Problem mezolitu w Sudetach
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Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN
The problem of the Sudety Mountains as a territory ofMesolithic settlement has arisen
only during last few years. The Sudety issue has not been dealt with in any particular way
as far as the Czech part of the mountains is concerned due to the fact that the country is
situated entirely in the upland and mountainous area of Central Europe. Until recently
sites in the Polish part have not been known at alL After they were discovered it proved to
be necessary to treat the Mesolithic period in the Sudety distinctively from the Lowland
studies, and therefore the Sudety macroregion of Mesolithic settlement was introduced.
At the present stage of research it appears that the Sudety were inhabited mostly by
societies of Western Mesolithic technocomplex. Nearly all sites from today's Czech
Republic and some Polish sites (such as Ratno Dolne 2, Radzikowice) can be related to
the Beuronien; apparently the Sowie Mountains microregion of Mesolithic settlement
was strongly influenced by the Beuronien, which implies possible cultural overlapping
with a similar nature to the Fien group. At the same time the north parts of the Sudety
were exploited by groups of Lowland origin, mostly from the Komornica - Duvensee
technocomplex (such as Grodziszcze 7, Jeglowa 2). Numerous materials characteristic of
Janislawice culture were found at the site ofGrodziszcze 7; their position, however, is not
entirely clear (cultural influence or separate settlement stage).
The earliest penetrations of Mesolithic population can be dated to the Boreal period
(Orlice Mountains settlement microregion, Ratno Dolne 2), yet the largest development
of the settlement can be observed during the Atlantic period. It is most probable that
Mesolithic societies were functioning in the Sudety at the time when early agriculture
settlements were expanding in loess areas.
The Baltic erratic flint, which was imported to the south beyond its deposit range in
fluvioglacial and moraine formations of the north part of the Sudety, was used as
predominant raw material for tool production. A wide range of local non-flint materials
was used as well, even in areas abundant in erratic flint. This fact may be considered to be
the basic feature of the Sudety Mesolithic specificity, similarly to a prevailing tendency to
locate the sites on heavy clay soils, which were generally avoided by Lowland communities.
Bronowicki, J., Bobak, D., 1999. Problem mezolitu w Sudetach, in: Valde-Nowak, P. (Ed.), Początki osadnictwa w Sudetach. Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii PAN, pp. 53–74.