Portret onomastyczny Stefana Reczka

Obrazek miniatury
Czopek-Kopciuch, Barbara
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
The subject of the article is the presentation of an onomastic portrait of Stefan Reczek. It discusses the history of the appearance of names Szczepan i Stefan, in Polish, from Greek Στεφανος, and the process of their differentiation. It also presents the variable popularity and geography of both names from the 1950s to 2010. Both names also became the basis for surnames and geographical names, whose attendance and geography is presented in the article. The etymology, after Józef Reczek, of the surname Reczek is also mentioned. The paper shows its geographical distribution and word formation potency in geographical names. In the second part of the article, Stefan Reczek is presented as an onomastician. From numerous onomastic publications, Stefan Reczek emerges as a forerunner of literary onomastics and chrematonimy, an astute observer of new phenomena concerning onyms, an etymologist, onomastician who is perfectly aware of the place of names in language and their graphic and morphological separateness.
Słowa kluczowe
first name , surname , geographical stratigraphy , literary onomastics , chrematonimy
Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 9/2018, s. 11–22