Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 8/2017
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/4182
Przeglądanie Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 8/2017 według Autor "Patro-Kucab, Magdalena"
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Pozycja Portret Alojzego Felińskiego. Zapomniana sylwetka-wspomnienie w „Gazecie Lwowskiej”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Patro-Kucab, MagdalenaThis article is an attempt to reminisce the commemorative profile drawn up by Wiktor Hahn, a professor at the Lviv University, and a literary scholar. It was published in three parts on February 23–25, 1920 in “Gazeta Lwowska”. The interpretation conducted is aimed first and foremost at presenting a somewhat less typical portrait of Alojzy Feliński. Before, the writers of anniversary works focused on discussing only the most outstanding works of the Volynian dramatist, completely ignoring his early attempts at drama – early adult works, often with a sensational plot, stimulating the imagination of the young artist. The author of this article attempts to show that the said portrait on the one hand is of an informative nature (the family home of the poet is recalled, his education and youthful contacts with contemporary writers are pointed out), but also is not devoid of valorizing elements, since next to a notification about the poet’s life and work is included an evaluation of Feliński’s works, a professional historical-literary commentary, which is combined with a colorful, sometimes quite common, way of putting the content of the discussed works across. Ultimately, the result is a portrait of a creative person.