Tematy i Konteksty 12(17) 2022
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttps://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/8398
Przeglądanie Tematy i Konteksty 12(17) 2022 według Temat "aluzja literacka"
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Pozycja O biograficznych aluzjach do rzeczywistości w poezji. Wprowadzenie teoretycznoliterackie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Garczarek, KrzysztofThis article is an introduction to theoretical considerations focused on biographical allusions to reality that find their place in poetry. The author, following the theories of literary fiction rooted in Aristotle’s thought, takes the position that all scientific considerations concerning the actual prototypes of the creation of the represented worlds must start with the rejection of existential monism and assume the existence of ‘possible worlds’. The author proposes to introduce the concept of ‘biographical allusion formulated by applying a lyric strategy’ into literary theory and indicates three basic lyrical strategies of this type: testimony, confession and challenge.