Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 2(17)/2019
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Pozycja Krzysztof mroczkowski: „Wojna i „Pokój dla Galilei”. Militarne i polityczne konfrontacje Organizacji Wyzwolenia Palestyny i Państwa Izrael na terytorium Libanu w latach 1970–1985”, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2018, 558 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Machniak, ArkadiuszPozycja Deskryptywne i normatywne koncepcje ideologii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Dulęba, ŁukaszThe paper discusses the problem of categorizing the concept of ideology, which in contemporary political theory is returning as a concept with a heavily descriptive meaning. This perspective is the retreat from the more common, but pejorative sense of the ideology as false consciousness. The paper attempts to distinguish the descriptiveness or normativity of meanings of historical concepts of ideology. This critical review is to sensitize researchers in the field of social sciences that the applicability of the concept of ideology relates to the conceptual burden. Analyzing these approaches, the author tries to verify the cognitive meaning of the concept.Pozycja Proces decentralizacji i podział kompetencji w programowaniu i realizacji polityki publicznej w Hiszpanii na przykładzie Katalonii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Kozłowska, MajaIn accordance with the Constitution of 1978, Spanish autonomous communities are “equipped with” all features of a composite state (regional parliament, government, autonomous administration) and function on the basis of autonomous statutes approved by the national parliament. The Catalan Statute of 19th July 2006 establishes the division of responsibilities, including exclusive regional competences (agriculture, culture, sport and tourism, spatial planning); shared competences (education, health care, environmental protection, industry, banks and insurances); and executive competences (waterworks, prisons system, intellectual property). The analysis of chosen competences in Catalonia will present the characteristics of autonomy and decentralization in Spain with reference to the attempts to create a regional model of programming and realization of public policies.Pozycja Dyskontynuacja systemu prawno-państwowego i transformacyjnego Republiki Słowackiej w latach 1992–1994(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Żarna, KrzysztofThe article concerns an analysis of the political situation in the Slovak Republic between the years 1992–1994 and the formation of the legal and state system. In the analysed period, the process of decomposition of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic took place or, to be more precise, the finalisation of this process. The study is based on the assumption that in the analysed period there were many divisions observed on the political scene, which was the result of the lack of a stable political structure.Pozycja Wpływ polskiego komponentu Aegis Ashore na relacje z USA i NATO jako determinanta bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Murat-Bors, AleksandraThe proliferation of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles combined with the growing threat from „rogue states” are the premises leading to the inevitable development of the missile defence strategy. The Aegis Ashore component based in Poland aims to protect American allies and resources in the European region from the growing rocket threat. The program, which was also included in the NATO Ballistic Missile Defence, is undoubtedly of great importance for international security. The article contains a presentation of the nature and purpose of the BMDS and presents the impact that the project has on Poland's relations with the United States and the NATO. It presents possible present and future implications for international security.Pozycja Demokracja bezpośrednia, federalizm i neutralność jako wybrane uwarunkowania systemowe kształcenia politycznego w Szwajcarii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Depczyńska, PaulinaThe article presents selected political determinants such as neutrality or federalism of political education in Switzerland, specifically taking into consideration their role in building democracy as well as identity and the development of civic competences. This paper also outlines the terminological problems in civic education from the Polish and German language perspective and the institutional and legal determinants used in political education. The conclusions drawn from the analysis can be useful in social studies or in the implementation of innovative system solutions in civic education.Pozycja Międzynarodowa ochrona migrantów klimatycznych – w poszukiwaniu realistycznych rozwiązań(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Jakuszewicz, AdamLegal scholars have put forward a series of proposals to create a legally binding instrument for the protection of climate migrants. Their implementation, however, is fraught with political obstacles (in particular, the divergence of interest between developed and developing states, the sensitive nature of immigration and climate policies) and legal difficulties (problems with determining the scope of persons eligible for international protection, limited operationality of a universal international treaty for regulating such delicate and contentious matters and, in some instances, procedural obstacles). For these reasons the most effective approach to the issues of international assistance to climate migrants is to promote the perception of this issue as a form of adaptation to the effects of climate change. A helpful instrument that also may prove effective in this respect are multilateral and regional agreements.Pozycja Europa (bez) granic? – przyszłość strefy Schengen(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Cymbranowicz, KatarzynaThe article ‘Europe (without) borders? – the future of the Schengen area’, is meant to join the public discourse concerning one of the biggest problems and challenges faced by the member states of the Schengen area in recent years. The aim of this article is to reflect on the future of the ‘Europe without borders’ project in the context of the migration processes that took place in Europe and the surrounding regions after 2015. Descriptive, comparative methods were used along with an analysis of available documents and source materials. In conclusion, the (un)controlled inflow of immigrants to Europe after 2015 clearly indicates that during the crisis, the current system of border protection did not pass the ‘test’ and the necessity of making systemic changes on a common Schengen forum became inevitable. Once again it turned out how true is an African proverb: ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together’.Pozycja O roli pisarza rozważanej w powiązaniu z instytucjami republikańskimi, czyli Germaine de Staël i polityczność literatury(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Ciemińska, JoannaThis study aims to examine the civilizing impact that a writer should possess under a republican government, as expressed in Germiane de Staël’s works of literary and political theory. The redefinition of the art of writing carried out by Staël is analyzed in the context of French history at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, as it was an attempt to overcome the intellectual crisis caused by the political and cultural changes of that period. The classical opposition between a writer, a philosopher and an orator appears unproductive, as the free and „philosophical” word specific to the republican regime is engaged in the same emancipative and enlightening transfer of energy through the enthusiasm shared both by its addresser and receiver. Philosophy and liberty form one and find their fullest expression in literary production, which is considered as a parole, a vibrant, active word. Literature gains thus the status of an existential experience that shapes the human consciousness. Therefore the writer-philosopher is both the guarantee and the ‘work’ of a republican regime, the vector of a socio-political change, of liberation and lumières.Pozycja Sytuacja bezpieczeństwa w Kosowie po 1998 roku z perspektywy Zachodu(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Brylonek, MarekFor centuries Kosovo remained a disputed region between Serbs and Albanians. Sparse historical data reaching back to 14th century indicated the origins of the conflict, resulting from the outcomes of the Battle of Kosovo Polje in 1389, out of which derived statehoods of both Serbia and Kosovo. For Serbs this region is connected to the dawn of the Serb Orthodox Church. On the other hand the Kosovo Albanians claim that themselves being the descendants of the ancient nation of Illyrians, inhabited this region for millennia. Currently it is estimated that among the republic’s population approximately 90% are Kosovo Albanians. During Yugoslavia’s existence, Kosovo gained the status of an autonomous province within the borders of Serbia, one of the six republics of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In spite of its autonomy Kosovo was entirely dominated by the Serb Republic. People of Kosovo never ceased in their efforts to obtain the status of a separate republic. The dispute turned into an armed conflict resulting in ethnic cleansing conducted by Serbs on the Albanian population. They were one of the reasons for the armed intervention and ensuing long-term presence in Kosovo of the NATO forces, the United Nations UNMIK mission, the European Union EULEX mission and a number of humanitarian and non-governmental organizations assisting in the state-building of the newly created republic. In the current publication the author presents the issue of multidimensionality of the international support for Kosovo in the area of security after 1998, with a special focus on the reform of the security sector. This article is a result of theoretical and empirical research. The scientific method was based on the analyses of the outcomes of discussions, consultations and interviews conducted with representatives of international organizations and selected countries. This publication was also based on interpretations of recent international events and conclusions of analyses of the indicated bibliography.