Syberia. Kultura. Tradycja. Język

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Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
In the third volume of the cyclical monograph devoted to Siberia 1 Siberia. Culture. Tradition. Language the described land is understood in a figurative sense, primarily as a place of deportation. Siberia may therefore be the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and many other more or less known places in Europe and the world where forced displacement of people took place. The subject of a multi-faceted description is not only the taiga, tundra and Baikal, but also the steppes of Kazakhstan and the Caucasus mountains. The interdisciplinary approach to the topic allows the authors to broadly present the cultural and historical issues of the discussed areas. The main topic, although there are many other issues in the book, are the traditions and customs of the Siberian population, both indigenous and immigrant. The subject of attention are, among others, Yakuts, Khants, Nenets, Chukchi, Buryats, Evenks, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Georgians, Armenians and Chechens. Due to its multi-directional thematic nature and discussion of detailed issues, the monograph significantly expands knowledge about Siberia, defined very broadly, and allows once again to reveal the unknown secrets of this vast land.
Słowa kluczowe
Siberia , Kazakhstan , Caucasus , traditions and customs , Kazakhs , Georgians , Armenians , Buryats , Evenks