Ojczyzny artystyczne Elżbiety Wittlin Lipton

Obrazek miniatury
Budzik, Justyna
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The paper is an introduction to the analytical study of the total theatrical oeuvre of Elżbieta Wittlin Lipton – the daughter of eminent Polish novelist, essayist and translator – Józef Wittlin. Budzik gives an outline of Wittlin Lipton’s biography by focusing especially on particular stages of her artistic education pursued both in the United States (New York and Chicago) and in Spain (Madrid). The article takes as its focus the selected theatrical scenographic and costume design projects which the artist has been creating since the late seventies of the 20th century onwards, for American and Spanish theatrical scenes. Further discussed are Spanish and Polish cultural and painterly backrounds which stamped their imprints on Wittlin Lipton’s artistic imagery and sensitivity. Budzik proposes that the notion of ‘motherland’ in the case of this emigré artist should be viewed on symbolically in terms of art broadly conceived.
Słowa kluczowe
theater , scenography , costume design , artistic motherland , teatr , scenografia , kostiumografia , ojczyzna artystyczna
Tematy i Konteksty 10(15) 2020, s. 324–337