Życie w pojedynkę (na przykładzie wybranych państw)

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Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego


The legitimacy of singleness as a life-style is increasingly recognized by young people and their parents; most people no longer regard getting married as necessarily better than remaining single and do not disapprove of those who eschew marriage. What is more, despite the high levels of divorce, most young people say that they expect their marriages to be lasting. What has changed about marriage plans has been the rising age at which young people, especially young women, expect to marry an expectation reflected in the increasing age at which people are actually marrying. There also seems to be a widespread desire not to let marriage interfere with education and to obtain some work experience before marriage. Marriage continues to be more important



B. Szluz, Życie w pojedynkę (na przykładzie wybranych państw) [w:] Współczesna rodzina w ujęciu interdyscyplinarnym. Przemiany - wsparcie - rozwój, red. B. Szluz, A. Szluz, M. Urbańska, Wydaw. Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2017, s. 21-29.