Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 4(12)/2014
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Pozycja Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Polityka bezpieczeństwa w świetle uwarunkowań politycznych, gospodarczych i społecznych”, 10-11 czerwca 2014 roku, Rzeszów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Pawlikowski, GrzegorzPozycja Model wspólnego systemu bezpieczeństwa dostaw gazu ziemnego w Unii Europejskiej. Postulaty de lege ferenda(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Zajdler, Robert; Gałczyński, MarcinHistorically, different market conditions of member states of the European Union led to the situation in which the security of supply was within the responsibility of EU members. The 2009 gas crisis resulted in the integration of national polices in this regard through the creation of a framework of common EU mechanisms in case of crisis. Regulation 994/2010 has only partly moved towards this aim. It indicated which elements of the system influence the security of supply. Additional regulatory measures should focus on further enhancement of some of the existing measures and enclose new parameters to the assessment of security level. The new model should be more focused on the wholesale market and the market assessment of security. The purpose of this article is to diagnose market and legal conditions of security of supply in Poland and in the EU, and to propose a common new approach to security of supply and relevant actions in case of gas crisis in the European Union.Pozycja Stanowisko Ludwiga von Misesa wobec historycyzmu i empiryzmu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Szabaciuk, WojciechThis article is an attempt to analyze of the standpoint's one of the most influential representative of Austrian Economics School against historicism and empiricism. This article shows that while Ludwig von Mises shared a standpoint of founder Austrian Economic School Carl Menger's against historicism, in the area of empirical methods in the social science differences between two key figures of Austrian School existed, and Mises rejected the empirical methods of Menger. The author of this article used an interpretative method of the social science and focused on the text's analysis. The article will conclude that in the opinion of Mises, historicism is the method of self-contradiction and empirical methods in the social science are imperfect and unreliable in the sphere of prediction future event.Pozycja Społeczno-polityczny spór z końca lat 90. XX wieku na temat strefy ochronnej przy Muzeum Auschwitz–Birkenau w Oświęcimiu i jego konsekwencje(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Klima, ZbigniewIn the 1980's and 90's The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum was witness to many disputes. The local community suddenly had to deal with international issues. Two decades of conflict have shown how important it is to build a reasonable boundary between the museum and the city. The problem with the "Zone of Silence" has grown into a problem that had to be solved by the Polish parliament. The consequences for the residents of Oświęcim were, however, considerable, and are felt to this day. A large part felt second-class citizens, and a drain of business from the city has been observed.Pozycja Znaczenie terminali LNG na wspólnym rynku energii UE(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Ruszel, MariuszThe new geopolitical challenges increase the need to do more to strengthen energy security in Europe. For this reason, the EU implements the principles of competition and liberalisation of the natural gas market in order to create an internal energy market as well as build and modernise the gas infrastructure. The question arises, what role will LNG terminals have in the EU internal energy market. The overall aim of this article, based on politological analysis, is to answer following questions: to what extent LNG terminals contribute to the integration and the fragmentation of the internal energy market? Is the location of LNG terminals affects the development of the centres of natural gas distribution in different parts of Europe? What factors can strengthen the potential of LNG terminals in Europe?Pozycja Bruce Maddy-Waitzman: The Berber Identity Movement and the Challenge to North Africa States, Texas Univeristy Press, Austin 2011, 292 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Kobis, RafałPozycja Nadzór partyjny nad przemysłem w dekadzie lat 70. XX w. Studium przypadku ZWCh "Stilon" w Gorzowie Wlkp.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Trojecki, MarcinThe ineffectuality of the socialist system, which in literature was described as the shortage economy, could be observed even at a company level. Despite having no effects, the system was maintained, which required constant political supervision. Its most important authority was the ruling party that used the nomenclature as the best tool to perform their supervising functions. Determining positions and decision-making bodies was only a part of the unofficial prerogatives of The Polish United Workers' Party. In each company there were party structures that were aimed at encouraging both the party members and non-party workers to obey to the system and to do the tasks which they had been allotted as a part of the planned economy. The party supervision system was supported by a secretly acting organization called the Security Service. This article presents how the party supervision worked, what the forms of its action were and what effects they had. The study is based on the case of the “Stilon” Synthetic Fibres Plant in Gorzów Wielkopolski in Poland.Pozycja Misja wojsk ISAF w Afganistanie - zagrożenia typu „Green on Blue”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Machniak, ArkadiuszThe terrorist attacks in New York on 11th September 2001 resulted in a new method of armed conflict which was asymmetric in character, on this occasion in Afghanistan. The ISAF faced the Taliban – a rival who had an advantage because of local knowledge and help from some of the neighbouring countries, such as Pakistan, and international terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda. The Taliban maintained surveillance on the ANSF which supported ISAF. As a result, attacks described as green on blue happened which were caused also by a conflict of a cultural and religious basis between Afghan soldiers and ISAF soldiers. Due to its unpredictability and the impossibility of stating its area and time, they became one of the biggest dangers for ISAF soldiers during that difficult mission.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Polska i Niemcy wobec przemian na Ukrainie”, 24-25 października 2014 roku, Rzeszów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Furman, WojciechPozycja Katolicyzm a liberalizm. Recepcja liberalizmu na łamach współczesnej, polskiej prasy katolickiej (wybrane zagadnienia)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Tasak, AgataThe subject of the analysis was the reception of liberalism in selected Polish Catholic newspapers – chosen in the context of frequently discussed differences between Polish Catholic communities. After 1989, liberalism was treated as a threat in certain Catholic communities. However, it may be assumed that the criticism concerned the liberalism understood in its stereotypical form. Liberalism was frequently and deeply criticised in “Niedziela” and “Gość Niedzielny.” It was associated with all the imperfection and evil of the contemporary world. The Catholic community related to, among others, “Tygodnik Powszechny” attempted to conduct a dialogue with representative liberal thinkers, frequently emphasising the positive aspects of the most significant liberal principles. The analysis of contemporary Polish Catholic press confirms the fact that the disputes depicted in the previous decade are still valid. Moreover, it might even be concluded that the rhetoric has sharpened and the boundaries demarcating the Catholic communities in their attitudes to liberalism have become more pronounced.Pozycja Podejście zintegrowane w reagowaniu kryzysowym(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2014) Brylonek, MarekImplementation of comprehensive approach in solving crisis situations is one of the challenges of the contemporary times. Experiences of the last two decades proved in multiple cases that crises’ counteraction can only be effective if both military and civilian capabilities have been employed, including diplomacy and various aid instruments. International organizations expect tangible results of conduct and engagement in peacekeeping and stabilization missions and operations, ensuring amelioration of the situation. A special role among civilian capabilities has been assigned to law and order forces, including police, gendarmerie and military police, more often constituting integral elements of military-civilian operations or functioning in close cooperation with them. These formations can be deployed in many different ways, although they are most frequently used as executive, strengthening or substituting local police, or non-executive, conducting training and mentoring for the benefit of local law and order formations. As one of the most complex and multidimensional theatres of recent years, Afghanistan is evolving, it is worth examining the subject matter of the implementation and execution of the comprehensive approach, as well as the missions and operations composed into the integrated effort of the international society for creation of safe and secure environment for the benefit of Afghan citizens.