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  • Pozycja
    Uninorms and their applications
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023) Drygaś, Paweł
    In human life, we constantly receive a lot of information from the world around us. We have to make decisions based on them, so we have to process and combine them. One way to combine information is to aggregate it (from a mathematical point of view). The data to be aggregated in each case may vary due to different types of information, from quantitative to qualitative information. Therefore, they should be processed in such a way that the data aggregated gave the expected results. These processes have been accompanying man for a very long time. The arithmetic mean was used as early as the time of the Babylonians. However, a detailed study of aggregation functions in general and their formalization and classification is quite more recent, and has experienced a rapid growth from 1970’s to nowadays. Recently, many researchers have studied aggregation functions, and these operations have become an indispensable tool in many applications, from mathematics to the social sciences. For this reason, there is a lot of interest in aggregation functions and most of the known results on this topic have been summarized in several monographs entirely devoted to aggregation functions from both a theoretical and application point of view. In addition, we can find tons of types of aggregation functions to choose from, depending on the area in which we want to use them. One of the possible divisions of aggregation is the division into conjunctive, disjunctive, average and mixed or hybrid aggregations. In this book we will take a look at uninorms, which are hybrid aggregations and show their main properties and some applications. The key part of the monograph is the description of the original classification algorithms based on uninorms. The described algorithms may be applied in decision support systems, for example, in medicine or other disciplines. The book presents the main classes of uninorms presented by various authors. Some of the approaches have been supplemented and in some cases more intuitive approaches have been proposed.
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    Preservation of a natural and historical heritage as a basis for sustainable development: A multidisciplinary analysis of the situation in Białowieża Primeval Forest, Poland
    (2003) Andrzej Bobiec
    It has been shown that development and management cannot be considered sustainable unless the scarcest natural resources, including the remaining natural forests, are preserved. Sustainable forestry should exclude silvicultural intervention in remnants of old-growth forests for the sake of a “multiple function” paradigm. Sustainability of forestry policy does not exclude any particular techniques or tools if appropriately applied with regard to the spatial scale and specific situation of an ecosystem. It should embrace both large protected areas, small key habitats, as well as a wide range of multiple-use forests where silvicultural techniques, including agroforestry, can be applied if justifiable. The preservation of natural ecosystems and restoration management should be internationally recognized as basic criterions of sustainable development. They are responsible for biodiversity protection, basic and applied knowledge of natural processes, and the quality of human life. The Białowieża Primeval Forest (BPF), Poland, is a training ground where multiple of management and preservation reveal their acute forms, providing an exceptional study case. Conflicting concepts of forest management and preservation of natural processes are reflected in the entire natural and cultural complex. Future BPF management should embrace all aspects of the area: ecological, social, historical and economical. Therefore, it should refer to the ancient tradition of forest protection which involved the participation of local people, and led to an intricate but resilient entity. For this purpose, adjustment of institutions to the character of the area is necessary. Both financial and political support will be critical to successfully preserve the BPF and restore positive human attitudes. The vision presented in this report refers to the state-of-the art conservation concept known as “Parks-for-Life”. It also adopts the experience of US national parks that have secured the preservation of their natural processes in protected areas and contributed largely to their local, regional and national economies. The analysis presented in the report has led to the following conclusions: 1. Monetary evaluation of natural areas does not cover most of intrinsic values and their importance to humanity. Therefore, it cannot be regarded as an ample approach to support conservation needs. 2. The preservation of natural forest remnants in order to secure perpetuity of natural processes, such as the role of natural disturbances, is indispensable to the sustainable development of human societies. 3. Multipurpose forestry should be considered at an appropriate spatial scale, and involve wide spectrum of forestry practices and conservation regimes. Ecologically sustainable forestry on a wide scale does not exclude intensive short rotation management in certain areas. That is, if it does not compromise preservation of natural and semi-natural ecosystems, and does not lead to depletion of biodiversity and site productivity. 4. The Białowieża Primeval Forest (BPF), in northeastern Poland, covers the last tracks of natural deciduous forests in the Northern Hemisphere, representing the temperate climatic zone. Inappropriate institutional and management applications have deteriorated the ecological state of the forest, and undermined its unique developmental potential for local communities. In particular, the misconceived “multipurpose forestry”, applied at the micro scale level of the ecosystem, has been responsible for the irreversible loss of old-growth forests and their specific biodiversity. Thus, the European conservation legislature appears to be inadequate in providing conservation assistance to the BPF. This is for lack of a European “wilderness act”, which would enable the best preserved natural forests to be kept “wild forever”. 5. The BPF’s ecosystem requires a uniformed approach to its management, with priority placed on preservation of its natural processes. The concept of “Parks for Life”, involving various protection zones, promoting development of sustainable tourism and referring to the rich traditions and history of the region, is the most recommendable way to manage the BPF. The Białowieża National Park should be considered as paramount to the social, economical, and ecological systems of the area. Economic mechanisms involving the international community, and institutional approaches could secure the participation of local people in the decision making process. Successful multi-party agencies in the USA, involved in the management of protected areas, could be adequate models for BPF. 6. The BPF should be better explored as an international training center for conservation, restoration, and rural development. The theoretical and scientific status of this area should be accompanied by a model natural forest status, recognized worldwide by forestry and conservation authorities. 7. Necessary institutional changes (i.e. extension of the national park onto the entire Polish BPF, establishment of the Białowieża Forest Agency) should be supported by the whole EU community. In particular, sound financial mechanisms (such as a “European natural forest supply price” and “the Białowieża endowment fund”) should be implemented to support adequate preservation measures and sustainable local development. 8. Simultaneously, a program for revitalizing local communities, by referring to their rich and diverse traditions and history should be developed.
  • Pozycja
    Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Młodych Inżynierów 2018
    (Koło Naukowe Mechatron-SEP Wydział Matematyczno-Przyrodniczy Uniwersytet Rzeszowski ul. Pigonia 1, 35-310 Rzeszów, 2018-06) Leniowska, Lucyna (Ed.)
    Monografia zawiera artykuły zgłoszone na pierwszą Ogólnopolską Konferencję Naukową i organizowany w jej ramach Konkurs dla Młodych Inżynierów, podczas którego konstruktorzy mogli zaprezentować swoje wynalazki. Wydarzenie zostało zorganizowane przez Koło Naukowe Mechatron-SEP działające przy Uniwersytecie Rzeszowskim. Relacja z konferencji była transmitowana przez TVP o/Rzeszów :
  • Pozycja
    (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2013) Leniowska, Lucyna; Nawrat, Zbigniew (Eds.)
    W ostatnich latach coraz częściej pojawiają się próby udoskonalenia urządzeń stosowanych w chirurgii małoinwazyjnej (MIS – Micro Invasive Surgery), co wynika z dążeń do przeprowadzania zabiegów bardziej precyzyjnych, z ograniczonymi urazami pacjenta i z krótkim okresem rekonwalescencji. To rewolucyjne podejście do operacji pozwala na precyzyjne wykonanie zabiegu poprzez stosunkowo małe nacięcia w ciele pacjenta. Ostatnie lata dowodzą, że robot może być narzędziem człowieka, niezbędnym, dla wykonywania usług medycznych na poziomie gwarantującym bezpieczeństwo i jakość wykonywanych działań, które byłyby niemożliwe do osiągnięcia w klasyczny sposób. Niezwykły rozwój telekomunikacji i przekazu informacji tworzy podstawy do kolejnej rewolucji – upowszechnienia teleoperacji. Tu roboty odegrają swoją prawdopodobnie najważniejszą rolę. Robotyka medyczna zakłada kontakt bezpośredni z ciałem lub pośredni wpływ na człowieka. Zrobotyzowane urządzenia mają pomagać we wszystkich życiowych zadaniach, takich jak: przemieszczanie się, spożywanie posiłków, proste prace mechaniczne, nauka czy rozrywka. Robot partnerujący człowiekowi musi nie tylko poruszać się w przestrzeni urbanistycznej stworzonej przez człowieka dla człowieka, ale również powinien rozumieć zachowanie i sposób pojmowania rzeczywistości przez ludzi. Oddajemy do rąk Państwa monografię poświęconą multidyscyplinarnej dziedzinie robotyki medycznej. Książka ta powstała, jako ślad ważnego spotkania fachowców wielu dziedzin nauki i techniki, młodych adeptów wiedzy medycznej i inżynierii, filozofów i bohaterów nowoczesnej medycyny – pacjentów. Gościliśmy na spotkaniach w Zabrzu i w Rzeszowie wybitnych specjalistów: Mehrana Anvariego, kanadyjskiego chirurga, pioniera i praktyka teleoperacji, Kevina Warwicka, angielskiego ekscentrycznego naukowca, pierwszego cyborga w historii ludzkości oraz Richarda Satavę, który prowadził pierwszy projekt robota chirurgicznego w latach osiemdziesiątych z ramienia DARPA w USA. Wybraliśmy do monografii najciekawsze tematy, najwartościowsze osiągnięcia – ich autorzy przygotowali odpowiednie rozdziały, które podlegały normalnej procedurze recenzji, by zachować odpowiedni poziom naukowy tego wspólnego dzieła. Żywimy nadzieję, że przez najbliższe lata stanie się ona wartościowym źródłem aktualnej wiedzy akademickiej i informacji o stanie polskiej nauki w zakresie robotyki medycznej.
  • Pozycja
    Postepy inżynierii biomedycznej
    (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2013) Leniowska, Lucyna; Nawrat, Zbigniew (Eds.)
    Rozbita na specjalizacje medycyna i obecna praktyka rozliczania kosztów leczenia prowadzi do konieczności standaryzowania usług z zastosowaniem metod komputerowej oceny i przesyłania informacji na odległość. To zaskakujące, ale to technologia podzieliła niegdyś medycynę, a dziś łączy ją w jedność. Ramię w ramię lekarz i inżynier walczą o większą skuteczność leczenia i szerszy dostęp do właściwych standardów leczenia dla każdego potrzebującego. Oddajemy w Państwa ręce książkę szczególną – monografię poświęconą postępom bioinżynierii, lub szerzej – technologiom i technikom medycznym. Książka powstała, jako ślad ważnego spotkania fachowców wielu dziedzin nauki i techniki, młodych adeptów wiedzy medycznej i inżynierii, filozofów i bohaterów nowoczesnej medycyny – pacjentów. Gościliśmy na spotkaniach w Zabrzu i w Rzeszowie wybitnych specjalistów, ale także hobbystów, uczniów, studentów, doktorantów i ... seniorów. Wybraliśmy do monografii najciekawsze tematy, najwartościowsze osiągnięcia – ich autorzy przygotowali odpowiednie rozdziały, które podlegały normalnej procedurze recenzji, by zachować odpowiedni poziom naukowy tego wspólnego dzieła. Żywimy nadzieję, że przez najbliższe lata monografia ta stanie się wartościowym źródłem aktualnej wiedzy akademickiej i informacji o stanie polskiej nauki w tym zakresie.
  • Pozycja
    (University of Rzeszów, 2011) Leniowska, Lucyna (Ed.)
    Mechatronics may be popularised in various manners and it is necessary to begin with the aspect of history. It may be started from its contemporary applications and benefits resulting from that or the review of crucial construction, electronic and algorithm solutions. The second manner is sometimes more interesting, more encouraging to familiarise yourself with. I rely on this cognitive curiosity while handing you this publication. This publication includes 13 articles, divided into four sections. The first section includes 4 works regarding medical applications. Medicine is undergoing a period of increased interest from technical sciences. Applications in the scope of biomechanics, biotechnology, biomimetics and bionics, medical robotics or telemedicine change the methods and measures applied not only in rescuing human life, but diagnosing, treating and the rehabilitation of patients as well. The synergy of the aforementioned disciplines remaining in the circle of interest of mechatronics begins to bring more and more spectacular results. The first chapter includes the review of the most important domestic and global solutions regarding medical robots, as well as presents an original structure of a manipulator, assigned for minimally invasive operations. In the second chapter, the methodology of mechatronic designing has been presented, as a result of which there is an original prototype of a hand-based grab, designed for a humanoid robot. The third chapter includes the concept of planning the trajectory for an “intelligent” wheelchair. The author’s project assumes the construction of a vehicle combined with a complex IT system which would provide great autonomy of disabled persons on the basis of processed city plans with GPS marks. The fourth chapter is dedicated to several examples depicting the principles of applying Computer Aided Engineering systems in medicine. As a result, doctors obtain a new device for medical diagnosis and preoperative planning. The second section includes 5 works on the problems of modelling and controlling in application for various mechatronic systems. The first chapter presents studies aimed at creating a modern, adaptive mechatronic system for active noise reduction, which has much potential in places of limited communication, including emergency communication. In the second chapter, the idea of creating a mechatronic system based on an adaptive algorithm has been presented. Its role relies on the active reduction of vibrations of constructive elements (panels) which may have a significant, negative impact on functioning machines and devices, deteriorating the working conditions of an operator. The third chapter is devoted to a system assigned for reducing audio and video noises. The application of Least Mean Squareshas been discussed on the basis of experiments in the nVidia CUDA environment. The fourth chapter regards broadly understood issues of modelling and connected computer simulations which are an indispensable element of the process of mechatronic designing. Also presented in this chapter is a program component developed by the authors – a “physical engine” which is part of a simulator - original software for complex simulations of dynamic systems, working in real time and characterised by a high reliability of calculations. The final chapter presents the concept of use in unmanned aircrafts, in order to increase safety coefficients of passenger flights. The solution which includes fuzzy control, assumes that one or more unmanned flying objects may become an element of another flying object, enriching its capabilities, e.g. overtaking the existing parts in emergency situations. The third section is devoted to technological problems defined as an “intelligent house”. It includes two chapters, in which the original solutions are presented of the control system equipment layer of an “intelligent house” based on access to technologies (mechanical, electromechanical, electronic solutions) commonly known standard of data transmission as well as own solutions in the scope of algorithms and software. These solutions are characterised by a low cost of manufacturing, simplicity and openness to future modifications, according to the changing needs of users. The final, fourth section, “Technological problems”, presents other less typical applications of mechatronic systems connected with e.g. problems of automating the determination of certain substances or providing reliability and durability of a product.
  • Pozycja
    Książka abstraktów. I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa Studentów i Doktorantów Nauk Przyrodniczych. „Człowiek – Żywność – Środowisko”
    (Studenckie Koło Naukowe Technologów Żywności "FERMENT", 2017) Kluz, Maciej; Kordiaka, Rafał; Swacha, Sylwia; Hanus, Paweł
    Książka abstraktów jest publikacją pokonferencyjną I Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej Studentów i Doktorantów Nauk Przyrodniczych "Człowiek – Żywność - Środowisko”. Tematyka konferencji związana była z zagadnieniami dotyczącymi szeroko pojętej biotechnologii, technologii żywności oraz wpływu środowiska i różnych czynników na zdrowie i funkcjonowanie organizmu ludzkiego.
  • Pozycja
    Nanotechnology elements in Science and Physics teaching at high school
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2012-07) Budzik, Sylwia; Kizowski, Czesław
    The progress in teaching should be in accord with the progress of science, that’s why the subject of teaching must be supplemented by the elements of modern knowledge which permit people to understand better what happens around us. The end of XX century is characterised by the rapid development of nanotechnology, which brings together various sciences such as solid state physics, chemistry, material science and molecular biology and gives a chance to the technological revolution. From the research, we conclude that the nanotechnology elements can be introduced on the 4-th educational stage (in Poland), where is the possibility to increase the use of mathematics. In 2012/2013 school year will be introduce new core curriculum into high school, where is new subject - Science (Core Curriculum – Science and Physics - law gazette from 2009, no. 4, pos. 17). Research, contained in this monograph, were connected with Science and Physics contents of teaching and proves possibility introducing new elements to the curriculum. Process concerning the introducing new elements to the curriculum, from the didactic base to the concrete lessons, is presented in this monograph. This monograph, in authors view, helps the Physics teachers with curriculum preparing based on the one - subject integration of teaching contents.
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    Nanotechnology in high school curriculum.
    (2014-11-13) Budzik, Sylwia
    The progress in teaching should be in accord with the progress of science, that’s why the subject of teaching must be supplemented by the elements of modern knowledge which permit pupils to understand better what happens around us. The end of XX century is characterised by the rapid development of nanotechnology, which is deal with in this paper. Development of the science in the end of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century is presented in Introduction. The research problem, aims and base of doctoral thesis are presented in the first chapter. The second chapter is connected with project of solution, it means with the analysis of “teaching contents”. The operational aims, basic theorems and “didactic matrix”, which shows logical relations between nanotechnology elements are presented in this chapter. Pedagogical and psychological base of doctoral thesis is depicted in the third chapter. There is teenager characteristic – the age of pupils, when we can introduce this kind of concepts. The main quantum mechanics concepts are presented in third chapter too. The physical, psychological and pedagogical point of view formed the basis for research. Experimental part is contained in fourth chapter. General education system in Poland and 4th educational stage is high school as a level, where is the possibility to increase the use of mathematics are shown in the first subsection of fourth chapter. The second subsection of fourth chapter contains the survey for teachers results. There are concepts indicated by the teacher, which should be introduced to the curriculum of science subject in high school. The hypotheses and the methods used in the research are presented in the third subsection of the fourth chapter. Research conditions are indicated in the fourth subsection of the fourth chapter. There are taken into account the following categories: type of class, different backgrounds, average mark in a class. Preliminary research conclusions from all classes are shown in the fifth subsection of the fourth chapter and final research conclusions from all classes are shown in the sixth subsection of the fourth chapter. Conclusions from the doctoral thesis are in the last chapter. There is summary and deduction if the working hypothesis is proved. References, annexes (Physics core curriculum, survey for teachers, test for pupils, lessons, and agreement to the cooperation with schools) and author Curriculum vitae are at the end of this doctoral thesis.