Opieka wychowawcza nad dziećmi upośledzonymi umysłowo do 1989 roku
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ITP Rzeszów
The purpose of the present article is to present an issue of development
of educational care over mentally handicapped children till the year 1989.
For education since a very long time occupied one of the main positions
among social tasks, but initially it referred only to the individuals who
didn’t vary from standard. Educational care over mentally handicapped
children goes back to not so distant times. Importance of educational and
rehabilitation work with these people increased and unquestionable dynamism
of mental handicap gives hopes of achievements in this field. The
reason of this situation is a development of an idea of humanitarianism, social
readiness to help people who are weaker and less proficient. Furthermore,
a scientific progress is essential as well as social and economic considerations.
Subjective treatment of a human being’s development, positive
thinking concerning chances of development of an individual as well as focus
on possibilities of realisation by each person is an appeal, law and a duty
that is noticed in individual and social aspect.