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Pozycja A Child’s Grave Robe from the Northern Crypt of St Anne’s Church in Konotop, Lubuskie Province, Poland(the Authors, 2022-12) Grupa, Małgorzata; Jasiak, Krzysztof; Grupa, Dawid; Nalaskowski, FilipAn ossuary was found in a brass sarcophagus, dated to 1720 based on a medallion. The archaeological material was mixed with rubbish and sand. Inside the sarcophagus, the remains of both adults and children were discovered. These are believed to be members of the von Kottwitz family, former owners of Konotop. The separation of the material into different types of cloth was quite painstaking and lengthy. Only one of the grave robes has survived in an almost intact condition. It was a simple grave robe without a back. During the analysis of the skeletal remains, it was matched to the red stained skeleton of an infant.Pozycja A Contribution to the Study of Traces of Psychotropic Substances Inside Miniature Vessels and Collared Flasks of the Eneolithic Funnel Beaker culture (FBC) from Poland(the Authors, 2023-12-29) Taras, Halina; Zakościelna, Anna; Osak, Marcin; Buszewicz, Grzegorz; Teresiński, GrzegorzThe text presents the results of laboratory analyses conducted on vegetal intoxicating substances identified on the walls of selected pottery forms discovered at Polish sites attributed to the south-eastern group of the FBC. The samples taken from miniature vessels and collared flasks were examined using the GC-MS/MS method (triple quadrupole) and then the reference method LC-MS/MS (linear ion trap). As a result of the research, psychotropic substances were identified in four samples: papaverine, scopolamine and atropine.Pozycja A Double Child Coffin from the Southern Crypt of the Holy Trinity Church in Radzyń Podlaski (19th Century)(the Authors, 2022-12) Dabralet, Igor; Michalik, Jakub; Grupa, Małgorzata; Gałka, BarbaraThe lives of children in the past were both ephemeral and fragile. The birth of a child, although expected and prayed for, was inevitably connected with the fear of death of both the mother and child, and every childbirth was a kind of a challenge. Unfortunately, in many cases, it finished with death during the delivery or just after. Surviving childhood safely was a constant struggle for the smaller members of a community. This information is evidenced during archaeological explorations of churches and burial grounds. No matter whether they were rich or poor, death took its toll on every social group. There was only the difference in the way of burial ceremony and accessories attributed to it. Some of the child burials were comparable with the richest burials of adults. One of them, a burial in a double coffin, attracted archaeologists’ attention at the very beginning of exploration in Radzyń Podlaski. A child burial in a double coffin can be classified as a unique find, not only in the area of Poland but also in Europe.Pozycja A study of the psychometric properties of 12-item World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 in adults living in Poland(2019-11-13) Ćwirlej-Sozańka, Agnieszka; Sozański, Bernard; Kotarski, Hubert; Wilmowska-Pietruszyńska, Anna; Wiśniowska-Szurlej, AgnieszkaBackground: Assessment of population disability is an important part of public health management. This article presents the psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 12-item version (WHODAS 2.0 v 12) assessing adults living in Poland. Methods: The analysis comprised 584 adult urban residents. The study used WHODAS 2.0 v 12 and WHOQL-BREF. Basic sociodemographic and selected health assessment (pain, depressive moods) data were also collected. Results: A high internal consistency was found in the general population for the entire tool (α-Cronbach=0.90) and for individual domains (α-Cronbach in the range of 0.76 - 0.79). The similar situation was of dispersion groups (with pain, depressive moods). Satisfactory values of fit indices were obtained: CFI = 0.999, TLI = 0.999, and RMSEA = 0.004, SRMR = 0.043, p = 0.454. A good consistency was noted over time (correlation coefficient = 0.88). A high validity of the tool was found, including satisfactory discriminant validity of people with different health status and a good convergent validity in correlation with the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Conclusions: The results allow WHODAS 2.0 v 12 to be considered as a high-quality tool for measuring health status, functioning and disability of a general and particular population.Pozycja Actions taken as part of the health policy of the Republic of Poland during the Covid-19 pandemic(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022) Kacprowska, KrystynaThe coronavirus pandemic has become a stimulus to introduce changes in the functioning of societies and to take health policy measures aimed at effective fight against the pandemic. Counteracting the spread of the virus and mitigating its negative effects are a challenge even for countries with organized health services. Several restrictions were introduced in health policy during the COVID-19 pandemic, but the pandemic remains a challenge that requires further action. The aim of this study was to analyze the activities undertaken in Poland as part of health policy. To find an answer to the presented research question, a literature review was carried out, which provided information on the functioning of health policies, programs and intervention techniques that were introduced in the fight against the pandemic.Pozycja Adam Stalony-Dobrzański’s projects and stained-glass windows for Warsaw Orthodox parishes(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016-12) Siemieniec, AnnaAdam Stalony-Dobrzański (1904–1985), a graduate and lecturer of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow was one of the leading creators of contemporary Orthodox art in Poland. Creating comprehensive concepts of interior designs of Polish churches, the artist introduced, inter alia, stained-glass windows into their space. Many of these windows were designed for churches and buildings belonging to the Orthodox Church in Warsaw. They are described in this article, with special attention being paid to their history and iconography. The oldest stained glass window is Deesis, created in 1956 for the lower chapel of the Orthodox Church of St John Climacus in Wola. It was only in the late 1970s and beginning of the 1980s that glazing for the upper chapel according to Stalony-Dobrzański’s designs was manufactured. In 1968 Stalony-Dobrzański was invited to participate in a competition for the renovation project of the Metropolitan Council of the Holy Equal to Apostles of Mary Magdalene in Warsaw. However, his project, elaborated in co-operation with Jerzy Nowosielski, Boris Oleszko and Sotyris Pantopulos, was not realised. Currently, in the church there is only one stained glass window designed by Stalony-Dobrzański, i.e. Mary Magdalene meets the Resurrected Christ (1976). In the 1970s Stalony-Dobrzański designed stained-glass windows for the House of the Metropolitan of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church (the collection is currently scattered), and in the next decade – also for the Museum Of Warsaw Orthodox Metropolis (projects were not realised).Pozycja AKSJOLOGIA OJCZYZNY I PATRIOTYZMU W KONTEKŚCIE MATERIAŁÓW DYDAKTYCZNYCH DO SZKOŁY PODSTAWOWEJ(Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2016-10-20) Brózda, KrzysztofEdukacja szkolna wciąż pozostaje niezwykle ważnym a zarazem nie do końca wykorzystanym faktorem wychowania kolejnych pokoleń Polaków w kierunku postaw patriotycznych. Refleksja skoncentrowana na treści podręczników do szkoły podstawowej pod kątem zawartej w niej aksjologii ojczyzny i patriotyzmu znajduje swoje odzwierciedlenie w tytule pracy: Aksjologia patriotyzmu i ojczyzny w kontekście materiałów dydaktycznych do szkoły podstawowej. Punktem odniesienia jest tu Podstawa programowa z 1999 roku, nieznacznie zmodyfikowana jak chodzi o szkołę podstawową w roku 2009, 2012 i ostatnio 2014 i do dziś obowiązująca. Zasadniczym źródłem pracy są liczne materiały dydaktyczne przeznaczone do edukacji w szkole podstawowej, realizujące wyżej wzmiankowaną Podstawę. W przypadku I etapu edukacji, gdzie po 1999 zaproponowano edukację zintegrowaną, sięgnięto do najbardziej popularnych podręczników tego właśnie typu, włącznie z ostatnim z nich Naszym elementarzem, podręcznikiem zaproponowanym przez MEN w 2014 roku i budzącym od początku liczne kontrowersje. W przypadku II etapu edukacji, z oczywistych względów wykorzystane zostały przede wszystkim podręczniki do historii, języka polskiego, sztuki (muzyki i plastyki) oraz przyrody. Obok licznych materiałów źródłowych posłużono się także szeregiem opracowań z zakresu definiowania patriotyzmu oraz edukacji patriotycznej.Pozycja Application of the log-linear analysis to choose determinants of disability among the elderly residents of south-eastern Poland(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Ćwirlej-Sozańska, Agnieszka; Sozański, Bernard; Wilmowska-Pietruszyńska, AnnaIntroduction: Many variables in research in the area of medical and health sciences are qualitative in nature. A common statistical tool used to analyze them is the χ2 test. However, it does not allow us to assess the relationship between a number of variables and distinguish the factors determining the investigated phenomenon. A more accurate tool is the log-linear analysis, which enable the researcher to evaluate the dependences and interactions between the studied variables. Purpose: Description of the use of log-linear analysis on the example of the cross-sectional study on disability of the elderly. Material and methods: The assessment of disability and the choice of the factors that determine it was carried out on the results of a survey of 800 randomly selected people aged 71-80 years from the area of south-eastern Poland. The research tool was a WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire and a respondent’s particulars. The log-linear model was used for the analysis. In order to evaluate the fitting of the model, the Pearson’s χ2 and the χ2 maximum likelihood statistics, R2 and A coefficients were used . Results: Education, adjustments of a house / flat, physical exercises have a significant impact on the prevalence of disability in the study group . Conclusions: The log-linear analysis allows us to determine the effect not only of individual variables on the formation of an independent variable, but also their interactions and the determination the odds occurrence of a dependent variable according to different qualitative categories of dependent variables. The information obtained in this way is a valuable clue to take practical action to decrease or increase the severity of the studied phenomenon.Pozycja Archeological and architectural research of historic cellars in the western frontage of the Dukla market(Zakład Architektury Krajobrazu, Wydział Biologiczno-Rolniczy, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2018) Gransicki, Marek; Pasterkiewicz, WojciechThe article presents selected results and conclusions from archaeological and architectural research carried out within the market square of Dukla. Its purpose was to collect information and define the nature of threshold cellars located there. A part of the work was also to carry out test drillings around the town hall in order to verify the hypothesis about the presence of cellar chambers and underground passages.Pozycja Aspekty polityczne i gospodarcze w działalności dyplomatycznej Leona Orłowskiego(2015-06-09) Pietrzyk, PawełPrezentowana dysertacja doktorska przedstawia biografię Leona Orłowskiego, dyplomaty, pracującego w polskiej służbie zagranicznej, niemalże w całym okresie II Rzeczypospolitej, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem aspektów politycznych i gospodarczych w jego działalności dyplomatycznej. Ukoronowaniem kariery Orłowskiego było stanowisko posła nadzwyczajnego i ministra pełnomocnego na Węgrzech, które piastował w latach 1936-1940. Z punktu widzenia działalności dyplomatycznej, okres ten był najważniejszy w jego karierze zawodowej. Wcześniej Orłowski był urzędnikiem w Konsulacie RP w Nowym Jorku, następnie sekretarzem Poselstwa RP w Waszyngtonie, kierownikiem referatów w centrali MSZ w Warszawie oraz sekretarzem Ambasady RP w Londynie. Po zakończeniu swojej misji w Budapeszcie nie powrócił już do czynnej służby dyplomatycznej. W 1941 r. wyemigrował do Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki Północnej, gdzie się osiedlił i mieszkał przez ponad 35 lat. W USA działał w różnych organizacjach polonijnych, pracował dla Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych, Radia Wolna Europa, a przede wszystkim poświęcił się pisaniu artykułów i książek, głównie o tematyce historycznej. Ramy chronologiczne pracy odpowiadają latom życia Leona Orłowskiego (1891-1976), a poszczególne okresy jego życia zostały potraktowane w sposób równorzędny. Orłowski to doskonały przykład dyplomaty z tzw. drugiego szeregu. Bardziej urzędnika niż polityka, który karierę budował nie na znajomościach i układach personalnych, ale przede wszystkim na wiedzy i umiejętnościach. Był wysoko oceniany nie tylko przez swoich bezpośrednich przełożonych.Pozycja Attitudes towards depression and symptoms of depression among Polish and British adults(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Nagórska, AnnaIntroduction. Depression is a mental illness widespread in the population and is the most common mental disorder. There has been an increase in number of depression diagnoses among the wider population in the past few years. Aim. The aim of the study was to gain knowledge regarding the attitudes towards depression and to measure the occurrence of depression symptoms among open populations of Polish and British people. Materials and methods. The study was conducted from March to May 2015 by posting an electronic survey on a social network in Polish and English language. 143 completed questionnaires were obtained. The method of diagnostic survey was used in this study. The research tools was a survey created by the authors and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Results. Every third respondent acknowledged that they have a sufficient knowledge of depression. Based on BDI results, 75% of Poles and 39% of British did not show any signs of depression. Conclusions. The British understand the term “depression” correctly more often than Poles. The inhabitants of Poland and Great Britain take a positive attitude towards people with depression. The British have depressive symptoms more frequently than Poles. Nationality and age do not affect the severity of depressive symptoms in both groups.Pozycja Belarusian vs. Polish transformation. Two paths of institutional change(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022) Pieczewski, Andrzej; Sidarava, AliaksandraThe aim of the article is to compare the results of Belarus and Poland’s post-Communist transformation and to indicate the reasons for the two different paths followed. We hypothesize that both the historically shaped differences in mental models and strong ties with international protectors of these countries were the main elements that determined the paths of the transformations. We also try to highlight the main differences in the mentality and the contemporary institutional matrix of the two countries. We modify the matrix by adding a new element – an external protector – which is critical, especially regarding these two countries. We use the tools and methods of new institutional economics in our analyses.Pozycja Błędy, zaniechania i manipulacje polityków na przykładzie referendów w Polsce w 1996 i 2015 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Piasecki, Andrzej K.In 1996 and 2015 two unsuccessful referendums have been carried out in Poland. They shared in common the institution of the initiator of the referendum (the president), low turnout, and instrumental treatment of these votes. The referendum of 1996 was intended to help Lech Wałęsa in the realization of his campaign promises. In 2015 Bronisław Komorowski wanted the referendum to win him the support of the followers of Paweł Kukiz. Many mistakes have been made during both referendums; for example: poorly worded questions, omission of detailed explanation of the consequences of the referendum, a series of manipulations from the politicians, such as the submission of additional questions. The ineffective results of these votes and the negative events surrounding their campaign had their impact on the state of the Polish direct democracy as well as on its functioning in the framework of the political system of the Third Republic.Pozycja Burials with Buckets in Early Medieval Poland: A Pagan or Christian Custom?(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2015) Kurasiński, TomaszThis paper examines the custom of burying the dead with buckets in the context of ideological and religious changes in early medieval Poland. The corpus of sources for this study includes around 350 vessels discovered at over 100 cemeteries. Because Christianization of funerary practices was a multifaceted and long-term process, in which the gradual introduction of Christian motifs led to elimination or adaptation of pagan rites, it is difficult to determine whether a particular object deposited in the grave was regarded as purely “Christian” or “pagan”. This problem also relates to buckets. It seems that buckets were placed in graves as part of the so-called cult of the dead, a practice which was expressed through feasts that involved both the living and the dead. Buckets were filled with liquids and food with the intention to facilitate the journey to the Otherworld and to protect the living against the undesired return of the deceased. Burials with buckets, therefore, may have aroused concerns among the clergy and could have been regarded as practices associated with pagan traditions that deviated considerably from Christian norms and newly introduced funerary customs.Pozycja „Co, znów się mają odbyć wybory, czy te co były w lecie się nie udały?” Wybory parlamentarne 1947 r. w świetle plotek i pogłosek(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Czop, EdytaWybory parlamentarne z 19 stycznia 1947 r. były dla komunistów zamknięciem etapu przejmowania władzy. By zapewnić sobie przewagę w kampanii przedwyborczej, wykorzystano wszelkie możliwe narzędzia, łącznie z aresztowaniami. Z jednej strony prowadzono działania mające na celu eliminację przeciwników politycznych, z drugiej zaś starano się osłabić opór społeczny. Dla komunistów społeczeństwo stało się przedmiotem w walce wyborczej, który należało odpowiednio ukształtować, by osiągnąć zamierzone cele. Równocześnie swoją kampanię prowadziły opozycyjne Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe i organizacje podziemne. Brutalna walka polityczna powodowała zagubienie większości wyborców w obliczu wykluczających się wzajemnie obietnic wyborczych oraz oficjalnej propagandy nieznajdującej odzwierciedlenia w rzeczywistości. Swoistą reakcją na niezrozumienie istniejącej sytuacji, ale i na obawy o przyszłość stały się plotki i pogłoski obiegające Polskę w przededniu wyborów. Prześledzenie pogłosek i plotek pokazuje stopień dezorientacji społeczeństwa w zachodzących zmianach wewnętrznych, jego stosunek do władz komunistycznych, ale i do opozycji. Pozwala na odtworzenie obaw i stopnia niepewności co do przyszłości kraju, jak i problemów dnia codziennego w okresie przedwyborczym.Pozycja Colonial expansion or vital assistance? French capital and interwar Poland(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Łazor, JerzyFrance was a major source of foreign capital for interwar Poland, both through government loans, and private investment. The French presence was particularly strong in the extraction and paper industries, in energy production, and in banking. French engagement was partly a consequence of the alliance between the two countries, and can be seen as an element of France’s security policy in the East. Poland was forced to give its ally costly concessions, including special treatment of French companies. Hence, Poland can be seen as the object of quasi-imperial expansion, and in the interwar period the left accused France of colonial policies, Nonetheless, Poland remained the initiating side of many negotiations with the French. In Polish historiography this economic foreign policy towards France is often interpreted as a series of costly mistakes. Considering the difficult situation on interwar financial markets, Polish policy can be seen, however, as successful, as it allowed the new state to achieve many of its goals. These included taking over German companies in Silesia, significant investments in infrastructure (including the harbour in Gdynia and the coal trunk line), and outfitting the Polish army. The high cost of French capital was a consequence of the asymmetry of power, and the large needs of the new state.Pozycja Cult and Ritual in Polish Archaeology: Past Research and New Perspectives(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2015) Gardeła, Leszek; Půlpánová-Reszczyńska, AgnieszkaThis paper provides a brief overview of past and recent studies on the archaeology of cult and ritual in Poland. It discusses some of the most important publications and scholarly initiatives that have been shaping current approaches to various aspects of pre-Christian beliefs and it also attempts to predict future research trajectories.Pozycja Determinanty poziomu ubóstwa na przykładzie Polski i Węgier – analiza porównawcza(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Iwacewicz-Orłowska, AnnaCelem opracowania jest analiza czynników determinujących poziom ubóstwa na przykładzie dwóch krajów Grupy Wyszehradzkiej: Polski i Węgier. Analiza została przeprowadzona w oparciu o dane statystyczne EU-SILC i obejmuje lata 2006–2014. Nierówności dochodowe i rosnące ubóstwo to wyzwanie, przed którym staje współczesna gospodarka. Ubóstwo dotyka poszczególne grupy społeczne w różnym stopniu. Poziom ubóstwa w obu analizowanych krajach jest porównywalny w przypadku następujących sytuacji: niskiego poziomu wykształcenia członków rodziny, obecności osoby niepełnosprawnej w rodzinie czy też dużej liczebności rodziny. Wszystkie wymienione czynniki zawsze podnoszą poziom ubóstwa w obu krajach. Na potrzeby niniejszego opracowania założono więc, że poziom ubóstwa zależny jest od czterech następujących czynników: regionu, wieku, stopnia urbanizacji oraz statusu osoby na rynku pracy. Analiza pokazuje, iż w przypadku tychże czynników sytuacja Polski i Węgier jest nieco odmienna. Na Węgrzech ubóstwo w szczególności dotyka dzieci, czyli osoby do lat 16 oraz (oprócz osób nieposiadających zatrudnienia) grupę pracowników. W przypadku Polski grupę osób ubogich w znacznie większym stopniu niż na Węgrzech zasilają osoby zatrudnione z wyłączeniem pracowników. Wiekowo najubożsi są ludzie młodzi, wchodzący na rynek pracy, czyli grupa wiekowa od 16. do 24. roku życia, co jest także powiązane z wcześniejszą kategorią.Pozycja Developing digital skills in Economy 4.0(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Ziomek, AgnieszkaThe aim of the paper is to evaluate digital competence among employees working with high-tech devices and identify their level of compliance with the requirements set out in EU documents. The article contains an analysis of the literature on the subject, EU documents and survey results. A comparative analysis of the opinions of employees, managers and trade union representatives is carried out based on the results of a survey in an industrial company where stationary work is required. The results show that in the Greater Poland (Wielkopolska) region of Poland, the level of employee qualifications is average. People employed for a period of five years or less positively assessed their level of competence and were positive about the challenges ahead; they also expressed a high degree of motivation to learn in the future. The positions of the managers and the union representatives were similar. The main implications include the fact that the level of digital skills found may form the basis for necessary steps to be taken by companies and public institutions to upgrade employees’ skills. The article assesses the current level of digital competence of employees and the extent to which they adhere to the requirements of the literature, EU documents and national surveys.Pozycja EDUCATIONAL INEQUALITES IN THE VIEW OF POLISH SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION(Youth in Central and Eastern Europe. Sociological Studies, 2015-01-01) Długosz, PiotrThe paper presents the output of Polish sociology of education. The author shows research projects and thematic fields present in the work of Polish scientists. The conducted research focuses on old educational inequalities (the impact of status on educational achievements and aspirations) as well as the new ones (the impact of status on private lessons and additional classes). In the article the consequences of socioeconomic transformation and their impact on educational inequalities is shown as well. At the end, the theoretical concepts of cultural capital, human capital and credentialism, helpful with the analysis and explanation of social inequalities in Poland are shown as well