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Pozycja Addressing multiple perspectives in studying environmental changes in forest landscapes during the modernization period (18th–19th centuries)(The Anthropocene Review, 2023-11-30) Związek, Tomasz; Łuców, Dominika; Popek, Joachim; Klisz, Marcin; Obremska, Milena; Sobechowicz, Łukasz; Solon, Jerzy; Słowiński, Michał; Przybylski, Paweł; Tyburski, Łukasz; Zin, Ewa; Jastrzębowski, Szymon; Płaczkowska, Eliza; Pilch, Kamil; Szewczyk, Krzysztof; Konczal, Agata; Rutkowski, Paweł; Główka, Dariusz; Swoboda, PawełCombining different diverse data on human and environmental history during the Anthropocene is an extremely challenging task, particularly, if one wants to compare written or cartographic data with a whole range of environmental data recorded for more than the past 200–300 years. In this article, our objective was to demonstrate that one of the keys to facilitating syntheses for the study of forest landscape dynamics was to conduct a thorough investigation into the historical phenomena of modernization. We believe that a comprehensive understanding of the advancements in post-enlightenment thought and contextualizing them within the evolution of the state apparatus during the 18th and 19th centuries will empower us to formulate new research questions and broaden our understanding of the mutual relations between nature and humans in the past.Pozycja Archaeology in a town, a town in archaeology. Selected issues of archaeological research of historical towns(Institute of Archaeology Rzeszów University, 2012) Rozwałka, AndrzejIn the introductory article of a volume that presents archaeological and other disciplinary research into a historical town, selected issues are discussed in the framework of the complicated research process required to understand the past of historical towns. This new field of science is facing many methodological and organizational problems. The main theme of this article is that the further development of archaeological explorations of the town requires the definition of terminology, holistic research methods (most of all stratigraphy) and an acceptance of an interdisciplinary canon. Historical archaeology dealing with towns has transformed itself into a specific field of archaeology that uses familiar excavation techniques, but differs from prehistoric archaeology by drawing on sources from other fields like history, town-planning, architecture, cultural anthropology and with its own descriptive language of past times.Pozycja Archiwum polonisty: niefotogeniczne bogactwo(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Stanisz, Marek; Ożóg, ZenonEdytorstwo i tekstologia dzieł literackich to dziedziny o ambiwalentnym statusie. Z jednej strony szereg tendencji obecnych we współczesnym życiu naukowym zdaje się obniżać ich prestiż (wystarczy wspomnieć o wymogach szybkiego awansu zawodowego czy też o powszechnie akceptowanej regule pluralizmu interpretacyjnego). Z drugiej strony stale realizowane są fundamentalne projekty edytorskie, rośnie też popularność polonistycznych studiów o tej specjalności oraz zapotrzebowanie rynku pracy na fachowców w tej dziedzinie. Najnowszy numer „Tematów i Kontekstów” poświęcony został właśnie edytorstwu i tekstologii, a także pracom dokumentującym polskie życie literackie w kraju i poza jego granicami. W intencji redaktorów ma to być zaproszenie do refleksji nad stanem polskiego edytorstwa oraz wyzwaniami przed nim stojącymi.Pozycja Aus den Forschungen über die Trzciniec-Kultur in der Rzeszów-Umgebung(Instytut Archeologii UR, 2008) Czopek, SylwesterPozycja Baczyńskiego mit początku(Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Rzeszowie, 1998) Stanisz, MarekArtykuł przedstawia interpretację wiersza "Przypowieść" Krzysztofa Kamila Baczyńskiego.Pozycja Badania eksperymentalne wpływu wysokiej temperatury na stan zachowania surowców krzemiennych(2008) Bobak, Dariusz; Kufel, Bernadeta; Lisowska, Ewa; Mikołajczyk, AnnaFlint artifacts are the most com mon finds on the archaeological sites from Early and Middle Stone Age. Considerable part of assemblages often bear traces resulted from high temperature in- fluence. These traces are usually cursorily described, because in the literature there are no complex studies cOl1Cerning heated flint materia!. 111e aim of our experimental studies, carried out in the llatural as well as in the controlled conditions, was to distinguish the features ofheated flint, that are characteristic for four kinds of Polish flint: cretaceous, Jurassie, chocolate and Świeciechów flint and to find the relationships between an appearance of those fcatures, a height of a temperature and time of heating. We believe that the results of our research can be used in the spatial analysis of arehaeological sites.Pozycja Badania mezolitycznego stanowiska Jegłowa 2, gm. Przeworno(1997) Bobak, DariuszPozycja Bayesian age modelling of the Magdalenian settlement in the territory of present-day Poland(Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University, 2014) Bobak, Dariusz; Połtowicz-Bobak, MartaThe paper addresses the problem of the use of Bayesian methods for modelling age of the Magdalenian settlement on the territory of contemporary Poland. Basing on 14C datings of 10 sites we present the chronological frames of settlement on particular sites and we model occupation dynamic of Polish territory. Bayesian methods made it possible to clarify and in some cases to significantly narrow time frames of Magdalenian settlement on the research areaPozycja Bemerkungen zur pommerschen Kultur in Südostpolen(IAiE PAN, 2013) Czopek, SylwesterIn the article the author aims at verifying the previous studies concerning the presence of the Pomeranian Culture in the south-east Poland. He bases his study on new sources and results of scientific datings. The new materials indicate that the Pomeranian Culture was more significant in the south-east Poland that it was previously estimated. The obtained chronological data enables us to assign the Pomeranian Culture materials to the period between HaD3 (HaD3/LtA ?) and LtC, i.e. from the end of the 4th to the mid-3th century BC. Some data suggests considerable degree of microregional diversity of the settlement. What is important, however, is the presence of permanently utilized settlements. Succession is characteristic for many of them: the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian Culture from the Early Iron Age was followed by the Pomeranian Culture.Pozycja Die Grössen der die urgeschichtlichen Gräberfelder nutzenden Bevölkerungsgruppen (am Beispiel der Tarnobrzeg-Lausitzer Kultur),(Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN Oddział w Krakowie, 2010) Czopek, SylwesterIn the first part of the article author critically evaluated methods used in estimation of functioning time of praehistoric cemeteries. As examples served cemeteries of Tarnobrzeg Group of Lusatian Culture Circle. In the second part of the article the analysis of detailed archaeological and anthropolological data according to spatial distribution of graves was shown. In a consequence of this a time of functioning of separate groups of graves on various cemeteries was estimated as well as the time of usage of the whole cemeteries.Pozycja Faksymile drzeworytu japońskiego przy zastosowaniu technik cyfrowych do tworzenia matryc ksylograficznych(Instytut Sztuk Pięknych, Kolegium Nauk Humanistycznych, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2022-11-23) Machowski, JacekTechnika drzeworytu japońskiego (z jap. mokuhanga) jest stosunkowo mało rozpowszechniona w Europie. Jedną z przyczyn tego stanu rzeczy jest niska dostępność specjalistycznych narzędzi i materiałów niezbędnych do wykonywania prac w tej technice. W ramach tego projektu postanowiłem poszukać zastępczych materiałów i narzędzi. Za cel obrałem próbę wykonania faksymile już istniejących prac z zastosowaniem grawerki laserowej, jak również przetestowanie dostępniejszych materiałów do tworzenia matryc drzeworytniczych oraz papierów graficznych.Pozycja Human Remains from Maszycka Cave (woj. małopolskie / PL): the Treatment of Human Bodies in the Magdalenian(Verlag des Römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseums, 2017) Orschiedt, Jörg; Schüler, Tim; Połtowicz-Bobak, Marta; Bobak, Dariusz; Kozłowski, Stefan Karol; Terberger, ThomasIn Central Europe, human remains from the Magdalenian are a rare phenomenon. In Central and Western Europe, these remains are usually fragmented and often manipulated. The discovery of 50 human bone fragments from M aszycka Cave in the 19th and mid-20th century is an important source for studying the treatment of bodies in the Late Upper Palaeolithic. Skull fragments are dominating and the re-investigation of the material proves the presence of some cut marks. The re-dating of the remains and the bone artefacts to c. 16,200 cal BC together with the specific treatment of the human remains confirms the typological arguments for an early re-colonisation of Central Europe from the West after the Last Glacial Maximum.Pozycja Jegłowa, pow. Strzelin(2001) Bobak, Dariusz; Bronowicki, JarosławPozycja Józefa BIałyni Chołodeckiego portret własny(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2004) Sierżęga, PawełPozycja Kilka uwag o archeologii funeralnej w Polsce(Instytut Archeologii UR, 2012) Czopek, SylwesterArtykuł traktuje o tzw. archeologii funeralnej. Pod tym pojęciem należy rozumieć tę część archeologii, która zajmuje się badaniem i interpretacją grobów oraz cmentarzysk. Autor dokonuje krótkiego przeglądu traktowania tego typu źródeł w polskiej archeologii. Następnie zwraca uwagę na interdyscyplinarny charakter tej subdyscypliny – archeologii funeralnej (antropologia, etnologia, religioznawstwo, historia). Zaawansowanie badań poszukujących w źródłach archeologicznych uniwersalnych treści interpretacyjnych może prowadzić do wydzielenia nowej dyscypliny – „funerologii”.Pozycja „Klasyczność” i klasycy w literaturze polskiej XIX wieku. Przegląd stanowisk badawczych(Wydawnictwo Neriton, 2009) Stanisz, MarekPozycja "Libri amici, libri magistri". O oczekiwaniach czytelniczych młodzieży licealnej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, 2021) Kucharska-Babula, AgataPozycja Listy Hugona Kołłątaja do księgarza i wydawcy krakowskiego Jana Maja ze stycznia i lutego 1807 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012) Nalepa, MarekWhen in December 1802 Hugo Kołłątaj was leaving the prison in Ołomuniec, he had one desire: to settle in a village, most preferably in Krzesławice and take care of his personal matters. Everything indicated that these aspirations might become a reality, although in a slightly modified shape than he had originally planned. This most eminent politician, publicist and reformer of the times of king Stanislaw Poniatowski returned to his homeland Wołyń and there, apart from scientific and educational activity, he made the effort to regain his possessions confiscated by the Austrians. However, soon Europe started boiling. Napoleon with his army began his march towards the East and he reached Wielkopolska. Awakened Polish hopes revived slightly dormant politicians; Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz returned from the USA. In turn republicans and former Jacobins suddenly remembered the vice-chancellor priest. They made attempts to bring him back to Warsaw and they offered him the leadership of the uprising in Wołyń. Anticipating the realization of one of those two scenarios on 10th January 1807 Russian officials forced their entry into Kołłątaj’s flat in Tetylkowce with the emperor’s order of immediate leaving for Moscow. The priest did not resist and in a short time he began an extremely tiresome journey. The letters that we publish here are an account of that journey. The author describes in them his observations and reflections in this remarkable correspondence directed to the bookseller and publisher from Cracow Jan Maj.Pozycja Materiały kultury trzcinieckiej i tarnobrzeskiej kultury łużyckiej ze stanowiska Wierzawice 4, pow. leżajski w świetle analiz archeologicznych/Materials of the Trzciniec culture and Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture coming from the site Wierzawice 4 in the light of archaeological analyses(2016-10-21) Rajpold, Wojciech; Adamik-Proksa, Joanna; Burghardt, MarcinThe subject of the present article is to describe the materials of the Trzciniec culture (KT) and the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture (TKŁ) coming from the studies conducted by K. Moskwa in 1978 and K. Ormian in 2001 at the site Wierzawice 4. KT materials, coming from this site, are represented by settlement features and sherds of pottery which can be dated to the classical phase of this culture. While TKŁ materials are represented by 23 burial complexes (21 urn cremation burials, single urnless cremation and inhumation burials) dated to I phase and the beginning of II phase of this culture, whereas the younger settlement materials came from III phase
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