Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 3(16)/2018
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- PozycjaBariery integracji Mołdawii z Unią Europejską – wymiar energetyczny(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Rutkowski, WojciechThe article presents an analysis of energy barriers to integration between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union. Moldova is one of the most important objectives of external activity of the European Union in Eastern Europe. Nowadays, the energy market problems have a strong influence on the process of political and economic integration between Moldova and the EU. The biggest challenge for Moldova in the energy sector is to break the reliance on the supply of Russian fossil fuels, and to implement EU energy legislation, especially the rules of the third energy package. The article also emphasizes the impact of the conflict in Transnistria on EU-Moldova energy relations.
- PozycjaJakub czopek: „Dwie dekady przemian. Monografia czasopisma społeczno- -kulturalnego „Profile” (1968–1989)”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2017, 214 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Furman, Wojciech
- PozycjaMedia wobec fake newsów – motywy kreowania, przyjmowane postawy, podejmowane działania(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Daniel, KrystianThe article is devoted to reflection on the attitudes of professional media (especially the news media) towards false information (fake news). The aim of the analysis was to establish the motives behind the creation and dissemination of such information by the media, as well as actions and attitudes adopted after its publication. The findings were presented based on an analysis of various cases of fake news, mainly from the political sphere. The author points out that similar media deal with fake news in a similar way assuming the same actions and attitudes. The way the media behave also shows an instrumental approach to fake news as a means or a tool to achieve a certain goal.
- PozycjaPojęcie linii redakcyjnej oraz poszukiwanie jej obrazu w polskiej opinii publicznej i czasopiśmie branżowym w 2017 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Furman, WojciechThe press law requires the journalist to follow the editorial line. However, attempts to find a clearly formulated editorial line, sought after on the websites of press titles, did not provide unequivocal results. Public opinion polls were only indirectly related to the editorial line. Therefore, the statements of journalists remained to be examined. They have been referred to four normative journalistic social roles. Most often, the role of the reporter and advocate was mentioned, and the role of a debater or moderator of the discussion was the least frequently stated.
- PozycjaRezonans medialny nowelizacji ustawy o Instytucie Pamięci Narodowej w wybranych tygodnikach opinii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Zemła, BernardynaIn the prelude I introduce threads related to European anti-Semitism. Presenting the functionalists’ standpoint, I elaborate on contemporary attempts to explain the phenomena of mass murder of the Jewish nation during World War II, while placing emphasis on the fact that the historical politics of the Holocaust in Israel and Poland is not yet a closed chapter. Following these conclusions, the goal and methodology of my research is devoted to media reaction to the amendment to the Act pertaining to the Institute of National Remembrance in chosen Polish weekly newspapers of record. In the end I present the results of the research conducted from 29th of January to 15th of April.
- PozycjaThe dependence of gulf countries on hydrocarbons export – a perspective of regional security complex theory(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Dyduch, Joanna; Jarząbek, Jarosław; Skorek, ArturArtykuł podejmuje problematykę zależności państw subregionu Zatoki Perskiej od dochodów z eksportu węglowodorów i analizuje ją z perspektywy teorii regionalnych kompleksów bezpieczeństwa (TRKB). Hipoteza badawcza zakłada, że zależność od eksportu węglowodorów jest jednym istotnych czynników pogłębiających dylemat bezpieczeństwa w tym subregionie. Artykuł charakteryzuje główne zależności w obszarze bezpieczeństwa pomiędzy państwami Zatoki Perskiej, analizuje stopień i skutki uzależnienia poszczególnych państw od eksportu ropy naftowej i gazu ziemnego oraz przedstawia działania ich rządy, mające na celu uniknięcie popadnięcia w zależność klątwy surowcowej. Wykorzystywana w artykule TRKB pozwala na ukazanie, w jaki sposób zależność od eksportu gazu i ropy naftowej podsyca regionalne konflikty, utrudnia bliższą współpracę i w ten sposób utrwala nieefektywny i zasobochłonny model gospodarki rozdzielczej, opartej na dochodach zewnętrznych.
- PozycjaWizerunek i kierunki polityki Władimira Putina w mediach społecznościowych w kampanii prezydenckiej w 2018 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Gala, PaulinaThe main aim of this paper is to analyse the image and policy directions of Vladimir Putin in social media before the 2018 presidential elections that he won. The official Twitter channel in English version was traversed in this paper. The presidential campaign of Vladimir Putin on Twitter in 2018 was very gentle. The leader strategy, which was adopted, ensured his outright victory. The most commonly raised issues before the presidential elections in Russia concerned international partnerships, military issues, army and arms. Information concerning private life was not used in the pictures and in the paper. He had condoled, wished and congratulated – the widely promoted image of a charismatic leader was broken down by friendly gestures. The figure of president was exposed in pictures. The most posted pictures of the President were pictures of him surrounded by common people, workers and politicians. His attire and body language underlined a professional approach.
- PozycjaWizerunek prasowy i internetowy instytucji kościelnej a linia redakcyjna – casus Fundacji „Dzieło Nowego Tysiąclecia”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Leśniczak, RafałThe author has analyzed the image of the “Work of the New Millennium” Foundation in nationwide weekly magazines “Gość Niedzielny”, “Newsweek Polska”, “W Sieci” and on the websites http://gosc.pl, http://www.newsweek.pl and https://www.wsieciprawdy.pl. An attempt was made to determine to what extent the editorial line of the above-mentioned press titles and websites affects the presentation of ecclesiastical institutions. The analysis covered paper editions and websites of Polish opinion-forming weeklies, which are among the most influential and, at the same time, representing a different profile: Catholic and secular (left liberal and right-wing). The author used the method of press content analysis. Press studies confirmed the catholic profile of the “Gość Niedzielny”, while in the case of secular press titles, there was no reference to the topic of the foundation, which prompted the author to try to explain such a research result based on media studies.
- PozycjaWpływ zmiany strategii kartelu OPEC na ceny ropy naftowej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Suder, JacekThe article summarizes recent events related to the crude oil market, regarding particularly the policy of reduction in the commodity supply introduced by the countries of the OPEC cartel and Russia. The author examined the next steps undertaken by member nations of the oil association, which were targeted at an increase in the price of oil and at lowering the level of crude oil reserves in the OECD countries. In addition, the process of creating a shale revolution in the United States was outlined, which led to a great level of independence of this country from the supply of energy resources from other parts of the world. The article is an attempt to introduce a wider topic which is the shale revolution in the USA, and its and impact on the global oil market. It is also a starting point for further considerations regarding possible steps of the OPEC cartel arising after expiration of the current agreement.
- PozycjaWykorzystanie mediów społecznościowych jako platformy prowadzenia sporów politycznych. Kazus projektu polskiego ruchu narodowego „Media Narodowe”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Szwed-Walczak, AnnaThe aim of the research was to investigate the nature of the political dispute in social media of the Polish national movement (‘National Media’). The following research questions were formulated: 1. What is the purpose defined and implemented by the ‘National Media’; 2. What are the subjects of the political disputes in the ‘National Media’ project of the Polish national movement; 3. What is the involvement of social media users in the published materials? The subject of the research were social websites YouTube and Twitter, where the 'National Media' project is based. The research covered one calendar month of April 2018. During the research content analysis was used.
- PozycjaWykorzystanie monitoringu mediów w badaniach ekstremizmu politycznego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Gawroński, Sławomir; Piątkiewicz, PawełThe article presents the possibilities provided by applying media studies (media monitoring) in political studies. The author showcases theoretical connections between the impact of mass media and the phenomenon of political extremism. It also presents a case study – a research project carried out in Liechtenstein regarding the monitoring of political extremism. The article contains recommendations for the possible implementation of the project in other countries. The research methods appliedwere limited to the analysis of literature in the field of political extremism and the methods of media studies. The desk research method was also used for the case study.