Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego T. 40 (2019)


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  • Pozycja
    O ewaluacji czasopism naukowych uwag kilka, czyli dlaczego „Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego” będą nadal wydawane
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2019) Czopek, Sylwester
    The article discusses and comments on the current bibliometric status of journal the “Materials and Reports of the Rzeszów Archaeological Centre”, especially in the context of new regulations applied in Polish science. At the beginning, the annual itself and its systematic development since 1961have been presented. Furthermore, comparative analyzes with other Polish archaeological journals have been shown. The conclusion clearly emphasizes the role that the “Materials and Reports of the Rzeszów Archaeological Centre” still play in publishing sources and their openness to the research issues regarding Eastern Europe.
  • Pozycja
    Wyniki badań archeologicznych prowadzonych w 2018 roku w kruchcie Kościoła oo. Bernardynów w Rzeszowie
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2019) Jabłkowski, Michał
    Archaeological research conducted within the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Rzeszów (Bernardine church) created a unique opportunity for interventional archaeological research, the first of this kind in the discused temple. In the course of studies, the remains of the church cemetery, which surrounded the former wooden church (existed on the site of today’s building) were recorded. Obtaining a collection of movable relics was a very important discovery, such as iron nails from coffins, pottery sherds and coins. Earthworks carried out in the church gave the opportunity to record the foundations of the porch, which was not mentioned in earlier literature. Thus, archaeological excavations in the church updated and expanded the information on the history of the monastery and the city of Rzeszów.
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    Siekierka z brązu ze starszej epoki brązu z Miejsca Piastowego, pow. krośnieński
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2019) Pasterkiewicz, Wojciech; Dziedzic, Andrzej
    The article concerns a bronze axe found accidentally at Miejsce Piastowe in 2018. The axe represents the flanged axe type and is dated to BrB. It can be linked with the settlement of the Ottomani-Füzesabony culture, which developed during the BrB1-BrC period in the northern foreland of the Carpathians.
  • Pozycja
    Wyniki ratowniczych badań przeprowadzonych na wielokulturowym stanowisku w Łowcach, stan. 17, gm. Chłopice, pow. jarosławski
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2019) Głowacz, Michał; Szpila, Marcin
    This article presents the results of rescue excavations carried out in 2018 at the multicultural archaeological site Łowce 17, Jarosław district, in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship. The site is situated on the extreme promontory of the loess lobe, extending at an altitude of 210 m above sea level. From the south, it is surrounded by the Łęg Rokietnicki River. Its riverbed runs through the valley, located 10 m below the site. Subsequently groups of features were presented according to their probable function and then results of the analysis of artefacts were shown, discovered both in the cultural layer and feature fills. The archaeological exploration extended on the area of 1 are. As a result, 20 features were unearthed and numerous artefacts were obtained. Three chronological, cultural levels were distinguished at the site: the Funnel Beaker culture, the Mierzanowice culture and the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture.
  • Pozycja
    Satt auch im Jenseits? Tierknochen in Gräbern und Siedlungen der Vekerzug-Kultur
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2019) Kozubová, Anita
    In the present study, we deal with numerous animal bones from the sities of the Vekerzug culture in Eastern Hungary und Southwestern Slovakia, which come mainly from archaeozoological quite well recorded and analysed settlements. Their grave findings are rare and they are one of the special features of the burial rites of that culture. Providing a more complex archaeological overview of these finds was at the centre of our interest. Animal bones from the graves and settlements were mainly represented by cattle, sheep/goats, pigs, occasionally horses und their interpretation in graves as the remains of meat dishes ist highly probable.