Dydaktyka Polonistyczna nr 5(14)2019

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Aktualnie wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 20
  • Pozycja
    Recenzja książki Ryszarda Strzeleckiego pt. „Homo ludens kultury współczesnej”, Bydgoszcz 2019
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Kaczmarek, Wojciech
  • Pozycja
    Skrzywdzony poemat. O książce Jerzego Winiarskiego „Wokół „Wojny chocimskiej” Ignacego Krasickiego. Dyskursy możliwe tekstów kultury”
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Nalepa, Marek
    The article is a historical and literary reflection on Ignacy Krasicki’s book Around Chocim’s War (“Wojny chocimskiej”). The possible discourses of Jerzy Winiarski’s cultural writings, are the first monographic attempt to explain the complexities of interpretation and reception of the underestimated poem XBW. Some possible reasons for this work’s omission by writers from the circle of “Thursday dinners” were pointed out, even though it was commissioned by King Stanisław August Poniatowski, as well as unjust comments by the critics especially those of the Romantic and 20th century. The cultural contexts of the epic were discussed using a metalinguistic key and the tools of negative poetics.
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    Polski system producencki. Rola producenta filmowego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Bożek, Małgorzata
    The Polish film system is characterized by a variety of forms. Michał Zabłocki, the author of the comprehensive study of the „Organization of the production of feature film in Poland”, isolates two models of world cinema: producer and producer-director. The first one features the dominant role of the producer, which means the person who is responible for the work of all the film departments- direction, cinematography, production management, scenography and costume design. The second one, the model which is still the most popular in Poland, assumes close cooperation between the producer and the director.
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    Reportaż w szkole średniej
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Jedliński, Ryszard
    The article titled “Reportage in a high school” discusses selected issues related to reading reportage. Working on this type of text aims at understanding features of this genre by students, most of all its structure, composition and narration. Considerations are subordinated to the following aspects: the history of reportage, its definition, functions and structure. The author focuses primarily on literary and journalistic documentary.
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    Fake news w dobie post-prawdy. Teoria i praktyka
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Bożek, Małgorzata
    Century is a time of a media revolution. Convergence, networking and massive digitalization of culture caused that traditional kind of media are changing its aspect and structure but not only. In addition, their impact on reality is much more stronger than several decades ago. The changes that are happening now in media affect much more than just our everyday life. Those, that are mentioned in article let us ask questions about existence of truth as a unquestionable value that is widely respected and defined as a basis for the functioning of democratic societies.
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    Maturzyści o wartościach – deklaracje, oczekiwania, wnioski
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Kopeć, Urszula
    The article discusses the results of studies on values declared by high school graduates. The survey was conducted in September 2017 in two high schools in Rzeszów. 130 respondents were asked to point out 3 of the most treasured positive values and 3 of the most undesirable anti-values. The high school graduates were also asked what they expected from their Polish teachers who discover the world of values with them. The analysis of students’ answers indicates that high school graduates appreciate the most the following values: love, family, friendship. By contrast, they consider hatred, falsehood, disease and egotism to be the most unwanted anti-values. In the respondents’ view it is worth discussing thoroughly and delving into the meaning of notions such as: erotic love, friendship, freedom or hatred.
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    Charakterystyka postaci jako forma wypowiedzi w przedwojennych poradnikach metodycznych do nauczania języka polskiego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Grzegórzek, Mirosław
    The text is an attempt to correlate and visit the methodical procedures focused around figure characteristics understood in a broad sense in the chosen methodical handbooks for teaching the Polish language before the Second World War. Using the figure characteristics as a benchmark for the form of school utterance, the article constitutes the trigger for the research of transition and development of exercises in speaking and writing in the field of the didactics of Polish studies history.
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    O zabiegach edytorskich w książkach wspierających rozwój językowy małych czytelników
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Ostasz, Maria; Pustuła, Marta
    Children’s book editing is an interdisciplinary field of research combining typography, pedagogy and didactics. The article deals with distinctions which are important, but still it is a little recognized and reviewed issue in the field of editorial means, which should be in a properly designed book subordinated to the basic functions: organization, navigation and cohesion. The examples presented showed that each element used in a children’s book design should serve at least one of these functions, as their effect is extended to support the learning of reading, articulation, spelling practice, etc. Typographical errors in the use of distinctions, causing reading to be disturbed, have also been highlighted. The aesthetics of such a book may have a positive or negative impact on the hygiene of reading - it may make it difficult to learn to read or even discourage one from dealing with a book. Properly applied - matched typographic distinctions improve the legibility of the text, i.e. make it easier for children - not skilled enough readers – to get used to the text and its educational layer. Aesthetics and high quality of publications aimed at children is a broad and still not very well described area of research, and this article is an attempt to raise awareness of this issue.
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    Dydaktyczne aspekty powieści dla dziewcząt na przykładzie wybranych utworów Marty Fox
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Świercz, Katarzyna
    Literary works dedicated to adolescent girls are primarily aimed at preparing young readers for the roles that await them in adulthood. The type of didacticism chosen by authors of this type of prose has been evolving along with the history of the subgenre and transformations in the field of pedagogy. The direct, narrative moralizing of the young reader gave way to the place of presentation of educational assumptions that are introduced to the books by constructing the fates of heroes, allowing readers to draw their conclusions and assessments independently. The prose for the youth by Marta Fox refers to the historical determinants of the novel for girls and didactic traditions of this genre. The author, however, avoids direct instructions, at the same time remembering about the educational message while constructing various elements of the presented world.
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    Niefortunność komunikacyjna relacji nauczyciel – uczeń we współczesnych powieściach dla młodzieży
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Burska-Ratajczyk, Beata
    The aim of the research was to try to answer the question about the literary picture of communication disorders in the school environment. The analysis shows that in contemporary novels for young people it is not difficult to find the examples of teachers violating the basic rules of conversation both in the process of education and in the communication with students that takes places after classes. In terms of pragmatics, it is: lack of professional skills and respect for work, especially lack of care concerning the quality of knowledge passed to students, schematic teaching, and within ethics – lack of moral standards, especially linguistic aggression of teachers towards the youth.
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    O problemach, potrzebach i zadaniach uniwersyteckich jednostek metodycznych (głos w dyskusji)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Fiszbak, Jolanta
    The author focuses on academic methodological units’ problems of teaching Polish language and its literature, as well as on the problems of Polish language subject at schools. She proves a strong dependence between the two, which results in their mutual either development or regress. Decline in importance of Polish language subject at schools had a negative influence on performance of academic methodologists. The author emphasises the need for proper cooperation between methodological units around Poland and presents how it should be conducted. She also introduces problems in which cooperating methodologists should be interested. The result of the cooperation shall be both reinstating didactics to its rank of science and enhancing the education level of Polish language at schools.
  • Pozycja
    Synectics by Kornel Makuszyński (Satan from the 7th grade)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Bolińska, Marta
    Synektyka według jej twórcy, Williama J.J. Gordona, oznacza posługiwanie się analogią w dążeniu do zrozumienia problemu i wypracowania skutecznego (twórczego, często też oryginalnego) rozwiązania. U jej podstaw tkwi zrozumienie inności, niezwykłości oraz zastosowanie metafory opartej na analogii po to, by spojrzeć na problem z innej perspektywy. Procedura synektyczna składa się z kilku etapów, których podstawą jest myślenie metaforyczne oparte na szczegółowych heurystykach zwanych analogiami. W.J.J. Gordon wyróżnia cztery ich rodzaje: bezpośrednią (prosta), personalną (osobista), symboliczną i fantastyczną. Wszystkie można znaleźć w powieści „Szatan z siódmej klasy” (1937) Kornela Makuszyńskiego. Skonstruowana przez niego postać literacka, detektyw-amator (Adam Cisowski), stosując różne techniki rozwiązywania problemów, korzysta z palety możliwości, które „podpowiada” synektyka. Pisarz wyposaża również swojego bohatera w cechy, które charakteryzują tzw. ucznia zdolnego (talent detektywistyczny oparty jednocześnie na logicznym rozumowaniu i wychodzeniu poza schemat myślenia konwergencyjnego). Przy okazji sam autor odsłania własny talent epicki (m.in. oryginalność w prowadzeniu bohatera i kształtowaniu fabuły).
  • Pozycja
    Charlie Chaplin – osobowość kina
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Moskwa, Maja
    The article presents one of the most influential people in history of cinema Charles Chaplin. Born and raised in extreme poverty of London alleys, after years of hard work, he became the most popular and the richest person of the artistic world at the beginning of the 20th century. Chaplin was the man of genius, who created the character of a Little Fellow recognized all over the world until today. His attributes a short moustache, an old bowler hat, a bamboo stick, a tight jacket, loose pants and too big shoes together with not very smart, but cunning and kind childlike personality provided him an international success. Chaplin himself was very talented, apart from his acting abilities, he was a great director, screenwriter, producer and composer. His career originated in British music halls and after a long time of self development evolved to make Charlie the icon of the cinema. The article describes subsequent stages of that process.
  • Pozycja
    Lalka i nieobecność. Kilka uwag o bohaterach „Wampira” Władysława Stanisława Reymonta
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Kucab, Mateusz
    The article attempts to determine in synthetic way the most relevant spaces of choice as well as activities of the characters of “The Vampire” by Władysław Stanisław Reymont. Disputing with other researchers, we try to portray the characters as thespians who are subordinate to the mechanism of theatre (theatricality) as well as enmeshed with relations of dominance and exploitation (vampiric situation). Having compared the novel with selected dramas by Henrik Ibsen, we demonstrate parallels in subjects and issues that were drawn out by the dramaturgy of the epoch: illusoriness of life, lies of convention, prevalence in family as well as manipulation.
  • Pozycja
    Literacka emancypacja romantycznych grup poetyckich w periodykach warszawskich lat 1829–1830. W kręgu „Melitele”
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Ożóg-Winiarska, Zofia; Winiarski, Jerzy
    The article’s aim is to renew the research issues concerning regional romantic groups active in Warsaw in the years 1829–1830, in particular to describe the situation of the group of poets of Warsaw and Lithuanian background gathered around the two issues of the annual “Melitele” edited by Adam Mickiewicz’s friends, Antoni Edward Odyniec and Stefan Witwicki. The annual managed to develop forms, subjects and ideas of romanticism adopted years earlier by the Vilnius-based “Society of Philomaths, and promote Mickiewicz’s poetry of his Russian period. In this way Melitele” became the centre (medium) developing literary life in Warsaw and spreading patterns and patriotic ideas of freedom, and thus affecting integration of the Warsaw-based circles of young men of letters and patriots around the axiology of Polish romanticism. The annual created regional climate that revived poetry and critical reviews on a nationwide scale in the time preceding the November Uprising.
  • Pozycja
    Krytyczne myślenie i logika formalna w badaniach literaturoznawczych na przykładzie wybranych utworów Ignacego Krasickiego
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Magryś, Roman
    Formal logic and critical thinking are complementary tools in research of literary texts. Critical thinking is especially useful in the case of works which are antinomic in character as they are based on disputable ironic meeting points. Ignacy Krasicki’s satires are such type of text. A special difficulty is posed by the interpretation of Journey of a Warmian bishop, as the work read separately and with the use of particular contexts assumes ambiguous meanings. The application of the methodology of critical thinking, which is based on multisided approach to text, leads to the conclusion that primary law of classical logic, the law of excluded middle, does not apply. Journey is a dialogic work, even though ideological reasons for and against foreign travels are not equal.
  • Pozycja
    Człowiek a Bóg w dramatach Amelii Hertzówny
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Nazarewicz, Aneta Anna
    Amelia Hertz still is an unfamiliar play wright. Recently the papers on her works are being released more often. Researchers do not take an interest in the relation of man towards God, though. This relationis a crucial element of her dramas. The importance of this theme is presented by the very structure of respective works. “Zburzenie Tyru” is a staging of biblical events. “Yseult o Białych Dłoniach” is structured like a confession. The events of “Wielki król” are motivated by a constantfear of the Wrath of God, who will inflict justice upon Byzantium. The ultimate defeat of the heroes is summarised with the words “Because only God is eternal”. The main characters of the dramas in their relation towards God correspond to the Kierkegaard’s typology: the aesthetical man, the ethical man and the religious man. Hertz uses Kierkegaard’s philosophy Either/Or, showing different variants of the same story and whatare the consequences of making decisions.
  • Pozycja
    Kulturowa recepcja biblijnego „drzewa życia” (w chrześcijańskiej tradycji i lekturze ponowoczesnej)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Kogut, Joanna
    The Christian “Lifetree” seems to be often omitted today in its fundamental role as the one, which brings us Christ’s redemption. As for Christians the “Lifetree” is the cross, Jesus Christ itself, His torment and resurrection, redemption of human from the original sin, and thereby giving him the eternal life. This way-in purely general terms- could be answered the question: what signifies the term “Lifetree” for Christians. However in order to explain it rightly, we need to relay on the Holy Scripture and look at its beginning, at Genesis, which explained us the world formerly an today-unfortunately- tends to be seen as fairy tale, which should moralize the human and teach him to obey God. No wonder, that the human has lost his ability to understand the reality and like by snake deceived Eve in paradise, is confused. Jesus said: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (J 14,6). However today-in the modern world involved in sin-this Truth is being questioned increasingly in its essential value.
  • Pozycja
    Nawrócenie jako temat poezji – droga Romana Brandstaettera do chrześcijaństwa
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Wasielewska, Magdalena
    The article discusses the subject of conversion as a subject of poetry on the example of the work of Roman Brandstaetter. It focused on the post-war creativity of the author, who in 1946 officially abandoned Judaism, received baptism and became a Catholic. Focused on two aspects of conversion. First of all, these were the circumstances of life: the need to leave the country, problems related to the Polish-Jewish identity, death of parents, parting with the first wife. Secondly, these were issues related to the biblical experience of God, because reading the Bible had a great significance for the poet since the time of Polish studies. Confirmations of the issue are confirmed by quotes from works that are testimonies of changes taking place in the author’s life, making up a rich picture of his spiritual transformation.
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    Nadzieja chrześcijańska w ponowoczesnym świecie (istota – utrata – przywracanie)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Strzelecki, Ryszard
    The considerations of the article circulate around the Christian hope, its loss and conditions of restoration. The foundation of these reflections as its source for understanding of hope contained in the Benedict XVII Encyclical Spe salvi. Hope concerns what is given in faith, which is proof of things that will finally come, and therefore hope requires the recognition of two objectivities – now given and eschatological. The next elements of hope are the subject („homo viator”), directed towards Transcendence, tension and effort of the will and participation in the community. Factors of deconstruction may concern one or all elements of the structure of hope. The article discusses the phenomenon of deconstruction of hope in various dimensions of contemporary culture. The final reflection focuses on the restoration of hope. This can be done contrary to the deconstruction way, mainly by regaining the faith. The footing of this turn is the indication of St. Augustine - to believe in God one must first believe in God, that is, among others, to realize the common good, recognize the personal dignity of the man and the transcendent value of human life.