Studia Anglica Resoviensia
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Studia Anglica Resoviensia, founded by Prof. G.A. Kleparski in the year 2000, is an annual, open-access journal of English studies.
Studia Anglica Resoviensia is an international journal of English studies published by the Institute of English Studies at the University of Rzeszów, Poland. The journal comprises original (previously unpublished) articles, which appear in four sections: Linguistics, ELT Methodology, Literature and Culture Studies, as well as Book Reviews. The language of the journal is English.
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Pozycja Williamite Propaganda in the Anglo-Dutch Revolution(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Borus, GyörgyThe primary aim of this essay is to provide a revision of the events of 1688-89 in England, which – for over three hundred years – have been known as the ‘Glorious Revolution’. I wish to argue that without the military intervention of William of Orange, Stadholder of the United Provinces, the Revolution would not have taken place, thus it would be more appropriate to refer to these events as the ‘Anglo-Dutch Revolution’. Williamite propaganda – which the paper describes in details – played a crucial part in the success of the Revolution, as well as in the shaping of the interpretation (the so-called Whig interpretation) of the events after 1689, which dominated historiography for almost three hundred years. There is special emphasis in the essay on the analysis of the most important instrument of William of Orange’s propaganda, the “Declaration of Reasons” (issued on 30 September 1688), which justified the invasion and explained the Prince’s intentions.Pozycja Jewish Religious Identity in Chaim Potok’s Novels(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Dziama, AnnaChaim Potok was a scholar, rabbi, and a novelist who wrote about the conflict between Judaism and the secular world and the discord within Judaism. His novels frequently portrayed observant Jewish communities and families in a loving and respectful way, opening a window onto the insular Jewish American world. The strength of his writing is in his ability to dramatize universal question of faith, commitment and identity among, mostly, Americans of Jewish roots. The article aims to discuss religious conflicts in Potok’s „The Chosen”, „The Promise” and „In the Beginnings”.Pozycja Textual features of legal texts in the domain of commercial law(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Więcławska, EdytaThe contribution discusses the characteristics of English legal texts in the context of their communicative function which is manifested by their illocutionary force grounded in their textual structure. The aim here is to verify the thesis that there is a significant degree of structural similarity in legal texts belonging to the same legal genre, which is reflected in the specific layout of the texts, their repetitive structures and recurring linguistic expressions. From the point of view of pragmatics the specific textual features of the texts making up the corpus make it possible to identify legal speech acts which carry illocutionary force referring the performative aspect of legal communication. The said illocutionary acts operate within the text or, more specifically, within its various parts which are discussed in the context of the felicity conditions and grammatical markers of the speech acts. The discussion is based on examples extracted from a corpus made up of authentic texts in the domain of commercial law.Pozycja „The English Language through the Prism of the Centuries”, Klaudia Bednárová-Gibová, Prešov: Filozofická Fakulta Prešovskej Univerzity, 2014. 95 pp. ISBN 978-80-555-1092-7(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Duda, BożenaPozycja Analysing cognitive structures: the lexical frame of pain(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Uberman, AgnieszkaThe discussion aims at sketching out the cognitive frame of PAIN and showing the interrelations between its elements. The semantic analysis of the elements of the frame shall be conducted on the basis of English lexical units.Pozycja Dubbing versus voice over: culture-bound jokes & references in the English-Italian-Polish translation of humour in adult animated sitcoms(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Organ, MichałThis material is aimed at discussing and comparing the translations of culture-bound jokes and references with special attention paid to the translation of adult animates sitcoms. The material will encompass the Italian dubbing and Polish voice-over versions of the American TV show “Family Guy”. The analysis will focus on the different approaches to the translation of the above mentioned elements and their correspondence and closure to the original version of the series.Pozycja Exploring „The Dark Tower”: Stephen King’s Postmodern Epic(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Buday, MarošThis paper focuses on the postmodernist conceits of Stephen King’s postmodern epic, „The Dark Tower” series. In his septimology, King examines the very foundation of literary fiction as well as criticism by combining metafiction, intertextuality and the contemporary scientific multiple-worlds theory into a postmodernist chaos of information. King essentially presents a universal model which is composed of purely symbolic composites that encompass the four basic pillars of creating a written text, i.e. the author, objective reality, fictional universe, and language as a medium of written discourse. Furthermore, by dividing intertextuality into its intrinsic and extrinsic form, in combination with the multiple-worlds theory, King renders the opposition of high vs. low culture literature inert. He does so through the element of colliding fictional universes, therefore an act he positions in parallel with the flattening of the worlds of high and low culture, thus creating a vision of culture which functions on the principles of equality.Pozycja Beliefs about learning English as a foreign language – experience of deaf and hard-of-hearing Polish adolescents(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Domagała-Zyśk, EwaStudents’ individual characteristics, beliefs about language learning among them, are nowadays perceived as important factors influencing both the increase of knowledge and student’s personal engagement in the learning process. This is especially important when we consider teaching students with special educational needs, deaf and hard of hearing students (D/HH) among them. The better foreign language teachers know their students, the more effective the process of learning is. The aim of this paper is to provide empirical data on D/HH secondary school (liceum) students’ beliefs on foreign language learning. The empirical study was conducted among 90 D/HH students of several Polish special secondary schools. The data was collected using the “Beliefs About Language Inventory” (Horwitz 1999). The results show both the potential of the students and areas for teachers’ intervention, thus providing important input for surdo-glottodidactics.Pozycja Some remarks on for and against polysemy in Polish Cognitive Studies(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Łozowski, Przemysław; Stachurska, AnnaIn the article, we ask a question of the role of polysemy in cognitive ethnolinguistic research identified here with the so-called Polish Cognitive Studies (after Tabakowska 2013). We first place polysemy in the context of the homonymy-polysemy dilemma and, then, attempt to establish to what degree polysemy can still be found of use and help in actual research. As we conclude, although polysemy features high on the agenda of the Polish Cognitive Studies circle, it happens at times to be found of limiting application, giving way to the denotation-connotation distinction.Pozycja „The Phonology of Welsh” by S.J. Hannahs. Oxford University Press, 2013. pp. xiv, 183. ISBN: 978-0-19-960123-3(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Czerniak, TomaszPozycja Taming of the Rake: From a Man about Town to a Man at Home in „The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall” by Anne Brontë(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Marciniak, MarlenaIn „The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” Anne Brontë considers one of the most burning questions of the Victorian period, i.e. the problem of male domestic violence. The novel contributed to the public debate on the defects of the legal system which discriminated against women and made them totally dependent on their fathers and husbands. However, the writer’s diagnosis of the social issue does not focus on the formal aspects only, as she believed that political action should be accompanied by a farreaching reconceptualisation of nineteenth-century models of femininity and masculinity. Brontë suggests that legal reform is not enough to eliminate such pathologies as marital abuse. She tries to dismantle stereotypes not only about female weakness and submissiveness, but also about male dominance and authority to demonstrate that men should be sentient and responsible participants in home life. The successful spiritual metamorphosis of four male characters: Lord Lowborough, Ralph Hattersley, young Arthur Huntingdon and Gilbert Markham is subject to scrutiny in the present paper in order to evidence that moral training embracing domestication of men was one of the keys to family bliss.Pozycja The Role of Buddhist Philosophy in Aldous Huxley’s „Island”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Warchał, MałgorzataAldous Huxley’s last novel, „Island”, presents the utopian, peaceful society of Pala, a secluded island in the Pacific Ocean. Selected principles of Mahayana Buddhism constitute the cornerstone of Pala’s political, educational and agricultural systems and serve as the main source of moral values for its inhabitants. By introducing characters who represent both Palanese and Western mentality, the author presents the clash of Western and Eastern cultures and, as a result, unmasks the destructiveness of Western greed, materialism and militarism. Moreover, the novel constitutes a reflection upon the spiritual and intellectual benefits of Buddhism, as it presents the peaceful coexistence of the inhabitants of Pala and their pursuit of self-improvement, knowledge and spiritual enlightenment. The following paper aims to confront the views and attitudes of characters who represent the East and the West as well as to trace Buddhist motifs in Huxley’s novel in order to examine their role both in all aspects of Pala’s culture and in the philosophical message of „Island”.Pozycja Towards the functions of prison slang(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Ciechanowska, AnnaThe phenomenon of “prison slang” has always raised much controversy. There have been many attempts of different scholars, at different points in history, to fully cover the subject in question, and especially one of its aspects, namely the functions that this particular language variety may serve. Nevertheless, the issue of functions of “prison argot” has always received merely fragmentary treatment, and hence it is difficult to find widely and unequivocally accepted conclusions. The paper provides a consistent overview of the subject with special reference to the following functions of “prison slang”: , , , and .Pozycja History and Fiction: Ngũgĩ Wa Thiong’o’s Vision(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Klimkova, SimonaSince postcolonial writing has always been rooted in the historical process of colonization, the narratives, especially in the early stages of postcolonial literature, bore an imprint of the historical development in the colonies. With local writers often addressing the pressing historical and political issues of that time and authors being seen as „beacons, soothsayers, and seers of political movements” (Boehmer), literature became implicated in the turmoil of public happenings. The paper seeks to examine the relation between history and fiction as presented in Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o’s early novel „A Grain of Wheat”. Thiong’o, who is known for his zealous political activism, sees literature not only as a medium which reflects social reality but rather as a creative process that is conditioned by historical social forces and pressures. The paper challenges the concept of fiction as representation of history but also ruminates upon the role of Thiong’o’s writing within the context of Kenyan historiography.Pozycja A comparative analysis of Polish and English idioms containing words from bird class(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Wilkosz, SylwiaThe principle aim of the article is to shed light on the differences between Polish and English idioms containing words from BIRD class. Among the illustrated examples some of the Polish instances include “mieć kaczy chód”, “głupia gęś” or “ptasi móżdżek” in comparison to their English equivalents. Additionally, the English cases concerning idioms outlined in the article involve “to take to something like a duck to water, to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs” or “to count one’s chickens”, etc. The article consists of three main parts. The first one presents a brief description of the phraseological unit in general as well as it constitutes an attempt to classify different types of the units and an abundance of the terminology connected with the phenomenon. Moreover, the next section explains in detail what exactly the term “idiom” denotes according to diverse authors, i.e. Seidl, Weinreich, etc. Furthermore, in the last part of the article the idioms with words from the class BIRD are analysed. Not only particular examples of the idioms are compared with their equivalents in another language but also the origin of the presented idioms is clarified. Finally, all the conclusions are listed in the summary.Pozycja „Teaching Adaptations”, D. Cartmell, I. Whelehan (Eds.) Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. 195 pp. ISBN 978-1-137-31112-3(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Rokosz-Piejko, ElżbietaPozycja Metaphoconstructions: combining metaphors and construction(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Wiliński, JarosławThis article demonstrates a corpus-based approach to the investigation of metaphorical constructions by combining key insights from Conceptual Theory of Metaphor (Kӧvecses 2002), Blending (Fauconnier and Turner 2002) and Construction Grammar (Goldberg 2006, Croft 2001). This approach rests on the retrieval of lexical units from the target domain and the identification of the metaphorical expressions associated with them. The author proposes to encode the conventionalized uses of symbolic units in terms of metaphorical constructions: that is, metaphoconstructions. It is argued that the meanings of individual metaphoconstructions not only reside in a set of correspondences between the two domains, but also depend on conceptual integration in a given situation of use. A corpus-based method presented in this article differs from the introspective method in that it allows us to extract metaphorical constructions more exhaustively and to quantify their frequency.Pozycja An analysis of the effects of variable external factors on the bilingualisation of individual learners(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Uytterhaegen, AnnaIn this paper an attempt will be made to analyse the effect of variable external factors commonly said to influence the effectiveness of the bilingualisation process (such as exposure to English, periods of total immersion and years of study in second language) using quantitative research. An attempt will also be made to investigate whether a correlation can be established between a student’s preferred learning style and the extent to which any or all of the above factors may have more or less influence on their bilingualisation.Pozycja Genre analysis of English-written Master’s theses and dissertation abstracts in the setting of Prešov University(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Krajňáková, DianaThe genre of abstract is an important part of academic writing which functions as an eye-catcher inducing other members of a particular discourse community to read the original work. While conference abstracts (CA) and research article abstracts (RA) have been widely discussed from the perspective of genre analysis, the importance of thesis abstracts (TA) has been, on the other hand, neglected. According to the present paper, TA embodies the essential step in development of a student’s academic writing skills. Moreover, this study examines the issue of English-written TA with the focus on five widely used rhetorical moves, tense and grammatical subject used by the students of Management at Prešov University. The corpus of 33 Master’s and 33 Dissertation thesis abstracts shows a common preference for the moves of Problem Statement and Methodology, whereas the most significant moves of Results and Conclusion are sparsely included. The phenomenon of tenses displays the predominance of the present simple and it is pointed out that the students prefer non-personal Discourse Domain grammatical subjects. The results confirm the underestimated position of TA and show how its genre features are characteristic of the Slovak academic setting.Pozycja On the directions of birdsemic developments in English and Polish(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Górecka-Smolińska, MałgorzataIn the first place, it needs to be indicated that the purpose set to the paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of female bird metaphors in English and Polish. The analysis must ultimately be treated as an attempt to review and develop the data gathered in such works as: Górecka-Smolińska (2007), Górecka-Smolińska (2008), Górecka-Smolińska (2009), Górecka-Smolińska and Kleparski (2011), and Górecka-Smolińska and Kleparski (2012). In particular, the focus will be directed at the lexical items hen, duck and goose, which are directly related to one of the leading categories of the bird kingdom, namely domesticated birds. The investigation of the bird-derived lexicon in English and Polish will allow us to observe if both languages are equally prolific in forming bird metaphors. Furthermore, we may hope to be able to examine the directions of birdsemy in the two languages, that is whether both English and Polish are similar as far as the referents of bird metaphors are concerned. Last but not least, it is to be hoped that the examination of birdsemic developments in English and Polish will be productive enough to answer the question of the origins and reasons for the growth of bird metaphor in both languages.