Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 10/2019


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  • Pozycja
    W świecie wartości moralnych – między zawiłością a prostotą
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Walicki, Jakub
    In the article I describe a dual nature of morality, arguing that moral actions require a constant movement between complexity and simplicity of the moral world. In the first part of the article I examine heterogeneity of the moral sphere, pointing out that it should not be simplified. I try to show why morality cannot be seen as a domain of perfect clarity and why it is usually impossible to make a firm distinction between goodness and evil. In the second part I argue that despite the difficulties, morality also requires self-confidence which can be justified. Although some moral problems are demanding, many others can be solved relatively easily. In the last part of the paper I discuss a difference between primary, spontaneous moral self-confidence, connected with simplified moral judgments, and secondary, reflective one, which comes from overcoming and controlling initial moral doubts.
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    Polszczyzna młodej inteligencji na przykładzie tekstów popularyzujących naukę
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Sagan-Bielawa, Mirosława
    The article refers to the concept of intelligentsia as a social group which exerts significant influence on Polish standard patterns. Although the term intelligentsia is vague and questionable, it is well-established term in Polish linguistics, especially in sociolinguistics. Author argues that science communicators (young professional researchers, science journalists, PhD students) represent the young intelligentsia, because these well-educated people pursue their intellectual development and they have sense of public duty. The article examines standard of popular science texts in Internet, new tendencies in written Polish and attitude of young intelligentsia toward traditional linguistic norm. The errors (esp. punctuation and syntax) exemplify impact of technological changes and phenomenon of secondary orality. It would be useful for science communicators to edit carefully their texts. Both researchers and journalists need to improve their writing skills permanently. Nevertheless it must be emphasized that school education and competent teachers seem to have important influence on the linguistic patterns.
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    Określenia dzieci odnoszące się do ich wieku znane najmłodszym i najstarszym mieszkańcom pogórskich wsi
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Piechnik, Anna
    The article presents lexical terminology of children relating to their age, which are present in the region of Pogórze Ciężkowicko-Rożnowskie (on the border of tarnowskie and nowosądeckie counties). The Language material was gathered by means of a questionnaire. It was answered by almost 200 people, who represent two age groups: middle-school students, and the oldest inhabitants of the area in question. The results revealed significant differences in the way a child is perceived by the students and by the oldest generation. The respondents representing these two groups determine different caesura for adulthood, and they also justify this choice differently. Lexical terminology of children relating to their age constitutes a significantly larger number of lexical items in the language of the older inhabitants of Pogórze. Students more frequently quote names common in general Polish language, both in its colloquial and regional form. Older respondents are more keen to use differentiating dialectal terms, including lexical items referring to the past reality of village life. Students are familiar mainly with the dialectal lexical items for children that are widespread in the area in question and have numerous derivatives.
  • Pozycja
    Składniowa „mówioność” w powieści Doroty Masłowskiej „Kochanie, zabiłam nasze koty”
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Nowakowska, Magdalena
    Syntactic treatments, which imitate spoken language, are crucial determinants of the colloquial style, alongside lexis. Responsible for the impression of interacting or communing with the spontaneously created text, which is a record of the living language of the narrator and characters, they are concerned with numerous simplifications and schemes. Among many diversified linguistic phenomena found in the novel by D. Masłowska, entitled “Kochanie, zabiłam nasze koty” (English title: “Honey, I killed our cats”, seemingly contradictory syntactic tendencies are used; the elliptical nature of syntax on the one hand, and, on the other hand, numerous repetitions both with regards to lexis and the construction of sentences. The segmentation or breaking up of utterances, as well as their excessive expansions, is similarly contradictory. Drawing from the spoken language aims to connect the at times unreal word depicted in the novel with the reality of the recipient, and to present the literary characters in a reliable way, more often than not associated with ordinariness.
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    Opisując nieopisane, czyli o (nie)przetłumaczalności języka przyrody na przykładzie brytyjskiego, polskiego i niemieckiego przyrodopisarstwa
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Miller, Dorota
    It goes without saying that words can distort or illuminate the way we perceive and emotionally experience the surrounding world and nature. Following this observation, the main objective of this paper is to pinpoint the possible linguistic expressions of nature. The underlying question can be formulated as follows: How can we adequately, accurately but nevertheless emotionally describe the subjective experience of nature and the relation human-nature? The analysis is based on three publications documenting growing interest of the literature in environmental issues: Robert Macfarlane’s “The Wild Places” [2017], Michał Książek’s “Droga 816” [2015] and Peter Wohlleben’s “Das Seelenleben der Tiere” [2016]. They represent the so-called nature writing: a well-established literary tradition in the Anglo-American literature, little-known in Polish and German literary landscapes.