Słowo. Studia językoznawcze
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Rzeszowskie środowisko językoznawcze, skupione wokół Wydziału Filologicznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, przeżywa ostatnio rozwój. Ukazują się różnego typu publikacje tworzone przez rzeszowskich językoznawców polonistów, germanistów, rusycystów i anglistów. Są to monografie, tomy zbiorowe, materiały pokonferencyjne czy pojedyncze artykuły. Prężnie rozwijają się lingwistyczne studia doktoranckie.
Aby nadać jeszcze większą rangę tym badaniom, aby zintegrować środowisko i upowszechnić wyniki naszych prac, także badaczy początkujących, postanowiliśmy stworzyć czasopismo językoznawcze, ukazujące się co rok, które będzie wydawane przez Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Nasz rocznik przeznaczony jest dla badań z różnych filologii. W periodyku tym będą publikowane, po pierwsze, artykuły doświadczonych badaczy zarówno ze środowiska rzeszowskiego, jak i z innych ośrodków naukowych w Polsce, a po wtóre - chcemy dać możliwość przedstawienia wyników badań adeptom nauki, zwłaszcza doktorantom. Jest to rocznik otwarty na dyskusję naukową. Pragniemy, aby znaczącym działem naszego pisma były recenzje ważnych publikacji polskich i obcych.
Tytuł nowego pisma "Słowo. Studia językoznawcze" nawiązuje do najbardziej oczywistego i nośnego elementu każdego języka, jakim jest właśnie słowo, wyraz, leksem. Słowo jest dla każdego użytkownika języka podstawową rzeczywistością, tym bardziej oczywistym znakiem, a badanie słowa, jego znaczeń, powiązań z innymi słowami jest pierwszą powinnością językoznawcy. Słowo jest językowym i społecznym działaniem, buduje kulturę wspólnoty, przekazuje wiedzę, umożliwia komunikację między osobami i grupami, tworzy solidarność i spaja wspólnotę. Słowo jest wielką wartością i służy do przekazywania wartości. Może też być przedmiotem manipulacji i dominacji nad człowiekiem. O tych wszystkich zjawiskach chcemy pisać. Mamy nadzieję, że te wszystkie aspekty słowa znajdą tu swoją refleksję badawczą.
Ufamy, że nasze pismo przyczyni się choć w części do rozwoju polskich badań językoznawczych.
prof. dr hab. Kazimierz Ożóg
Przeglądanie Słowo. Studia językoznawcze według Data wydania
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Pozycja Przyjazny dla twojej kieszeni – o semantyce słowa „przyjazny” we współczesnych tekstach reklamowych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Słabczyński, RobertThe article presents semantics of an adjective friendly in contemporary advertising texts, in which it occurs not only in dictionary meanings, but also in new ones that have not been recorded in dictionaries yet. Friendly in the analysed advertisements means: ‘which is not harmful’, ‘cheap, economical’, ‘easy-to-use, simple’, ‘functional, practical, comfortable’, ‘adapted to one’s needs’, ‘meeting high standards’.Pozycja Echolalia: zabawa słowem czy zaburzenie mowy? (na przykładzie zachowań językowych autystycznej dziewczynki)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Cempa-Włodarczyk, KlaudiaThe article contains a critical analysis of tasks occurring in deferred echolalic speech of a child. Different circumstances couse the presence of specific wording in the emerging speech acts observed in autistic girl behavior. The Theory of Relevance helps to examine the child’s statements both with respect to the acquisition of competence as well as for cosituation occurrence of short acts of the child’s speech during his daily life. This proposal allows the insightful observation from the phenomenon of echolalic speech of an autistic girl.Pozycja Narracja skandalu obyczajowego. Sprawa Durczoka czy afera „Wprost”?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Mazur, RafałThe aim of the article is description of media scandal narratives on the example of scandal with editor of “Fakty” Kamil Durczok, who was accused by “Wprost” of mobbing and harassment of journalists. The research material includes articles published in the “Wprost” and “Newsweek” magazines, newspapers: “Fakt” and “Super Express” and posted on the websites: wpolityce.pl and se.pl. The article indicates differences in meaning between lexemes that are used to present a specific vision of events, such as: sprawa, afera, skandal and derivative nouns with suffix -gate. The article presents narrative structures that are characteristic for the scandal. Those structures include character creation, his activities and intentions, and obstacles encountered during the attempt of achieving his goal. Analysis of the material made it possible to distinguish two opposing rhetorical strategies: aggressive and defensive. Those strategies can be used to successively attack and defend of those involved in the scandal. The article also presents how these strategies can be used to create opposing visions of reality.Pozycja O emocjach w odbiorze relacji meczu siatkarskiego (przyczynek do projektu metodologii badawczej)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Kochmańska, WiolettaThe proposal of volleyball report researching method, where the snapshot of media users is consulted, was shown in this paper. Establishing of media recipient and his emotions during the volleyball match report, as the point if view taken in this paper, was completed with important attributes marking of subiectively comprehended beneficiary of media comtent (side of communication). These attributes are: active/ inactive attitude, the specialisatiol level, the individual and group representation, orientations and sport affection, motivation property, and cognitive judgement of perceive event. It was shown that the recipient goes to emotions in connection with content of analysed genres also known as: assets of emotions which mean the parts of reports, where subiectively accompaning emotions cointained by the broadcaster, and the emotions that the media user takes as a broadcaster’s feelings word.Pozycja Recenzja książki Marii Wojtak „O języku i stylu polskiego dramatu. Studia i szkice”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Lublin 2014, ss. 285(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Krauz, MariaPozycja „Całe wodne wre i ryczy piekło”. O językowej kreacji żywiołu wody w poezji Adama Asnyka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Różańska, BarbaraThis article attempts to answer the question, how is in the poetry of Adam Asnyk functioning the concept of water element, how it is conceptualized, and also what are the relationships between conventionalized way of understanding the water element and the artistic text. It would be, therefore, important to restore richness of language and culture features of any given semanteme, that is to show it along with all collocations on the cultural background and to reconstruct the linguistic image of the world contained in general language. This article presents the semantics of the water semanteme, which in the poetry of Adam Asnyk exists in various forms. Asnyk used the biblical way of looking at water as both destructive and rescuing force. The water was shown from the perspective associated with a time, but in Asnyk it is additionally enriched with an image of transient life. Also emerge numerous references to juxtaposition of discussed semanteme with human language.Pozycja Język uczniów – charakterystyka, opinie nauczycieli o tym zjawisku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Romanek, BeataArticle resembles most important features of contemporary Polish language. Also mentions the environment that affect the language of children and adolescents. Then presents the results of the research of 70 primary school teachers. The aim of the study was to investigate the views of teachers about language students. Teachers among other things, pointed to the environment affecting language students rated their level of knowledge of youth and its presence in official oral and written statements of the students.Pozycja Polskie pieśni religijne jako akty mowy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Ożóg, KazimierzThe aim of the analysis pursued here are Polish religious songs included in the two editions of Church Songbook, authored by Rev. Jan Siedlecki which – all in all – contain more than 600 compositions. All religious songs are – at the same time – acts of prayer, and they are analyzable in terms of linguistic pragmatics. The author of this paper treats the songs that are subject to analysis as spectacular speech acts, the aim of which is to keep contact with the sacred, that is God through the channel of love. The act of prayer is split by the author into several smaller categories, that is the acts of adoration, request, thanksgiving, theological ascertainment and the act of contrition. On the basis of rich factual data the author has arrived at ample account of the analyzed verbal acts.Pozycja Cel prawie osiągnięty – o argumentacji i perswazji w wypowiedziach trenerskich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Iskra, Lidia; Patro-Kucab, MagdalenaThe article constitutes the rhetorical analysis of collected speeches of football coaches. A comparison of the speech style between modern trainers and the classic forms of oration has been made. The language and style in which trainers mobilise their players before an upcoming competition has been indicated. The analysis has been made of the applied argumentation of trainers, used tropics and stylistic figures with and indication on the colloquial character of speech.Pozycja Słowo od Redakcji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Ożóg, KazimierzPozycja Analiza strukturalno-semantyczna wybranych nazw gabinetów stomatologicznych w województwie podkarpackim(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Drążek, BeataThis article is devoted to a structural and semantic analysis of selected names (approximately eight hundred onyms) of dentist’s private practices operating now in the province of Podkarpacie. Increased awareness of the society as regards health, hygiene and physical culture was one of the effects of political and economic transformations that took place after 1989 in Poland. In connection with it, numerous medical private practices were established, inclusive of the dentist’s ones, in which a wide scope of new services were offered to the patients, like in the Western countries. The onyms discussed here, that name current dentist’s private practices, are a specific linguistic exemplification of the said intensive transformations in the Polish health services. In the collected set of names, two main categories are clearly differentiated. The first category includes names formed in part with an element of anthroponic character (forename and surname of the owner) and in part with an element giving information about a type of medical activity. Whereas, the second category covers multiword onyms encompassing a portmanteau element that is so fashionable now in the company’s names. Thus, dentists adjust the names of their private practices to the current tendencies in naming of businesses, trying to make the names of their private practices original, unique and thanks to that effective in alluring new customers - patients.Pozycja Kategoryzacja i prototypizacja w polu semantycznym niepełnosprawności fizycznej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Prażmowska-Bartoszek, KatarzynaThis article is an attempt to gather and describe lexis pertaining to people with physical disabilities which has been excerpted from selected dictionaries of the Polish language. The aim of the article is to formulate answers to the question of how Polish language users speak of the physically disabled, what the character of the words and expressions is and for what purpose they are used in different communication situations (features of the discourse on physical disability in the light of dictionary analysis). The article contains a review of definitions of disability and a person with a disability which exist in medical, legal, pedagogical and linguistic sciences. It also deals with the basic assumptions in prototype semantics which is the methodological basis of the studies conducted. The collected lexems and word connections have been analysed in terms of semantics and structure.Pozycja Dziedzictwo kulturowe w dobie globalizacji (na przykładzie tradycji ziemi rzeszowskiej)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Taras, BożenaThe article analyzes the traditional customs characteristic of the rural Rzeszovian community, which is part of the ideology of the cultural heritage of this folklore area. The author discusses the manifestations of regional culture which determine the sociocultural distinctiveness and protect from oblivion the past of the inhabitants of the land in times of increasing globalization and unification. In her search for the aspects of creating social ties and ways of strengthening the sense of belonging to the local community, she analyzes the manifestations of intangible cultural heritage of the community, such as: 1. Traditions and folklore, including language as a medium of intangible cultural heritage; 2. Performing Arts and musical traditions; 3. Sociocultural practices; 4. Knowledge and practices concerning the nature and the universe; 5. Knowledge and skills related to traditional craftsmanship.Pozycja Retoryka na usługach kampanii wyborczej (na przykładzie debat z udziałem Aleksandra Kwaśniewskiego, Lecha Kaczyńskiego i Bronisława Komorowskiego)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Lampart, Mateusz; Patro-Kucab, MagdalenaThe policy is the way of governing the country and aiming to achieve certain goals being the expectations of society. Governments are performed by chosen people. They are fullfilling their our image of the country in various aspects of the social life. In democracy, representatives of the people are selected by privileged people in the cause of voting. The members of the group, called the nation, regard the language as highly significant cryterium. The politicy is one of the most frequently discussed topic among Polish people. The rhetoric in election campaign is rather unpopular research topic. Those who are exploring this issue are mainly focused on cause-effect relation in reference to history as well as on the conclusions from types of communication between politicians. In fact, they prevent from showing the matter of this issue. The article analyses public appearances of presidential RP candidates during TV debates. Several times, there were situations when TV speeches priority elements of election campaign change the result of sounding. During the discussion, stylistic were placed at the forefront. The main purpose is to prove the raising significance of the rhetoric and its influence on shaping political preferences of voters.Pozycja Zapożyczenia w polskim słownictwie fryzjerskim(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Romaniak, MateuszIn the following article the author analyzes words borrowed from the foreign languages which are current in polish hairdresser’s nomenclature. Analyzing material consists of three hundred entries in range of hairdressing, cosmetics and common nomenclature. Lexical borrowings create a group of sixty articles with entries mentioned in dictionaries used for excerpting research material. On the basis of the analysis it can be certified that the most comprehensive group of words is adopted from the German language and French language. These are the terms mostly concerning of the names of hairdresser’s equipment and cosmetics used for hair care and styling. The research also contains the important group of words borrowed from Latin, Czech and Italian languages which played the significant part of the polish hairdressing nomenclature. Currently many terms describing technical products, cosmetics and hairstyles are borrowed from the English language. That is the very interesting and rich lexical display which is constantly evolving and can lead to different research dispositions in the future.Pozycja Czary w leksyce dawnej polszczyzny(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Krótki, ZuzannaIn the article the lexical units were analysed and put together with the semantic category – SORCERY (CZARY). The gathered written material was collected from all available lexicographical sources registering the vocabulary to the end of 19th century. As an addendum with the additional archaic texts the aforementioned lexemes were examined. It turned out that the analysed words concentrated around three fields coupled together with magic and its application; for example: activity, glance and the words. The specific places of wordforms in indicated categories were not constant. Several times it occured that seemingly stable formations changed completely its semantic content in the meaning. The processes referred to were investigated in the article. The dominating method in herein sketch is the analysis of contexts in which were grouped words from semantic field – SORCERY (CZARY) in the history of Polish language. Upon the evidence of such usage of particular word in the dictionaries registering old Polish vernacular the meaning value of it was considered in a given time.Pozycja Bożonarodzeniowe herody w Dalachowie i sąsiednich wioskach – analiza gatunku teatralnego i języka folkloru(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Wcisło, IwonaIn this article I analyze four versions of the Christmas show about king Herod - one of the twentieth century (the turn of the 70s and 80s) and three contemporary (2012). In the first part I examine the influence of pagan beliefs and Christian religion on the analyzed habit, and I also look for its roots in medieval and folk theatre genres. Pointing to the differences and similarities between them and the show about king Herod, I mention: liturgical drama, mystery, nativity play, morality, interlude and carnival. In the second part I analyze the language of folklore on the basis of the collected material. Following Jerzy Bartmiński I point out the main features of the language that we find in the tested habit. These include: typifying characters, the use of augmentatives and diminutives, the use of repetition, parallelism and symbols, and dialogism and variations of show about Herod.Pozycja Role społeczne odgrywane przez kobietę na przykładzie wybranych czasopism kobiecych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Olko, Patrycja; Filip, GrażynaThe image of a woman nowadays is quite schematic. A special part in the creation of both her appearance and the patterns of her behavior play magazines for women. They impose on women how to live in order to be trendy. Nowadays, the woman plays multiple roles in society. They include those defined by gender, stereotypes or tradition, as well as completely new, often controversial roles. On the one hand, the woman is encouraged to be a good mother, even the so- called Mother- Pole and a perfect hostess, on the other hand, however, she is being persuaded to break the traditional way of thinking. In addition to traditional roles, which are known since childhood, the reader should also familiarize herself closer and more deeply with the other ones, proposed by the magazines. Social roles, highlighted in magazines targeted at today’s readers, are presented in the article “Social roles played by a woman on the example of selected women’s magazines”. They were analyzed on the basis of the collected material and presented from the most important and most desirable. Eight social roles were distinguished, and these are: cook, mother, wife and lover, perfect housewife, interior designer, lawyer, renovation and construction worker, enterprising economist.Pozycja Zapis fonetyczny jako zjawisko typograficzne(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Mróz, PaulinaThe main subject of the article is phonetic notation. Among the issues are also types of phonetic alphabets and the differences between them and the realization of phonetic notation in linguistics books. In the second part of the article is typographic analysis and advices for the implementation of the phonetic alphabet in publications. New and important solution in this subject is the use of Unicode.Pozycja Model koneksjonistyczny w pracy reportera na przykładzie „Wież z kamienia” Wojciecha Jagielskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Trygar, BarbaraShowing is a purpose of the present article connectionist of approaching the modelling of mechanisms of the cognitive development at the journalist. It is the attempt to show as the brain, the body and the environment are cooperating in the destination of getting, creating and the transmission of information by the reporter. Models connectionist is manifesting itself above all in creating models of mechanisms of the development, referring to principles of the processing of information by neural networks, and from here enough enough clearly for they can to be surrendered for direct checking results on the road of the simulation and comparing achieved with empirical data. Wojciech Jagielski journalist, reporter, correspondent in the book from the stone described Towers conflict among two Chechen leaders, with supporter of Szamilem terrorist attacks with Basajew and prudent and pragmatic colonel Asłan Maschadow. Jagielski stayed in Chechens a few weeks what let him for thorough getting to know that environment. A fate divided civilians, participated in secret meetings with leaders of guerrillas, talked to most urgently guarded commanders and getting the amazing frankness out of them, even stopped in the fire of the fight. The knowledge, with which a neural network is getting the reporter as a result of the learning, is encrypted in scales of connections between individuals. Importances of mergers are just determining it way, into which entrance images are being copied to initial insults.