Wybór listów Ewy Felińskiej z lat 1840-1855

Obrazek miniatury
Cwenk, Małgorzata
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The article announces and recalls the history of a bit forgotten collection of correspondence of a romantic writer and deportee. The collection covers two areas of the life and activity of Felińska. The exile lot is documented in unpublished letters to children and various addressees and the publishing lot – in those exchanged with Adam Zawadzki. Everyday matters of the exile appear quite rarely in the presented correspondence and if mentioned, always on a specific request of the addressee. There is no exile martyrdom. But there is fascination with cultural differences. In the letters to children attention is concentrated on problems shared by them in their letters to their mother. From the group of various addressees exceptional are the letter to Julia from the Raciborowskis Starorypińska (as a written, after the return from the exile, relation from events taking place after the Konarski’s supporters’ trial) and to Adam Zawadzki, being a record of editorial work on memoirs – "Wspomnienia z podróży do Syberii" ("Memoirs from the journey to Siberia") and "Pamiętniki z życia" ("Memoirs from life").
Słowa kluczowe
Felińska Ewa , epistolografia - XIX w. , romantyzm , edytorstwo
Cwenk M., Wybór listów Ewy Felińskiej z lat 1840-1855, "Tematy i Konteksty" 2012, nr 2 (7): Z archiwum polonisty, red. Ożóg Z., Stanisz M., s. 91-106.