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Pozycja 10 lat Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu Plastycznego Pod Kolorowym Parasolem Jesieni(Instytut Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021-12) Czarnota, Daniel; Foltyn, Matylda; Solecka, AnnaOne of the leading cultural events at the Rzeszów Culture Center (RDK) is the Polish National Art Competition Under the colourful umbrella of autumn. It is an annual event addressed to artistically gifted children and teenagers all over the country, whose task is to make art. works inspired by autumn.Pozycja 10. edycja Triennale Grafiki Polskiej – Katowice 2018(Instytut Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019-12) Lech-Bińczycka, AgnieszkaPozycja 100 FLAG na stulecie uzyskania praw wyborczych przez kobiety(Instytut Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019-12) Sawicka, JadwigaPozycja 100. rocznica urodzin Oskara Langego(MITEL, 2005-06) Łukawer, EdwardArtykuł poświęcony jest światowej sławy naukowcowi i ekonomiście Oskarowi Lange. On próbował łączenie prac teoretycznych z potrzebami praktyki gospodarczej. Jego wielkość polegała na ogromnej pracowitości, żelaznej logice myślenia, przedstawianiu najbardziej skomplikowanych problemów z możliwie prostej perspektywy i świetnym wyczuciu tego, co społecznie i historycznie było ważne i warte przeanalizowania.Pozycja „120 kilometrów samotności”. Główny Szlak Karpacki im. Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego na terenie Bieszczadów Zachodnich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Organ, MichałBieszczady Zachodnie w okresie międzywojennym nie należały do terenów powszechnie uznawanych za atrakcyjne turystycznie, dopiero pod koniec lat 30. XX w. zwrócono większą uwagę na potencjał drzemiący w tej części Karpat Wschodnich. Wyrazem tego stał się Główny Szlak Karpacki, którego ostatni odcinek uzupełniający lukę pomiędzy Głównym Szlakiem Zachodniobeskidzkim i Wschodniokarpackim wyznakowano właśnie na tym obszarze. Istniejący zaledwie cztery lata odcinek szlaku czerwonego włączał tereny rozciągające się pomiędzy Przeł. Łupkowską i Przeł. Użocką do kręgu zainteresowań turystów górskich. Od 1936 r. pokonanie bieszczadzkiego odcinka szlaku stało się jednym z kryteriów uzyskania „dojrzałości górskiej”, a więc zdobycia odznak turystyki kwalifikowanej Polskiego Towarzystwa Tatrzańskiego. Wkrótce staraniem Towarzystwa zaczęto inwestować w Bieszczadach, umożliwiając turystom szerszą „eksplorację terenu”. Jednakże aż do samego końca swego istnienia bieszczadzki odcinek Głównego Szlaku Karpackiego wymagał podjęcia wielodniowej wędrówki przez tereny niemalże dziewicze i pozbawione podstawowego zaplecza turystycznego, przede wszystkim dobrych miejsc noclegowych. Realia wędrowania wymagały od turysty dobrej znajomości terenu, umiejętności czytania map, a także zdolności do planowania wielodniowej wędrówki prowadzącej przez blisko 120 km bieszczadzkich bezdroży. Planowanie wycieczek górskich utrudniał brak dobrego i ogólnodostępnego przewodnika turystycznego. Turysta wędrujący przez Bieszczady Zachodnie w latach 1935–1939 musiał zatem polegać na nielicznych schroniskach, stacjach turystycznych domkach myśliwskich, a czasem szukać schronienia w zwykłych szałasach pasterskich.Pozycja 19F MRI As a tool for imaging drug delivery to tissue and individual cells(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Bober, Zuzanna; Aebisher, David; Ożóg, Łukasz; Tabarkiewicz, Jacek; Tutka, Piotr; Bartusik-Aebisher, DorotaOver the past few decades, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has proven to be extremely successful in medical applications. More recently, the biomedical applications of MRI have been gaining more use in the field of clinical pharmacy. In 1977, perfluorocarbon compounds (PFC), which form emulsions that can carry drugs, were analyzed by 19F MRI and emulsified PFC compounds have been investigated as potential blood substitutes since the early 1960s and now a wide variety of PFC compounds are currently available as 19F MRI biomarkers. Molecules with 19F substituents are particularly attractive for use in drug tracking by 19F MRI due to 100% 19F abundance, high 19F MRI sensitivity (0.83 relative to 1H MRI) and an impressively large chemical shift range (400 ppm). Another benefit in the use of 19F MRI is a zero background signal in biological samples due to lack of endogenous fluorine. Therefore, drugs containing fluorine atom have potential for 19F MRI imaging drug delivery to tissue. This article will review recent developments in the use of 19F MRI in imaging drug delivery to tissue and individual cells.Pozycja 2 nd International Graphic Arts Festival w Khairagarh – Indie(Wydział Sztuki UR, 2018-12) Uchman, MagdalenaPozycja 20-lecie utworzenia Instytutu Archeologii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Konferencja „Rubieże kultur – kultury rubieży. Z badań nad archeologią Europy Środkowo- -Wschodniej od młodszej epoki kamienia do wczesnej epoki żelaza”, Rzeszów, 2–3 grudnia 2019 r.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Król, DariuszPozycja 36 widoków EC(Instytut Sztuk Pięknych Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021-12) Machowski, JacekPozycja 45 minutes within the four walls of a classroom: Problems and concerns of student teachers during their practicum(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Szymańska-Tworek, Aleksandra; Turzańska, AgnieszkaStudent practicum is an important part of teacher preparatory program. It is speculated that pre-service teachers who manage to complete their practicum with a sense of accomplishment and success are more likely to choose teaching as their ultimate career. However, before trainee teachers turn into fully-fledged, certified teachers, they need to work through the numerous challenges that student teaching poses on them. The literature adduced in the present paper points to a number of concerns that trainee teachers struggle with. First and foremost, they strongly complain about pupils’ misbehaviour and lack of motivation. Other stated problems include trainee teachers’ ineffective time and classroom management and feeling of anxiety that accompanies them throughout the whole period of practicum. In the present study we investigated the problems and worries of 108 student teachers majoring in English at the University of Silesia. The findings are congruous with the existing research in that pre-service teachers mostly struggle with pupils’ misbehaviour, time management, stress and feeling of anxiety. This emotional strain is caused by a number of factors: lack of confidence in one’s teaching skills, inability to introduce order and discipline, demotivated learners, being observed by a supervising teacher and conducting their first lesson.Pozycja 5. Międzynarodowy Konkurs na Rysunek im. M.E. Andriollego(Wydział Sztuki UR, 2017-12) Jankowska, AgnieszkaPozycja „622 upadki” Witkacego w listach do żony o żonach(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Narewska, DorotaThe article is a view of relation that bonds Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz and Jadwiga Unrug-Witkiewicz that emerges from his mails to the wife. His view of imperfect relationship of man and woman, marriage, a relation towards the sacrament, offspring, love and faithfulness contains the traces of God’s reality.Pozycja A 16-year-old patient with Charcot Marie Tooth disease in variant c.217G>C of the INF2 gene and focal glomerulosclerosis – a case report(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Przygoda, Maria; Matias, Dawid; Jurczak, Maciej; Sokołowska, Aldona; Raba, Karolina; Wołkanowski, Juliusz; Rydzanicz, Małgorzata; Kosińska, Joanna; Płoski, Rafał; Aebisher, David; Pyrkosz, AntoniIntroduction. Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT) is currently one of the most commonly diagnosed and commonly hereditary sensorimotor neuropathies. Concluding from the literature, this is the first study describing the case of a patient with CMT disease in the c.217G> C variant of the INF2 gene and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Aim. To present a case of a 16-year-old patient suffering from CMT disease in variant c.217G> C of the INF2 gene and focal glomerulosclerosis. Description of the case. The text describes the CMT disease in a patient who underwent the WES / WGS-NGS genetic test and found a mutation within the INF2 gene at the chromosomal position hg38 14: 104701582-G> C, cDNA level c.217 G> C , notation at the p protein level (Gly73Arg). Genotype record according to Human Genome Variation Society: NM_022489.4: c. [217G> C]; [217 =]. The publication includes data on genetics, molecular mechanisms of the disease, diagnostic methods, rehabilitation and surgical treatment. Conclusion. CMT disease is a heterogeneous group of diseases caused by mutations in various genes. The incidence of this pathology has increased significantly in the last century. Currently, there are no treatments available to combat this disease, and symptomatic treatment is the only treatment available.Pozycja A benign entity – cerebral multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022) Kış, Naciye; Erok, Berrin; Kılıç, Harun; Önder, HakanIntroduction and aim. Multinodular and vacuolating neuronal tumor (MVNT) of the cerebrum is a rare benign, mixed glial/ neuronal lesion which has been included in the recent (2016) World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of the central nervous system tumors.Most of the reported cases are remarkable with adult onset seizure in the literature.They can also be found incidentally in nonepilepsy patients with or without headache We aimed to present this unique entity with its typical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features. Description of the case. A 21-year old man presented with complaint of headache that increased in frequency within the last few months.No relevant seizure or any other signs of note.He was diagnosed with MVNT by imaging andstarted to be followed- up.The repeat MRI 6 months later showed no interval changes. Conclusion. Clinicians should be aware of that it is a do not touch lesion in asymptomatic patients with no need for biopsy or surgery and follow up imaging is sufficient when presented with the typical MRI manifestations. Surgical resection may be required for seizure control and was reported in few cases with no tumoral regrowth in the literature.Pozycja A case study for the design and development of pedagogical awareness in the Teacher Training Master’s Degree: didactic strategies and methodology(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Soler Santaliestra, Juan Ramón; Soler Costa, RebecaRoughly speaking, the European Higher Education Area introduced substantial changes in the structure and development of new curricula. Particularly, when assuming the teaching-learning processes in the Master’s Degree, special attention needs to be carried out to the students’ achievements. Since 2010, the Faculty of Education in the University of Zaragoza implemented the Master in Teacher Training for High School Teachers. One of the main aims is to provide students with the necessary pedagogical knowledge, strategies and procedures to be able to develop professionally. We want to accompany in students’ development, the acquisition of teaching techniques and methodologies, including methodology specific for age of youth, the teachers will be working with. This issue was showed in presented text. The authors pictured, among others, the methods, activities and objectives designed to help students achieve the learning outcomes in the Master’s compulsory Module entitled “Context of the Teaching Task”.Pozycja A casu ad casum – korzenie oraz ewolucja ustrojowa mechanizmu odpowiedzialności politycznej rządu w systemie konstytucyjnym Wielkiej Brytanii(Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Pastuszko, GrzegorzArtykuł zawiera prawną analizę czynników, które przyczyniły się do ukształtowania instytucji odpowiedzialności politycznej rządu przed parlamentem w brytyjskim prawie konstytucyjnym. W pierwszym rzędzie Autor przedstawia proces uwalniania się gabinetu od więzi prawnej i politycznej zależności wobec głowy państwa (monarchy). Kolejno omówiona zostaje kwestia tworzenia się w XVIII i XIX w. – na drodze praktyki ustrojowej – nowych relacji prawnych między rządem a parlamentem, w tym w szczególności relacji związanych w wyrażaniem ministrom zasiadającym w gabinecie wotum nieufności. Wreszcie w ostatniej części artykułu Autor opisuje, jak na instytucję odpowiedzialności politycznej rządu wpłynął fakt wytworzenia systemu dwupartyjnego.Pozycja A Child’s Grave Robe from the Northern Crypt of St Anne’s Church in Konotop, Lubuskie Province, Poland(the Authors, 2022-12) Grupa, Małgorzata; Jasiak, Krzysztof; Grupa, Dawid; Nalaskowski, FilipAn ossuary was found in a brass sarcophagus, dated to 1720 based on a medallion. The archaeological material was mixed with rubbish and sand. Inside the sarcophagus, the remains of both adults and children were discovered. These are believed to be members of the von Kottwitz family, former owners of Konotop. The separation of the material into different types of cloth was quite painstaking and lengthy. Only one of the grave robes has survived in an almost intact condition. It was a simple grave robe without a back. During the analysis of the skeletal remains, it was matched to the red stained skeleton of an infant.Pozycja A comparative analysis of Polish and English idioms containing words from bird class(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Wilkosz, SylwiaThe principle aim of the article is to shed light on the differences between Polish and English idioms containing words from BIRD class. Among the illustrated examples some of the Polish instances include “mieć kaczy chód”, “głupia gęś” or “ptasi móżdżek” in comparison to their English equivalents. Additionally, the English cases concerning idioms outlined in the article involve “to take to something like a duck to water, to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs” or “to count one’s chickens”, etc. The article consists of three main parts. The first one presents a brief description of the phraseological unit in general as well as it constitutes an attempt to classify different types of the units and an abundance of the terminology connected with the phenomenon. Moreover, the next section explains in detail what exactly the term “idiom” denotes according to diverse authors, i.e. Seidl, Weinreich, etc. Furthermore, in the last part of the article the idioms with words from the class BIRD are analysed. Not only particular examples of the idioms are compared with their equivalents in another language but also the origin of the presented idioms is clarified. Finally, all the conclusions are listed in the summary.Pozycja A comparative analysis of the rehabilitation course of two patients after the implantation of an artificial hip joint(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Handkiewicz, KrzysztofIntroduction. Endoprosthetics is the most effective method of returning to a normal way of life without pain. The key element is the post-operative rehabilitation program where a patient has to comply with certain rules and principles. The rehabilitation also includes the family of the patient. Each person, after any surgery requires an individual approach, and no patient can be commonly treated. Aim. The aim of the article is to compare the effects of an early rehabilitation after the implantation of an artificial hip joint in two patient cases. Description of the cases. This research was conducted at Bodden-Klinken GmbH. An individual case study was used, based on an example of two patients at the age of 59 who had implantation of an artificial hip joint. The carried out rehabilitation of the patients was conducted without any disruptions. Patients were able to freely walk on crutches nine days after the procedure. Conclusions. In the cases analyzed, the rehabilitation course was described until the ninth day after implantation of an artificial hip joint. High results in terms of patient rehabilitation were achieved. Furthermore, in order to continue their therapy, they were referred to the sanatorium.Pozycja A Computer Tech Pedaguge: the Cultural Linguistic Perspective(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Dziama, AnnaUnderstanding the complexity of a teacher and its role in modern society is vitally important for the advancement in education. The aim of this research paper is to introduce the concept of cultural linguistics and to determine the impactsand the broad understanding of the role of a teacher, referredin this article as the pedagogue in the era of information and communication technology. Evidence suggest that there is a growing need to reestablish the position of a pedagogue which is one of the most important factors in the proper approach to the use of technology in modern schools. To recognize this role, the fundamentals of cultural linguistics and its schemes will be used to highlight the need for further research. A number of cross-sectional studies has accentuated the problem of digital technology in the classroom and the role/scheme of a pedagogue (Palmer, 1996; Ceratto Pargman, 2019; Sharifian, 2011, 2017). This study identified the key elements of a pedagogue and presented a sample of exercises that can be used by a teacher to utilities the digitalization of schools.