Medical Review T. 14, z. 3 (2016)
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- PozycjaEditorial(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Kwolek, Andrzej
- PozycjaSomatic growth in children and adolescents from Rzeszów, aged 4–18, and its variability over the thirty-five year period from 1978/79 to 2013/14(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Perenc, Lidia; Radochońska, Anna; Błajda, JoannaIntroduction. Changes occurring over the years in environmental conditions and in organism’s adaptability contribute to changes in the human morphological and functional phenotype. Purpose of the study. Assessment of progress in body weight, body height, chest circumference, as well as Quetelet II (BMI), Rohrer, and Marty indexes in children and adolescents from Rzeszów, aged 4-18, and changes in the period of the recent 35 years. Material and methods. The total of 1,563 children from Rzeszów were examined in 2013/2014. Measurements were carried out to identify body weight, body height, chest circumference; based on that Quetelet II, Rohrer, and Marty indexes were calculated. Results. The findings, presented in tables and figures, have been interpreted. Conclusions. Somatic growth in the examined population is consistent with generally recognized regularities. The secular trend continues in the period of 35 years. It is impossible to make an explicit claim regarding stabilization of growth during the last 10 years.
- PozycjaChanges in motor development in infants participating in rehabilitation based on Vojta method(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Czenczek-Lewandowska, Ewelina; Przygoda, Łukasz; Szklarska-Witek, Izabela; Bejster, Anna; Sadowska, LudwikaIntroduction: Vojta therapy is designed to foster beneficial change in neurophysiology of children at risk of developmental disorders. Because of its specific diagnostic and therapeutic aspects it is possible to use the method in early therapy supporting development. Purpose: Assessment of changes in motor development of infants, classified in the risk group and receiving treatment based on Vojta method. Identifying relationship between therapy effects and age at the start as well as duration of therapy. Material and method: The study was performed in a group of 62 infants, including 46 who at the time of the study were less than 6 months old (group I), and 16 who were less than 12 months old (group II). The inclusion criteria were: age below 1 year, existing motor development deficits, risk factors in pregnancy and during childbirth, and participation in rehabilitation based on Vojta therapy, as a leading method. The study was carried out with the use of child health cards and assessment tool developed by G. Banaszek. Results: After 6 months of therapy, 73% of the infants with motor development deficits improved significantly, while out of 60% of the children with abnormal postural reactions, only 16% showed no improvement. Better progress was achieved by the children who started rehabilitation before 6 months of age. Conclusions: Effectiveness of children’s rehabilitation depends on therapy duration and the age at which the treatment starts.
- PozycjaAqua gymnastics and functional efficiency of women after 60 – pilot study(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Walicka-Cupryś, Katarzyna; Ćwirlej-Sozańska, Agnieszka; Brzozowska-Magoń, Agnieszka; Łyczko, AnnaIntroduction and Aim: Aging of the society is a serious problem of the modern world. Elderly people often avoid physical activities which lead to sedentary lifestyle. One suitable forms of physical activity for elderly is aqua gymnastics. The aim of the study was to determine if a larger study, using the chosen methods is feasible. This study tested the hypothesis that performing a 16-week course of aqua gymnastic training would result in improved functional fitness in women aged over 60. Material and Methods: The trial included a sample of 20 women randomly selected from the 100 who responded to the application of research. The measurements such as height, weight, waistline and hip width were conducted before and after a series of exercises in water. Results: After four-month-period of exercises in water an improvement in index value was due to weight loss, a slight decrease in waistline, the basis of the Fullerton Functional Fitness and an improvement in functional efficiency of all tested women was observed. Conclusion: After 16 weeks of aqua aerobic in the group of women aged over 60 a significant functional fitness improvement was observed.
- PozycjaAssessment of paramedics’ knowledge and skills on dealing with dental injuries(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Lewandowski, Bogumił; Brodowski, Robert; Stopyra, Wojciech; Muster, Marek; Włodyka, Andrzej; Migut, Małgorzata; Leja, Michał; Wozniak, Krystyna; Kucaba, GrzegorzIntroduction: Traumatic teeth and mouth injuries constitute a fixed percentage of injuries. They occur as only dental injuries or accompany fractures of craniofacial skeleton or multiorgan injuries in the body. The aim of the study was to assess the paramedics’ knowledge of first aid principles in cases of traumatic dental and masticatory system injuries. Material and Methods: A survey was conducted among 138 randomly selected paramedics employed in the Medical Rescue Teams and emergency departments in Rzeszów region, who were informed about the anonymous nature of the project. A voluntarily completed questionnaire was simultaneously assumed an informed consent to participate in the study. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part covered respondents’ demographic and social data, while the second part focused on the first aid conduct in tooth injuries and included 18 questions. Results: The results demonstrated that the paramedics’ knowledge of the conduct in cases of the most common dental injuries, ie. tooth knocking and dislocation, fracture of tooth crown or tooth root is unsatisfactory. Most of the respondents gave answers intuitively. Studies and statistical analysis did not confirm a significant correlation between subjects’ professional experience (p = 0.5891) and education (p = 0.1093) with their skills and knowledge of the proceedings after dental injuries. The fact that about 20% of the paramedics did not consider it necessary to broaden their knowledge in this subject seems distressing. Conclusions: In the light of conducted research, systematic training in dental first aid in terms of proceeding in teeth injuries for paramedics seems justified as well as its inclusion in the curriculum of undergraduate programme for paramedics.
- PozycjaThe problem of inequalities in health on the basis of organization and financing of obstetric care in the Masovian and Subcarpathian voivodeships(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Raba, Grzegorz; Obłoza, BeataIntroduction: The phenomenon of inequalities in health is a major concern of the population of Poland. To date, no single pattern of financing health care has been developed in Poland. Objective: 1. Evaluation of the organization of care for women at birth and the neonate in the Masovian and Subcarpathian voivodeships. 2. Comparison of the administered funds for both voivodeships to provide obstetric and neonatal care. 3. Determination of the consistency of the system of care including epidemiological and demographic data of the inhabitants of both voivodeships. Material and method: Data concerning the demographics of the population of the Masovian and Subcarpathian voivodeships was obtained from the official GUS (Central Statistical Office of Poland) website: The aggregate values of contracts in the years 2010 – 2014 in the Masovian and Subcarpathian voivodeships were obtained from the official NFZ (the Polish National Health Fund) website at: Conclusions: 1. The values of contracts attributable to a single obstetric bed are comparable only in I reference level centres. II and III reference level centres receive higher funds in the Masovian voivodeship. 2. In the Subcarpathian voivodeship there is a smaller number of highly specialized neonatal care stations in III reference level centres per number of inhabitants and the number of births. 3. Higher values of contracts concluded in the Masovian voivodeship with II and III reference level centres do not correlate with the decrease in perinatal mortality rate and the preterm birth rate, registered in this voivodeship.
- PozycjaThe influence of physical exercise as a component of cardiac rehabilitation on endothelial dysfunction – review of the related research(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Domka-Jopek, Elżbieta; Lenart-Domka, EwaEndothelial dysfunction means any disturbance in the vascular endothelial function. There are many data indicating that endothelial dysfunction is a source of numerous vascular diseases. Cardiac rehabilitation, especially connected with increasing physical activity, plays an important role in the prophylaxis of vascular diseases complications in patients. Physical activity causes favorable changes in the circulatory system and improves psychophysical status. It is the base of healthy life style and fundamental element of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Cardiac rehabilitation after acute coronary incidents reduces total mortality and decreases the risk of next cardiac intervention. Similar beneficial effects may be observed in chronic heart failure. Some reports attempt to explain mechanisms responsible for favorable effect of rehabilitation in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Many authors suggest, that cardiac training improves disturbed function of endothelium in cardiac diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, chronic heart failure). Improved prognosis in patients with cardiovascular diseases after cardiac rehabilitation seems to be dependent on improvement in endothelial function.
- PozycjaAutoimmune pancreatitis mimicking malignant pancreatic tumor in 79-year-old patient – a case report(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Partyka, Mariusz; Jednakiewicz, Mariusz; Staroń, Robert; Gutkowska, Dorota; Gutkowski, KrzysztofAutoimmune pancreatitis, (AIP) is a rare inflammatory disease of this organ distinguished by a specific clinical course and a good response to glucocorticosteroids. The disease may be limited to the pancreas itself or be part of a multi-organ autoimmune inflammatory process. The basis of diagnosis are radiological image techniques, enabling the location of organ changes, and endoscopic ultrasound examination, giving the possibility of material collection for cytological examination, supplemented by determination of the concentration of G4 subclass immunoglobulins. We report a case of autoimmune pancreatitis mimicking malignant tumor of this organ in a 79- year-old male patient.
- PozycjaGenesis and stages of formation of the Polish Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Jandziś, Sławomir; Puszczałowska-Lizis, EwaThe authors based on the analysis of archival materials and articles in medical journals presented the activities of individuals and organizations for the establishment of a national association for rehabilitation of the disabled. In the mid-war period, the biggest role in promoting the idea of rehabilitation of the disabled persons falls on the orthopaedic environment. The founder of Polish orthopedics, professor I. Wierzejewski, in 1928, was elected to the Senate in order to enter the „Law on the care of the maimed and crippled”. At the IV Congress of the Polish Orthopaedic Association in Lviv, in 1933, one of the sessions was devoted to the care for the crippled. The resolutions of the Congress addressed to the Polish authorities argued for opening the facilities and providing education for young cripples, keeping the statistics of crippled people and the creation of associations cooperating with the International Association of Crippled Child Care. In 1937, the Ministry of Social Welfare made a draft statute of the Society for Combating Disability and Care for the Crippled. Despite many efforts, the society was not founded before the war. At the first post-World War II conference of the members of the Polish Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, held in Warsaw in 1946, prof. W. Dega presented a plan for organization of orthopedic treatment and care for the infirm. It assumed, among others, creating a nationwide association to combat disability and care for the infirm. In 1956, he founded the Committee for Cooperation with the International Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled, which in 1957 was transformed into the Polish Committee for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled. Members of the Committee (W. Dega, Gruca A., A. Hulek, S. Rudnicki, M. Weiss, H. Dworakowska and others) sought to create a socioscientific organization for fighting disability. On March 9, 1960 they organized the meeting claiming to life one of the largest NGOs in the People’s Republic of Poland, the Polish Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled. The establishment of the Society crowned many years of efforts of individuals and organizations working for the good of people with disabilities in Poland.
- PozycjaAlleged cases of syphilis immortalized in the Krakow Altarpiece by Veit Stoss in the light of new research on the origins of the disease in Europe(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Grzegorczyk, Wiesław; Grzegorczyk, Joanna; Grzegorczyk, KrzysztofSyphilis is believed to occur in Europe as early as at the end of the fifteenth century when it was carried to Europe from America by Columbus’ sailors in 1493 (“Columbian” theory). In the nineteenth century this theory was questioned; reference was made to historical sources, pointing to the presence of syphilis in the Old World before Columbus (“pre-Columbian” theory). In 1933 a book was published by a Polish venereologist, professor Franciszek Walter on “dermatological details” of St. Mary’s Altar in Krakow by Veit Stoss. The author drew attention to the characters carved in the altar, which can show symptoms of late congenital syphilis (including saddle nose). Stoss’s work was completed in 1489, that is four years before the first Columbus expedition returned to Europe. If Walter’s hypothesis was true, syphilis would have existed in Europe before the discovery of America. In Krakow even older historical sights, mostly sculptures, can be found Prawwhich may suggest syphilis in the presented figures. Possible symptoms of syphilis seen in medieval works of art should be differentiated from other diseases, especially leprosy. Modern studies based on modern experimental methods (paleopathological, archaeological, phylogenetic) have not given yet definitive settlement of the dispute between supporters of two main theories of the origin of syphilis in Europe.
- PozycjaMusic and digital theory (Emanacje fesival 2016 – Kąśna Dolna, 15 july 2016 r., late evening)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Ciepiela, Lesław; Ciepiela, Katarzyna