Studia Anglica Resoviensia
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Studia Anglica Resoviensia, founded by Prof. G.A. Kleparski in the year 2000, is an annual, open-access journal of English studies.
Studia Anglica Resoviensia is an international journal of English studies published by the Institute of English Studies at the University of Rzeszów, Poland. The journal comprises original (previously unpublished) articles, which appear in four sections: Linguistics, ELT Methodology, Literature and Culture Studies, as well as Book Reviews. The language of the journal is English.
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Pozycja 45 minutes within the four walls of a classroom: Problems and concerns of student teachers during their practicum(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Szymańska-Tworek, Aleksandra; Turzańska, AgnieszkaStudent practicum is an important part of teacher preparatory program. It is speculated that pre-service teachers who manage to complete their practicum with a sense of accomplishment and success are more likely to choose teaching as their ultimate career. However, before trainee teachers turn into fully-fledged, certified teachers, they need to work through the numerous challenges that student teaching poses on them. The literature adduced in the present paper points to a number of concerns that trainee teachers struggle with. First and foremost, they strongly complain about pupils’ misbehaviour and lack of motivation. Other stated problems include trainee teachers’ ineffective time and classroom management and feeling of anxiety that accompanies them throughout the whole period of practicum. In the present study we investigated the problems and worries of 108 student teachers majoring in English at the University of Silesia. The findings are congruous with the existing research in that pre-service teachers mostly struggle with pupils’ misbehaviour, time management, stress and feeling of anxiety. This emotional strain is caused by a number of factors: lack of confidence in one’s teaching skills, inability to introduce order and discipline, demotivated learners, being observed by a supervising teacher and conducting their first lesson.Pozycja A comparative analysis of Polish and English idioms containing words from bird class(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Wilkosz, SylwiaThe principle aim of the article is to shed light on the differences between Polish and English idioms containing words from BIRD class. Among the illustrated examples some of the Polish instances include “mieć kaczy chód”, “głupia gęś” or “ptasi móżdżek” in comparison to their English equivalents. Additionally, the English cases concerning idioms outlined in the article involve “to take to something like a duck to water, to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs” or “to count one’s chickens”, etc. The article consists of three main parts. The first one presents a brief description of the phraseological unit in general as well as it constitutes an attempt to classify different types of the units and an abundance of the terminology connected with the phenomenon. Moreover, the next section explains in detail what exactly the term “idiom” denotes according to diverse authors, i.e. Seidl, Weinreich, etc. Furthermore, in the last part of the article the idioms with words from the class BIRD are analysed. Not only particular examples of the idioms are compared with their equivalents in another language but also the origin of the presented idioms is clarified. Finally, all the conclusions are listed in the summary.Pozycja A critical overview of the cultural elements in four EFL textbooks used in Croatian secondary schools(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2024-12) Molnar, Draženka; Prtenjača, ZvonimirThe significance of integrating cultural elements into foreign language (FL) teaching has been widely recognized by many researchers (Kramsch, 1998; Byram, 2008; Sercu, 2010). Consequently, in recent years, cultural content analysis of English textbooks has received considerable attention. Impelled by the newly reexamined pedagogical standards and the existing National Curriculum in Croatia, this paper provides a critical overview of the cultural elements in four English textbooks for secondary schools used in Croatian EFL classrooms. As one of the three existing domains in the English Language Curriculum, intercultural communicative competence (ICC) is perceived as an inevitable and integral part in successful foreign language learning. The paper is divided into a theoretical and an analytical part. The former gives a brief overview of the previous and contemporary research in the field of textbook analysis and the importance of intercultural communicative competence in the foreign language learning. The second provides both qualitative and quantitative results of the representations of cultural elements such as topics, visuals, audio material, values and cultural activities. Qualitative analysis of the textbooks is elaborated separately, and quantitative results are presented collectively for all four textbooks. Textbook material is examined against Amanda Hilliardʼs analytic kit, which combines three frameworks for the most appropriate multi-layered analyis of the cultural content. The results of the analysis corroborate some of the previous research findings pointing at the overemphasis of specific topic areas, representation of ethnic minorities in the visuals, accents in audio materials and overly positive perspectives of the target culture. The article concludes with some practical suggestions for further modernization of the intercultural activities which would strengthen studentsʼ skills such as tolerance for ambiguity, empathy and adaptability.Pozycja A linguistic account of Business English(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Potęga, PaulinaBusiness English is a rapidly growing field of language study which concerns an increasing number of scholars. In short, it is associated with specialised area of English related to the language employed in all types of business contexts. Therefore, a new and urgent need for not only practical applications of Business English has appeared, but also its theoretical accounts that opens new opportunities and research vistas. Although the term itself has long been the subject of interest of academics and language teachers, the concept still seems to pose a number of controversies and frequently leads to confusion. In this paper an attempt will be made to shed some light on the linguistic structure of Business English by identifying its main features and providing an overview of the area, especially in the field of grammar and vocabulary.Pozycja A Poetry of the Dispossessed and Fallen: a Quantitative Analysis of the Morphological and Syntactic Structures in Cannibal Corpse Titles(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-12) Pavlović, DejanThis paper delves into the lyrical aspect of the band Cannibal Corpse by focusing on the notable formal units found in the titles of their songs and albums. The corpus features the entirety of Cannibal Corpse's recorded output, which were collected by accessing the band's profile page on the web-site “Encyclopeadia Metallum: The Metal Archives”. The aim of the paper is to showcase the specific structures found in these titles, and to determine how typical these structures are for the discography of Cannibal Corpse by presenting them in percentage figures. The paper initially introduces the main tenets of death metal as a style, as well as Cannibal Corpse in particular, with an emphasis on the lyrical aspect. Next, in the theoretical perspective of the research, it defines the lexical and phrasal forms found in the corpus of titles in linguistic terms. The structures from the corpus are classified into two larger units: lexical forms, and phrasal forms + coordinated structures, as well as the appropriate subunits; the structures are then systematized according to their frequency of occurrence expressed in percentages followed by the analysis of the figures. The paper seeks to ultimately arrive at the conclusion why such forms are used to coin titles in this band's body of work, and what specific meaning they carry, as well as what similar research ideas lie in the future, in order to better understand the relationship between the titles and the lyrical topics involved in this genre of music.Pozycja A study of adjacency pairs in the film “Ted”: the case of dispreferred seconds used for a humorous effect(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Pluszczyk, AdamThe purpose of the article is to concentrate on the identification of the linguistic features which are allegedly typical of the dispreferred second parts. There will be 12 instances to be analyzed where the adjacency pairs will include the dispreferred second parts. Moreover, the intention is to shed light on some positive aspects of the dispreferred second parts (dispreferred seconds) and attempt to demonstrate that in certain contexts the occurrence of the dispreferred second parts is justified or even necessary to achieve a special effect. In other words, the so called dispreferred seconds (second parts) will be analyzed from a different perspective - it will be demonstrated that the occurrence of the dispreferred second parts does not necessarily have to be perceived negatively. What is more, the presented utterances in the dispreferred second pair parts will even contribute to achieving a humorous effect. The purpose of the article is to concentrate on the identification of the linguistic features which are allegedly typical of the dispreferred second parts. There will be 12 instances to be analyzed where the adjacency pairs will include the dispreferred second parts. Moreover, the intention is to shed light on some positive aspects of the dispreferred second parts (dispreferred seconds) and attempt to demonstrate that in certain contexts the occurrence of the dispreferred second parts is justified or even necessary to achieve a special effect. In other words, the so called dispreferred seconds (second parts) will be analyzed from a different perspective - it will be demonstrated that the occurrence of the dispreferred second parts does not necessarily have to be perceived negatively. What is more, the presented utterances in the dispreferred second pair parts will even contribute to achieving a humorous effect.Pozycja Advertising Slogans in Translation: A Functionalist Approach Corpus-Based Study(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Górski, Tomasz P.The aim of the paper is an attempt to present and to analyse advertising slogans from the point of view of functionalist approach as developed by its leading propagator Christiane Nord, though the ideas of Katharina Reiss and Hans Vermeer are also important points of reference. It discusses 75 advertising slogans, sets them against the background of product localisation, focuses on cultural, ethical, linguistic and formal issues of the slogans to finally sort them according to the methods of translation developed by Peter Newmark, namely transference, literal translation, and non-literal translation (adaptation). The English language version of the slogan is contrasted here with the Polish one and, in a few cases, with French and German. A qualitative analysis of the material shows the slogan translators’ consistency with the assumptions of functional approach and cultural specificity of the target receivers.Pozycja Ambient and Multilayered Sound Design of Chaos and Paranoia in “Southland Tales” (2006)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Kniaź, LidiaThe article elaborates on sound design in American science-fiction film “Southland Tales” (2006) directed by Richard Kelly. Southland Tales‘ soundtrack may be considered inventive as it influences the tone of the film to a large extent and, thus, functions as a narrative device. I argue that it employs multilayered and ambient sounds so as to express the chaotic and complex atmosphere of the post-Bush American society. The analysis focuses on the characteristics of sound design in Southland Tales, namely the use of ambient music and multiplicity of sound layers. Next, it demonstrates in what ways the sound design in Southland Tales allows for interpreting the film as a satire. Moreover, the essay draws critical attention to the voiceover as a device which contributes to the emotionless and paranoid atmosphere of the film which would not be so emphasized if it were not for the sound.Pozycja An analysis of the effects of variable external factors on the bilingualisation of individual learners(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Uytterhaegen, AnnaIn this paper an attempt will be made to analyse the effect of variable external factors commonly said to influence the effectiveness of the bilingualisation process (such as exposure to English, periods of total immersion and years of study in second language) using quantitative research. An attempt will also be made to investigate whether a correlation can be established between a student’s preferred learning style and the extent to which any or all of the above factors may have more or less influence on their bilingualisation.Pozycja Analysing cognitive structures: the lexical frame of pain(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Uberman, AgnieszkaThe discussion aims at sketching out the cognitive frame of PAIN and showing the interrelations between its elements. The semantic analysis of the elements of the frame shall be conducted on the basis of English lexical units.Pozycja Anisomorphic Humour or Humorous Anisomorphism? A Case of Wordplay in Polish Translations of Shakespeare’s “Love’s Labour’s Lost”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Krawiec, MagdalenaThe prevalence of jocular elements in Shakespeare’s oeuvre does not cease to evoke linguists’ interest. Much as humorousness is viewed universal and ubiquitous, translation technicalities related thereto still seem to pose a challenge for translators. The notion of anisomorphism – inextricably related to rendition and perceived as one of the key constraints affecting translation of wordplay – gathered little attention both at the linguistic and pragmatic level. Therefore, the paper seeks to arrive at a succinct yet comprehensive account of anisomorphic instances. Alongside, the rationale behind the application of particular translation strategies did not go unrecognized. The discussion is predicated upon examples extracted from Shakespeare’s “Love’s Labour’s Lost”.Pozycja Are you talking to me? A case of specific reply by means of election campaign advertisements(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Rut-Kluz, DorotaThe article aims at an analytic description of a specific type of exchange occurring during political campaigns. The candidates often engage in a virtual dialogue; that is, an exchange of points made by means of campaign advertisements. The specific type of exchange or reply is, in certain aspects, no different to an ordinary conversation. However, what influences it most is the context of public/mass communication. The main concern of the presentation is to investigate, within the framework of Relevance Theory, ways in which a candidate’s reply to the opponent’s advertisement is actually a message to the viewers and prospective voters rather than to the rival themselves. The analysis is carried out on selected advertisements for Mitt Romney and Barack Obama broadcast during the U.S. presidential election campaign in 2012.Pozycja Arguments and Counter-arguments in the Debate to Decriminalize Some Forms of Incestuous Relations in Poland(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Deutschmann, Marcin; Molek-Kozakowska, KatarzynaThis study explores argumentation and counter-argumentation patterns emerging from a corpus of readers’ comments found below-the-line of over twenty-five online articles on the subject of incest, the current legal sanctions against it and the possibility to decriminalize consensual incestuous relations between adults in Poland. The comments have been coded line-by-line for the types of positioning and argument premises using Atlas.ti software. Using the framework for argument analysis according to underlying premises, the comments were analyzed with respect to stance taken, practical reasoning conducted, and salient rhetorical strategies applied. They are subsequently correlated with the discursive formations from which they are sourced, notably ‘genetics/eugenics’ and ‘tradition/social order’ or ‘morality’ in the case of opponents of decriminalization, and ‘science/evidence,’ ‘liberalism/progress,’ and ‘romantic love’ for the proponents. In the discussion, the explanations of the competing constructions and evaluations of incest taboo and social stigma around it are referred to larger socio-political ideologies, including conservatism, nationalism and liberalism. The study contributes to the pool of argumentative and rhetorical studies on how topical issues are being debated in the media-saturated public sphere devoid of traditional gate-keeping and access control.Pozycja Beliefs about learning English as a foreign language – experience of deaf and hard-of-hearing Polish adolescents(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Domagała-Zyśk, EwaStudents’ individual characteristics, beliefs about language learning among them, are nowadays perceived as important factors influencing both the increase of knowledge and student’s personal engagement in the learning process. This is especially important when we consider teaching students with special educational needs, deaf and hard of hearing students (D/HH) among them. The better foreign language teachers know their students, the more effective the process of learning is. The aim of this paper is to provide empirical data on D/HH secondary school (liceum) students’ beliefs on foreign language learning. The empirical study was conducted among 90 D/HH students of several Polish special secondary schools. The data was collected using the “Beliefs About Language Inventory” (Horwitz 1999). The results show both the potential of the students and areas for teachers’ intervention, thus providing important input for surdo-glottodidactics.Pozycja Blurred lines or Word crimes? On cognitive linguistic contributions to the study of musical parody by ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Milić, GoranThe paper argues for the multiple advantages of applying cognitive linguistic concepts and frameworks to the study of basic mechanisms and conceptual, pragmatic and social aspects of musical parody a as a polyvalent, flexible, multimodal phenomenon, understood both as a musical genre which revolves around replication or imitation of pre-existing music, and as a comedic statement utilizing the latter technique. Points of convergence, and important differences, between traditional concepts offered by the most influential linguistic theories of humour, viz. Raskin’s (1985) Semantic Script Theory of Humour and Attardo & Raskin’s (1991) General Theory of Verbal Humour, are addressed, with particular emphasis on how the status and treatment of concepts of incongruity and its resolution are accommodated within the interpretative frameworks of frame- shifting (Coulson, 2001) and Blending Theory (Fauconnier & Turner, 2002). Both emerge as useful heuristics offered within the cognitive linguistic paradigm and suggested as applicable to (multimodal) humour research. These are argued to encompass and cater for both the sequential and the (predominately) non-sequential aspects of incongruity resolution (Ritchie, 2009) underlying musical parodies as sources of humorous amusement. Further motivating factors for the development and appreciation of parodies as humorous stimuli, such as the role of (word) play and listener familiarity with the borrowed music are addressed by focusing on the description of the distinctive cognitive-cultural mechanisms and goals underlying the opus of a particular artist, ‘Weird Al’ Yankovic, by applying the abovementioned concepts and interpretative frameworks to the analysis of the techniques and goals behind his use of comedy music.Pozycja Boxing metaphors in political discourse: A quantitative corpus-based study(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Wiliński, JarosławThis paper utilizes the cognitive theory of metaphor and a corpus-based methodology to investigate the prevalent usage of metaphorical expressions derived from boxing terminology in the domain of politics. The objective is to identify and analyze the boxing metaphors that are commonly employed in political discourse. The findings of this study demonstrate the existence of boxing metaphors that exhibit strong or loose associations with the political domain. These metaphors possess distinct figurative meanings, originate from diverse metaphorical mappings, and serve multiple functions within the realm of political discourse.Pozycja CATing the Way: Polish Translators and Computer-Assisted Translation Tools(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Organ, MichałThis paper aims to establish a profile of Polish translators who apply CAT tools in their professional practice. The investigation identifies six primary categories, shedding light on the translators themselves, their experience, and interactions with specialised software. The first category delves into demographic data, analysing age groups and gender distribution among the users. The second category focuses on basic data encompassing the translators' experience with programs and their preferred foreign languages. The paper also explores the link between higher education and CAT tool proficiency, examining fields of study, educational institutions, specialised training, and opinions on the integration of this technology into academic curricula. In order to assess the non-academic aspects of learning and applying such software, it investigates the translators' engagement in training courses, certifications, and sources of qualifications improvement. Various methods for acquiring skills in CAT tools are also explored, such as online webinars and practical translation practice. The results reveal that the translators are rather experienced users of the software, they rely heavily on such programs, employing them in various types of translations, mostly non-literary texts. Translators perceive them positively, acknowledging their contribution to accelerating work processes and improving competitiveness in the translation market. The use of CAT tools is expected to increase, emphasising the need to incorporate these tools into translator training programs and adapt study plans to accommodate their further popularisation. The data was collected through an anonymous survey and provides insights into the preferences, habits, and perspectives of Polish translators using CAT tools. This paper serves as a foundation for further research and comparison with other translator groups, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the translator's profession in the context of translation technology utilisation.Pozycja Characterizing Legal Stylistics with a TXM textometric tool(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Popineau, JoelleTextometry tools can be used to characterize specialized varieties of English, such as Legal English. Our goal is to use the TXM textometry tool (Heiden et al., 2010) on Sales and Purchase Agreements (SPAs) to show agreements are drafted following a rigid structure, either in their form and shape (macrostructure) or their content (microstructure). We assume that the choice of words (Weisberg, 2014), and the construction of sentences or paragraphs [in agreements] shape how agreements are written and comprise the deal, that is, what is being sold. We hypothesize that there exists legal stylistics based on structural features. We built a corpus comprising Sales and Purchase Agreements of different sizes and topics to which the TXM tool was applied: parts of speech tagging help single out structure, linking words, word variety, frequencies, and writing routines. All descriptive details resulting from our implementation build legal stylistics that thus helps legal professionals, translators, teachers or clients better understand and draft agreements.Pozycja Chicanos in America after the Mexican War(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Vraukó, TamásIn this paper a brief summary is provided of the situation of Mexican-Americans in the period from the mid-19th century to the end of the 20th century. Examples are taken mostly from works of literature and some from movies, in order to illustrate how Chicano intellectuals wish to uphold their cultural heritage in an Anglo society that was unfriendly towards them for a long time.Pozycja Citation and Referencing Practices in Argumentative Essay Writing by Upper-Intermediate EFL Students(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Kapranov, OleksandrOne of the critical skills that undergraduate students of English as a Foreign language (EFL) should master involves their ability to write an argumentative essay, which is adequately supported by credible sources, such as scientific articles, books, and online materials. Arguably, a successful argumentative essay reflects EFL students’ genre-appropriate citation practices that, according to Swales (1990), involve several discursive realisations of citation (for instance, integral, non-integral, etc.) in the text. The article presents a study whose aim is to learn about citation and referencing practices in a corpus of argumentative essays written by a group of undergraduate EFL students on the upper-intermediate level of EFL proficiency (henceforth – participants). Anchored in the theoretical framework developed by Swales (1986, 1990), the participants’ citation and referencing practices in the corpus were identified and quantified. The results of the quantitative analysis revealed that the participants preferred the non-integral type of citation, where the author/authors cited are mentioned at the end of the citation in the parentheses. The participants’ referencing practices were found to be dominated by books and book chapters published by a number of reputable domestic publishing houses.