Tematy i Konteksty 12(17) 2022
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Pozycja Krąg mitów arturiańskich w twórczości Johna Ronalda Reuela Tolkiena i Andrzeja Sapkowskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Kosiba, JowitaThe article is devoted to the functioning of the Arthurian legends in the works by both J.R.R. Tolkien and A. Sapkowski. The universe of Andrzej Sapkowski, who inscribed his own story into the Arthurian myth, makes an impression of being rooted in a long, centuries-old tradition. Tolkien also drew from the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, using the eternal desire for the coming of the king – restorer. The most interesting issue is the different approach to the legend presented by both writers. Tolkien omitted elements „contaminated” with Christian influence, extracting the pure essence of pagan Celticism, while renouncing an inspiration from the medieval history. Sapkowski, on the contrary, openly admits to his fascination, apotheosing the Arthurian myth in both its forms – the primitive one and the one filtered through the Christian tradition.Pozycja Przywołania i deskrypcje ruin w dzienniku podróży Walerii Tarnowskiej do Italii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Mazurkowa BożenaThe main part of this study is preceded by information on the subject of dynamically increasing, since the beginning of the 18th century, participation of Polish women from wealthy houses in social life. It can be confirmed by, among others, their travels abroad to e.g. Italy with its rich resources in the form of works of art including those preserved from ancient times being of great interest then. In the main stream of investigation the author focuses on the preserved French travel journal (“Mes voyages”) of the journey that Waleria from the Stroynowskis Tarnowska undertook to Italy in years 1803–1804 with her husband Jan Feliks and her father Walerian. The analytical and interpretational considerations refer to the fragments concerning the buildings observed by the countess during her Italian journey, which were to a various degree damaged by the power of time or human activity and that was indicated by singled out synonymous terms used for ruins. The crucial aspect of this reflection is concretisation of Tarnowska’s impressions depicted in descriptions from close contact with antique and modern edifices, not too rarely preserved in a remnant form. According to the author of this study references to and descriptions of ruins in the analysed journal are the expression of not a genuine passion but rather of the influence of contemporary fashion for ancient times and great curiosity for the world during the first journey abroad and the will to see and then record in writing all that was required to see during this Italian trip. They also prove psychologically conditioned perception of wors of art.Pozycja Czytając Znanieckiego i Carnapa. Studenckie lata Stefana Żółkiewskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Sidorowicz, PiotrThe article is an attempt to describe the first years of Stefan Żółkiewski’s scientific activity. The author begins by analysing the student duties of a future researcher, looking for his first masters. He also considers the theses contained in Żółkiewski’s thesis and concludes with a description of his activity in the students’ scientific circle known as “Warszawskie Koło Polonistów”. The author of the article tries to point out the genesis of Żółkiewski’s qualities, which characterize his later attitude: a leftist worldview, organizational skills, sociological thinking about literature and concern for the general condition of the humanities.Pozycja Między piosenką poetycką a poezją śpiewaną – twórczość Mirosława Czyżykiewicza w perspektywie genologicznej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Brucki, SzymonThe aim of this article is an attempt to classify the works of Mirosław Czyżykiewicz – an outstanding guitarist, composer and vocalist, one of the most valued performers of poetic song and sung poetry in Poland; and to question the validity of the division into the above-mentioned genres existing in the scientific discourse. As it turns out, the bard’s original work eludes the previously known typology, according to which both these varieties of song are treated as separate verbal and musical phenomena. Meanwhile, their far-reaching similarity, or rather the lack of clearly identifiable differences, do not allow us to think of them as completely different genres.Pozycja Reprezentatywność cech gatunkowych trawelogu w porównaniu z innymi gatunkami literackimi(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Rozinkewycz, NataliaThe purpose of the article is to systematize the experience of modern scholars who study the genres of travel literature. The focus is on determining the basic characteristics of travelogues in comparison to the genre features of other genres containing travel (essay, feature, guidebook, etc.). The difference between travel and geographical literature has been clarified. To distinguish between similar genres and understand the differences between them, it is necessary to identify the common and peculiar features of different genres of travel literature.Pozycja „Panorama badań aksjologicznych we współczesnym literaturoznawstwie polskim” (polemiczne dopowiedzenia)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Obremski, KrzysztofThis publication contains polemic commentaries to the text by Beata Garlej „Panorama badań aksjologicznych we współczesnym literaturoznawstwie polskim” [Panorama of axiological research in contemporary Polish literary studies] („Tematy i Konteksty” 11(16)/2021). This publication has been divided into three parts: “Lublin school (KUL school)”, “Torun school” and “Warsaw school”. The lack of the authoress’s explanations of her understanding of the term ‘school’ allows to overestimate the significance of “Torun school” and underestimate the significance of “»Garden« school”.Pozycja Wielkie zmiany w małym mieście. Dobre i złe spotkania z nowoczesnością w „Promieniu” Stefana Żeromskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Chyła, KarolinaThis article analyses complex and ambiguous aspects of modernisation, depicted by Stefan Żeromski in his intriguing but rather obscure novel “Promień” [“The Ray”] (1898). The writer chooses a provincial town for his scenery – although based on Kielce, it is hidden with a fictional name – which experiences an industrial revolution in miniature. A railroad built in the area, old, solid shops and enterprises brought to death by the modern way of trade and a shockingly radical local newspaper ran by the novel’s protagonists are just a few most striking symptoms of that inevitable and unsettling process of change.Pozycja „Wspomnienia wygnanki” Pauliny Krakowowej – robinsonada z perspektywy kobiecej. Re-lektura(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Berkan-Jabłońska, MariaThe aim of the article is to remind Paulina Krakowowa’s robinsonade “Memories of the exile” created in 1843, and to indicate the possible directions of its contemporary reading. The analysis covers the female characters appearing in the novel, their strategies accepted in the face of unfavorable circumstances, as well as the pro-civilizational actions undertaken already on the abandoned island. According to the author of the article these depictions could have a double meaning for the Polish writer: both feminist and patriotic. A separate issue indicated in the sketch is the positioning of Krakowowa’s work in the context of the Western European female robinsonades of the eighteenth and nineteenth century which have been already the subject of attention of such researchers as e.g. Jeannine Blackwell, Thomas Fair, and Michelle Smith.Pozycja „Wyspa doktora Moreau” Herberta George’a Wellsa – rewizja tropów mitologicznych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Ligęza, AdrianThis article puts forward a reinterpretation of the presence of mythological tropes in H. G. Wells’s, “The Island of Doctor Moreau”. Once the various contexts within which the novel tends to be read have been presented, attention is drawn to the interpretative approaches adopted by literary critics, such as Bergonzi, Bowen, Hayes, to name but a few, who search for connections between the author’s chosen text and myths. Among the cited interpretations, we will find references to, among others, Circe, Comus and Prometheus. Availing himself of the research methodology adopted by John White and Marie Miguet-Ollagnier, the author identifies the sections where allusions to the myths pertaining to Daedalus and Dionysus are to be most frequently encountered. At the same time, the author expands on the findings of previous research by highlighting newly-found mythological motifs. In his conclusion, the author of this article highlights the need for Wells’s work to be now read against the background of the mythological allusions which he has identified as being present in the world of this novel.Pozycja Fantastyka naukowa jako bajka? Rozważania nad „Bajkami robotów” Stanisława Lema(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Gall, AlfredThis paper deals with Lem’s “Fables for Robots” and sheds some light on the genological interplay between science fiction and fairy tale. Its aim is to show to what extent a key feature of fairy tales like magic is transformed within the framework of science fiction. Lem depicts peculiarities of technological civilisation (Gotthard Günther). By referring to the fairy tale Lem draws the attention to the non-technological background in this civilisation, namely the desires and aspirations on which technologies as well as social order are based. In this interconnection of desire and technology lies in the core of Lem’s literary synthesis of fairy tale and science fiction. This synthesis is contextualised on the basis of Lem’s own theoretical works, related discussions of magic in technology (Norbert Wiener, Arthur C. Clarke), and Max Horkheimer’s critical reassessment of modern rationality.Pozycja Teatralizacje Cypriana Norwida(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Braun, KazimierzThe article investigates selected uses of theatricality by the poet and playwright Cyprian Norwid (1821-1883). Based on his previous works on theatricality, among others, his book “Theatricality of Life. Practices and Startegies” (A. Marszałek, Toruń 2020), as well as his numerous publications on Norwid, Kazimierz Braun focuses on four, especially evident, cases of Norwid’s bringing theatricality into play in his life. They are discussed in the chapters of the article: “Norwid on Horseback, Norwid Without a Coat, Norwid in a Cap “Konfederatka”, Norwid as Dalang”. (The latter chapter compares Norwid with an Indonesian Dalang, who is a “total” artist of theatre). Each case of use of theatricality by Norwid brought about a significant literary output such as poems, dramas, short stories and letters.Pozycja Bizarne opowieści Dominiki Słowik(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Piechota, Dariusz“Samosiejki” by Dominika Słowik is a collection of short stories which belongs to recent realist prose that willingly uses the fairy-tale convention. The category of bizarreness plays a key role in this collection, as it is closely related to the world of nature. The protagonists become witnesses to weather anomalies and aberrations in nature, which brings to mind pessimistic visions of an impending ecological disaster. The protagonists are not only observers of the changes taking place in the natural environment, but they also notice the anomalies in themselves. In “Samosiejki” the blurring of the boundary between what is real and what is fairy-tale also includes the boundary between species.Pozycja „Dusza moja była pełna skarbów bożych od dawna, lecz nie było w niej miłości”. Owoce medytacji Juliusza Słowackiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Duszyca, PaulinaThe article focuses on the meditative aspect of Juliusz Słowacki’s spiritual transformation and discusses the fruits of his meditative attitude. The poet’s correspondence became the main research material in the deliberations and findings. The work analyses successively such qualities and derivatives of the poet’s meditative lifestyle as: inner joy and delight, submission to God’s drawing action, spiritual indifference, but also such actions and activities, the specificity and essence of which turn out to be the result of a meditative act. By isolating and examining these particular effects of the act of meditation, we once again agree to the research opinion of Ewa Szczeglacka-Pawłowska that the poet fully deserves to be called homo meditans. The poet’s spiritual transgression has been described many times, however, placing it in the light of meditation allows us to extract new meanings from the issue.Pozycja Testowanie gatunku, testowanie gatunkiem(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Korwin-Piotrowska, DorotaThe article refers to current genological problems in literary studies. When the author talks about ‘testing a genre’, she has in mind literary and theoretical trails of old and new literary forms. When she talks about ‘testing with a genre’, she means attempts to look at contemporary culture and its changes through the prism of a genre. The discussed issues include, among others, anamorphism of genological terms, the phenomenon of genre irony, inadequacy of old classification and ways of conducting research in the richness and distinctness of contemporary phenomena, necessity of taking into account comprehensive changes occurring in culture and cyberspace in the genological reflection.Pozycja Gatunek dramatu „rewolucyjnego”: transgresje i narodowe matryce genologiczne w kontekście ukraińskich rewolucji XXI wieku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Bondarewa, OłenaConsidering drama as an operational and mobile genre of literature, it is worth starting a separate conversation about its reactivity in the context of Ukrainian revolutions and liberation struggles of the 21st century. After all, modern Ukrainian “revolutionary” drama has nothing to do with the destructive genre clichés of the traditional “revolutionary drama” of the twentieth century. Signs of the latter were the destructive myth of: the new creation of the world; life from zero cycle; basic benefits for infirm people, given by the revolution; static linear plots; pseudo- -documentary; ideological involvement of protagonists / antagonists. Ukrainian “revolutionary” drama of the 21st century has 2 streams dedicated, respectively, to the Orange Revolution (vitalistic-romantic visions of the revolution as “love on the barricades” and “birth of the spirit”, “The Nutcracker 2004” by Alexander Irvantеs and “Revolution, love, death and dreams” by Pavlо Arie) and the Revolution of Dignity, which was mastered: in prophetic works (“Barricades on the Cross” by Yurko Gudz, “Detailing” by Dmitry Ternov); in the latest documentary strategies that do not require additional theatrical reinforcement (“We, the Maidan” by Nadiya Simchych, “Diaries of the Maidan” by Natalia Vorozhbyt); in hagiographic “To the sharpness of the sixth octave” by Igor Yuzyuk, “OTVETKA@UA” by Neda Nezhdana) and in symbolic and allegorical genres (Neda Nezhdana’s “Maidan inferno, or the other side of hell”, Oleksandr Viter’s “Labyrinth”, Oleg-Mykolaychuk-Nizovets’ “Chestnut and Lily of the Valley”, Oksana Tanyuk’s “Woe (not) my wolf, or Schrödinger’s Cat”, Vladimir Kupyansky’s “Under the Sign of Puy”, “Bogdan 2014” by Ksenia Skoryk, “Knight of the Temple” by Tetyana Ivashchenko, “Women and Snapper” by Tetyana Kitsenko, “Christmas on the Maidan” by Vira Makoviy, “Extreme Modern People” by Mykola Istin and many other dramatic works). This gives grounds to consider the irreversible artistic transgressions of the genre, which due to its efficiency and mobility gets a new quality and new life, which is very relevant in the context of the Maidan topos throughout Ukraine in the Russian aggression in 2022.Pozycja Rozmowy istotne „wobec zgiełku spraw nieistotnych”. O interlokucjach Wiesława Myśliwskiego i Tomasza Bocheńskiego. Prolegomena(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Maroszczuk, GrażynaThe aim of this study is a genological analysis of the duo-author book by Wiesław Myśliwski and Tadeusz Bocheński, “Myśliwski-Bocheński. Important conversations” in the context of the ‘new version’ of ‘conversations with the writer’ in the era of internet culture.The guide to the analysis is the question of how this publication engages in dialogue with the convention of ‘significant conversations’ by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, an analyst of the discussion. I ask how the conversations with Wiesław Myśliwski problematize the reflection on literature and literary tradition, the writer’s personal narrative and the communicative situation of the conversation. In Myśliwski’s and Bocheński’s dialogue, tradition, the memory of literature and the attitude towards one’s own memories become rather a default system that the recipient should become aware of if he or she wishes to understand the meanings of the conversation between a prose writer and a literary historian.Pozycja Genologia wobec rewolucji cyfrowej. Przypadek reportażu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Pietrzak, PrzemysławI compare the concept of today intermedial reportage to that before the Internet era. Several features of this genre, usually considered as purely contemporary ones, can be found in the works of 20th century Polish writers including interwar period. Multi-, trans- and intermedial reportages, multiplication of their editorial channels and some forms of participation can be discovered before the time of World Wide Web, on condition that we take into consideration newspaper editions, not only those in the books. Digital revolution then looks merely like a change of carrier rather than a huge turn in the history of some literary genres. Moreover, what it offers (internet channels, social media), is of much less durability than traditional paper texts, and readers’ participation here is frequently limited to commentaries or some cues for authors. Many of them vanish shortly afterwards, what makes a ‘participatory culture’ a cultural illusion.Pozycja Historyk literatury wśród gatunków mowy. Przypadek Stanisława Pigonia(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Ziołowicz, AgnieszkaThe article concerns Stanisław Pigoń’s research on the ‘living word’ of Adam Mickiewicz. The subject of the reflection are two volumes of Mickiewicz’s “Complete Works”, published in 1933, including “Speeches” and “Conversations” of the poet. First of all, the method of scientific procedure used by Pigoń was mainly interpreted. This issue was placed in the context of his concept of the history of literature and of the twentieth-century research on the oral aspects of literature. Both volumes published by the scholar deserve to be recalled and appreciated, as they are the original Polish contribution to this area of scientific reflection. They also allow us to look at the culture of the Romantic era through the prism of forms and functions of orality and enrich our knowledge about the personality of Mickiewicz.Pozycja O biograficznych aluzjach do rzeczywistości w poezji. Wprowadzenie teoretycznoliterackie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Garczarek, KrzysztofThis article is an introduction to theoretical considerations focused on biographical allusions to reality that find their place in poetry. The author, following the theories of literary fiction rooted in Aristotle’s thought, takes the position that all scientific considerations concerning the actual prototypes of the creation of the represented worlds must start with the rejection of existential monism and assume the existence of ‘possible worlds’. The author proposes to introduce the concept of ‘biographical allusion formulated by applying a lyric strategy’ into literary theory and indicates three basic lyrical strategies of this type: testimony, confession and challenge.Pozycja Znaczenia pieśni w wierszu „Do obywatela Johna Brown”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Nurzyńska-Kozak AgnieszkaThe aim of this article was the analysis of the meanings of song and their transformations in the poem by Cyprian Norwid “Do obywatela Johna Brown”. As a result of interpretational close-ups (especially to the initial phrase and the climax of this poem) the polysemic song by Norwid appears not only as a lyrical genre, a term synonymous to poetry in general but also as an act with performative and transgressive features leading the lyrical subject – also through a specifically ‘musical’ shaping of this poem – towards the experience of epiphany of sacrum (Marian and Christological motives).