Polityka i Społeczeństwo
URI dla tego Zbioruhttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/891
„Polityka i Społeczeństwo” (Studies in Politics and Society) jest naukowym czasopismem politologicznym o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym. W latach 2004−2012 ukazało się łącznie 10 numerów, a artykuły były publikowane równolegle w językach polskim i angielskim. Począwszy od 2013 roku pismo zostało przekształcone w kwartalnik, a artykuły są publikowane w języku polskim lub angielskim. Czasopismo zostało stworzone i ukazuje się dzięki staraniom pracowników Instytutu Nauk o Polityce Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, a jego wydawcą jest Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
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Pozycja Komunikowanie publiczne i polityczne w samorządzie terytorialnym. Skansen czy poligon nowych narzędzi?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Chmielewski, ZbigniewThe article presents the issue of local governments’ communication towards local communities, in the context of organizational processes of those activities, utilised communication tools, promotional budgets and trends which can be observed in this area through recent years. Presented deductions are based on a survey conducted in Zachodniopomorskie Voivoidship (Poland) and Podkarpackie Voivodship (Poland) in 2010 and results from research that was carried out in 2012 in Poland. The analysis of those allows the authors to conclude that local governments are interested in using some new communication tools, which in the main are accepted by the majority of the citizens. It seems that the relationship building processes between local governments and citizens can be an important factor in the raising of standards of Polish democracy, especially in the face of the constantly increasing significance of communication towards social groupsPozycja The role of international organizations in the settlement of separatist ethno-political conflicts(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Chervinka, IrynaCelem artykułu było zbadanie roli organizacji międzynarodowych w rozwiązywaniu separatystycznych etnopolitycznych konfliktów i mechanizmów których używają do tego celu. Separatystyczne etnopolityczne konflikty jako główne zagrożenia dla bezpieczeństwa globalnego są analizowane. Zbadano prawo narodów do samostanowienia jako główną przyczynę takich konfliktów. Różne międzynarodowe instrumenty prawne ustanawiające zasady samostanowienia były analizowane w celu udowodnienia prawa nowoczesnych narodów bezpaństwowych do samostanowienia. Artykuł opisuje sprzeczność między zasadami integralności terytorialnej i samostanowienia narodów oraz ich nowe znaczenia w nowoczesnych stosunkach międzynarodowych. Możliwość pozytywnego wpływu spełniania aspiracji narodów do samostanowienia na rozwiązywania konfliktów etnopolitycznych oraz roli organizacji międzynarodowych w tym procesie są analizowane. Zbadano ethnopolityczne konflikty w Katalonii, Szkocji, problem kurdyjski w Turcji perspektywy ich rozwiązywania z udziałem organizacji międzynarodowych.Pozycja Antologia Zbrodni Smoleńskiej, red. Arkadiusz Meller, Klub Zachowawczo-Monarchistyczny, Warszawa 2011, 138 ss. (recenzja)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Rak, JoannaPozycja Stanowisko Parlamentu Europejskiego wobec procesu stowarzyszeniowego Ukrainy z Unią Europejską(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Staszczyk, ArturThe article discusses the role played by the European Parliament (EP) in the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. The aim of this process is to establish a close and mutual political and economic cooperation on both sides. By stressing the importance of EP as the only EU body having democratic legitimacy, and thus defines itself as a "guardian of democracy" in the modern world, analyzing its position on the conclusion of an EU association agreement with Ukraine. It should be noted that the EP pays particular attention in the context of the association to the development of democracy in Ukraine and its respect of democratic standards. This authority recognizing the geopolitical importance of Ukraine is in favour of deepening the EU's cooperation with that country through the conclusion of an association agreement and calls for granting Ukraine a potential European perspective. However, what is worth noting the EP in numerous resolutions makes conditional the progress in the bringing Ukraine to the EU from the incorporation of the values defined as European (democracy, rule of law, protection of minorities, etc.) by Kiev. Therefore, events that indicate a crisis of democracy in Ukraine pay such important matter for the European Parliament (e.g. the imprisonment of opposition politicians, including former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko) to which the authorities usually adopt a clearly negative position, often contrasting with more "balanced" opinions of other EU institutions.Pozycja Public relations w polityce. Korzyści wynikające z procesu budowania relacji oraz błędy w interpretacji definicji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Tworzydło, DariuszThe article presents the results of analysis exploring politicians’ and political parties’ reputation building processes. Due to this it contains examples of definitions which can be wrongly linked with interpretation of the term public relations – which mainly happens among politicians and some journalists. It also expands upon elements which can have positive and negative impact on reputation building processes. As an example the term manipulation is illustrated, which is very often wrongly understood and linked with professional communication. The article shows what benefits can be gained thanks to well planned and long-term public relations activities as well. One added value of this publication is communication model whose implementation during political campaigns can strengthen effects of tools discussed in the articlePozycja Tomasz Głowiński: Feliks Młynarski 1884-1972, Wydawnictwo GAJT, Wrocław 2012, 832 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Grata, PawełPozycja Armia europejska czy nowy Wehrmacht? Plany utworzenia Europejskiej Wspólnoty Obronnej w karykaturze polskiej na przykładzie czasopisma satyrycznego „Szpilki” 1950-1954(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Ślęzak, JolantaThe paper presented a vision of the plan to form a European Defence Community created by Polish caricatures and recounted over political considerations which affected the way the EDC was presented. The main source was caricatures which were published in Polish satirical magazine “Szpilki” from 1950 to 1954 – from when Pleven’s plan was announced to its rejection by France. The author used quantitative analysis which allowed the demonstration of the artists’ range of interests in EDC and to catch plots. The paper is composed of three parts which contain content analysis of the particular caricatures. It allowed for the discovery that the pictures showed the main Polish external enemies: the USA and West Germany. EDC was presented as their common plan to bring the Wehrmacht back to life. The way EDC was drawn resulted from the fact that Poland was a member of the socialist block.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z konferencji "Gwarancje instytucjonalne zasady pluralizmu politycznego w Polsce na tle standardów europejskich", 14-16 czerwca 2013 roku, Nałęczów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Maj, PrzemysławPozycja Adam Wielomski, Teokracja papieska 1073-1378. Myśl polityczna papieży, papalistów i ich przeciwników, Wydawnictwo von borowiecky, Warszawa 2011, ss. 696, recenzja(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Steczkowski, PiotrPozycja Nowe możliwości zastosowania w Polsce koncepcji uczącego się regionu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Gąsior-Niemiec, AnnaThe paper explores some novel ways to use the concept of the learning region in Poland, following a change of the regional policy paradigm in the country. The concept of the learning region has been part of the European Union’s public policy resources since the early 1990s. Commonly, it is applied across EU Member States, including Poland, in the shape of regional innovation systems (RIS) and cluster-building instruments. It is argued in the paper that there are more ways to take advantage of this concept at the regional level, when focusing on the sphere of regional governance, which is related to the territorial approach recently introduced in the policy of local and regional development.Pozycja Praktyka ochrony konsumentów na przykładzie Miejskiego Rzecznika Konsumentów w Rzeszowie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Zioło, MateuszConsumer protection is impossible without existence of a professional institution which remains outside current mainstream of policy making. One of them is the Municipal Office of Fair Trade. The subject of the article is to analyze and assess the activities of the Municipal Office of Fair Trade on behalf of the consumer in Rzeszów, while the purpose is to highlight the role and importance of this entity in the system of consumer protection institutions.Pozycja Aktywność protestacyjna Polaków w latach 1989-2009(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Sekuła, PaulinaThe study tackles the problem of Poles’ protest activity after the fall of communism. It engages in empirically testing whether the protest mobilization in Poland, comparatively low in the initial stage of democratic transformation, had strengthened since then. The results of surveys analyzed in the paper prove that whereas the level of protest support had risen, protest activity had even declined. Most active were several occupational groups, who in consecutive waves of protest acted in defence of their economic interests, mainly by going on strikes. Disputes concentrated on values, including the post-materialist, were episodic.Pozycja Koncesje handlowe jako forma aktywizacji zawodowej osób niepełnosprawnych w II Rzeczypospolitej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Grata, PawełLiquor trade concessions were, during the period of the Second Polish Republic, one of the most important instruments of the state support of war invalids. They prevailed among the activities aimed at the professional activation of a large and significant population of people with disabilities in society. The policy for granting liquor trade licenses provided a livelihood to at least several thousand citizens lacking full earning capacity, for many further carried a supplement derived from the budget of the disability benefit. Although based on the trade licenses, the attempt to professionally activate disabled soldiers wore the signs of incomplete actions, clearly particular and seems largely aimed at reducing the budgetary costs of disability payments. They ought, however, to be considered, in conditions of the interwar period, an important stage in the process of building a modern approach towards the professional problems of disabled people.Pozycja Sprawozdanie seminarium naukowe „Rozważania nad istotą polityki i polityczności”, Rzeszów, 22 kwietnia 2013 r.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Koziełło, TomaszPozycja Frazeologizmy obrazujące komunikacyjne zachowania niewerbalne jako instrument kierowania wrażeniem. Analiza treści bloga Janusza Palikota(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Rak, JoannaThe paper reflects phraseological connections showing non-verbal communicational behaviours in their role as tools exerting a strong influence on the language of politics. As a result of the analysis of Janusz Palikot’s weblog clear examples of such impact have been distinguished. The research allowed the verification of a hypothesis according to which phraseological connections showing non-verbal communicational behaviours perform specific roles and therefore phraseological connections are a very effective tool for making an impression and captivating the attention of an audience.Pozycja Obraz Czechosłowacji w karykaturach opublikowanych na łamach czasopism satyrycznych „Mucha” i „Szpilki” w latach 1945-1948(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Ślęzak, JolantaThe author presented a vision of Czechoslovakia created by Polish caricatures. The main source was caricatures which were published in Polish satirical magazines “Szpilki” and “Mucha” from 1945 to 1948. The author used quantitative analysis which allowed plots portrayed within the caricatures to be caught. The paper is composed of three parts which contain analysis of the particular caricatures. The first one showed analysis of caricatures which created Czechoslovakia as an enemy of Poland. That vision was connected with border conflicts between the neighbouring countries. The second third parts contain caricatures which presented Czechoslovakia as a friend of Poland. The way Czechoslovakia was presented resulted from the fact that both Poland and Czechoslovakia were members of the socialist bloc countries. The way Czechoslovakia was presented changed simultaneously with the changes in the relationships between the neighbouring countries. It was also dependent on the wider context – dependence of both countries on the USSR.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z warsztatów „PRawdziwy PR”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Kuca, PawełPozycja Zamykanie małych szkół wiejskich (uwarunkowania, sposoby zapobiegania)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Kopeć, EwaThe ensuing article tackles the problems of closing small schools. It constitutes an attempt to reflect upon a new phenomenon, which is becoming more and more common, and it is caused by the introduction of austerity in the budgets of self-government entities liable for running educational institutions. This difficult and complicated situation means that local communities are forced to undertake essential solutions towards this new reality, which concerns mainly children and their parents. Discussion over these solutions will aim at searching for effective and economic ways of the running and functioning of small schools appropriated for liquidation. The undertaken problems seem to be justified because of approaching political and economic changes occurring at both national and local scale.Pozycja Jan Pleszczyński: Epistemologia komunikacji medialnej. Perspektywa ewolucyjna, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2013, 490 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Furman, WojciechPozycja Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowych warsztatów pt. Implementation of the subsidiarity principle – cooperation between local government and its social environment, 8 listopada 2013 roku, Katedra Politologii Uniwersytet Rzeszowski(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Kołomycew, Anna