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- PozycjaSyberia, Kaukaz, Kazachstan na fotografiach(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Kubala, Wojciech
- Pozycja,,Są pieśni tak cudne, że naruszają porządek świata”. Muzyka Jakutów we wspomnieniach Wacława Sieroszewskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Kondracka, KarolinaThe aim of the article is to present music of the 19 th century Yakuts in the Wacław Sieroszewski’s scientific materials. The researcher included in monograph ,,12 years in the Yakut country” interesting data about music. The information concerns shamanic music, instrumental and vocal music and the heroic epics Olonkho.
- PozycjaAnaliza językowo-kulturowego świata zesłańców syberyjskich na podstawie monografii Eugenii Kucharskiej Sybir w obrazkach(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Bator, OliwiaThe Article consists of an analysis of the linguistic and cultural world of Siberian exiles. The work was prepared on the basis of the monograph Sybir w obrazkach by Professor Eugenia Kucharska, who spent her childhood in distant Kazakhstan. In the description I have adopted the cultural method, which allows to report on the multidirectional aspects of the problems of life in Siberia, and the linguistic method, in which I have taken into account the issue of the interference.
- PozycjaПсихоаналитический аспект идентификационных стратегий Андрея Ширяева. Трансгрессия культурных кодов русской, казахской и латиноамериканской культур(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Фокина, Светлана АлександровнаIn article research is directed to studying the dialogue of A. Shiryaev with a tango phenomenon as semiosis of passion and the Argentinian culture. During the analysis there has been tracked the process of mythologization by poetic consciousness of the poet emigrant of the history of tragic death of the legendary tango performer Carlos Gardel. Reading of author’s connotations is presented to interpretations of an image of the female phantom – madame Ivonne. The basics of psychoanalysis shed light on the poetic text of A. Shiryaev through the prism of the poet’s consciousness and subconscious, respectively, the identification of both Freudian patterns and Jungian archetypes.
- PozycjaТрагедия А.С. Хомякова «Ермак»: религиософское рассуждение, стилизация под сибирский колорит или намеренное упрощение национального вопроса(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Прокофьева, Катерина АнатоліївнаWe analyze a drama work as a carrier of religious and philosophical points. In the play on the background of a historical event, the opinion about the gods as the land protectors, who revenge the conquerors, is stated. The study of the historical and religious-philosophical layers of interaction of the work results in the conclusion that the semantics expands in the play, which has traditionally been considered as “boring” by the researchers and related to the “second” literary series.