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  • Pozycja
    (De)konstruowanie męskości w neoserialu Królowa. (De)konstrukcja głównego bohatera
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Dąbrowski, Michał J.
    The aim of this article is to analyse the discursive strategies of non-verbal codes and symbols used in the creation of the masculinity of the protagonist from the perspective of critical discourse analysis (CDA). For this purpose, I have selected analytical and interpretative tools offered by selected methods operating within the CDA framework. The classical assumptions of hegemonic masculinity and contemporary theoretical concepts of masculinity formed the basis of my theoretical framework.
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    Obraz mężczyzny w języku polskim i ukraińskim. Analiza leksykograficzna
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Grzybowska, Katarzyna
    Article concerns stereotype of a man, masculinity which is contained in Polish idioms. This paper includes information about stereotype’s theory and general imagine of man. It also comprehends information about idioms and their role in stereotype’s forming. In next part of article there is analysis of examples of Polish idioms about man, masculinity, father and husband. Article is summarised with conclusions.
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    Językowy obraz mężczyzny na podstawie dolegliwości opisanych w renesansowym Zielniku Szymona Syreńskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Pasternak, Simone
    The article attempts to reconstruct the linguistic image of a man based on the ailments described in Szymon Syreński’s Herbarium published in 1613. Thirty-five prescriptions mentioning men were extracted from the work, primarily concerning ailments of the reproductive system. The analysis proves that men were typically much older than their wives. Furthermore , Herbarium touches on the subject of male fertility, which was determined by the amount of semen. It is significant that Syreński did not write about male infertility but only indicated ways to increase fertility. On the other hand, the author pointed out that some problems, such as excessive sexual activity, were not dependent on gender, despite societal beliefs to the contrary. The same applied to venereal diseases. Syreński’s work also did not repeat the belief that only women were to blame for miscarriages or the birth of a disabled child.
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    „Prącie brzmi jak prodiż” – analiza komunikacji seksualnej młodych heteroseksualnych mężczyzn
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Wysocki, Konrad Ryszard
    In the article, I analyse the components of sexual communication of young heterosexual men, such as: the context of the conversation, the characteristics of the group, the arrangement of space, and the topics discussed and not discussed. Taking the perspective of the social theory of sexuality and the sociology of language, I come to the conclusion that sexual communication is a complex process that depends on a number of factors. Based on in-depth interviews with young men, I conclude that sexual communication (1) is entangled in the social interpretation of sexuality, (2) is organized around the “serious-entertainment” axis, (3) appropriate strategies are undertaken in order to mitigate the negative effects discussing sexuality, (4) talking about sexuality has an educational, personal identification, normalizing, entertaining and integrating function.
  • Pozycja
    Polskie męskości: peryferyjne, kolonialne, postkolonialne. Mapowanie pola poszukiwań
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024) Kubiak, Adam
    The paper explores particularities of Polish masculinity entangled in perpetual violence and class-based submission rooted in serfdom and servitude. The aim there is an attempt to make a preliminary mapping of possible decolonisation of manhood/masculinity, understood as decoding the frame of oppression and exploitation built on these foundations. Main focus in this piece is put on exploring such a possibility using existing critical works and attempts of re -writing Polish identity as not noble but rather serf-born. As a preliminary piece, this paper is mean to be less of a stance and more an invitation to discussion.