Dydaktyka Polonistyczna nr 6(15)2020

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Ostatnio nadesłane materiały

Aktualnie wyświetlane 1 - 18 z 18
  • Pozycja
    Recenzja książki Marty Bolińskiej „Stempel jakości. Formy dziennikarskie Doroty Terakowskiej”
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Mityk, Iwona
    The author presents and positively evaluates the latest book by Marta Bolińska about the journalistic achievements of the Krakow writer. There are analyzes of reports, columns, interviews published in Polish magazines and memories of Dorota Terakowska’s career.
  • Pozycja
    „Mowa dziejów, mądrość poezji. Szkice” – nowa książka prof. dra hab. Gustawa Ostasza
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ożóg, Zenon
    The author of the review presents and evaluates Gustaw Ostasz’s book. He draws attention to the multitude of articles it contains and their diversity: there are sketches, reviews, studies - analyzes and interpretations of poems, as well as reflections on the achievements of selected writers. The author recommends the book to students, teachers and literary researchers.
  • Pozycja
    Edytorska lektura klasyki literatury dla dzieci
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Pustuła, Marta
    Works belonging to the world literary canon are widely commented on by literary scholars. The editorial aspects of the editions of the same works, however, do not have such thorough studies. The discussion of the editorial features of children’s publications seems to be all the more important because improperly selected typographic parameters may significantly impair the quality of the reading experience and discourage reading itself. The article indicates the importance of particular architectural elements of the Polish editions of two masterpieces of children’s literature, “Winnie the Pooh” and “Alice in Wonderland”, which appeared in Poland after 1989. The indication of specific typographical sizes and layouts of illustrations makes it possible to determine reading competences which should be possessed by a reader designed by the publisher, and thus also to prove whether a particular edition has been given an appropriate editorial design for the recipient.
  • Pozycja
    Z Transylwanii do Hollywood i nieśmiertelności. Przypadek Beli Lugosiego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kocot-Wierska, Agnieszka
    The aim of the article is to present the film career of a famous actor Bela Lugosi (1882–1956) and its most important turning points. Born as Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó in Austria-Hungary Lugosi was one of the most important stars of „The Golden Age” of Hollywood horror film in the 1930s but soon after his huge success in a role of Dracula in Tod Browning’s film he had to cope with a career breakdown. Horror as a genre and its changes during the 1930s, the 1940s and the 1950s and the myth of Dracula-Lugosi are the main frames of the article. The author describes also his significant place in popular culture and asks about his hypothetical presence in the notable horror film movements that reached popularity just after Lugosi’s death.
  • Pozycja
    Teatr czasu wojny 1939–1945 w świetle zadań i wartości
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Zawistowska, Monika
    The publication describes the activity of Polish theater during the Second World War. It is an attempt to look at theater from the perspective of the tasks and values it presented in this particularly difficult period. The article describes the functioning of open and underground theaters and theaters operating in concentration camps. The above-mentioned activities cannot be reduced to one formula or a specific species. In these conditions, the artistic level and innovation of many performances amaze. Paradoxically, this most dramatic theater achieved its greatest autonomy during the occupation. It has become a useful tool for restoring human dignity and art.
  • Pozycja
    Rola dramy i technik dramowych w kształceniu umiejętności lekturowych
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Motyka, Agnieszka
    The article shows that the drama and staging techniques have a multi-dimensional effect on primary school students’ versatile development. The author – Polish language teacher in a primary school – presents the examples of the usage of drama during the lesson and their benefits.
  • Pozycja
    Marii Nagajowej „wiedza o człowieku”, czyli o charakterystyce i charakteryzowaniu
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Grzegórzek, Mirosław
    Maria Nagajowa’s works in the field of methodics of the linguistic efficiency cultivation and exercises in speaking and writing is especially important for the Polish language teaching practice. The author created an alphabet of the Polish language teaching metodics: the detailed and pattern-creating description of didactic procedures concerning statement genres at school. Among them, the concept of “the knowledge about a man” inscribed in the work on figure’s characteristics, deserves special emphasis. The article is an attempt to synthesize the author’s views connected with the “analysis of a human” in Polish lessons. In Nagajowa’s conception characterizing the figure becomes the process and the characteristics escalates to the rank of department on the Polish language teaching, entitled b the author as “The Knowledge about a Human”.
  • Pozycja
    „Czuj w czas o sobie” cny czytelniku „Pieśni V” Jana Kochanowskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Bakuła, Kordian
    The article concerns the school reading of the Songs V, Eternal Disgrace of J. Kochanowski, which has been present in high school’s and technical school’s textbooks for decades. The critical moment is not understanding certain expressions, such as a „pitiful loot”, „to manage light people”, „we get in”, which leads to a weakening of the understanding of the entire piece. The author draws attention to the insufficient number of footnotes in the textbooks, not always correct, and therefore proposes to increase the linguistic and factual explanations, improve the existing ones, for which he used historical and contemporary dictionaries. He calls for readers’ vigilance, especially important in the case of old novels.
  • Pozycja
    Analiza felietonu w szkole ponadpodstawowej z perspektywy komunikacyjno-pragmatycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Jedliński, Ryszard
    The article concerns the reading and recognition by students of the genre features of a newspaper column during Polish language lessons in high school. The author recalls the story of the column and the contemporary definition of this journalistic genre. It discusses the most important features, structure and varieties, the sender - recipient relationship. It also talks about the linguistic style of the column.
  • Pozycja
    W poszukiwaniu tego, co Inne. Współczesne reportaże podróżnicze jako opowieści o Inności
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Paszek, Karolina
    The article focuses on contemporary travel reportage represented by Martyna Wojciechowska, Tomek Michniewicz and Przemek Kossakowski. The texts selected by the author for analysis tell about the unknown. The author of the article puts forward the thesis that modern travel reports are stories about multidimensional otherness. Article also includes a typology of ways of talking about the phenomenon of dissimilarity. Author distinguishes three types of relating to unknown, which are represented by the authors of reports selected for the analysis. It is an emotional, exploratory, and spiritual type.
  • Pozycja
    Dobry kryminał
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Dulewicz, Joanna
    Contemporary Polish criminal novel is subjected to dynamic changes. The achievements of forensic sciences and the evolving tastes of readers have an influence on it. Hence, the determinants of the quality of criminal novels are changing. Moreover, those features that scholars consider valuable are often perceived by young readers as faults of literary works. Therefore, it is worth reflecting on the efforts of authors and publishers and the possibilities of influencing the reading culture of the young generation.
  • Pozycja
    „622 upadki” Witkacego w listach do żony o żonach
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Narewska, Dorota
    The article is a view of relation that bonds Stanislaw Ignacy Witkiewicz and Jadwiga Unrug-Witkiewicz that emerges from his mails to the wife. His view of imperfect relationship of man and woman, marriage, a relation towards the sacrament, offspring, love and faithfulness contains the traces of God’s reality.
  • Pozycja
    Über die Schaffen von Dorota Terakowska im Kontext der Biographie der Schriftstellerin (O twórczości Doroty Terakowskiej w kontekście biografii autorki)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Bolińska, Marta
    Dorota Terakowska (1938–2004) jako pisarka zadebiutowała po czterdziestym roku życia (pod koniec lat 80. XX wieku). Jest autorką felietonów, reportaży i wywiadów (dwa tomy rozmów z Jackiem Bombą Być rodziną…) oraz powieści i opowiadań, w których posługując się najczęściej konwencją jawy i snu, ukazuje ludzi w sytuacjach kryzysowych, zmuszonych do dokonywania trudnych wyborów i podejmowania niełatwych decyzji (np. „Władca Lewawu”, „Lustro pana Grymsa”, „Córka czarownic”, „W krainie kota”, „Poczwarka”, „Ono”). Adresatami jej prozy są zarówno osoby młode, jak i te w dojrzałym wieku. Jej twórczość była wielokrotnie nagradzana.
  • Pozycja
    Prawda i fałsz wypowiedzi literackiej
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Magryś, Roman
    The article “Truth and Falsity of Literary Statements” investigates the issue of logical values, and consequently communication related status of sentences in indicative mood occurring in works of literature. The problem is discussed with reference to theoretical assumptions of classical logic, intuitionistic logic, and other possible intensional logics as well as phenomenological concepts proposed by Roman Ingarden. In this context it is suggested that intensional systems, mainly intuitionistic logic be adequately applied to identify logical value of literary sentences. As a result, it is assumed that the logical value of literary sentences depends on the specific logical system selected; according to the standards of intuitionistic logic, literary statements are true, likely or false. In this context it seems necessary to revise Roman Ingarden’s phenomenological assumption that sentences in indicative mood in a work of fiction do not have objective point of reference. It is suggested that such sentences be recognised as false, and therefore indicative of the group of their intentional meanings as a specific model of reality which can be deemed true or false.
  • Pozycja
    „Wierszem można odkorkować duszę” – o sacrum w twórczości Wacława Oszajcy
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Popielarz-Zajdel, Ewelina
    Wacław Oszajca is a Polish Jesuit, journalist, poet and publicist. His work is mainly focused around Christianity related matters. A Jesuit uses the category of the sacred as a synonym for what is saint. It defines the sacred as a force that puts together the chaos of everyday life, it is the Absolute, thanks to which we can reach faith in the infinity of the world. Oszajca tries to provoke the reader into thinking about the presence of the sacred in his life and shows that the division into the sacred and the profane should be removed. His work is a proof of adoration of everyday life and faith in a merciful but righteous God. When writing, he often uses contrasts and paradoxes, but above all his poetry is full of humor and joy.
  • Pozycja
    Relacje między Bogiem a człowiekiem w poezji księdza Jana Twardowskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Wasielewska, Magdalena
    The article concerns the poetry of priest Jan Twardowski. This Catholic priest in his literary works focused on the problem of the relationship between God and man. The poet takes up difficult topics. He does not shy away from showing the issues of suffering, pain and the negative emotions associated with these feelings. Contrary to many religious artists, Twardowski does not show strong tensions in the relationship between God and man. It shows that you can also go through dramatic experiences without losing faith and trust in the Creator. His consistent work not only stands out from the background of Polish religious poetry, but also brings hope and optimism to the readers.
  • Pozycja
    Idea Miłosierdzia Bożego wobec egzystencjalnych niepokojów współczesnego świata
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kogut, Joanna
    The need of the present times speaks for bringing the face of a merciful God once again. The concept of ”mercy” is often neglected today, and it even hinders modern man, who, through the previously unknown development of science and technology, more than ever in the human history, has subdued the earth and became its master. The awareness of man’s loneliness, his alienation from the community of the world, tradition and religion, and the conviction that he – man – is the creator of his own humanity, have become dominant. Life itself becomes the central value for him, not the immortality of life. The only content he has left are his whims and desires devoid of permanent and certain measures – doomed to variables determined by the condition and social situation – values. His existence was revealed to him in all its nakedness and fragility, arousing fear and concern with regard to loneliness, illness and death. And yet, through her life, Saint Faustine Kowalska showed unlimited trust in God’s mercy, thus opening herself to the action of grace, which allowed her to give her life the right purpose. This purpose of life is determined by faith, which for many followers of Christ became the foundation of their lives.
  • Pozycja
    Egodokumenty mistyczek polskich w świetle teorii tekstu
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Strzelecki, Ryszard
    The article defines the methods of analyzing ego-documents of contemporary Polish ”female-mystics”, based on the tools developed in the theory of the text. This type of research approach helps to establish ”how” the text is structured as opposed to ”what” is its semantic content and obscures it. Well, both the personality of the „female-mystics” and the course of their relations with transcendent persons are imprinted more in the structure of the text than in its content. The accounts deserve attention, as we only reflect on documents that are ”mystical” dialogues. These forms can pose the most difficulties for researchers (the diaries of Maria Faustyna Kowalska and Alicja Lenczewska were used for exemplification). Their coherence is problematic – the key distinguishing feature of the text – and its conditions: the existence of a frame, metatextual and isotopic factors, relations: mind-body, personal criteria in the phrases: ”to someone” and ”for someone” and performative properties; the linguistic view of the world (LVW) of both the author and the recipient of the text plays a special role in research strategies. In investigating the structure of the text, it is also important to capture the limit of expressing the spiritual reality. Writing ”mystical” texts is based on constant struggles, an inevitable and risky compromise between the temporal meaning and the ultimate truth, which is still unavailable for the ”mystic” or turns out to be impossible to articulate. There is a third situation where articulation is not only impossible but pointless, and it concerns people who have reached the end and experience themselves in God.