Osadnictwo starszej epoki kamienia na północnym przedpolu Bramy Morawskiej
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Muzeum Podkarpackie w Krośnie
Plateau Plaskowyz Glubczycki, a constituent part of the Moravian Gate area, is one
of the principal and most abundant in archaeological sources regions in Poland.
The aim of the research on the Older Stone Age being conducted in the southern
stretch of this region is to examine settlement and determine the inter-regional
connections linking the Polish and Czech parts of Silesia with Moravia.
The earliest settlements were Middle Palaeolithic and they are represented
by usually not very abundant sites, only some of which have been excavated. The
chief sites include Raciborz-Studzienna, Pietraszyn, Owsiszczach, Dzierzyslaw,
and Kornice. The artefacts which occur here may be associated with assemblages
ofbifacial tools, and assemblages comprising a majority of unilateral tools. It is very
hard to establish connections between these places and sites to the south of the
Moravian Gate. However, certain differences may be observed for sites from the
younger phase of the Middle Palaeolithic. While the predominant type in the
southern part of the Opole area of Silesia are bifacial tool sites, most of the sites
south of the Moravian Gate have assemblages which follow flake (Taubachien and
Mousterien) traditions. Analogies of the Silesian settlements may be expected
in the Lesser Poland region, at sites associated with a Micoquien complex. There
are no imported raw materials in the Middle Palaeolithic sites.
The situation for the younger periods is quite different. There is ample evidence
for Szeleta Culture settlement, represented chiefly by the well-stocked sites
at Lubotyn, which has been excavated, and at Dzieriyslaw. Other Szeletian sites
have been identified at Pilszcz and Rozumice on the basis of surface finds. One
could certainly consider this phenomenon a northern Szeletian centre, with assemblages
and a settlement model clearly reminiscent of Moravian counterparts. The
stone raw materials occurring here confirm a close link with the original area
of Szeletian settlement. The few sites with sparse assemblages in the Czech part
of Silesia mark out the route the migrations took and their final destination on the
Plaskowyz Glubczycki plateau. The sites at Lubotyll and Dzierzyslaw, which belong
to the large base-camp type, indicate that it was a fairly intensive and multi-season
settlement that occurred in these territories.
Not much research has been done on the Gravettian Culture, the best preserved
specimen of which is the W6jcice site. However, the immediate environs of both
sides of the Moravian Gate seem to have been the peripheries of Gravettian settlement,
and the area was only oflimited interest for these people, probably mostly
for the acquisition of raw materials.
The occurrence of Magdalenian settlement, although evidenced only by sporadic,
isolated sites, may be indicative of close relations joining the areas on either
side of the Moravian Gate. This is illustrated by the high degree of similarity in the
assemblages at the Dzierzyslaw and Hranice sites. Perhaps the land vicinal to the
Moravian Gate constituted an integral territory accommodating one community.
Currently we have far too few data available to be able to answer this question,
nonetheless the issue may be a subject for further research. The prolific base camp
at Dzierzyslaw, settled time and again, is evidence that this area was regularly
penetrated by Magdalenian people.
Attempting to answer the question of the significance of the Moravian Gate for
the diffusion of settlement and culture in Central Europe is by no means an easy
task The role of this communication route seems to have increased after the Middle
Palaeolithic, but its importance varied depending on the period, and above all
on the amount of interest the respective human groups showed in extending their
area of settlement into neighbouring territories northward or, less often, southward.
This in turn depended on a series of factors connected with environmental conditions
and culture. Evidently sparse settlement, small sites and poor assemblages
were characteristic not only of the Polish, but also the Czech part of Silesia. The
observed density of settlement immediately north and south of the Moravian
Gate gives no grounds at all for a distinction between these two micro-regions
as regards settlement. If this is a true hypothesis, then it would seem reasonable
to conclude that the peripheral nature ofPalaeolithic settlement on the Plaskowyz
Glubczycki plateau was not due to the Carpathians and Sudetes acting as a barrier
to migration through the Moravian Gate, but to some other causes which curtailed
interest in both the Polish and the Czech side of Silesia as settlement areas, but
which are still unknown.
Bobak, D., Połtowicz-Bobak, M., 2010. Osadnictwo starszej epoki kamienia na północnym przedpolu Bramy Morawskiej, in: Gancarski, J. (Ed.), Transkarpackie kontakty kulturowe w epoce kamienia, brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza. Muzeum Podkarpackie w Krośnie, Krosno, pp. 29–52.