Interpretacja projekcyjna. Prusowska lektura "Zdań i uwag" Adama Mickiewicza

Obrazek miniatury
Ławski, Jarosław
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The article focuses on the interpretation of selected aphorisms of the Romantic poet Adam Mickiewicz (1798–1855) made by Bolesław Prus (1847–1912), a prose writer and representative of realism in Polish post-Romantic literature. Prus interpreted religious, sometimes almost mystical, aphorisms as commendation of hard work, activism, and as a manifesto of practical ethics. Inspired by the mystical thoughts of Angelus Silesius, Jacob Boehme and Saint-Martin, Mickiewicz’s aphorisms are perceived as exceptionally ambiguous. Prus, however, projected his own literary and philosophical mindset onto the micro-texts of the Romantic poet, and as a consequence oversimplified their meaning. What he did is here called a projecting interpretation.
Słowa kluczowe
aforyzm , mistyka , pozytywizm , realizm , reinterpretacja , aphorism , mystic , positivism , realism , re-interpretation
Ławski J.; Interpretacja projekcyjna. Prusowska lektura "Zdań i uwag" Adama Mickiewicza; "Tematy i Konteksty" 2014, nr 4 (9): Staropolskie i oświeceniowe piśmiennictwo religijne. Tematy - konwencje - tradycja; red. Nalepa M., Trościński G., s. 432-444.