Polityka i Społeczeństwo
URI dla tego Zbioruhttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/891
„Polityka i Społeczeństwo” (Studies in Politics and Society) jest naukowym czasopismem politologicznym o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym. W latach 2004−2012 ukazało się łącznie 10 numerów, a artykuły były publikowane równolegle w językach polskim i angielskim. Począwszy od 2013 roku pismo zostało przekształcone w kwartalnik, a artykuły są publikowane w języku polskim lub angielskim. Czasopismo zostało stworzone i ukazuje się dzięki staraniom pracowników Instytutu Nauk o Polityce Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, a jego wydawcą jest Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
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Pozycja Konwersacja jako fenomen społeczny i jako przedmiot badań(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Przywara, PawełThe paper deals with the relationship between conversation and different contexts as well as constraints of research which appear within scientific disciplines analysing interpersonal communication, especially within pragmatics. It is pointed that the studies on conversation ought to be reinforced with an epistemological approach.Pozycja Public relations w polityce. Korzyści wynikające z procesu budowania relacji oraz błędy w interpretacji definicji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Tworzydło, DariuszThe article presents the results of analysis exploring politicians’ and political parties’ reputation building processes. Due to this it contains examples of definitions which can be wrongly linked with interpretation of the term public relations – which mainly happens among politicians and some journalists. It also expands upon elements which can have positive and negative impact on reputation building processes. As an example the term manipulation is illustrated, which is very often wrongly understood and linked with professional communication. The article shows what benefits can be gained thanks to well planned and long-term public relations activities as well. One added value of this publication is communication model whose implementation during political campaigns can strengthen effects of tools discussed in the articlePozycja Identyfikacja wizualna w systemie politycznego zintegrowanego komunikowania marketingowego – wybrane aspekty(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Gawroński, SławomirIntegrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is a concept well known since the 1990s. It was elaborated for business branding and economic marketing actions. Its efficiency in business causes a growing interest in diverse forms of sector marketing – also political marketing. It is assumed that one aspect combining tools-like elements of IMC is Public Relations. However, an equally important factor, being a binder of all marketing communication tools of visual character is the building and implementing of visual identification systems. In this article chosen aspects of role that visual identity plays in marketing communication applied in political marketing are shown.Pozycja Frazeologizmy obrazujące komunikacyjne zachowania niewerbalne jako instrument kierowania wrażeniem. Analiza treści bloga Janusza Palikota(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Rak, JoannaThe paper reflects phraseological connections showing non-verbal communicational behaviours in their role as tools exerting a strong influence on the language of politics. As a result of the analysis of Janusz Palikot’s weblog clear examples of such impact have been distinguished. The research allowed the verification of a hypothesis according to which phraseological connections showing non-verbal communicational behaviours perform specific roles and therefore phraseological connections are a very effective tool for making an impression and captivating the attention of an audience.Pozycja Komunikowanie publiczne i polityczne w samorządzie terytorialnym. Skansen czy poligon nowych narzędzi?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Chmielewski, ZbigniewThe article presents the issue of local governments’ communication towards local communities, in the context of organizational processes of those activities, utilised communication tools, promotional budgets and trends which can be observed in this area through recent years. Presented deductions are based on a survey conducted in Zachodniopomorskie Voivoidship (Poland) and Podkarpackie Voivodship (Poland) in 2010 and results from research that was carried out in 2012 in Poland. The analysis of those allows the authors to conclude that local governments are interested in using some new communication tools, which in the main are accepted by the majority of the citizens. It seems that the relationship building processes between local governments and citizens can be an important factor in the raising of standards of Polish democracy, especially in the face of the constantly increasing significance of communication towards social groupsPozycja Marka regionu na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Gąsior-Niemiec, AnnaThe paper is dedicated to an aspect of territorial marketing which is called region branding. It focuses on the branding of the lubelskie voivodship. The Lubelskie is classified in the public discourse as one of the “inherently backward” regions in Eastern Poland. As such, it has been subject to discursive stigmatization and institutional discrimination. Its case exemplifies processes of orientalism that were triggered in the country after the systemic change and – concerning the regions – reinforced after the institutionalization of new “big” regions in 1999. In the paper, the official strategy of branding Lubelskie is analyzed. The aim is to identify the ways in which the stigma of its “eastern backwardness” is treated in order to produce a new, positive and attractive image of this region to be promoted and sold as its competitive brand.Pozycja Uzasadnianie decyzji politycznych jako narzędzie marketingu politycznego poza okresem kampanii wyborczej. Analiza zawartości trzech tygodników lokalnych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Furman, WojciechContemporary election campaigns are not limited to formally determined periods. This article is based on the assumption that local authorities conduct continuous campaigns to canvass for votes. The intention of this article was to check how local authorities had justified controversial political decisions. The content of three local weeklies from Podkarpackie voivodship coming from two periods of four weeks in May-June and October-November 2012 was analysed. It was discovered that all four categories of justifying controversial political decisions were present in the publications of each weekly.Pozycja Dziennikarstwo czy władza? Ambicje regionalnych dzienników w kontekście samorządowej kampanii wyborczej w 2010 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Baran, LeszekBefore the local elections in 2010 two newspapers in Rzeszów – the local edition of “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Super Nowości” – tried to make effort to gain a result in the elections for President of Rzeszów and to the City Council. In the article the instruments used by these newspapers are discussed – publications and co-creation of election committee. The text ends with a conclusion that in terms of impact on reality, the ambitions of “GW” could be defined within the media category of soft determinism, but the ambitions of “SN” qualify as media hard determinism.Pozycja Polityka informacyjna starostw powiatowych województwa podkarpackiego – wyniki badań(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Kuca, Paweł; Polak, RafałThis article presents reflections on the assumptions, goals and tools used by the district authorities of Podkarpackie Province in their external information policy. The authors have tried to answer the following questions: whether the counties maintain conscious relations with the media, what these relations look like, and also whether the journalists are interested in the issues of self-government (according to local authorities). Moreover, the intensity of the use of selected communication tools - standard and non-standard – has been described. The article has also aimed to determine what tools of external communication will be used by the counties in the future. The conclusions presented in the article were based on the results of a survey conducted by the authors with the heads of Podkarpackie counties in the first half of 2012.Pozycja Armia europejska czy nowy Wehrmacht? Plany utworzenia Europejskiej Wspólnoty Obronnej w karykaturze polskiej na przykładzie czasopisma satyrycznego „Szpilki” 1950-1954(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Ślęzak, JolantaThe paper presented a vision of the plan to form a European Defence Community created by Polish caricatures and recounted over political considerations which affected the way the EDC was presented. The main source was caricatures which were published in Polish satirical magazine “Szpilki” from 1950 to 1954 – from when Pleven’s plan was announced to its rejection by France. The author used quantitative analysis which allowed the demonstration of the artists’ range of interests in EDC and to catch plots. The paper is composed of three parts which contain content analysis of the particular caricatures. It allowed for the discovery that the pictures showed the main Polish external enemies: the USA and West Germany. EDC was presented as their common plan to bring the Wehrmacht back to life. The way EDC was drawn resulted from the fact that Poland was a member of the socialist block.Pozycja Wojciech Peszyński, Walka na spoty po polsku. Przypadek kampanii parlamentarnych z lat 2001-2007, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, Toruń 2012, ss. 295, recenzja(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Rak, JoannaPozycja Adam Wielomski, Teokracja papieska 1073-1378. Myśl polityczna papieży, papalistów i ich przeciwników, Wydawnictwo von borowiecky, Warszawa 2011, ss. 696, recenzja(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Steczkowski, PiotrPozycja Kompetencje Rady Ministrów w zakresie bezpieczeństwa Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. Przyczynek do rozważań(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Opaliński, BartłomiejThe article concerns weighty issues of entitlements of the Council of Ministers in the field of the national security. It has contributory character, prompting broader deliberations on the given issue. In the beginning a reconstruction of the position of the Council of Ministers in the system of state agencies of the Republic of Poland was attempted. Next, the general management of the Council of Ministers in the field of the country's defence was analysed on the basis of art. of 146 sec. 4 pt 11 of Polish Constitution. Later, the function and competence of three subjects forming the government: the prime minister, the National Defence minister and the Minister of Internal Affairs were transposed based upon the title issues. Based on made arrangements there were expressed conclusions de lege ferenda.Pozycja Prawo wyborcze i system partyjny Bułgarii 1990-2009(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Maksymow, KrzysztofThe article presents the contemporary debate about political and suffrage transformation in Bulgaria. Bulgarian political and electoral system evolved between 1990-2009. It is worth noting that it is still characterized by minimal political and party stability. The swing of the electoral preferences is large, which results in changes in the running of the cabinet. It means that the political system is unconsolidated. By contrast, the Bulgarian electoral system is multimandate and underwent a number of reforms. A great deal of attention in legislation is given to the financial support for election campaigns and to complement it with the d' Hondt method.Pozycja Status prawny deputowanego do Parlamentu Europejskiego wedle polskiego prawa(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Kopciuch, KrzysztofThis article presents an analysis of legal regulations governing the status of a Member of the European Parliament. After analyzing the modes of election and the principles of Polish Electoral Law to Parliament, the article shows the position and privileges associated with the function of an MEP. The article contains an analysis of cases where a loss of a parliamentarian and the principle of incompatibility positions.Pozycja Samorząd lokalny w Liechtensteinie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Koźbiał, KrzysztofArticle 1 of the Constitution of Liechtenstein mentioned 2 regions Oberland (Upper Country) and Unterland (Lower Country) and 11 municipalities. They play an important constitutional role in the Principality. The municipalities exercise considerable autonomy, encompasses responsibility such as the election of the municipal organs (the highest organ is the Municipal Assembly), organization, the determination of municipal taxes and the granting of citizenship. Financial management and municipal accounts are subject to supervision by the Government.Pozycja Funkcjonowanie partnerstw międzysektorowych w opinii ich członków. Przykład lokalnych grup działania województwa podkarpackiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Pawłowska, Agnieszka; Gąsior-Niemiec, Anna; Kołomycew, AnnaThe notion of intersectoral partnership is understood in the paper in terms of voluntary and institutionalized cooperation between stakeholders representing public, private and civic sectors. The idea of this kind of partnership is related to new approaches to regional and local development in the European Union. One of the main fields in which these approaches are implemented is the field of rural areas development, where partnerships take the form of Local Action Groups (LAGs). The paper discusses selected aspects of the partnerships’ functioning, basing on an analysis of opinions expressed by their individual members in the Sub-Carpathian region.Pozycja Koncesje handlowe jako forma aktywizacji zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych w II Rzeczypospolitej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Grata, PawełLiquor trade concessions were, during the period of the Second Polish Republic, one of the most important instruments of the state support of war invalids. They prevailed among the activities aimed at the professional activation of a large and significant population of people with disabilities in society. The policy for granting liquor trade licenses provided a livelihood to at least several thousand citizens lacking full earning capacity, for many further carried a supplement derived from the budget of the disability benefit. Although based on the trade licenses, the attempt to professionally activate disabled soldiers wore the signs of incomplete actions, clearly particular and seems largely aimed at reducing the budgetary costs of disability payments. They ought, however, to be considered, in conditions of the interwar period, an important stage in the process of building a modern approach towards the professional problems of disabled people.Pozycja Specyfika polsko-izraelskich stosunków kulturalnych po 1990 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Łapaj, JustynaThe resumption of Polish - Israeli diplomatic relations have begun the process of rebuilding broken relationships and building new areas in political and economic cooperation. One of the most important and specific areas of relationships are cultural relations between the countries, which allows direct contact between the society of those two nations. In the history of Polish - Jewish relations this area is one of the most important because without grassroots initiatives and an open mind atmosphere, the official agreements, which are both necessary and beneficial, remain insufficient. This article presents the activities of the cultural relations after 1990. The author discusses the complexity of the actions, which on one hand take into consideration the history, and on the other hand, not overestimating its significance in current relationships, they concentrate on cultural, educational and scientific cooperation which support the openness for a new dialog. In spite numerous difficulties and burdens which are current in the Polish - Jewish relations the states and the societies of both countries have taken great strides to improve the relationship.Pozycja Krytyka działań państwa w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej w poglądach Murraya Rothbarda(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Płaszczyca, MałgorzataIn this paper the author has analyzed Rothbard's views in terms of social and economic issues in anarcho-capitalism. Market failures in the libertarian view were considered as state failures (e.g. external effects, monopoly). The author has also considered opinions of critics of libertarian thought. On the ground of textual criticism this paper has demonstrated the controversy of Rothbard's thesis and their inspirational power.