Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 8/2017

URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/4182


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  • Pozycja
    Homo viator w tekstach piosenek rockowych
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kasperska, Ewelina
    This article deals with the problem of lingual image of the world. More precisely, it is focused on linguistic metaphore LIFE IS A JOURNEY/HIKE, which is reconstructed using conventional texts (proverbs, sayings) and artistic texts (rock music lyrics). Those recreated visions has been compared and as a result we know that the vision based on traditional text is extended by elements saved in unconventional realizations. This expansion is very interesting and gives us knowledge about the mentality of the creators and the audience of rock music.
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    Funkcje i językowe kreacje hashtagów w języku raperów
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Styś, Krystian
    This article is going to present the analisys and history of hashtags in the hip-hop music and lyrics, which are – according to the author – appearing also on the Internet. Research material includes collected fragments of tracks and also the results of the questionnaire directed to rap- -listeners, rapers and journalist interested in this music genre. Special emphasis have been put on main functions of hashtags and their similarity to selected stylistic measures. Furthermore, groupped subject matter of the presented examples shows variety of rapers’ new language element. Conclusion is set to be a new definition of hashtag.
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    Język w sprzedaży transakcyjnej i relacyjnej (na podstawie modelu SPIN)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Wal, Dawid
    This text focuses on language comparation between transactional selling and relationship selling, including the SPIN model. Author gathers the real-life examples and analyzes the structure of the whole communication process in both selling strategies. Wal claims that SPIN model puts emphasis on the specific use of language: asking questions, uncovering needs and coaxing the wary customer, what is significant for building customer satisfaction and loyalty.
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    „Nie lubimy robić…” Językowo-kulturowy obraz Polaka-Słowianina w tekstach piosenek hiphopowych z albumu „Równonoc. Słowiańska dusza” Witolda „Donatana” Czamary
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Zahaczewska, Izabela
    The aim of the article is a try to reconstruct the lingual image of a Pole-Slav (his appearance, character and personality) contained in the lyrics of hip-hop songs from the album Równonoc. Słowiańska dusza produced by Witold „Donatan” Czamara. An analysis of this fragment of the output of the hip-hop subculture is certainly one of the important elements of the lingual-cultural discourse, which allows to participate in general studies on the universal and specific features of the Polish nation, in this case contained in the language itself. Thanks to the presented songs, it becomes possible to try to answer the question about a set of features that testify to someone’s Polishness, that a some kind of person can be called a real Pole. As a result of the research, it can be concluded that the average Pole is a man with both numerous advantages and disadvantages; someone who is characterized by a profound patriotism, is proud, honorable, brave, strong, defiant and self-confident, but also prone to hate, anger and affrays. He is an extremely hospitable party-goer, who likes to drink a lot, eat well and talk, a man for all seasons, a person with a sense of humor and own opinion, who doesn’t avoid expressive, vulgar language and likes it when everything goes her way.
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    Model koneksjonistyczny w pracy reportera na przykładzie „Wież z kamienia” Wojciecha Jagielskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Trygar, Barbara
    Showing is a purpose of the present article connectionist of approaching the modelling of mechanisms of the cognitive development at the journalist. It is the attempt to show as the brain, the body and the environment are cooperating in the destination of getting, creating and the transmission of information by the reporter. Models connectionist is manifesting itself above all in creating models of mechanisms of the development, referring to principles of the processing of information by neural networks, and from here enough enough clearly for they can to be surrendered for direct checking results on the road of the simulation and comparing achieved with empirical data. Wojciech Jagielski journalist, reporter, correspondent in the book from the stone described Towers conflict among two Chechen leaders, with supporter of Szamilem terrorist attacks with Basajew and prudent and pragmatic colonel Asłan Maschadow. Jagielski stayed in Chechens a few weeks what let him for thorough getting to know that environment. A fate divided civilians, participated in secret meetings with leaders of guerrillas, talked to most urgently guarded commanders and getting the amazing frankness out of them, even stopped in the fire of the fight. The knowledge, with which a neural network is getting the reporter as a result of the learning, is encrypted in scales of connections between individuals. Importances of mergers are just determining it way, into which entrance images are being copied to initial insults.
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    Socjolekt rzeszowskich studentów – tradycja międzypokoleniowa czy efemeryczna ekspresywność?
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Taras, Bożena
    Rzeszów, the capital of Podkarpackie Voivodeship, is an academic center with a sixty-seven-year old tradition. Almost sixty thousand students are currently studying here. This group is so numerous that it can be perceived as a social and cultural community with its characteristic language behaviors. The article compares the results of the research on vocabulary concerning educational institutions and studies carried out among the students of Rzeszów universities in 2011–2016 with the lexical resource of students registered in the 1980s. It was observed that Rzeszów students use the vocabulary common to several social varieties of contemporary Polish. However, juxtaposing the sociolectic lexicon, it was noticed that the forms passed down from generation to generation are enriched by ephemeral expressivisms.
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    Tytuły blogów ekonomicznych jako werbalne wykładniki kategorii dyskursywnych
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Suska, Dorota
    The article presents discursively profiled research on the titles of economic blogs – a textual representation of the online guide discourse. The author discusses labeling linguistics and certain aspects of semantics and pragmatics of economic blog, which combine with signaling the global message on which the blog narrative is based; they are also categories that address text to a specific interpretive community. The discursive categories included in the titles of the economic guides in question include professionalism and credibility / reliability / objectivity of advice; they are expressed in a synthetic specification of the scope of the blog, an indication of the subject of counseling, signaling the nature of the counseling relationship through the exponents of the status of the author – expert. Contrastively functioning titles of blogs written by women, which expose the gender of women together with a set of stereophilic readings (also visual) and unofficialness of the counseling situation.
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    „Szok! Ma 72 lata, a wygląda na 35!” O internetowych reklamach suplementów diety
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Słabczyński, Robert
    The article presents the results of the analysis of the structure and persuasion gimmicks of the online advertisements of food supplements. The examined advertisements use rational and emotional arguments in order to encourage their recipients to buy certain products. Both types of argumentation supplement each other, making the advertising message very reach in terms of persuasion techniques. Rational arguments refer most of all to the quality of food supplements, their effectiveness and fast effect. Whereas, emotional arguments are used to stir fear and joy. Information about the life and health threatening illnesses, parasites, are to frighten the recipient of the ad and urge them to buy a given product to get protected against the danger. Whereas, positive emotions help to build a vision of a better world that can become the consumer’s after they buy the advertised food supplement - the world without any ailments and threats. Photos making the effectiveness of the products credible are an important element of advertisements.
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    I w ciemność idę, i już nie powrócę. O kognitywnej metaforze drogi w poezji Adama Asnyka
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Różańska, Barbara
    This article attempts to answer the question, how is in the poetry of Adam Asnyk functioning the cognitive metaphor of way, how it is conceptualized, and also what are the relationships between conventionalized way of understanding the way element and the artistic text. It would be, therefore, important to restore richness of language and culture features of any given semanteme, that is to show it along with all collocations on the cultural background and to reconstruct the linguistic image of the world contained in general language. This article presents the semantics of the way semanteme, which in the poetry of Adam Asnyk exists in various forms.
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    Portret Alojzego Felińskiego. Zapomniana sylwetka-wspomnienie w „Gazecie Lwowskiej”
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Patro-Kucab, Magdalena
    This article is an attempt to reminisce the commemorative profile drawn up by Wiktor Hahn, a professor at the Lviv University, and a literary scholar. It was published in three parts on February 23–25, 1920 in “Gazeta Lwowska”. The interpretation conducted is aimed first and foremost at presenting a somewhat less typical portrait of Alojzy Feliński. Before, the writers of anniversary works focused on discussing only the most outstanding works of the Volynian dramatist, completely ignoring his early attempts at drama – early adult works, often with a sensational plot, stimulating the imagination of the young artist. The author of this article attempts to show that the said portrait on the one hand is of an informative nature (the family home of the poet is recalled, his education and youthful contacts with contemporary writers are pointed out), but also is not devoid of valorizing elements, since next to a notification about the poet’s life and work is included an evaluation of Feliński’s works, a professional historical-literary commentary, which is combined with a colorful, sometimes quite common, way of putting the content of the discussed works across. Ultimately, the result is a portrait of a creative person.
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    Negation in Mary Shelley’s Journals: a morphosyntactic operation or concept of life
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Pashniak, Tetiana
    Present paper is an interdisciplinary approach to Mary Shelley’s works aimed at contributing to Romantic studies of Mary Shelley’s discourse by providing some insight into critical readings of Mary Shelley’s works by distinguished scholars in Romantic Literature studies and looking into the “negative” nature of Mary Shelley’s confessions speaking through her notes, as well as putting into perspective more studies on “the negation/denial” aspect based on Julia Kristeva’s intertextuality, Carl Jung’s archetypes, Rene Girard’s mimetic approach and Sigmund Freud’s “desire theory”.
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    Uwagi o języku współczesnej młodzieży – między kodem ograniczonym a kodem rozwiniętym
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Ożóg, Kazimierz
    The language of the contemporary youth is a complex phenomenon affected by various cultural conditionings. Some young people use rich language, that is the developed linguistic code. This kind of language is an excellent tool of action in reality. Others employ merely the limited linguistic code characterized by high predictability and impoverished lexical resources, increasing emotional marking and strong vulgarization. The reasons for this status quo may be sought in young people’s choice of the ‘to be or to have’ attitude, as well as in the contemporary cultural trends marked by consumptionism, media attention, Americanization, IT revolution and postmodernism.
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    Przeszłość w nazwach własnych zapisana (na podstawie Pamiętnika Andrzeja Urbana)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Oronowicz-Kida, Ewa
    The material basis of the paper consists of proper names excerpted from the Memoir written at the beginning of the 20th century by Andrzej Urban, a peasant from Lutcza, Podkarpacie Region. Semantic, structural and functional analysis of the collected anthroponyms, zoonyms, toponyms and chrematonyms let us conclude that fulfilling mostly informative and locative functions, they make it possible to characterise selected aspects of rural life as it was a hundred years ago. This is life of the people who are curious of the world, who are patriotic, who respect family bonds, yield to social differentiation, take care of the nature.
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    Modele strukturalne nazwań przedsiębiorstw galicyjskich – na podstawie ogłoszeń prasowych z przełomu XIX i XX wieku
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Myszka, Agnieszka
    The purpose of the present article is, firstly, the documentation of the names of enterprises operating in Galicia in the era of autonomy, and secondly, determination of the productivity of the structural models of names functioning at that time. The analyzed material covers over 400 notations, listed from three Galician periodicals: Kraków-based “Czas”, “Gazeta Lwowska” and “Głos Rzeszowski”. The analysis showed that for the entrepreneurs of the Galician era, the information content of ergonyms was of great importance. It resulted, firstly, from the needs (pragmatics of the message), and secondly from the fact that this category of onyms was coming into existence and it stemmed from defined descriptions. A company was associated primarily with its owner - almost 86% of the collected names perpetuate the anthroponym signing the owner. In almost half of all of the names in this group, the owner’s name appears in the genitive (genetivus possesivus), emphasizing the importance of ownership. Over 44.5% of notations mention the name of the owner in the nominative, which would suggest the extension of the personal name to the name of the company (“my company is me”). Only slightly more than 6% of records introduce - next to an anthroponym - the name of the company in today’s meaning. Only slightly over 14% of the names of companies (more or less every seventh) do not contain information about the owner. Most of these notations are of half-apellative, half-proprial character (63% of names in this group), but every third name was created as a result of an onymic creation, and its formation was certainly accompanied by the act of nomination.
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    Jak w unii za piecem. Innowacje językowe w polskich, brytyjskich i niemieckich artykułach prasowych na temat referendum w sprawie członkostwa Wielkiej Brytanii w Unii Europejskiej
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Miller, Dorota
    The notion of linguistic innovation or neologism includes new lexical items as well as existing words or phrases whose meaning has been altered. Based on the classifications of neologisms proposed by Stanisław Grabias [1981], Stanisław Bąba [1986, 1989] and Gabriela Dziamska-Lenart [2004], the purpose of this paper is to present various types of linguistic innovations on the morphological and phraseological level. They are analysed in terms of structure, meaning and pragmatic purpose in texts. Particular attention is paid to lexical blends which encompass both word blends (i.e. portmanteau words) as well as idiom blends, i.e. blends of an idiom with a word or a combination of two idioms. The data analysed comes from articles published in popular Polish („Polityka”), British („The Economist”) and German („Der Spiegel”) weekly magazines shortly before and directly after the Brexit referendum. As the analysis shows, linguistic innovations mostly occur in press headlines especially in British texts. Apart from numerous idiom blends there are various examples of pun-like blends based on well-known quotations from popular culture. The main purpose of the analysed new lexical items is to attract the attention of the reader, to express the attitude of the author towards the entities described and thus to convey positive or negative valuations, to build a close relation between the author and the reader and to cause humorous effects.
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    „Terroryści czy powstańcy?” Sposoby nominacji uczestników konfliktu w Donbasie na przykładzie tytułów w polskich mediach
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kułakowska, Małgorzata
    From the very beginning, the conflict in Donbas was widely reported by the Polish mass media, including via Internet. The article discusses the names of the armed forces of the participants of the hybrid war in the east of Ukraine. The names of participants in the conflict in Donbass have been subjected to the semantic analysis (mainly the names of the separatists, because the names of the government forces do not differ from the standard terms used in the wars of that type), which appear in the titles of information contained on the websites of various information media operating in Polish-language information area. The analysis of these names allows to determine what image of the participants of the conflict is shown in the Polish media discourse. The names of struggling parties belong to keywords that must be used in the title of the information, because it allows quick identification of the conflict lines. Polish mainstream media adopt the Ukrainian point of view and Ukrainian narrative. Therefore, opponents of the government side fighting in the ATO zone are called separatists and terrorists in information titles. These names have not been created specifically to describe the conflict in Donbass, but earlier they were used to describe slightly different phenomena. Therefore, these terms are often supplemented with the adjectives pro-Russian and Russian. Thanks to this, information titles indicate not only sides of the conflict, but also the leaders of the groups referred to as separatists and terrorists. The use of such expressions as the pro-Russian separatist emphasizes also the further goal of their actions - joining Donbass to Russia. It is worth noting that the more frequent use of the term separatists is undoubtedly associated with the emergence of Islamic terrorism in Western Europe. In the right-wing media, often guided by a critical assessment of Polish-Ukrainian relations, information is created taking into account the Ukrainian point of view, one can even notice the prevalence of titles with the term terrorists. In the information posted in extreme nationalist or leftist portals, you can find examples of titles that create a different image of the war in Donbass, presented from the point of view of the pro-Russian party. It is worth noting that the choice of the insurgent’s lexeme, which defines the people fighting on the side of the separatists, is poor due to the connotations of this lexeme in Polish.
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    Incipity biografii – konwencja czy gra z czytelnikiem?
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Krauz, Maria
    The author discusses the ways in which biographies are started showing the specificity of text segmentation characteristic of this genre and pointing to its convergence with literature or journalism, which is part of the general tendency of genomic transformations and the striving of the authors to break the standards of the genre. She emphasis the role of the delimitation in the process of creating a holistic text (with particular reference of biographies which were given after 2000).
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    Telewizyjna relacja z meczu siatkarskiego jako przekaz multimodalny (studium przypadku)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kochmańska, Wioletta
    The paper presents the ways of incorporating the different codes in the volleyball mach coverage, that being the semiotic systems constitute globally generated information. Due to the semiotic analysis of the reference, gauged with the record, the forms of multimodality as the way of organizing the selected program unit, were presented in this article. Their multiplicity proves that the recipient should not remain passive to the relationship but motivated to activate mental processes and their cognitive evaluation.
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    Metatekstowe sygnalizatory tematu rozważań w encyklikach Jana Pawła II
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Gajewska, Urszula
    The main aim of this article is a functional and semantical analysis of metatextual formulas introducing subject in encyclicals of John Paul II. The autor deems metatext a category of text characterized by a strongly pragmatic mark; it is an additional part of the text, functioning in paralel to the object text, informing about the way in which the main text is organized, or representing a specific commentary to the content of the latter The analysis shows that covered by the survey documents of the Church contain a variety of metatextual constructions, differing formally, introducing subject of statements. The objective of the reflections (main or partial) is introducing by: – solemn arenga; – specific for encyclicals initial sentences; – formally different first person constructions, often emotional and direct; – modal formulas; – evaluative formulas; – participle formulas; – direct and indirect questions.