Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 3(12)/2014
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Pozycja Akcja Wyborcza Solidarność i Ruch Społeczny AWS w Rzeszowie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Szczepański, DominikThe purpose of the article is the presentation of the origins of the 1996 Solidarity Electoral Campaign, an electoral union composed of right-wing and centre-right parties. On the basis of this, the cornerstone of the political party AWS Social Movement was created. The conditions which led to the creation of the aforementioned subject in Rzeszow are subject to analysis, and the participation of AWS and AWS SM in parliamentary, local and presidential elections in the region is characterised. Issues which have a destructive impact on AWS and caused its dissolution are also discussed.Pozycja Ciągłość programowa a wizerunek partii politycznej. Przypadek Unii Polityki Realnej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Ćwiękała, GrzegorzThe stability of the political programmes and election platforms and image of politicians is a very important research question in political science. The issues are also very important components of the voters’ decision making process. The voters judge the potential of politicians this way. The Real Politics Union is attached to liberal and conservative conceptions and cannot reach higher levels of awareness of voters and also cannot achieve regular election success. There are two kinds of obstacles, with the first being the image of the party and its leaders (tenacity, stubbornness, lack of confidence) and the second are the several objective elements (parties financing system, media silence, the electoral system). The article tries to give a partial answer to the problem of the functioning of small, extra-parliamentary parties and their efforts to enter the mainstream of Polish political arena.Pozycja Ewolucja politycznej relewancji Ligi Polskich Rodzin (2001-2010)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Koziełło, TomaszLeague of Polish Families (LPR) achieved great political success against other national parties in 3rd Republic of Poland. The party had representatives in the Polish parliament and government, European Parliament and Voivodeship sejmiks. This success was a result of their political programme, exposing sovereign national policy and consolidation of different parties of Polish national right. Defeat of LPR was caused by ideological and personal conflicts amongst the party’s leaders and between central management and local structures. Those problems led to internal divisions in party and decrease influence of LPR in Polish society.Pozycja Ewolucja strategii marketingowych polskich partii politycznych 1989-2011 – od studia wyborczego do reklamy internetowej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Olszanecka, AgataThe Round Table Agreement led to the opening up of the Polish political scene and initiated the free competition of political parties. From this moment on we have dealt with permanent professionalization of the campaign, especially political TV advertising. Analyzing TV spots from the election campaigns we can subdivide three phases, attributable to periods: 1989-1995, 1995-2001 and 2001-2011. The first of these is characterized by a low degree of professionalization and poor use of political advertising. The second phase involves the personalization of the campaign and gradual expansion of advertising formats. The third phase, initiated by parliamentary elections in 2001, is characterized by a significant increase in spending on paid advertising and benefiting from patterns of U.S. political campaigns (shorter and more dynamic spots, domination of image content and the use of negative advertising). Parliamentary elections in 2011 may herald the beginning of the next phase. It can be assumed that in the era of technological progress Polish parties will gradually move their advertising messages to the Internet.Pozycja Komunikacja polityczna w Internecie na szczeblu lokalnym. Rekonesans badawczy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Choroś, Błażej; Skrabacz, EwaThe following paper presents the results of original research focused on analyzing online activities of politicians at the local level. The object of analysis were tools of political communication on the Internet – web pages, personal Facebook accounts, Facebook pages and Twitter accounts – used by the councillors and mayors of cities that are capitals of districts in the Opole Voivodeship. Results of the research confirm the following hypotheses: 1) Politicians at the local level use online tools less often then politicians at the national level; 2) online communication tools are used similarly to traditional media – as one-way communication channels; 3) online communication tools are more intensively used by mayors than councillors.Pozycja Kwestia europejska w programach polskiej lewicy po 1989 roku. Przegląd stanowisk(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Małysa, KrzysztofThe article presents a discussion conducted pertaining to Poland’s place in Europe, and European conceptions in political thought in the left wing parties. The left supported the process of European integration with the exception of the Polish Communist Party. Now, the left stand for an inclusive society based on principles of equality, freedom and solidarity. The left’s vision is for an idea of a social Europe. So, the left postulates a new European economic strategy to create sustainable development, protect social rights and guarantee universal access to social security.Pozycja Narodowe Odrodzenie Polski. Oblicze ideowe nacjonalistycznej partii politycznej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzszowskiego, 2014) Dawidowicz, AnetaWithin the views of the National Rebirth of Poland, critical judgements and the questioning of the existing socio-political order have prevailed. The liberal democratic system has been rejected, to be replaced by a regime in which all social norms are in accordance with Christian values. Both the area of economic and social, as well as political, life are to be shaped according to principles stemming from Christianity and Catholicism. The NOP propounds the view that in the independent Polish state there should be no room for any forces seeking to destroy national sovereignty in terms of internal relations, and the state in terms of external relations.Pozycja Nowe partie w systemie partyjnym – specyfika Polski(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Marmola, MaciejDuring the quarter-century of democracy in Poland, most of the parliamentary parties had a post-communist or post-Solidarity origin. Only three formations without links to the two sides of the Round Table agreement – League of Polish Families (LPR), Self-Defence (Samoobrona) and Palikot’s Movement (Ruch Palikota, now: Your Move) – have achieved political relevance. The analysis of their road to parliament helps to capture the specificity of the success of genuinely new parties in Poland. The factors that affect high electoral support for the aforementioned three parties were: advantageous configuration in Polish party system, strong leadership and articulation of new issues or neglected demands (exploitation of new community division and filling an ideological niche). The fate of LPR and Samoobrona confirms that the last factor seems to be crucial for the success of genuinely new party.Pozycja Polityka bezpieczeństwa wewnętrznego gabinetów z udziałem Sojuszu Lewicy Demokratycznej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Sprengel, BolesławThe Democratic Left Alliance implemented an ambitious interior security policy in fighting with corruption and administrative modernization. This programme was only in part of a left-wing nature, but it was also the result of current needs. This program was controlled by journalists, who at times exaggerated its errors and failure.Pozycja Polityka Platformy Obywatelskiej wobec wymiaru sprawiedliwości(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Kopciuch, KrzysztofThis article presents an analysis of the Civic Platform’s political program in relation to the demands on the judiciary. After initially showing the origins of the party, the program analyzes the programming document "Commitment" in 2001 and the program of election campaigns from 2005. The article contains an analysis of the political program of the party prior to the election victories in 2007 and 2011 taking into account political achievements in this matterPozycja Ryszard Michalak: Polityka wyznaniowa państwa polskiego wobec mniejszości religijnych w latach 1945-1989, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego, Zielona Góra 2014, 450 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Piasecki, AndrzejPozycja Unia Wolności w Oświęcimiu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Urbiński, JacekThe Freedom Union was a liberal democratic political party based on the Solidarity trade union movement. It was founded in 1994 out of the merger of the Democratic Union and the Liberal Democratic Congress. The leaders of The Freedom Union had a huge influence on policy in free and democratic Poland. In 2001 some members of the party decided to move to join the new Civic Platform. In 2005 the Freedom Union’s leadership founded the social-liberal Democratic Party. The article is about The Freedom Union in Oswiecim, where the party was authentic in power.Pozycja Uwarunkowania rywalizacji politycznej Platformy Obywatelskiej RP i Prawa i Sprawiedliwości(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Maj, PrzemysławThe author presented the determinants of rivalry between PO and PiS. The analysis covered the genesis of both parties, existing and new socio-political divisions created by the parties; party memberships; differences in strategy and paradigms, and the differences of party programmes.