Edytorska lektura klasyki literatury dla dzieci
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Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Works belonging to the world literary canon are widely commented on by literary scholars. The editorial aspects of the editions of the same works, however, do not have such thorough studies. The discussion of the editorial features of children’s publications seems to be all the more important because improperly selected typographic parameters may significantly impair the quality of the reading experience and discourage reading itself. The article indicates the importance of particular architectural elements of the Polish editions of two masterpieces of children’s literature, “Winnie the Pooh” and “Alice in Wonderland”, which appeared in Poland after 1989. The indication of specific typographical sizes and layouts of illustrations makes it possible to determine reading competences which should be possessed by a reader designed by the publisher, and thus also to prove whether a particular edition has been given an appropriate editorial design for the recipient.
Słowa kluczowe
Dydaktyka Polonistyczna, nr 6(15)2020, s. 226–241