Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 1(18)/2020

URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/5746


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  • Pozycja
    Elementy współpracy polskich Wojsk Specjalnych i polskiego kontrwywiadu wojskowego w operacjach typu COIN. Casus Afganistanu
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Machniak, Arkadiusz
    A COIN operation involves both insurgents and local people. Its main goal is to neutralize all conditions enabling the development of insurgent movements or conducive to their development. In COIN operations, the basic efficiency criterion is the destruction or significant reduction of the opponent’s effectiveness and its ability to use local people for its own purposes. Military counterintelligence is responsible for analyzing the capabilities and organizational structure of the enemy’s reconnaissance system, including terrorist organizations or rebels, and planning undertakings that neutralize enemy activities, achieved, among others by recognizing its capabilities and taking remedial action on this basis. Anti-partisan operations constitute a coordinated effort to combat guerrilla activities in the theatre of war of a varied military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and social character, aimed against insurgents and against their impact on the state and the society.
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    Odbiór idei szkoły austriackiej w Niemczech i w Austrii
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Szabaciuk, Wojciech
    This article is an attempt to analyze the reception of the Austrian School in Austria and Germany in general. The article aims to present the attitude of German and Austrian scientists and political leaders to the liberal ideas presented by the Austrian School. The author has discussed the birth of the Austrian School, methodenstreit, and the causes of the gradual removal of the heritage of Carl Menger and his successors from Austria.
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    Postulowany model wspólnoty oraz dobra wspólnego w publikacjach katolickiego tygodnika społecznego „Ład” w latach 1981–1984
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Tasak, Agata
    The paper focuses on the analyses of the socio-political concepts presented in the Catholic social weekly “Ład” in the years 1981–1984. In the period under question, the periodical was a media platform which enabled the expression of views by lay Catholics who perceived opportunities for increasing their socio-political activity in the political reality of Poland at that time. The model of community proposed by them, as well as the way of defining the common good, were for the most part consistent with the concepts of the social teaching of the Catholic Church and conformed to the guidelines of the hierarchs of the Catholic Church in Poland – especially Primate Stefan Wyszyński. The calls to action for the common good were combined with the idea of reconciliation, dialogue, and cooperation. Accordingly, the national community was thus considered the most important community of all. It should be emphasized that these concepts were supposed to enhance the power and importance of this particualt community of Catholics in public life and to contribute to establishing their position as the most important representative of the Catholics on the political scene of the period.
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    Samorząd zawodowy w systemie ustrojowym Polski
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kmieciak, Robert
    The socio-political changes which began in Poland over three decades ago resulted in, inter alia, the activation of various occupational groups that have decided to operate on the basis of the then existing public law. This meant the creation of corporate self-government organizations that are based on associations of persons with compulsory membership. Ever since the political reforms in Poland have been undertaken, professional self-government has been considered an important element of the state’s administrative system. The basis for creating such institutions was the need to protect certain professions which, in the social interest, required the highest qualifications and impeccable ethics. The professional self-government has significantly strengthened its position by taking over a number of the state’s administrative powers regarding, inter alia, the supervision of certain professions. For several years in Poland there has been a public debate on the future of the professional self-government during which arguments have been raised that question the need for the continued functioning of this type of organizations. Moreover, doubts have been raised as to whether the chambers of professional self-government strengthen democratic aspirations and the development of self-governance, or whether they are anachronistic structures that threaten the consolidation of the free market order in Poland. Therefore, it is not only worth pointing out the essence and the tasks of the institution of the professional self-government, as well as its historical development in the country, but it is of paramount importance to draw attention to the significance of this type of entities in creating democratic state institutions and in accelerating participatory processes.
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    Instagram w autoprezentacji politycznej. Analiza wizualna postów polskich kandydatów do europarlamentu w 2019 roku
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kampka, Agnieszka; Molek-Kozakowska, Katarzyna
    This article reviews currently available literature on the role of Instagram in political communication and reports on the results of the analysis of 1976 Instagram posts of the most active politicians during the 2019 European parliamentary election campaign in Poland. With the aid of quantitative thematic analysis and qualitative visual rhetorical analysis, we identify the main patterns of self-representation of candidates and compare the forms of visualization and typical strategies of building ethos and mobilizing the voters across parties. We prove that traditional representations of candidates (delivering speeches, canvassing, shaking hands) and national (rather than European) symbols tend to dominate. We conclude with observations on the increase in personalization of politics, professionalization of political campaigning, and strong communitarian identification.
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    Wolność wypowiedzi i prawo do prywatności w społeczeństwie informacyjnym – wybrane aktualne refleksje
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Demczuk, Agnieszka
    The measure of civilizational progress is not only economic development, which for several years has been determined by the development of computer science, but also an increase in the level of respect for human rights and freedoms guaranteed in various international legal documents. The Internet is increasingly determining the use of personal, political, social, and economic rights. Public authorities, as part of positive obligations, should be more actively involved in the protection of human rights, especially the freedom of expression and the right to privacy, which are currently being violated quite widely and especially in the horizontal dimension in cyberspace.
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    The constitutional-legal analysis of “communication”, “means of social communication” as well as “social dialogue”, and “citizens’ dialogue”
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Litwin, Tomasz
    Artykuł wyjaśnia i opisuje pojęcia ‘komunikowania’, ‘środków społecznego przekazu’, ‘dialogu społecznego’ i ‘dialogu obywatelskiego’ w świetle przepisów Konstytucji RP z 1997 r. W pracy wykorzystano podejście prawno-dogmatyczne oraz następujące metody wykładni przepisów prawnych: językowo-logiczną, celowościową oraz systematyczną.