Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego T. 44(2023)
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Pozycja Jan Eugeniusz Machnik (20 IX 1930 – 7 X 2023)(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Bochnak, TomaszPozycja (rec.) Ziemowit Cieślik, Iwona Gredka-Ligarska, Paulina Gwoździewicz-Matan, Irena Lipowicz, Andrzej Matan, Kamil Zeidler, Ustawa o muzeach. Komentarz, Wolters Kluwer, Warszawa 2021, 520 stron, ISBN 978-83-8223-808-2(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Taras, Halina; Taras, WojciechPozycja Europejskie Dni Archeologii w Regionalnej Składnicy Zabytków Archeologicznych w Zgłobniu(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Ligoda, JoannaIn 2023, the District Museum in Rzeszów joined the organization of the European Days of Archaeology for the first time. The idea is to promote archaeology and generate interest in the past through lectures, festivals, readings, and seminars. The Rzeszów museum prepared a lecture on the history of the manor-granary in the Regional Storehouse of Archaeological Materials in Zgłobień. They also presented the history of the Rzeszów Archaeological Centre and the history of research in the southeastern Poland. For younger guests, there was a demonstration of prehistoric pottery-making and an educational, large-format board game on the knightly theme. All these activities were well-received by the visitors.Pozycja O mało znanym sposobie popularyzacji zabytków archeologicznych w czasach PRL-u(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Kłosińska, Elżbieta MałgorzataDuring the PRL period, craftsmen and artists from cooperative companies producing household items (e.g., from the Rzut Cooperative in Toruń) created a collection of replicas of ceramics, mainly from the Lusatian culture, in response to the growing interest in archaeological research (e.g., in Biskupin). This pottery collection enjoyed great popularity and contributed to the popularization of archaeology in Polish society.Pozycja Wyniki badań archeologicznych na wielokulturowym stanowisku 22 w Trepczy, pow. sanocki(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Bulas, Jan; Kotowicz, PiotrThis article presents the results of the first research excavation carried out at the multicultural site No. 22 in Trepcza. The aim of the fieldwork was to verify the hypothesis of the presence of a necropolis dating back to the Early Middle Ages in this location. As a result of the excavations, the hypothesis of the site from this period was not positively verified, however some finds dating back to the Bronze Age, the Early Iron Age, as well as features and materials related to the Przeworsk culture from the Early and Younger Roman period were discovered at the discussed place. Among the recorded features, there was a relic of an object embedded in the ground, resembling a sunken-floored or semi-sunken-floored dwelling.Pozycja Osada tarnobrzeskiej kultury łużyckiej w Wietlinie Pierwszym, stanowisko 1, gmina Laszki(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Dębiec, MaciejRescue archaeological research in Wietlin Pierwszy (site No. 1), which took place in 2023, led to the discovery of 18 archaeological features. Based on the material evidence, most of them can be associated with the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture. In addition to ceramics from the Early Iron Age, several fragments of vessels related to the Funnel Beaker culture were also found in secondary deposits. The materials obtained during the excavations confirmed the previously established chronology of the site based on surface research and revealed its scientific potential (the frequency of earthen features and relatively abundant movable material) for studying the Early Iron Age in the valleys of the Szkło and San rivers.Pozycja Wyniki badań geofizycznych oraz weryfikacyjnych badań wykopaliskowych na stanowisku nr 53 w Sadowiu, pow. opatowski(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Pasterkiewicz, Wojciech; Tokarczyk, TomaszThe aim of this article is to assess the possibility of using magnetometry to identify immovable features at the multicultural site No. 53 in Sadowie, Opatów district. A gradientometer device was used for the study, which measures the degree of variation in the Earth’s magnetic field. The research was conducted on an area of 1.25 ha within the southwestern part of the site. The obtained results were then verified in the course of excavation work. Five immovable features reflecting clear magnetic signals were exposed in the planned archaeological excavations. The excavation research provided insights into the nature of the site, documenting its extent and layout, among other things.Pozycja Nowe znaleziska średniowiecznych czekanów i toporów z okolic Sandomierza i Opatowa, woj. świętokrzyskie(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Florek, MarekBetween 2020 and 2023, six iron battle axe heads from the Medieval or Early Modern period were found accidentally or during searches for artefacts using metal detectors in the vicinity of Sandomierz and Opatów. The oldest of these items is an iron axe-hammer head of the bradatica type from the 9 th to 10 th centuries, while the youngest is a small battle axe (known as an „obuszek”) from the Late Middle Ages or the Early Old Polish period (16 th –18 th centuries).Pozycja Wczesnośredniowieczne cmentarzysko kurhanowe w Międzygórzu, pow. Opatów, woj. świętokrzyskie (Międzygórz, stan. 44). Wyniki badań wykopaliskowych w latach 2006–2009(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Florek, MarekThe article discusses the results of excavations carried out in 2006–2009 at the Early Medieval barrow cemetery in Międzygórz. During the excavations, 5 burial mounds were identified. In all of them, cremation burials were found. In four cases, the burned remains of the deceased were scattered directly on the surface of the mounds or originally deposited in some organic containers, and in one example they were placed in a pottery urn placed on the top of the mound. There were also remains that could be associated with funeral ceremonies held at the cemetery and in honour of the dead. The cemetery should be dated to the 8 th –9 th century.Pozycja Żelazne akinakesy ze zbiorów Muzeum Narodowego Ziemi Przemyskiej(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Krzemińska, Magdalena; Burghardt, MarcinThe National Museum of Przemyśl District houses three iron acinaces of unknown origin. The very good state of preservation of all three items allowed for a full formal and typological analysis. It was revealed that all three specimens represent forms that are dated to the 7 th –6 th centuries BC. Although these objects come from unknown contexts, they expand the source base of Scythian military artefacts, making them an excellent source for further detailed morphological and technological analyses of Scythian swords and daggers.Pozycja „Vergoldete Frauen“ – Anmerkungen zu Zierplättchen aus Edelmetallen in der Vekerzug-Kultur(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Kozubová, AnitaThis study deals with the findings of appliqués made of precious metals from the sites of the Vekerzug culture in Eastern Hungary and Southwestern Slovakia. Except for one hoard, the appliqués come from ten graves. Providing a more complex overview of these findings was at the center of our interest, focusing mainly on cultural and spatial analysis, their possible relation to specific gender or age categories of the burial individuals, and the importance of the appliqués for the costumes of the Vekerzug culture. All of their variants are unique to the Vekerzug culture and have no analogies in the neighboring regions, including the East European steppes and forest-steppes. Most of the appliqués in the Vekerzug culture are dated to the Late Hallstatt period or the Early La Tène period. The appliqués were found in the graves of adult females. Their costumes do not differ from the female costumes of the Vekerzug culture without appliqués. Most of the appliqués were found in richly furnished female graves, some of which are among the richest in the Vekerzug culture. Additionally, other objects made of precious metals in the Vekerzug culture, such as head ornaments and beads, were almost exclusively reserved for women.Pozycja Osada ludności trzcinieckiego kręgu kulturowego w Lutoryżu, stan. 9 nad środkowym Wisłokiem(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Adamik-Proksa, Joanna; Mazurek, Mirosław; Sznajdrowska-Pondel, AleksandraThe aim of the article is to present and analyse the sources of the Trzciniec culture coming from the site 9 in Lutoryż, which were obtained during archaeological excavations conducted in 2022 by ABP THOR sp. z o.o., and the Archaeological Workshop of Mirosław Mazurek. The site is part of a larger settlement cluster of the Trzciniec culture in the Rzeszów area, which has been known in the literature since 2003. The information and archaeological sources gathered in the course of the research complement and specify the knowledge about the settlement of the Trzciniec culture in this area. From the perspective of chronology and the diversity of sources, it is worth noting that considering the materials discovered at the site, they include both ceramic sources with „post-classical” stylistics as well as older materials representing the classical phase.Pozycja Матеріали тшинецького культурного кола з поселення Рованці – Гнідавська Гірка на Волині(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Бардецький, Андрій Б.The article publishes the materials of the Trzciniec cultural circle (TCC) from the excavations of the multi-layered settlement Rovantsi-Hnidavska Hirka in Volyn. Today, this monument is completely built up with numerous violations of monument protection laws and has already been lost to science. The materials were obtained from rescue excavations in 2009–2010, conducted by the author. In the excavations, four TCC objects were discovered: three pits and the remains of a clay oven, the base of which is paved with fragments of pottery. The pottery from the objects has features different from the pottery of the classical horizon of the TCC in Volyn, which is represented, for example, in ash mounds near the town of Netishyn. It is also different from the ceramics of monuments such as Dubno-Dubovets and Tarakaniv-5, which represent the final horizon of the TCC in Volyn. Сomplex of the Hnidavska Hirka reveals features that are late in relation to the classical ones, so it can be considered as intermediate between the classical and final horizons. On the basis of a comparison with the dating of other monuments, consider the dating of the middle of the 15 th –14 th centuries BC the most suitable for our site in Rovantsi. Clay ovens, similar to the one found, have analogues in other TCC settlements, but they are poorly documented in Volyn.Pozycja The Mysterious Copper Battle Axe from the Castle Museum in Sandomierz(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2023-12) Rajpold, WojciechIn the Castle Museum in Sandomierz, there is a small copper battle axe whose place and circumstances of discovery are unknown. It is only known that this item was found in the vicinity of Sandomierz. The discussed artefact represents the Nógrádmarcal type, characterized by a distinctive haft, a ring near the haft hole, two opposing blades/arms, and a lowered horizontal arm in relation to the apex of the haft opening and the vertical blade. This form is particularly prevalent in the northern Carpathian region, especially in present-day Czech Republic and Slovakia. Additionally, similar specimens are also recorded in northern Hungary and Romania. In formal terms, this item corresponds to the C2 type according to Julie Heeb’s typology, which is numerous in the western part of the Carpathians, especially in the Czech Republic. The majority of them were discovered in contexts unfavourable to chronological studies. It is not excluded that these specimens survived until the younger Eneolithic period. It seems that the safest way to date them is to the turn of the 5 th /4 th millennium BC or the beginning of the 4 th , and associate them with late influences of the Polgar cycle. The presented artefact is most likely to be seen as an import from the south-western or southern direction into the environment of the Lublin-Volhynian culture. It is another copper artefact from the Eneolithic period discovered in the Sandomierz Upland, indicating lively contacts between these areas and those located further south and southwest.