Ius et Administratio 1/2013
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/332
Przeglądanie Ius et Administratio 1/2013 według Autor "Tekeli, Jozef"
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Pozycja Útvar hlavného kontrolóra obce(Wydział Prawa i Administracji UR, 2013) Tekeli, JozefThe presented paper makes a juridical and scientific analysis of the status and duties of the Head Municipality Supervisor in the whole structure of municipality and its internal inspection system. The article aims at analyzing the deficiencies in the legal regulations being in force, which determine the activity of the department of internal control and inspection in municipalities, as well as improvement of the municipality internal inspection system, which could be brought by the newly approved legislation change at the level of de lege ferenda. The presented scientific contribution focuses on the institution and office of the Head Municipality Supervisor. The task of the paper is to discover actual, real and expected in the future state and the ways to improve the legislation determining the status of the Head Municipality Supervisor in the municipality system of internal control and inspection through clarification of the present legislative standards.