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Pozycja Beiträge zur Forschungen Lausitzer Brauchtums(Institute of Archaeology Rzeszów University, 2013) Dąbrowski, JanThis article is devoted to pottery vessels or their small sets from cemeteries, which do not contain the remains of the deceased and do not repeat the typical inventories for grave goods. These features include small vessels, usually containers for liquids, and rarely other items. A few chemical analyses have shown that they may have contained food. Unfortunately, descriptions of materials from outside graves are often incomplete and, therefore, there is no doubt that the known catalogue only contains some of the discovered artefacts. Nevertheless there are 273 features from 62 cemeteries. These mostly contain one vessel (up to a maximum of seven items) amounting from 0.2 to 5.8 % of the features from large cemeteries. It should be noted that as for the Lusatian cemeteries there are often metal, stone and flint artefacts among the graves. On the other hand, hoards of vessels are rare. The nature of these vessels suggests that they may have been used for ritual libations, which is considered to be common then. However, it appears that the offerings were given during rituals, which were not always associated with the funeral.Pozycja Bemerkungen zur pommerschen Kultur in Südostpolen(IAiE PAN, 2013) Czopek, SylwesterIn the article the author aims at verifying the previous studies concerning the presence of the Pomeranian Culture in the south-east Poland. He bases his study on new sources and results of scientific datings. The new materials indicate that the Pomeranian Culture was more significant in the south-east Poland that it was previously estimated. The obtained chronological data enables us to assign the Pomeranian Culture materials to the period between HaD3 (HaD3/LtA ?) and LtC, i.e. from the end of the 4th to the mid-3th century BC. Some data suggests considerable degree of microregional diversity of the settlement. What is important, however, is the presence of permanently utilized settlements. Succession is characteristic for many of them: the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian Culture from the Early Iron Age was followed by the Pomeranian Culture.Pozycja Lusatian culture in the Lublin region – history and state of research(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie; Instytut Archeologii UR; Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego; Oficyna Wydawnicza „Zimowit”, 2015) Kłosińska, Elżbieta MałgorzataThe article presents the history of acquisition of sources for the research on the Lusatian culture in the Lublin region. It also names key issues arising from the state of research of available materials. Also, links with neighbouring cultural groups are stressed, and attention is drawn to the discontinuity in the development of the culture between the Bronze and Early Iron Age.Pozycja Obiekt ze „scyto-tracką” ceramiką toczoną z osady tarnobrzeskiej kultury łużyckiej na stan. 6 w Dębinie, pow. łańcucki(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2016) Trybała-Zawiślak, KatarzynaThis article presents the inventory coming from the feature discovered within the settlement at the site 6 in Dębina, dated to the late phase of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture. This feature contained more than 400 pottery sherds, including two well-preserved pottery fragments of “Scythian-Thracian” pottery turned on a wheel. The remaining inventory was comprised of sherds of pottery typical for settlement sources from the Early Iron Age, such as: pot type vessels with plastic strips and biconical bowls. Moreover, it is worth mentioning the fragments of vessels most likely related to the environment of the late Chernoles culture or the circle of stamped cultures.Pozycja Osada z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza na stanowisku Tarnobrzeg 5(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2022-12) Rajpold, WojciechArchaeological research at the site Tarnobrzeg 5 site was carried out by Jan Gurba and Marek Florek in 1992, uncovering settlement materials of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture (TLC) and the Trzciniec culture (TC). The latter were not very numerous and representative, so they did not give grounds for a specific determination of the chronology. Undoubtedly, the most interesting artefact was a bronze sickle with a knob, referring to the III and IV period of the Bronze Age. The TLC materials, which almost entirely can be referred to the III phase of its development, turned out to be crucial for determining the chronology of the site. In terms of pottery forms, the most numerous were egg-shaped pots with holes under the edge of the rim, finger hollows and plastic strips. An interesting form was also a bowl on an empty leg. Both egg-shaped pots and a bowl with an empty leg may be evidence of Eastern cultural influences. It is also worth noting two fragmentarily preserved vases, which – as it seems – can be dated to the turn of the II and III phases of the TLC, which would indicate the existence of chronologically older material. Bronze and iron tweezers have also been recorded here, which may document the dissemination of iron.Pozycja Pierwsze sprawozdanie z weryfikacyjnych badań na grodzisku z wczesnej epoki żelaza w Chotyńcu(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Czopek, Sylwester; Trybała-Zawiślak, Katarzyna; Tokarczyk, Tomasz; Ocadryga-Tokarczyk, Ewelina; Burghardt, Marcin; Adamik-Proksa, Joanna; Rajpold, WojciechThe article presents the results of the trial excavations carried out in 2016 at the fortified settlement in Chotyniec, Jarosław district. It is an object which has been known and mentioned in archaeological literature for a long, but without its precise chronological affiliation, due to the lack of excavations. However, it was most often combined with the Middle Ages. The conducted research requires significant adjustments. All the sources and contextual records allow us to link this large fortified settlement in Chotyniec with the Early Iron Age and the forest steppe variant of the Scythian cultural circle. This unique site will be researched in the next excavation seasons.Pozycja Próba klasyfikacji typologicznej glinianych przęślików tarnobrzeskiej kultury łużyckiej(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2021) Jabłkowska, AleksandraThe aim of the article is to present an attempt at typological classification of clay spindle whorls of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture. It is a closely related category with textiles, but still quite often marginalized by archaeologists in the studies of the excavation materials. It is probably the effect of their commonness and obvious purpose. In opposition to such perception of this category of sources, a much broader aspect of the role of spindle whorls in phenomena of sociocultural and economic importance will be presented. Spindle whorls can be a starting point for research on the recognition and reconstruction of the weaving of the population of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture, research on the chronology and cultural relations of the described taxonomic unit as well as research on its rituals and social structures.Pozycja Przemiany osadnicze w międzyrzeczu rzek Szkło i Lubaczówki w epoce brązu i wczesnej epoce żelaza(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2020) Jabłkowska, AleksandraThe article is a settlement and culture study, in which, after collecting all available sources and their chronological verification, a deep analysis of habitat preferences was carried out in individual cultural units in the area of the Szkło and Lubaczówka rivers in the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age. The research performed on settlement and culture study aims to show new results and fill the gap existing in the literature within the San basin in terms of understanding the cultural and settlement variability in the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age (other neighbouring mesoregions already have such studies).Pozycja Stratyfikacja społeczna ludności leśnostepowego Podnieprza okresu scytyjskiego(Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 2021-01-12) Burghardt, MarcinCelem dysertacji pt. „Stratyfikacja społeczna ludności leśnostepowego Podnieprza okresu scytyjskiego” była analiza zróżnicowania społecznego grup ludności zasiedlających w okresie między końcem VIII a początkiem III w. p.n.e. tereny środkowego dorzecza Dniepru. Podstawową bazę źródłową tworzył zbiór 649 zespołów grobowych. W rozdziale 2 dokonano ogólnej charakterystyki rytuałów funeralnych stosowanych przez badane grupy ludności. Ustalono, że jedną z przyczyn stosowania wobec zmarłego określonych zwyczajów pogrzebowych może być zajmowana przez niego pozycja w hierarchii społecznej. Rozdział 3 poświęcono stratyfikacji horyzontalnej opierającej się na podziałowi społeczeństwa ze względu na płeć i wiek. Otrzymane wnioski pozwoliły na określenie statusu społecznego zmarłego w zależności od wieku i płci. Ustalono, że w przypadku wieku szczególnie mocno akcentowaną granicą była ta przypadająca na okres między 10-12 a 15 rokiem życia. W okresie tym następowała bowiem zmiany rangi społecznej polegająca na przejściu od dzieciństwa w dorosłość. Obserwacje poczynione przy analizie płci wskazały natomiast, że różnice istniejące między grobami męskimi i kobiecymi stanowią odzwierciedlenie istniejących reguł pogrzebowych. Nie wynikają one natomiast z odmiennej rangi kobiet w stosunku do mężczyzn. W rozdziale 4 dokonano rekonstrukcji struktury społecznej badanych grup ludności. Ustalono, że podstawowym wskaźnikiem pozwalającym na określenie miejsca zmarłego w hierarchii jest oszacowanie nakładu pracy przeznaczonego na dokonanie jego pochówku oraz bogactwo i różnorodność złożonego ze zmarłym wyposażenia grobowego. Przeprowadzona w oparciu o te cechy klasyfikacja zespołów grobowych, z wykorzystywaniem metod wnioskowania statystycznego, doprowadziła do wydzielenia siedmiu klas grobów, które można traktować jako miejsca pochówku osób zajmujących określone miejsce w hierarchii społecznej. Najwyższe miejsce w jej ramach zajmowali członkowie wyższych sfer. W ich skład wchodzili lokalni i ponadregionalni przywódcy różnej rangi, przedstawiciele arystokracji rodowo-plemiennej oraz członkowie elit niskiej rangi. Środkowy poziom w hierarchii zajmowała ludność szeregowa. Warstwa ta nie była jednolita i rozpadała się na dwie mniejsze grupy. Najniższy stopnień w hierarchii zajmowała niezbyt liczna ludność najuboższa. W rozdziale 5 zaprezentowane zostały uwagi na temat stratyfikacji społecznej grup ludności leśnostepowego Podnieprza okresu scytyjskiego w ujęciu chronologiczno-przestrzennym. Przeprowadzone w tym zakresie obserwacje pozwoliły na ustalenie, że populacje te nie były jednolite i różniły się między sobą niekiedy w dość istotny sposób. Ustalono także, że stopień zachodzących w czasie zmian wskazuje na to, że struktury społeczne w większości przypadków nie były tworem „stałym” ale charakteryzowały się dość dużą zmiennością. Zbadanie dynamiki przemian w stratyfikacji społecznej badanych wspólnot zachodzące w ciągu całego czasu trwania okresu scytyjskiego wykazało, że jednym z głównych czynników rzutujących na uzyskany obraz zmian była dynamika procesów etniczno-kulturowych zachodzących w tym okresie na terenach leśnostepowgo Podnieprza. W podsumowaniu zawarte zostały najważniejsze dane na temat struktury społecznej badanych populacji. Znaczną uwagę zwrócono na określenie procesów mających wpływ na otrzymany obraz struktury społecznej.Pozycja Szpile w tarnobrzeskiej kulturze łużyckiej. Przyczynek do badań nad ich związkiem z wiekiem i płcią oraz rozważania na temat pojawienia się żelaza(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2017) Rajpold, WojciechThe purpose of the text below is an attempt to present changes in the distribution of bronze and iron pins in the area occupied by the population of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture. Based on these changes, an issue of iron will be investigated. Pins are the only objects in the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture TLC, which were made on a larger scale from both bronze and iron. Therefore, considering this issue in terms of settlement archaeology, as well as a view at its cultural conditions, it may provide interesting information about the changes introduced by the appearance of iron. In the course of the research the division of pins into individual subgroups was made and the relationship between the type of these pins together with their size in the light of age and gender of the deceased was analyzed. The article will discuss both the issues of changes that were caused by the appearance of iron, and the relationship of the pins with age and the gender of their users.Pozycja The size and structure of Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture population(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2022-12) Czopek, Sylwester; Trybała-Zawiślak, KatarzynaTarnobrzeg Lusatian culture is a cultural unit distinguished in south-eastern Poland, spanning from the middle Bronze Age to the early Iron Age (and thus roughly from the 14 th /13 th to the 5 th /4 th century BC). One of its most characteristic features are large crematory cemeteries (the largest consisting of more than a thousand tombs), utilized for many centuries. For many of them, apart from standard archaeological information, we also possess anthropological analysis, perfect for demographic considerations. One can specify the size and structure of the population which used the cemetery, as well as study the dynamics of changes in the course of a long period of burying the dead in the same place. Such an analysis in the form of social microstructure research is the basis of inference at a higher level, including mesoregions settlement, characterized by a network of co-occurring cemeteries and accompanying settlements. The sum of these observations, in turn, allows us to estimate the number of people living in the territory assigned to Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture. At each level of inference in terms of population size, a crucial role is played by possibly the most accurate and precise estimation of time of cemetery usage or the presence of settlements in the analyzed region.Pozycja The Younger Bronze Age and the Beginning of the Iron Age in Chełmno Land in the Light of the Evaluation of Selected Finds of Metal Products(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2016) Gackowski, JacekThe article presents selected finds, both previously discovered and recent ones made of metal (bronze and iron), originating from Chełmno land and related with the settlement of the Lusatian population in the Younger Bronze Age and at the beginning of the Iron Age. Due to the discovery of several casting workshops and other traces of local bronze production, it is possible to assume that a certain selection of ornaments, weapons and tools was produced locally. However, the stylistic and utility models were always of supra-regional origin, for which many analogies can be found in the area of Kuyavia, Greater Poland and Silesia. Similar provenance has been noticed for iron objects discussed in the research.Pozycja THERMOLUMINESCENT DATING OF THE LATE BRONZE AND EARLY IRON AGE POTTERY ON SITES IN KŁYŻÓW AND JAROSŁAW (SE POLAND)(Springer, 2013) Czopek, Sylwester; Kusiak, Jarosław; Trybała-Zawiślak, KatarzynaThe absolute chronology of Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in Polish territories is a result of long-term and complex research. Here, we have investigated the absolute dating of two sites, namely Kłyżów, a cemetery of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture, and Jarosław, a settlement spanning from the late phase of the former to Pomeranian culture, possibly with Jastorf elements. Having been spurred by promising results of thermoluminescence (TL) dating of medieval and Przeworsk materi-als, we have employed it in those situations, where no other chronometric methods seem to be effi-cient. TL dating has been combined with typological analysis of the dated pottery and, partially, with radiocarbon method. Albeit the produced TL dates do not represent the level of sought-for fine chron-ological resolution, they indicate the temporal trends and corroborate the typological research. Our study has shown the potential of TL dating for periods with plateaus on 14C calibration curve. We also have dealt with unexpected TL ages and suggested some solutions of the problem. Finally, we have demonstrated that the condition sine qua non for archaeological interpretation of TL dates is a thor-ough stylistic-chronological analysis of dated pottery and clear understanding of relations between chronometric dates and the archaeological event to be dated.Pozycja Two Fibulae from the Early Iron Age Found out of Context in Eastern Wielkopolska(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2016) Kaczmarek, Maciej; Wawrzyniak, MateuszThe paper discusses the non-contextual finds of two bronze fibulae, coming from the Early Iron Age, revealed in eastern Wielkopolska by amateur metal detecting searchers (detectorists). One of them represents an unknown form, morphologically similar to Tłukomy type, whereas the other one (only its bow has been preserved) probably belongs to the Wymysłowo-Wroblewo type, isolated in the items collection as a brooch with a decorative foot (Fusszierfibeln). Both copies are an element to research the relative chronology of the decline of the Hallstatt period and the beginning of the Pre-Roman period in Wielkopolska.Pozycja Zabytki brązowe a archeologia osadnictwa na przykładzie Polski południowo-wschodniej(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie; Instytut Archeologii UR; Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego; Oficyna Wydawnicza „Zimowit”, 2015) Rajpold, WojciechThe following text refers to the distribution of bronze artefacts in Podkarpacie during the development of the Tarnobrzeg Lusatian culture. The author tries to distinguish the areas of sites containing such items. He also presents the differences between the number, arrangement and type of sites within each of these clusters.Pozycja Кремаційний могильник ранньозалізного віку Монастирок-2 на Волині(Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2020) Бадецький, Андрій Б.; Самолюк, Валерій О.The article presents materials from the recently discovered cremation cemetery of the pre-Scythian period Monastyrok-2, Rivne region (Ukraine). Collection was obtained during filed walking prospections and small scale excavations. Classification of all materials was carried out and on the basis of the given analogies a general dating was proposed between end of X and VIII century BC.