Tematy i Konteksty 5(10) 2015
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Pozycja Errata do czwartego numeru „Tematów i Kontekstów” (2014)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015)Sprostowanie w tytule artykułu Profesora Jana Okonia wydrukowanego w numerze 4(9) 2014 „Tematów i Kontekstów”.Pozycja Anons kolejnego numeru „Tematów i Kontekstów” – Staropolskie i oświeceniowe piśmiennictwo religijne. Swojskość i uniwersalizm(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Trościński, GrzegorzIn 2014 was published a volume of „Themes and Contexts” dedicated Old-Polish and 18th Century Religious Literature. In the sixth issue of our journal we would like to continue that topic. We are interested in exploring, analyzing and describing the phenomena of homeliness and universality in a former religious literature.Pozycja Profesor Florian Śmieja doktorem honoris causa Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Pasterska, JolantaThe article presents report from the ceremony of awarding professor Florian Śmieja the highest academic dignity – the title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Wrocław for his contribution to the development of Polish science and literature and the Spanish studies.Pozycja Konferencja naukowa „I wojna światowa w literaturze i innych tekstach kultury. Reinterpretacje i dopełnienia”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Jamrozek-Sowa, AnnaThe article includes conference report World War I in literature and other texts of culture. Reinterpretations and supplements, organized by the Institute of Polish Philology at the University of Rzeszów, which was held on 17-18 November 2014.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej w Wiśle „Literatura obu Ameryk II”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Fiedeń, AnnaThe report summarizes the International Academic Conference ‘Literature of Both Americas II’ (‘Literatura Obu Ameryk II’) which was held by the Faculty of Philology of the University of Silesia (Katowice) from 17 to 19 November 2014. It was the second conference of the series, which this time took place in picturesque Wisła and gathered researchers of migrant literature from both Poland and abroad. The multitude and variety of research areas presented not only supported their multidimensional exploration, but also once again showed that the issue of migrant literature in historical and literary research is reaching ever-widening circles. The conference in Wisła presented both a panoramic and detailed account of Polish literature in Canada and the United States, but still it paid attention to the need for focusing on the less explored issue of Polish literature in Latin and South America.Pozycja Dwie rozmowy o Józefie Wittlinie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Wielgosz, EwaThe leitmotivs of the interviews held with Elżbieta Wittlin Lipton are both the life and the artistic work of her father Józef Wittlin, the author of Sól ziemi. This fact makes the interviews more personal, because less-well-known facts and concealment are revealed, distortions are clarified and inaccuracies concerning the writer’s biography are accounted for. The first interview was recorded in March 2013 in Elżbieta Wittlin Lipton’s house in Madrid. The subject matter focused on Wittlin’s interests, sources of inspiration and friendships. In turn, the second interview was recorded in May 2014 in Rzeszów, and was a kind of reconstruction/quest of her father’s traces. These memories, or wayfarings, made by Wittlin’s daughter enable us to create a portrait of her father and outline the reception of his works. In this sense, the interview proves the reviving presence of the author of Mój Lwów in his motherland.Pozycja Praca ważna i doniosła(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Moczkodan, Rafał‘To save the home country from migrational distance… Lithuanian art and Lithuanian artists on emigration (1940-1990)’ (Moscow 2012) focuses on stressing the importance of the work under discussion. First and foremost, it should be pointed out that it is the first synthesis encompassing such an extensive subject, which has not thus far been examined. It is also emphasized in the review that the composition of the work as well as its abundance in content are worth noting (230 profiles of Lithuanian painters and graphic artists are presented). Additionally, we should appreciate the methodological values and the diligence of the author in research. On the other hand, the lack of illustrative material seems to be a drawback of the work. All in all, the work is highly assessed.Pozycja Reytan. Lekcja ciemności, która wraca echem żywym(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Ostasz, GustawThe plot of Rymkiewicz’s "Reytan. Upadek Polski" (Warsaw 2012) about the close of the 18th century in Poland is full of digressions on our times. This tale-essay written by a learned philologist and poet is about history which is being revived here and now. Tadeusz Reytan’s mosaic biography is presented by a detective narration which is not free from doubts deliberately raised by the author, who revives various documents and iconographic materials, above all Matejko’s painting-allegory "Upadek Polski". Their significances have an effect on our history; they are the source of our anxieties which we fail to dispose of. The author-polymath has acquired in the internal world of this plot the status of the major element. He is prone to putting forward hypotheses and spins a fragmentary, unformed and open tale. He reveals his own thinking about the past and its echoes in the present. Our today and the 18th century yesterday create a marriage that is impossible to separate. They worry us and evoke the shape of tomorrow. ‘From St. Petersburg to Smolensk an icy wind is still blowing’.Pozycja Manierysta w nowoczesności(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Rabizo-Birek, MagdalenaIn the review main interpretation theses of Andrzej Niewiadomski’s monograph devoted to the writing of the outstanding emigration author from ‘the generation 1910’ Zygmunt Haupt have been presented. These are: the aesthetics of mannerism, critical diagnosis of modernity crowned with an attempt to build a constructive ethical and literary project and a thorough analysis of the key motives of his prose (including aviarium, art of mannerism, theatrum mundi, road-home, a landowner’s manor house, horses, word ‘strange’, ‘quaternary’ structures).The author presents writer’s workshop secrets and places him among the greatest representatives of Polish as well as European modernism.Pozycja Krytyka „Wiadomości”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Lutomierski, MarcinRafał Moczkodan’s monograph entitled ‘Omawiacze, laurkodawcy’, publicyści i krytycy. Krytyka literacka na łamach ‘Wiadomości’ w latach 1946–1956 is the first attempt to tackle the problem suggested by the title. The reviewed work is well documented: all opinions and theses which are presented find their justification in the rich bibliography (including sources which are not only literary criticism texts), which the author is well versed on. Furthermore, the monograph has been written in a precise and interesting way, making the book an incentive to continue research on criticism and literary journalism in the area of ‘Wiadomości’.Pozycja Prawie dla wszystkich, ale i prawie nikt skorzysta(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Sioma, RadosławThe paper presents the first monograph of the famous interwar weekly ‘Wiadomości Literackie’, whose first editor-in-chief was Mieczysław Grydzewski. As suggested by the subtitle, Małgorzata Szpakowska’s book "Wiadomości Literackie" has – almost for everyone – an ambition to be popular with the general public. An overriding principle of the book’s composition is that thematic and separate chapters have been devoted to, for example, reportages in ‘Wiadomości’, literary criticism, visual arts (and others), as well as the editor-in-chief, prewar anti-Semitism and the magazine’s recipients. Undoubtedly, Szpakowska’s monograph goes beyond being a thematic research paper. The authoress managed to present the historical development of the literary magazine and situate it against the background of political and social changes, from the first years after regaining of independence up to the last months before the outbreak of the Second World War. The book is an insightful study of a phenomenon important to Polish culture.Pozycja Od szamańskiego transu do śmierci. Rozważania na marginesie intymnych zapisków, listów i wierszy Marilyn Monroe(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Grzyb, KatarzynaThe paper puts forward a thesis that Marilyn Monroe, regarded as a culture icon of the 20th century, has a lot in common with a shaman, because she experiences alternative states of consciousness under the influence of psychoanalytical sessions. There is an association between what is happening in the mind of a shaman who is in a trance and the soul of an actress – regarded as the idol of collective imagination – who is regularly psychoanalyzed. In her poems, letters and intimate notes, whose style is very psycho-biographic, Marilyn Monroe gives an account of her auto-analysis, talks about a growing feeling of being different from others and writes down the moments of shamanic elation. By writing she expresses all things which fail to be expressed in other way, and her own notes are the post-notes of the trance states of the shaman. Nevertheless, she does not realize the fact that psychoanalysis is having a destructive effect on her life, and that it pushes her towards death, and finally kills her.Pozycja Die DDR in einer Autobiographie. Zu Werner Heiduczeks Die Schatten meiner Toten(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Jaśkiewicz, GrzegorzThe paper Die DDR in einer Autobiographie. Zu Werner Heiduczeks ‘Die Schatten meiner Toten’ [GDR in an autobiography. The text of the Werner Heiduczek’s ‘Shadows of my dead’] is the result of research conducted by the author over the image of the GDR in the literature of personal documents (autobiography) writers from East Germany after reunification in 1990. The present text is an analysis of the autobiography of a German writer Werner Heiduczek ‘Die Schatten meiner Toten’, published in Leipzig in 2005. The analysis is preceded by a brief portrait of the writer and the contribution of autobiography as a literary genre and its role in relation to the text of Heiduczek. The analysis focuses on the complex relationship of the writer to the GDR, his assessment of the most important events in the GDR: uprising of 17th June 1953 and turn of 1989, keeping the events around W. Biermann in 1976 and its own place in society and politics as well as personal life.Pozycja Wiwisekcja duszy niemieckiej w powieści Trzecie królestwo Andrzeja Kuśniewicza(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Supady, GrzegorzAndrzej Kuśniewicz (1904-1993) was an acknowledged writer whose works used to be popular and widely read, but after 1989 a number of them fell into oblivion. Both aesthetic and cognitive values have been retained – by and large – thanks to the novels which referred to the Habsburg myth in European literature, which was defined by the eminent Italian German specialist Claudio Magris. However, the Polish writer explored other ranges of his interests as well, for example the ones concerning his personal experience acquired after his stay in France ('Witraż' 1980). The writer dealt with subjects connected with events which took place in West Germany in the 1960s. They were reflected in his previous novel 'Trzecie królestwo', published in 1975. In spite of the writer’s complicated fate in the Polish People’s Republic, the work presents a huge breakthrough which happened a quarter of a century after the end of the Second World War in the politics of the FRG and in West German society in a very attractive literary form. At that time our western neighbors had to fundamentally redefine the conservative perception of their own history. In fact, to a large extent the situation had been initiated by the generation of people born in 1968 that took up the reins and started to rule the country. The author of the article attempts to present the struggle – embedded by Kuśniewicz – of the generation of perpetrators who faced difficult questions asked by their children and sometimes even grandchildren. To conclude, although the description provided by the Polish prose writer is not free from some simplifications characterized by extreme subjectivity, we must admit that the book is a valuable piece of evidence depicting a significant period in the history of Central Europe.Pozycja „Posięście” wiedzy. Opętanie Antonii Susan Byatt jako filologiczna powieść uniwersytecka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Skubaczewska-Pniewska, Anna'Opętanie' by Antonia Susan Byatt, awarded the Booker Prize in 1990, has been analysed in the context of romance, detective novel and campus novel genres and interpreted as an apology for philology, praise for literary art as well as a longing for the times when it was the foundation of cultural memory. The multidimensional character and multigenre structure of the novel as well as its ‘immense intertextuality’ have been treated as one of the manifestations of the title ‘possession’, which – in turn – has economical, scientific, social, religious and sexual connotations. We have emphasized the cognitive values of the novel, which are connected with the coexistence of two storylines developing in parallel, namely the contemporary and historical ones. The former focuses on two literary scholars who reveal an affair, clandestine in 19th century text, between a fictional writer-polymath and a feminizing poet. In turn, the latter draws the reader’s attention to the Victorian lovers, and thereby a portrait of this period.Pozycja Conrad’s Lord Jim and Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment: Contrastive Axiologies(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Busza, AndrzejKiedy pół wieku temu autor tego artykułu rozpoczynał studia nad twórczością Josepha Conrada, w literaturoznawstwie wciąż dominowały tezy Nowej Krytyki, która twierdziła, że właściwe badanie odnosi się tylko do samego tekstu, pomijając w zasadzie kontekst historyczny, osobę pisarza, a także horyzont oczekiwań czytelników. Autor jednak opowiadał się za mniej „czystym”, a bardziej kontekstualnym podejściem, szczególnie w przypadku pisarzy tak związanych z rzeczywistością historyczną, jak Conrad i – może nawet bardziej – Dostojewski. Znajdując uzasadnienie dla swojego podejścia w „logice pytań i odpowiedzi” angielskiego filozofa R. G. Collingwooda, autor twierdzi, że "Zbrodnia i kara" Dostojewskiego i "Lord Jim" Conrada przedstawiają różne odpowiedzi na dziewiętnastowieczny kryzys wartości, szczególnie w sferze etyki. Conradowskie postrzeganie ludzkiej natury jest zasadniczo ironiczne, a jego wizja potrzeb człowieka jest hierarchiczna. Ludzką powinnością moralną i miarą naszego człowieczeństwa jest dyscyplinowanie i sublimacja niższych instynktów i namiętności. Dostojewski natomiast podkreśla niebezpieczeństwa spaczonego racjonalizmu i umiejscawia dobroć w naturze i ludzkim sercu. Jest to jednak wizja paradoksalna, ponieważ znajduje on tam również okrucieństwo, chciwość, egoizm i ślepe namiętności. Człowiek Dostojewskiego jest więc – jak jego świat – rozdarty przez sprzeczności nie do pogodzenia, które mogą być tylko transcendowane.Pozycja Kiemlicze pomogli. O Sienkiewiczowskich odniesieniach w prozie Karola Olgierda Borchardta(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Rusin, JoannaBorn at the beginning of the 20th century, the popular Polish writer and captain of the Polish Merchant Marine, Karol Olgierd Borchardt, belonged to a generation brought up on the literary work of Henryk Sienkiewicz. "Potop" was Borchardt’s favourite novel, and Sienkiewicz his most acknowledged writer. Recalling his sailing at sea, especially in the novels "Znaczy kapitan" (1961) and "Szaman morski" (1985), Borchardt eagerly and frequently made references to characters and events from "Trylogia". Even in his unfinished book of childhood memories, "Pod czerwoną różą" (1991), published posthumously, while telling a family anecdote, Borchardt made references to Kiemlicze, known from "Potop". One may say that Borchardt remained faithful to Sienkiewicz for the rest of his life, invariably con amore referring to and citing the works of Sienkiewicz.Pozycja Problem „polskości” w londyńskich pismach studenckich („Życie Akademickie” – „Kontynenty”)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Moczkodan, RafałThe first part of the text is an analysis of the category of ‘Polishness’ (its senses, understanding and functioning) with respect to emigrational youth gathered around magazines published in the United Kingdom by Polish students, and then by the literary group The Continents (Kontynenty). We show that among the basic problems connected with The Continents Group one may mention the search for the ways in which national identity could be preserved and then passed on to future generations. The definition of what refugees were supposed to do was different if we compare young emigrants and the older generation (which was shaped and gained maturity before the Second World War). The young generation was open to dialogue, but wanted to redefine the common ideas and search for new paths and means which would be useful in preserving cultural identity. Significantly, both generations were in favour of preserving Polish language and culture. As discussed in the second part of the sketch, this was related to the category of patriotism, as well as back-to-front ‘Polish national vices’. In these areas one may observe disparities between the generations; disparities which come down to the opposition: rational assessment vs. mythologization. The former allows young emigrants, who have no complexes or sense of guilt, to take advantage of the opportunities created by the countries in which they settle, and still not lose their bonds with the nation.Pozycja Satyra w poezji Jana Raka. Rekonesans(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Patryło, AnnaJan Rak was born in Husów within Łańcut County to serf parents – Szymon and Jadwiga. He is the author of about 120 poems dedicated to his own life, the life of country dwellers and the situation they found themselves in. Satire, especially political, is one of the four genres he was writing in, and 'Zapust w roku 1864' is a prominent example of such writing. Rak paid special attention to abstract satire, which aimed at deriding negative features of human nature. Moreover, 'Jakieś czasy' is a satire on Galician magazines, whereas 'Wiek XX' describes social and historical realities. Rak’s satires are supposed to ridicule human vices and misdeeds and, at the same time, call for betterment; which is why truth and aspiration to education were put on a pedestal in Rak’s deliberations.Pozycja Moje najdroższe kobiety (o kobietach w życiu Adolfa Dygasińskiego na podstawie epistolografii)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Niekra, MagdalenaDygasiński’s image created on the basis of his writing seems to be quite schematic. The paper is an attempt to look at the writer from a different perspective. We focus on the relationships between the writer and women who were most important in his life, namely his mother, sisters, lover, wife and daughter. Dygasiński’s private epistolography, which serves as research material, allows us to present both the portraits of the above-mentioned women and the writer’s opinions on women’s issues. It turns out that experiences connected with women had a considerable influence on Dygasiński’s life and it is possible that they influenced on the way the writer created the heroines in his novels. However, this problem needs further examination.
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