Analecta Archaeologica Ressoviensia vol. 6 (2011)
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Pozycja Cultural Change from the Perspective of Cultural-Historical Archaeology(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Czopek, SylwesterThe article discusses the origins of aspects of cultural change using the example of archaeological cultures in south-eastern Poland, and with special reference to the meso-region of the lower Wisłok River. This study concludes that it is difficult to identify local roots in a traditional cultural-historical sense for most cultures within the study area. Attention is therefore focused on migrations and other population movements, as well as more complex external impacts on local populations, which are regarded as the main factors stimulating cultural change. In addition, some transformations and formations of new units may be due to local development (evolution) of cultures.Pozycja Walking as a Way of Experiencing Everyday Space(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Gądecki, JacekThe paper constitutes the description of the reciprocal influence between man and space in the everyday experience. This bipolar relation makes everyday practice in the space an useful tool for the description of the contemporary times, and, at the same time, the way of criticise it. The text is using critical reflection on the space, understood in the popular and everyday categories, led from a perspective of the social science, mainly of sociology and social-cultural anthropology and indicates the potential of walking, as a method of of the everyday life and the social space.Pozycja Environmental Determination and the Development of Trzciniec Cultural Circle Settlement in the Oder and Vistula River Catchments(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Górski, Jacek; Makarowicz, PrzemysławAn analysis of settlement in both upland and lowland zones reveals that the Bronze Age societies were quite capable of adapting to life in areas with different resource possibilities. The occurrence of a variety of settlement forms and occupation of diverse and radically different ecosystems, testify to the economic flexibility typical of Trzciniec Cultural Circle populations.Pozycja The Role of Archaeological and Ethno-Historical Sources in the Study of Prehistoric Amazonia(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Golińska, BeataThe growing popularity of archaeology and the amassment of new archaeological researches compelled archaeologist to make an interpretations based on different domains of humanistic sciences. This interdisciplinary studies allow to look at the problem of reconstructing the past from a different perspectives. Since most significant issues had multiple causes, interdisciplinary studies provide a more comprehensive understanding of issues. The cooperation of different domains of sciences (archaeology, ethnology and cultural anthropology) is essential for studying the past. It is particularly important for the Brazilian Amazon where the great part of cultural processes could not be seen in an archaeological context.Pozycja Power and Authority in Prehistory and the Problem of Interdisciplinary Archaeological Studies(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Kadrow, SławomirAuthor considers interdisciplinary nature of archaeological studies. The most outstanding scholars in the early stages of the development of archaeology as a scientific and academic discipline were mainly highly educated men with broad interests, combining knowledge of various sciences. For this reason they did not notice the problem of cooperation of archaeology and other disciplines. However, the progress of specialization in various disciplines during the twentieth century, has now led to a situation where the cooperation of the archaeologist with other scientific disciplines requires theoretical reflection. Archaeological studies of about power and authority, as well as social issues in prehistory, are usually based on analyses of burial rites. This is because all rituals provide a flow of meaning in culture, using in this case essential material things. Ritual is a symbolic and expressive aspect of behaviour that communicates social relations. Its role is particularly important in crisis situations as a means to cope with uncertainty. From the very beginning of the Eneolithic period in particular areas of Europe and the Near East we are able to identify material manifestations of various forms of increasing social hierarchy which were accompanied by different forms of authority and wielding of power. It seems that these processes were carried out under the umbrella of various kinds of ethos: hero (Mesopotamia), warrior-priest (Brittany), knight (west coast of the Black Sea), or warrior-herdsman (the Caucasus outskirts).Pozycja XXXVIII Report Conference „Archaeological Researches in Southeast Poland, West Ukraine and North Slovakia in 2011”, Rzeszow, 20–21 March 2012(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Diachenko, Oleksandr; Mylian, TarasPozycja (review) E. A. Kravchenko. “The Kizil-Koba Culture in the Western Crimea” [“Kizil-kobanska kultura u Zakhidnomu Krimu”]. Kyiv, Lutsk: Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2011; 272 pages, 196 figures(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Bardetskiy, AndriiPozycja Exchange Theory in the Light of Cooperation and Mutual Assistance(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Baniowska-Kopacz, EwaThis paper discusses the issues of cooperation and mutual assistance with regard to the theory of exchange as proposed by Marcel Mauss, Bronislaw Malinowski and Claude Lévi-Strauss. In this approach, exchange is a universal phenomenon of social life. Principles of reciprocity (do, ut des) and balance of services are viewed in the context of everyday life. The analysis presented is based on qualitative ethnographic research carried out in the Silesian Beskid at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The present-day role of the analysed forms of social activity, the rules governing their implementation, and the social consequences of their changes over time are discussed.Pozycja The Concept of Ritual in Sociology and other Social Sciences(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Jestal, JerzyThis article constitutes a critical review of the knowledge and theories regarding ritual and ceremony which have emerged in the social sciences. The impetus for this undertaking is the conviction that the issue of ritual has been paid insufficient attention – particularly in sociology. The text opens with deliberation on the subject of defining ritual and ceremony. Subsequently, the theories of ritual which explain existing ceremonies by looking at the conditions under which these observances arose are examined. This article comprises also ponderings on the place of ritual in sociological theory.Pozycja Editorial(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Kadrow, Sławomir; Wojakowski, DariuszPozycja Local Government – From the „Small State” to the Social Field(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Nijander-Dudzińska, Agata; Wojakowski, DariuszThis article comprises a sketch of the most important perspectives on local government. Among other things, it also aims to present the unique nature of government at the mezzo-social level. Here the concepts of political governing are considered as a social relationship and social resource; proposed, too, is the application of the category of the social field in the analysis of local government. Such social fields are characterized by both relations and resources associated with power when viewed from the standpoint of actions and structures. A separate aspect making itself known in the field of political power is its manifestations and influences.Pozycja The Individual – the Space – the Memory: an Ethnological Study of Territorial Identification of the Relocated Community of Maniowy Village(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Godyń, MariaThe paper summarizes the results of ethnological research in the village of Maniowy and Kluszkowce on the the phenomenon of the memory of a place lost through the construction of the Czorsztyn–Niedzica–Sromowce Wyżne Reservoir Complex. The attitude of the displaced community toward its lost territory and the process of its cultural and territorial identity development through remembrance narratives and collective memory are analysed. The article also presents the history of the village flooding due to dam construction and the emerging material forms of the community’s adaptation to the newly settled area.Pozycja Space in Archaeological Research – Methods of Reading and Interpretation. An Outline of the Issue(Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, 2011) Połtowicz-Bobak, MartaThis paper explores the issue of spatial research at Palaeolithic sites, discussing spatial analyses and their significance both at individual sites and at a regional scale. Interpretations of immovable and movable objects, the role of refitting analyses, and at a regional scale the importance of raw materials analyses are all addressed.