Taking medicine in the right way – most important but most neglected
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Publishing Office of the University of Rzeszow
Introduction and aim. To cure any disease, proper use of medicine or taking medicine in the correct order is required. Even patients from developed countries struggle to maintain their drug compliance. There is an odd parallel between underdeveloped, emerging nations and the so-called developed world in the West when it comes to improper medicine use. The understanding and perception of the disease is the most important factor influencing whether patients stick to their treatment plan.
Material and methods. Prioritized databases for public health topics included PubMed, ALTAVISTA, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Central Registers. Along with other online sources, journals from Elsevier, Springer, Willey Online Library, and Wolters Kluwer were thoroughly searched.
Analysis of the literature. There is a thorough discussion of medication non-adherence issues and a few adherence-improving methods.
Conclusion. Adherence to treatment guidelines is essential in the treatment of any disease.
Słowa kluczowe
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine T. 21, z. 1 (2023), s. 152-159