Potencjał podkarpackiej ekonomii społecznej wobec niedoskonałości regionalnego rynku pracy

Obrazek miniatury
Solecki, Sławomir
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The article shows the growing potential of social economy in the Podkarpackie, a region which in the recent decades has experienced fundamental economic transformation and modernization of the entire social and cultural sphere. Despite the spectacular acceleration of growth, the Podkarpackie still faces such challenges as low salaries in economic operations, high rate of long-term unemployment, and unemployment among young people as well as economic migrations. Social economy is consistent with the region’s main strategic documents promoting inclusiveness as a priority for development, and it creates real opportunities for preventing consequences of exclusion or for resuming one’s career and active social life. It also creates a unique opportunity for increased involvement of local communities and for awakening the dormant potential located away from major centres of economic, social and cultural life.
Słowa kluczowe
social economy , social capital , local development , regional development , labour market , public policy
Przedsiębiorstwo i region z. 8/2016, s. 112–122