where variability is reduced or fetal movements are low. Thus, misinterpretation of the NST can be avoided.Pozycja Klauzula dobrego samarytanina, czyli nowy kontratyp w związku z przeciwdziałaniem COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Burdzik, MarcinKlauzula dobrego samarytanina jest nowym kontratypem, który wyłącza odpowiedzialność karną za nierażący i nieumyślny błąd medyczny. Przyjęte rozwiązanie jest z jednej strony istotnym precedensem w podejściu do problematyki błędów medycznych i stanowi wyraźny zwrot w stronę sytemu no fault. Z drugiej zaś strony może negatywnie wpływać na realizację niektórych funkcji prawa karnego. Celem artykułu jest kompleksowa analiza wprowadzonego kontratypu, próba oceny jego zasadności oraz wpływu na system opieki zdrowotnej i fundamentalne założenia polityki kryminalnej państwa w kontekście funkcji prawa karnego.Pozycja Konstytucyjne mechanizmy zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa państwa w kontekście ochrony praw człowieka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Trubalski, ArturCelem opracowania jest przedstawienie regulacji konstytucyjnych dotyczących zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa państwa w kontekście ochrony praw człowieka i ograniczeń z tym związanych. Stanowi to pierwszy etap dla dalszych badań w zakresie szczegółowych relacji pomiędzy rozwiązaniami prawnymi zawartymi w poszczególnych gałęziach prawa i ich oddziaływaniem na kwestie ograniczeń w zakresie korzystania z praw i wolności człowieka i obywatela. Praktyka funkcjonowania Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej na przestrzeni ostatnich kilkunastu miesięcy sprawiła, iż problematyka tych relacji zyskała na znaczeniu. W związku z tym zasadne jest przedstawienie oraz bliższa analiza tych zagadnień, poczynając od poziomu regulacji konstytucyjnych, które stanowią punkt wyjścia dla bardziej szczegółowych regulacji, choćby z zakresu prawa cywilnego czy administracyjnego.Pozycja Literatura wobec kryzysu epidemii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Trościński, GrzegorzThis article was written as a preface to a thematic issue of „Tematy i Konteksty” entitled “Literature in the face of epidemic crisis”. It is the essay addressing the impact, which COVID-19 virus has had on contemporary man and the reality surrounding him. The author, in his deliberations, focused on many aspects of the pandemic: medical, sociological, philosophical, psychological and cultural. A very important element of the essay is an attempt of capture universal social-cultural mechanisms, which are distinctive to a time of pandemic. Another crucial issue addressed in this essay is tracing the cultural and literary paradigms, which are followed in both social and individual aspects of time of pandemic. The other essential matter which was looked into are people’s attitudes taken towards virus itself, other people and themselves.Pozycja Lung abscess with pneumonia after SARS-CoV-2 infection – a case report(Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow, 2024-09) Borys, Renata; Szeliga, Ewa; Wojtuń, Kazimierz; Kużdżał, Adrian; Sawka, KarolinaIntroduction and aim. Some patients after the SARS-CoV-2 infection may be at higher risk of consequent bacterial or fungal infections even if they have no risk factors (advanced age, obesity, metabolic diseases). A possible complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection is lung abscess with pneumonia what requires further examination and specialized treatment as well as the pulmonary rehabilitation. Description of the case. This report presents all stages of the diagnosis and treatment of lung abscess with pneumonia of male patient, aged 42 years in course of COVID-19. The article emphasizes the role of pulmonary rehabilitation in decreasing the number of postoperative pulmonary complications. Presented case report includes a description of a rehabilitation program conducted during the patient’s hospitalization. Conclusion. Lung abscess is a serious disease with an often unpredictable course, complications and an uncertain prognosis. However, most patients can be treated conservatively, and the priority in treatment is antibiotic therapy and physiotherapy treatments.
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