Ius et Administratio 2 (47) 2022
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- PozycjaAnaliza pozycji ustrojowej kierownika budowy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Wiklański, BartłomiejThis study deals with the issue of the position of the construction manager in the current legal order and it contains an indication of the effects of the proposed changes under the "Polish Deal". The discussed change is a postulate to limit the role of the construction manager in the construction of houses up to 70 square meters. For this purpose, the study has been divided into six subsections. The introduction to the discussed topic presents the position of the construction manager in the legal order. Next, a polemic is conducted with the thesis presented in the introduction. The study ends with a summary containing an answer to the problems raised in the article.
- PozycjaPojęcie papieru wartościowego a tokeny cyfrowe(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Weiszewska, EwaDematerialisation of trading in securities has become an inseparable element of technological development. A consequence of this phenomenon is dematerialisation of securities. Therefore, the question arises whether a digital token may be recognized as a security. The above issue requires an analysis of the concept of a security in the context of national and EU regulations. It must be emphasised that Polish Civil Code does not define a security. For this reason, many doubts concerning validity of the numerus clausus principle arose.
- PozycjaDualizm środków zaskarżenia wadliwych uchwał wspólników w spółce z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Strugalski TomaszThe article deals with the problem of dualism of means of challenging defective shareholder resolutions in a limited liability company. The overall objective of the article is to compare legal effects of the action to declare the invalidity of a resolution with action for its revoking. Therefore, it is needed to look deeper into defectiveness of the legal act regulations. The main conclusion of the legal discussion is that our domestic regulations (Art. 249 and 252 Polish Commercial Companies Code) provide two separate actions which have identical legal effects.
- PozycjaRola związków zawodowych w sytuacji zastosowania ustawy o zwolnieniach grupowych z przyczyn niedotyczących pracowników w kontekście pandemii COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Moskal, AmandaThe COVID-19 pandemic is having a severe impact on the economic situation. In Poland, the course of the crisis so far is considered to be quite mild from the perspective of the entire labour market. However, many people have lost their jobs as a result of redundancies. Many industries have suffered despite the protective measures taken up by the Polish legislator in order to limit the possibility of job cuts. Some employers whose financial situation had deteriorated had to reduce employment. This resulted in layoffs for reasons not related to the employees. The legal basis is regulated by the Act of 13 March 2003 on special rules for terminating employment relationships with employees for reasons not related to employees.
- PozycjaSłużebność mieszkania jako rodzaj służebności osobistej we współczesnym prawie polskim i prawie rzymskim(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Krzyśko, BartłomiejThe subject of this paper is to present the servitude of habitation in the current state of the law, taking into account the servitude of habitation in Roman law. The subject is discussed in light of the current legislation under the Law of April 23, 1964, the Civil Code and certain other laws. The presentation of the essence of the servitude of habitation leads to the conclusion that it is a mechanism that allows one to take care of loved ones as well as oneself. Passing an apartment to relatives, allows one to secure one's rights to the premises, and this security for the future is precisely the servitude of habitation as a type of personal servitude. This right is even broader, as it provides the opportunity to take care of relatives, such as minor children, spouses, persons supported, and persons needed to run the household. The provisions of the Civil Code allow for the care of people who for some reason, whether it be age or illness, are unable to support themselves. The legal provisions that regulate the servitude of habitation were analysed. In particular, the focus was on the interpretation of the legal provisions. Legal commentaries helped in this. In analysing the above, the question arises as to whether the servitude of habitation should be further developed to make it even clearer in some way.